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Transcriber's notes:

  • Footnotes (indicated by [A], [B], etc.) have been moved to directly below the paragraph or table they refer to, references (indicated by [1], [2], etc.) are moved to the end of the chapter. Where a footnote or reference anchor is used more than once, the direct link from the footnote or reference back to its anchor in the text is not enabled.
  • Some formulas have been spaced out for better readability.
  • Positive and negative ions are presented as for example H· and OH', as in the original document.
  • Some minor typographical errors have been corrected (including anchors for references and missing diacritical marks from German words).
  • In-line multi-line formulas have been changed to in-line single-line formulas, if necessary with the addition of brackets.
  • Inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, lay-out or formatting have not been corrected, except in the following cases:
    • Bassenege, Schemmelweiss, Langar and Kanthdack in the name index have been changed to Bassenge, Semmelweiss, Langer and Kanthack as in the text.
    • Heisse, Jordon, Tonnetta Creek and Horrock's have been changed to Heise, Jordan, Tonetta Creek and Horrocks's as elsewhere in the text.
    • Page 35: N1 and N2 in formula changed to N1 and N2 as elsewhere.
    • Page 79: Hadallen changed to Hedallen as elsewhere in the text.
  • Changes made to the text:
    • Page 17: ? changed to ? in chemical formula as described in the text.
    • Page 26: H· + HCO3 changed to H· + HCO3'.
    • Page 26: chlor-ions changed to chlorine ions.
    • Page 54: Gention Violet changed to Gentian Violet.
    • Page 103: Footnote marker [11] inserted (missing in original).
  • The author called Kurpjuivut, Kurjuivut and Kurpjuivat in various places in the text is probably called Kurpjuweit. The author called Schumburg and Schumberg in the text is called Schumberg. The book contains references to both Zaleski and Elmanovitsch and Valeski and Elmanovitsch; Zaleksi is probably correct.
  • Not all symbols used may display correctly, depending on your browser and its settings.
  • Other remarks:
    • Footnote on Page 119: fraction unclear in the original, presented here as 51/2.
    • Page 134: affluents should probably be effluents.
    • In the original work, there is no TABLE XXII between TABLE XXI and XXIII.


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