.htm.html#Page_353" class="pginternal">353, 365. Dionysus, 32, 35, 142, 171, 376. Dioscuri, 46. Domitian, 335. Dorian, 50. Druids, 142, 319. Ecclesia, 366, 408. Ecclesiasticus. See Jesus, son of Sira. Egypt, 80, 88, 97, 144, 152, 153, 166, 172, 249, 269, 305, 338, 345, 353, 362. Eleazar, 206. Elephantine, 60, 96, 97, 180. Eleusis, 35, 152, 377. Eliphaz, 70. Ennius, 53. Epicurus, 164. Eschatology, 72, 161. Essenes, 279. Ethiopic, 19. Etruscans, 43, 210, 213, 321. Euhemerus, 47. Euphrates, river, 87. Eusebia, 339, 342. Euthyphro, 84. Exodus, 96, 99. Ezra, 57. Fast, 399. Fiscus Iudaicus, 332, 363. Flaccus, prefect of Egypt, 200. Flaccus, proconsul of Asia, 221. Flavius Clemens, 335, 336. Florus, Gessius, 283, 286. Formula, 43. Freedmen, 72 seq., 293, 298, 319, 341, 370, 406, 410. Metics, 34, 109, 112. Miletus, 331. Minoan, 13, 77, 374. Misanthropy. See Inhospitality. Mishnah, 69, 328. Mithra, 241, 357. Mithradates, 63. Mnaseas, 168. Molech, 188, 393. Molo. See Apollonius Molo. Moloch. See Molech. MÜller, Max, 375. Mysteries, 35, 152. Mythology, 25, 26, 44, 236. Names, 123, 128. Nasi, 265, 363. Naucratis, 104. Nehemiah, 57, 61. Nero, Roman emperor, 285, 294, 315 seq. Nerva, 334. Nicarchus, 201. Nicocles, 387. Nicolaus, of Damascus, 277, 405. Nile, 91. Olam ha-bo. See Immortality. Orphism, 153. Osarsiph, 100. Osiris, 100, 115, 385. Ostia, 327. Ovid, 250 seq. Pantheism, 31. Papyri, 339. See also Elephantine; Assuan. Parthians, 265, 297, 340, 370. Passover, - Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.