THIS ranks as one of Raemaekers’ happiest cartoons. That wolf’s mask is a clever travesty of the “All-Highest’s” best studio face. Better still is the quip, “’Tis time all this bloodshed should cease,” as a summary of all the peace suggestions which with discreet persistence have been floated out from Berlin since the great game, as envisaged by the challengers, was seen to be up. It would not readily occur to the German mind that the time when the shepherds were just coming over the hill with axe, bill, and bludgeon was the most appropriate time for the wolf to suggest that nothing should be said of the unfortunate mistakes of the past. “See!” quoth the wolf, “there are already three corpses. Is that not enough to satisfy the most bloodthirsty? Why drag in a fourth? Surely even you who have not our advantages can see so plain an argument?” The answer is in the negative. But let no one ever again accuse the Teuton of not being a humorist. It is worth noting that it is a bonneted Highlander that here wields the British club. Compensation at last to the sensitive Scot who so desperately hates being lumped in with the English! JOSEPH THORP. |