| PAGE | Dedication | iii | Preface | vii | Introduction | xiii | CHAPTER I. | Geographical Situation of Java?—Name?—Extent and Form?—Divisions?—Harbours?—Mountains and Volcanos?—Rivers and Lakes?—General appearance of the Country?—Mineralogical Constitution?—Seasons and Climate?—Metals?—Minerals?—Soil?—Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms | 1 | CHAPTER II. | Origin of the Natives?—Javans compared with the MalÁyus and BÚgis?—Comparative Progress of the three Races?—Foreign Influence?—Persons of the Natives?—Manners?—Population?—Inequality of it accounted for?—Population Tables?—Increase of Population?—Foreign Settlers?—Chinese?—BÚgis?—MalÁyus?—Moors?—Arabs?—Slaves?—Gradations of rank among the Javans?—Their Habitations, Dress, and Food | 62 | CHAPTER III. | Importance of Agriculture to Java?—Soil?—State of the Peasantry?—Price of Rice?—Subsistence of the Peasantry?—Dwellings?—Agricultural Stock?—Implements of Farming?—Seasons?—Different kinds of Land?—Rice Cultivation?—Maize, &c.?—Sugar?—Coffee?—Pepper?—Indigo?—Cotton?—Tobacco?—Tenure of landed Property | 117 | CHAPTER IV. | Manufactures?—Handicrafts?—Bricks?—Thatch?—Mats?—Cotton Cloths?—Dyes?—Tanning?—Ropes?—Metals?—Boat and Ship-building?—Paper?—Salt?—Saltpetre Works?—Gunpowder, &c.?—Felling and transporting of Teak Timber?—Fisheries | 182[Vol I Pg xlviii] | CHAPTER V. | Commerce?—Advantageous Situation of Java for Commercial Intercourse?—Importance of Batavia in particular?—Native Trade?—Roads and Inland Carriage?—Markets?—Influence of the Chinese?—Coasting Trade?—Exports and Imports?—Trade with the Archipelago?—China?—Kamtschatka?—Western India?—Europe, &c.?—Dutch Commercial Regulations?—State of the Eastern Islands?—Advantages which they possess?—Causes of the Depression of the Nations and Tribes which inhabit them?—Japan Trade | 210 | CHAPTER VI. | Character of the Inhabitants of Java?—Difference between the SÚndas and the Javans?—The Lower Orders?—The Chiefs?—Nature of the Native Government?—Different Officers of State?—Judicial Establishments and Institutions?—Laws, and how administered?—Police Institutions and Regulations?—Military Establishments?—Revenue | 272 | CHAPTER VII. | Ceremonies of the Court?—Deference paid to superior Rank?—Regalia?—Processions?—Pomp?—Rank and Titles?—Ambassadors?—Ceremonies attending Births, Marriages, and Funerals?—Account of the People called KÁlang, and of the Inhabitants of the TÉng'ger Mountains?—The Bedui?—Festivals?—Amusements?—The Drama?—WÁyangs?—The Dance?—Tournaments?—The Chase?—Tiger Fights?—Combat of Criminals with Tigers?—Bull Fights, &c.?—Games of Skill and Chance?—Other Customs and Usages | 343 | CHAPTER VIII. | Language?—Little known to Europeans?—Different Languages or Dialects?—Those of SÚnda, MadÚra, and BÁli, compared with that of Java Proper?—The polite Language, or Language of Honour?—The Kawi, or Sacred and Classic Language?—Numerals?—Chandra Sangkala?—Literature?—Compositions in the Kawi Language, and in the modern Javan?—Influence of Hindu Literature?—Introduction of Arabic Literature?—Poetry?—The Brata Yudha, a Poem?—Music?—Painting?—Sculpture?—Architecture?—Arithmetic?—Astronomy | 396 | AN ACCOUNT OF THE ISLAND OF JAVA.