| | Page |
Portrait of Louis Raemaekers | | |
Introduction | Francis Stopford | |
An Appreciation from the Prime Minister | H. H. Asquith | |
Christendom After Twenty Centuries | Francis Stopford | 8 |
A Stable peace | Eden Phillpotts | 10 |
The Massacre of the Innocents | E. Charles Vivian | 12 |
Bernhardiism | Hilaire Belloc | 14 |
From LiÈge to Aix-La-Chapelle | Francis Stopford | 16 |
Spoils for the Victors | Hilaire Belloc | 18 |
The Very Stones Cry Out | Bernard Vaughan, S. J. | 20 |
Satan's Partner | G. K. Chesterton | 22 |
Thrown to the Swine | The Dean of St. Paul's | 24 |
The Land Mine | Herbert Warren | 26 |
"For Your Motherland" | Eden Phillpotts | 28 |
The German Loan | E. Charles Vivian | 30 |
Europe, 1916 | G. K. Chesterton | 32 |
The Next to Be Kicked Out—Dumba's Master | Arthur Pollen | 34 |
The Friendly Visitor | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 36 |
"To Your Health, Civilization!" | The Dean of St. Paul's | 38 |
Fox Tirpitz Preaching to the Geese | Herbert Warren | 40 |
The Prisoners | Eden Phillpotts | 42 |
It's Unbelievable | Hilaire Belloc | 44 |
Kreuzland, Kreuzland Über Alles | The Dean of St. Paul's | 46 |
The Ex-convict | Hilaire Belloc | 48 |
Miss Cavell | G. K. Chesterton | 50 |
The Hostages | John Oxenham | 52 |
King Albert's Answer to the Pope | E. Charles Vivian | 54 |
The Gas Fiend | Eden Phillpotts | 56 |
The German Tango | John Buchan | 58 |
The Zeppelin Triumph | W. L. Courtney | 60 |
Keeping Out the Enemy | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 62 |
The German Offer | Hilaire Belloc | 64 |
The Wolf Trap | Herbert Warren | 66 |
Ahasuerus II | John Buchan | 68 |
Our Candid Friend | The Dean of St. Paul's | 70 |
Peace and Intervention | Boyd Cable | 72 |
Little Red Riding Hood | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 74 |
The Sea Mine | Arthur Pollen | 76 |
"Seduction" | G. K. Chesterton | 78 |
Murder on the High Seas | Arthur Pollen | 80 |
Ad Finem | John Oxenham | 82 |
"U'S" | Arthur Pollen | 84 |
Mater Dolorosa | Eden Phillpotts | 86 |
"Gott Strafe Italien!" | Ralph D. Blumenfeld | 88 |
Serbia | Sir Sidney Lee | 90 |
"Just a Moment—I'm Coming" | Boyd Cable | 92 |
The Holy War | Boyd Cable | 94 |
"Gott Mit Uns" | Eden Phillpotts | 96 |
The Widows of Belgium | The Dean of St. Paul's | 98 |
The Harvest Is Ripe | William Mitchell Ramsay | 100 |
"Unmasked" | Boyd Cable | 102 |
The Great Surprise | G. K. Chesterton | 104 |
Thou Art the Man! | John Oxenham | 106 |
Sympathy | Ralph D. Blumenfeld | 108 |
The Refugees | Joseph Thorp | 110 |
"The Junker" | Clive Holland | 112 |
"Au Milieu De FantÔmes Tristes Et Sans Nombre" | Alice Meynell | 114 |
Bluebeard's Chamber | William Mitchell Ramsay | 116 |
The Raid | Arthur Pollen | 118 |
Better a Living Dog Than a Dead Lion | Arthur Shadwell | 120 |
"The Burden of the Intolerable Day" | William Mitchell Ramsay | 122 |
Eagle in Hen-run | Boyd Cable | 124 |
The Future | Sidney Lee | 126 |
Christ or Odin? | Bernard Vaughan | 128 |
Ferdinand | Edmund Gosse | 130 |
Juggernaut | John Oxenham | 132 |
Michael and the Marks | W. M. J. Williams | 134 |
Their Beresina | John Oxenham | 136 |
New Peace Offers | W. L. Courtney | 138 |
