| PAGE |
Religion?—Introduction of Mahomedanism?—How far its Tenets and Doctrines are observed?—Priests?—How provided for?—How far the ancient Institutions of the Country are superseded?—Antiquities?—Edifices?—The Temples of BrambÁnan?—BÓro BÓdo?—GÚnung PrÁhu?—KedÍri?—Sing'a SÁri, SÚku, &c.?—Sculpture?—Images in Stone?—Casts in Metal?—Inscriptions on Stone and Copper?—Coins?—Ruins of the ancient Capitals at MÉdang KamÚlan, MajapÁhit, PajajÁran, &c.?—Island of BÁli?—Conclusion | 1 |
The History of Java from the earliest Traditions till the establishment of Mahomedanism | 69 |
History of Java from the establishment of Mahomedanism (A. J. 1400) till the arrival of the British Forces in A.D. 1811, (A. J. 1738.) | 147 |
Line of Mahomedan Sovereigns of Java | 254 |
Chronological Table of Events | 255 |
Account of the several principal Divisions of Java and Madura | 265 |
A. | Unhealthiness of Batavia | i |
B. | Account of the Japan Trade | xvii |
C. | Translation of a modern Version of the SÚria Alem | xxxviii |
D. | Proclamation of the Governor General, and Regulation passed by the Hon. the Lieutenant Governor in Council for the more effectual Administration of Justice in the Provincial Courts of Java [Vol II Pg iv] | liv |
E. | A comparative Vocabulary of the MalÁyu, Javan, Madurese, BÁli, and Lampung Languages | lxxvii |
?— | Extract from the DÁsa NÁma | lxxix |
?— | Comparative Vocabulary of the Sanskrit, Kawi, and Pali | lxxx |
?— | Vocabulary of KÁwi Words, with the Meaning attached to them, by the PanambÁhan of Sumenap | lxxxi |
?— | Specimen of the mystical Meaning attached to the Letters of the Alphabet, &c. according to the Interpretation of the PanambÁhan of Sumenap | lxxxii |
F. | Account of the Island of Celebes | lxxxv |
?— | Comparative Vocabulary of the BÚgis, MakÁsar, MÁndhar, BÚton, SÁsak, Bima, SembÁwa, TembÓra, and EndÉ Languages | cv |
?— | Comparative Vocabulary of the Gunung TÁlu, Menadu, Ternati, Sang'ir, Sirang or Ceram, and SaparÚa Languages | cvii |
G. | Numerals according to the Chandra SangkÁla | cix |
H. | Translation of the MÁnek MÁya | cxii |
I. | Translations of Inscriptions in the ancient Javan or KÁwi Character | cxxvii |
K. | Account of the Island of BÁli | cxxxviii |
L. | Proclamation declaring the Principles of the intended Change of System | cxlviii |
?— | Revenue Instructions | cli |
M. | Memorandum respecting Weights, Measures, &c. | clxv |