, i. 274; by the Dutch, i. 283. Cheribon described, i. 10; ii. 274; under the British government, ii. 275; cultivation and population, ii. 278-9. Chess, game of, i. 390. Chetik described, i. 52; poison prepared from, i. 53. Children, chiefs have many, i. 81, 282; orders distinguished, i. 97. China, its commerce with Java, i. 228-232. Chinese settlers, i. 82; how governed, i. 83; first visit to Java, i. 212; ii. 98-138; collectors of duties, i. 221; coasting trade carried on by, i. 222; camphor, i. 231; oppression in Java, i. 250; miners in Borneo, i. 263; farming duties, i. 340; rebel at Batavia, ii. 231; lay siege to Semarang, ii. 240; attack the Susunan, ii. 243; trade with Japan, Appendix, xvii. Chronological table of events, ii. 255. Chronology, prophetic, ii. 73. Climate, i. 35. Coasting trade, i. 222. Coasts, north and south, i. 12-22. Cocoa-nut, i. 136. Code of law, i. 312-321. Coffee, cultivation of, i. 138; ground prepared, i. 139; various kinds, i. 140; crops, i. 141; depots, i. 142; quantity produced, i. 143; price, i. 144-242; quality compared, i. 145; exported, i. 235; quantity, i. 237. Coins, ii. 64. Colouring articles of food, i. 108. Commerce, advantageous situation of Java for, i. 210; appreciated by the Dutch, i. 213; evils of their monopoly upon, i. 214; extent, i. 215; maritime and inland, i. 225-245. [Vol II Pg clxxiii] Commercial speculation, opening for, i. 235. Commissioners, Dutch, on the landed tenure, i. 157; recommend the prohibition of opium, i. 114. Comparative vocabulary of languages, Appendix, lxxvii.-lxxx. continued, Appendix, cv. Cooking, manner of, i. 240. Exports, i. 227; to China, i. 232; to Bengal, &c., i. 235; to England, Ceylon, &c., i. 216, 240; to the Isle of France, Cape of Good Hope, i. 242; excess over the imports, i. 245. Exposure of a criminal, i. 388. ---- to night air, its bad effects, Appendix, xvi. Extent of Java, i. 8. Ezekiel, chap. xxvii quoted, i. 2. Fecundity, i. 78. Fermenting liquors, i. 112. Festivals, i. 373. Fights, tiger and buffalo, i. 38; bull, i. 389. Figure dance, i. 381. Fisheries, i. 207. Flowers, i. 41. Food, i. 106. Foreign settlers, i. 82. Form of the island, i. 8; conjectures on the, i. 28; changed by volcanoes, i. 29. Frenzy, its cause, i. 279; in battle, i. 332. Furniture of houses, i. 94. Fur trade, i. 233. Games of skill, i. 390; of chance, i. 391. Garrison, massacre of the Dutch, ii. 241. Genesis, chap. x. quoted, i. 2. Geographical situation, i. 1. Geology, i. 25. Glass, process of making, unknown, i. 184. Gold, ornaments wrought, i. 194; mines, i. 263. Government, of Java, i. 296; form and principle, i. 297; union of authority, i. 299; [Vol II Pg clxxvi] departure from its original constitution, i. 300; remarks on its principles, i. 301-308. Gradations of rank, i. 88, 298. Gresik, ii. 122, 1128. Grobogan, cultivation and population of, ii. 298. Guntur volcano, described, i. 17. Hair, how worn, i. 99. Hall of audience, an ancient, ii. 29. Handicrafts, Javan names for the, i. 183. Harbours, i. 12, 217. Hats, of what form, i. 98; of bambu, i. 186. Herodotus, reference to, i. 2. Heroism, precept on, i. 294; verse, i. 397-416; literature, i. 417-446; poetry, i. 447; analysis of a celebrated poem, i. 465-524; music, i. 525; painting, i. 528; arithmetic, sculpture, and architecture, i. 529; [Vol II Pg clxxx] astronomy, division of times, i. 530; signs of the zodiac, i. 534; augury, ii. 70; princes, ii. 77; legends, ii. 78; Hindu sovereigns, ii. 85; chronology of the princes, ii. 87; first connection with India, ii. 93; first intercourse with China, ii. 98, 138; origin of Majapahit, ii. 105; its princes, ii. 112; its pre-eminence, ii. 131; success of its arms, ii. 132; fall of the city, ii. 137; retreat of the prince, ii. 141; two governments again formed, ii. 150; account of Dutch proceedings, ii. 167; their treaties with the acknowledged sovereigns, ii. 172; massacre of the priests, ii. 174; cessions to the Dutch, ii. 195; massacre of the Dutch garrison, ii. 241; rebellion of the chiefs, ii. 247; confer the sovereignty