The Shields of Rosselaere | William Mitchell Ramsay | 140 |
The Obstinacy of Nicholas | Joseph Thorp | 142 |
The Order of Merit | Ralph D. Blumenfeld | 144 |
The Marshes of Pinsk | Alice Meynell | 146 |
God With Us | John Buchan | 148 |
Ferdinand the Chameleon | G. K. Chesterton | 150 |
The Latin Sisters | Horace Annesley Vachell | 152 |
Misunderstood | Joseph Thorp | 154 |
Prosperity Reigns in Flanders | Cecil Chesterton | 156 |
The Last Hohenzollern | E. Charles Vivian | 158 |
Piracy | Arthur Pollen | 160 |
"Weeping, She Hath Wept" | Father Bernard Vaughan | 162 |
Military Necessity | Eden Phillpotts | 164 |
LibertÉ! LibertÉ, ChÉrie! | John Oxenham | 166 |
I—"A Knavish Piece of Work" | George Birdwood | 168 |
II—"Sisyphus,—His Stone" | George Birdwood | 170 |
Concrete Foundations | A. Shadwell | 172 |
Pallas Athene | Herbert Warner | 174 |
The Wonders of Culture | Clive Holland | 176 |
"Folk Who Do Not Understand Them" | Bernard Vaughan | 178 |
On The Way to Calais | Eden Phillpotts | 180 |
Von Bethmann-Hollweg and Truth | Herbert Warren | 182 |
Van Tromp and De Ruyter | Arthur Pollen | 184 |
War and Christ | Cecil Chesterton | 186 |
Barbed Wire | E. Charles Vivian | 188 |
The Higher Politics | Boyd Cable | 190 |
The Loan Game | W. M. J. Williams | 192 |
A War of Rapine | E. Charles Vivian | 194 |
The Dutch Junkers | A. Shadwell | 196 |
The War Makers | John Oxenham | 198 |
The Christmas of Kultur, A.D. 1915 | A. Shadwell | 200 |
Serbia | Horace Annesley Vachell | 202 |
The Last of the Race | Arthur Pollen | 204 |
The Curriculum | W. M. J. Williams | 206 |
The Dutch Journalist to His Belgian ConfrÈre | G. K. Chesterton | 208 |
A Bored Critic | Eden Phillpotts | 210 |
"The Peace Woman" | Clive Holland | 212 |
The Self-satisfied Burgher | W. L. Courtney | 214 |
The Decadent | John Oxenham | 216 |
Liquid Fire | Clive Holland | 218 |
Nish and Paris | Sidney Lee | 220 |
Gott Strafe England! | Cecil Chesterton | 222 |
The Pacificist Kaiser (The Confederates) | Sidney Lee | 224 |
Dinant | W. R. Inge | 226 |
"Hesperia" (Wounded First) | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 228 |
Gallipoli | G. K. Chesterton | 230 |
The Beginning of the Expiation | G. K. Chesterton | 232 |
The Shirkers | Sidney Lee | 234 |
One of the Kaiser's Many Mistakes | John Oxenham | 236 |
Belgium in Holland | Edmund Gosse | 238 |
Serbia | William Mitchell Ramsay | 240 |
Jackals in the Political Field | Herbert Warren | 242 |
A Letter from the German Trenches | Cecil Chesterton | 244 |
His Master's Voice | A. Shadwell | 246 |
Hun Generosity | Horace Annesley Vachell | 248 |
Easter, 1915 | G. K. Chesterton | 250 |
Pan Germanicus as Peace Maker | Alfred Stead | 252 |
Gott Mit Uns | Cecil Chesterton | 254 |
Our Lady of Antwerp | W. L. Courtney | 256 |
Deportation | Cecil Chesterton | 258 |
The German Band | John Oxenham | 260 |
Arcades Ambo | Horace Annesley Vachell | 262 |
"Is It You, Mother?" | Sidney Lee | 264 |
The Fate of Flemish Art at the Hands of Kultur | Arthur Morrison | 266 |
The Graves of All His Hopes | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 268 |
"My Sixth Son is Now Lying Here—Where Are Yours?" | H. DeVere Stacpoole | 270 |
Bunkered | W. R. Inge | 272 |
Gott Strafe Verdun | W. R. Inge |