I. Historical 1
Sodium Chloride. Chlorine. Bleach. Eau de Javelle. Antiseptics. Hermite fluid. Webster’s process. Electrozone. Chlorination of sewage in Germany, U. S. A., and England. Chlorination of water. Lincoln installation. Oxychloride. German experiments. European practice. Inception of chlorination in America.
II. Modus Operandi 14
Composition of bleach. Bleaching action. Nascent oxygen hypothesis. Hydrolysis of bleach. Effect of acids and salts on hydrolysis and germicidal action. Effect of ammonia. Direct toxic action. Hypochlorous acid. Sodium hypochlorite. Chlorine water. Nature of action.
III. Dosage 30
Organic matter. Initial count. Viability of organisms. Mineral matter. Colour. Temperature. Admixture. Contact period. Turbidity. Light. Determination of dosage.
IV. Bacteria Surviving Chlorination 50
Disinfectants. Antiseptics. Viability of bacteria. New York results. Reversed ratio of counts. Coliform organisms. Aftergrowths in water and sand.
V. Complaints 62
Auto-suggestion. Tastes and odours.

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