Absorption of chlorine by water, 35
Abuse of chlorination, 144
Acids, effect of, 19, 21
Action of chlorine, 16
Admixture, effect of, 39
Aftergrowths, 55
accelerated growth, 58
B. coli in, 57
effect of liquid chlorine, 99
views as to nature of, 56
AlgÆ, effect of chlorine on, 133
Alkalies, effect of, 19, 20
Allen-Moore cell, 111
Ammonia, and chlorine, 24
and sodium hypochlorite, 114
effect on bleach, 21
effect on oxidising action, 21
soda process, 2
Antichlors, 86
Antiseptics, early work on, 3
chlorine as an, 50
Application of chlorine, point of, 43
Auto-suggestion, 62
B. cholerÆ suis, 31
B. cloacÆ, 31
B. coli, aftergrowths, 57
in sewage, 6, 7
in water, 9, 28, 31
standard, 46
viability of, 52, 55
B. cuticularis, 53
B. fÆcalis alkaligenes, 31
B. enteritidis, 31
B. enteritidis sporogenes, 53
B. lactis Ærogenes, 31
B. subtilis, 53
B. tetani, 9
B. typhosus, 9, 10, 30, 31
Bacteria surviving chlorination, 50
aftergrowths, 55
nature of, 53
spores, 57
Benzidine, 83
Bleach, analysis of solution, 79
as deodourant, 3, 6
as sewage disinfectant, 6, 7
at Adrian, 11
at Boonton, 11, 16
at Bubbly Creek, 11
composition, 14
decomposition of, 25
discovery, 2
germicidal velocity, 20, 21
hydrolysis, 18, 19
production, 3
stability of, 17
toxic action, 22
treatment, 72
control of, 78
cost, 86
dosage regulation, 75
in France, 78
losses in, 81
mixing tank, 73
plant design, 72
storage tank, 75
Brest experiments, 5
Carnallite, 1
Chicago, typhoid rate, 138
Chloramine, 114
at Denver, 124, 126
at Ottawa, 28, 116
contact period, 123
cost of, 124
decomposition of, 126
experimental results, 119
germicidal power, 116
operation of process, 126
plant design, 120
preparation of, 115
ratio of chlorine and ammonia, 116, 122
tastes and odours, 28, 64, 117
toxic action, 22, 29
Chlorides, effect of, 20
Chlorine, and ammonia, 24, 25
discovery of, 1
disinfection, effect of pabulum, 4
general reactions, 28
hydrate, 103
detection of, 81
effect on flowers, 68
estimation of, 81
in sanitary work, 4
medicinal dose, 67
oxygen equivalent, 23
liquid, 89
advantages of, 97
cost of treatment, 101
disadvantages of, 101
germicidal efficiency, 99
machines, 89
peroxide, 9
water, 102
corrosion of pipes, 69
damage to seeds, 68
decomposition of, 15
heat of formation, 27
Chlorometer, 84
Chloros, 8
Chlorozone, 105
Colour, effect on dosage, 33
Columbus, typhoid rates, 137
Complaints, 62
Contact period, effect on dosage, 44
effect on taste, 43
usual practice, 45
Cost of bleach plant, 85
bleach treatment, 86
liquid chlorine treatment, 101
Crossness experiments, 5
Dayton cell, 107
DeChlor filters, 87
Denver, chloramine treatment, 124, 126
Dichloramine, 128
Disinfectants, 50
Disinfection, early views of, 3
Dosage, 30
determination of, 46
effect of, admixture, 39
colour, 33
contact period, 43
initial contamination, 32
light, 45
oxidisable matter, 32
standard of purity, 30, 32
temperature, 34, 36
turbidity, 45
for military work, 48
regulation of bleach, 75
relation to oxygen absorbed, 36
tanks, 75
Eau de Javelle, 3, 47
Electrical conductivity of treated water, 70
Electrolysed sea water, 5
Electrolytic hypochlorite, 2, 104
Bradford, 5
Brest, 5
Brewster, 6, 105
cost of, 113
Electrolytic hydrochlorite, Crossness, 5
discovery of, 3
diaphragm cells, 110
early use of, 5
efficiency of, 109
Havre, 5
non-diaphragm cells, 106
Electrozone, Brewster, 6
Maidenhead, 6
Tonetta Creek, 6
Filter effluents, chlorination of, 34
Filters, effect on beds, 60
effect on runs, 132
Fish, effect on, 8, 67, 68
Germicidal velocity, effect of acids, 21
alkalies, 20
ammonia, 21
chlorides, 20
Guildford, chlorination at, 9
Haas and Oettel cell, 108
Halazone, 128
Hardness, effect of chlorine on, 132
Havre experiments, 5
Hermite fluid, 5
Hexamethyl-p-aminotriphenylmethane, 83
Historical, 1
Hooghly River, 7
Hydrazine, 126
Hydrogen peroxide, 24
Hydrolysis of hypochlorites, effect of, acids, 19
alkalies, 19
chlorides, 20
Hygienic results, 134
Hypochlorous acid, 17
decomposition of, 24, 25, 26
hydrolytic constant, 18
Initial contamination, effect on dosage, 32
Intestinal organisms, viability of, 52
Iodoform taste, 65
Iron salts, effect on dosage, 33