FROM LIÈGE TO AIX-LA-CHAPELLE Moreover, by the means of Wisdom I shall obtain immortality, and leave behind me an everlasting memorial to them that come after me. "I shall set the people in order, and the nations shall be subject unto me. "Horrible tyrants shall be afraid, when they do but hear of me; I shall be found good among the multitude, and valiant in war." (Wisdom viii. 13, 14, 15.) Wisdom and Wisdom alone could have painted this terrible picture the most terrible perhaps which Raemaekers has ever done and yet the simplest. That he should have dared to leave almost everything to the imagination of the beholder is evidence of the wonderful power which he exercises over the mind of the people. Each of us knows what is in that goods-van and we shudder at its hideous hidden freight, fearing lest it may be disclosed before our eyes. Wisdom is but another name for supreme genius. So apposite are the verses which are quoted here from "The Wisdom of Solomon" in the "Apocrypha" that they seem almost to have been written on Louis Raemaekers. Moreover, this picture brings home to all of us in the most forcible manner possible the full reality of the horror of war. FRANCIS STOPFORD. |