| Preface, v | I | Introductory, 1 | II | Democracy in India, 16 | III | The Present Ideals, 30 | IV | The Stages, 36 | V | The Conditions of the Problem, 39 | VI | The Public Services in India, 62 | VII | The Indian Army and Navy, 84 | VIII | The European Community in India, 91 | IX | The Native States, 98 | X | The Proposals, 110 | XI | India’s Claim to Fiscal Autonomy, 136 | XII | The Revolutionary Movement, 146 | XIII | The Punjab, 164 | XIV | Recommendations for Repressive Legislation, 175 | XV | The Revolutionary Party, 181 | XVI | Education, 190 | XVII | The Problem, 197 | XVIII | The International Aspect, 205 | | Appendix A, 209 | | Appendix B, 225 | | Appendix C, 231 |