
No apology is necessary for the publication of a book on the chlorination of water. This method of treatment, practically unknown fifteen years ago, has advanced in popularity during the last decade in a most remarkable manner, and in 1918 over forty millions of people are being supplied with chlorinated water.

It may justifiably be said that no other sanitary measure has accomplished so much at so small a cost; and that civilization owes a deep debt of gratitude to the pioneers in municipal water chlorination: Dr. A. C. Houston in England, and Mr. G. A. Johnson and Dr. Leal in America.

In this volume I have endeavoured to collect and correlate the information hitherto scattered in various journals and treatises and to present it in a comprehensible manner. The various aspects and methods of chlorination are discussed and suggestions have been made which, I hope, will stimulate research work in this fertile field of science.

I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the engineering staff of the Ottawa Water Works Department and to Lieut. W. M. Bryce for the preparation of diagrams.

Joseph Race.

Ottawa, Ont.,
April, 1918.


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