on the Dutch, ii. 249; chronological table of events, ii. 255. "JÁya LangkÁrÁ" quoted, i. 104. Jones, Sir William, ii. 72. Jourdan, Mr., quoted, i. 167. Justice, administration of, i. 309; supreme courts, i. 310; officers, i. 311; laws, i. 312; Dutch legislation, i. 313; criminal jurisdiction, i. 315; in villages, i. 316. KÆmpfer's "History of Japan," ii. 73, 91. Kalangs, customs of the, i. 366. Kali Sari temple, ii. 25. ---- Bening, temple, ii. 27; remains at, ii. 229. Kamtschatka, trade with, i. 234. Kawi, or classic language of Java, i. 411; remarks on the Brata Yudha, in that dialect, i. 458; analysis of the poem, i. 465-524; vocabulary, Appendix, lxxxi.; inscriptions translated, ii. cxxvii. cxxix. 275; remarks, i. 281-334. Native provinces, i. 11; trade, i. 218; comparison with the Dutch, i. 332. Natural history of Java?—Vegetable kingdom?—its variety, i. 39; productions for food, i. 40; fruits, flowers, i. 41; fibrous bark, stalks, &c. converted into various articles, i. 42; substances used in dyeing, i. 43; teak tree, i. 44-202; its growth, i. 45; various trees described, i. 46-48; spices, the vine, i. 49; the upas, i. 50; the anchar, i. 51; the chetik, i. 52; rice, i. 129; maize, i. 135; cocoa-nut, i. 136; sugar, i. 137; coffee, i. 138; pepper, i. 145; indigo, i. 146; cotton, i. 148; tobacco, i. 149; wheat, potatoes, &c. i. 150; Animal kingdom, i. 51; horses, i. 53; buffalo, i. 122-124; ox and cow, i. 123; domesticated tribe, beasts of prey, i. 56; birds, i. 57; their habits, i. 58; amphibious tribe, i. 59; serpents, fish, i. 60; insect and shell tribes, i. 61. Nature's profusion to a country, paralyses the exertions of its inhabitants, i. 120. Navigable rivers, i. 218. Nets, how made, i. 207. New Holland, distance of Java from, i. 2. Night, division of the, i. 531. Night air, bad effects of exposure to, Appendix, xvi. 'Niti Sastra Kawi' quoted, ii. 76. Nobility, i. 298. Numerals, according to the Chandra Sangkala, Appendix, cix. Nusa Jawa, native appellation for Java, i. 1. Officers of the State, i. 299. Opium eaten and smoked, i. 113; mode of preparing for use, i. 114; its prohibition recommended by the Dutch commissioners, i. 114-117; Dutch restrictions on, i. 243. Oppression of the Chinese, i. 250; of the chiefs, i. 337. Ox of Java, i. 123. Painting, i. 528. [Vol II
46; mode of cutting and dragging, i. 206. Time, division of, i. 531. Tin, i. 227; restricted by the Dutch, i. 243. Titles, i. 347. Tobacco, in general cultivation, i. 149. Tombs, ancient, ii. 64. Tomboro mountain, account of the eruption from, i. 29; its effects at Java, i. 30; sufferings of the people, i. 32. Tonnage, average annual, cleared out from different ports in Java, i. 216. Towns, how formed, i. 92. Trade, native, i. 218; coasting, i. 222. Trade, Japan, i. 270; Appendix, xvii. Traditions, of the name of Java, i. 2; of its disruption, i. 28; on the sense of shame, i. 277; of the Sunda people, ii. 107, 144. [Vol II Pg clxxxix] Translation of the "Brata Yudha," i. 465?—524; of the "Manek Maya," Appendix, cxii. Translations of inscriptions, Appendix, cxxvii. cxxix. cxxxvi. TrÁsi, population of, i. 109. Tritresta, another name for Adi Saka, ii. 75. Upas, or poison tree, i. 50. Usages or customs, i. 392. Utensils, cooking, i. 108. Van Imhoff, baron, ii. 233, 245; his memoir on the Japan trades, Appendix, xix. Vessels, number entering the port of Batavia in a year under British government, i. 215. Villages, how formed, i. 90; their community, i. 91; justice administered in, i. 316. Vine, remarks on its cultivation, i. 49. Vocabulary of Kawi words, Appendix, lxxxi. Vocabularies, comparative, of different languages, Appendix, lxxvii?—lxxx; continued, cv. Volcanos, i. 13; their attribute, i. 14; three described, i. 14, note; general affinity, i. 24; enrich the soil, i. 49. [Vol II Pg cxc] Voyage to Japan in account current contra, Appendix, xxxii-xxxvi. War-dress described, i. 100. Water, a principal beverage, i. 110; flavoured, i. 111; plentiful supply, i. 119. Water carriage, i. 218. Wax-tree, i. 48. Weapons, i. |