VOX POPULI SUPREMA LEX Who are the Makers of Wars? Here you have them!—Pilloried for all time! And what a crew! These pitiful self-seekers and their dupes! Not the least amazing phenomenon of these most amazing times is the fact that millions of men should consent to be hurled to certain death, and to permit the ruin of their countries, to satisfy the insensate ambitions of rulers, who, when all is said and done, are but men, and in some cases even of alien birth and personally not specially beloved by them. Surely one outcome of this world-war will be the birth of a new determination in every nation that its own voice and its own will shall control its own destinies—that no one man or self-appointed clique shall swing it to ruin for his or their own selfish purposes. Who pays the piper must in future call the tune. "The world has suffered much too long. The answer cannot come too soon for the good of the world. JOHN OXENHAM. |