Almost every one who has had charge of chlorination plants has noted the latter phenomenon, for in some instances complaints have been made following the publication of the information that chlorination was to be commenced but antecedent to its actual operation, and in others when for some reason or another, the chlorination plant has been temporarily stopped. Similar observations have been made in laboratory experiments when independent observers have been requested to detect the chlorinated waters from an equal number of treated and untreated waters. Such observers are wrong in the majority of the waters which they designate as treated ones if the dosage is not in excess of that required for satisfactory purification. One amusing example of auto-suggestion was experienced by the author some years ago. During a ceremonial visit to the waterworks, the Mayor and several civic representatives happened to visit a hypochlorite plant that was built on a pier over the river and which had no ostensible connection with the city mains. One of the party expressed a desire for a drink of good river water without any hypochlorite On many occasions, complaints are justifiable and should be carefully investigated instead of, as is often the case, being attributed to auto-suggestion. The time and energy that are often devoted to endeavouring to persuade water consumers that their complaints are without foundation, can better be utilised in so improving the chlorination process as to eliminate tastes and odours. All complaints should be carefully investigated and a record kept for future reference, for the cause, although not manifest at the time, may be discovered later. The records then provide valuable corroborative evidence. The nature of the complaints against chlorinated water is very diversified and includes imparting foreign tastes and odours, causing colic, killing fish and birds, the extraction of abnormal amounts of tannin from tea, the destruction of plants and flowers, the corrosion of water pipes, and that horses and other animals refuse to drink it. Chlorine also forms chlorinated organic compounds by action on the organic matter present in water and some of the objectionable tastes and odours of chlorinated waters have been attributed to this agency. Some observers have stated that chloramines were amongst the chloro-organo compounds produced but the author’s experience with the Ottawa supply has demonstrated that simple chloramine (NH2Cl) can be successfully employed for water treatment without causing complaints. It was suggested on page 28 that some of the higher chloro-amines might be the cause of some complaints but at present there is no definite information regarding the formation of these compounds in water and all such hypotheses are little more than conjectures. Letton The waters that require the most accurate adjustment of chlorine dosage, if complaints are to be avoided, are those containing very small amounts of organic matter. The margin between the dosage required for the attainment of a satisfactory degree of bacteriological purity and that which may cause complaints is usually very small, often less than 25 The presence of traces of foreign substances in water sometimes produces chlorinated derivatives having repugnant tastes and odours. Creosote and tar oils have caused an odour somewhat resembling that of iodoform and industrial wastes have also produced complaints. The substitution of chlorine gas (liquid chlorine) for bleach solutions has apparently eliminated tastes and odours in some cases but this may be due to a more perfect control over the dosage rather than to any property of the bleach per se. Kienle[2] has reported similar occurrences at Chicago. The temperature of the water at the time of treatment is another factor bearing on the production of tastes and odours. When the temperature is low, water absorbs relatively less chlorine (vide Diagram No. II, page 38) in the same period of time with the consequence that, if the dosage is kept constant, more chlorine is present in the free condition. At Milwaukee (Kienle)[2] with a dosage of 0.24 p.p.m. of available chlorine (as bleach) no complaints were received during the spring, summer, and autumn seasons but when the temperature reached 40° F., they were compelled to reduce the chlorine to 0.12 p.p.m. in order to prevent objectionable tastes and odours in the tap waters. Abnormal conditions such as freshets, and storms, sometimes cause complaints regarding tastes and odours. Adams Freshets usually increase the bacterial contamination and necessitate an increased dosage which may cause complaints. Complaints as to tastes and odours can be best avoided by ensuring regularity of dosage, perfect admixture, and storage of the treated water for a reasonable period. These factors are discussed in detail elsewhere. Chlorine and hypochlorites are destructive and irritant to skin and it is possible that hot chlorinated water has, in some instances, a similar effect. It is inconceivable that the addition of minute traces of bleach or chlorine to water should cause it to extract abnormal amounts of tannin from tea but it is possible that free chlorine, when present, acts upon the tea extractives and produces compounds having obnoxious tastes and odours. Tannin to the ordinary tea drinker represents the disagreeable portion of the tea and an obnoxious taste in tea brewed with chlorinated water would consequently be ascribed to the extraction of abnormal quantities of tannin. The opinion of fish culturists as to the action of chlorinated waters upon fish eggs in hatcheries is almost unanimously to the effect that it is a destructive one. Fish eggs are extremely sensitive to chlorine and hypochlorous acid and very few will survive in a water containing 0.1 p.p.m. of free chlorine. The Department of Fisheries of the Dominion of Canada has informed the author that free chlorine in the water had a marked adverse effect on the hatching of the eggs of Atlantic salmon, Great Lake trout, pickerel, and whitefish, but no effect was noticed when free chlorine was absent. The Department has, however, decided to remove all the hatcheries to localities where water that does not require chlorination can be obtained. These experiments were conducted with solutions of bleach in distilled water, but identical results were obtained in a later series when the treated city supply (Ottawa) was used. The results proved conclusively that statements alleging damage to plants, flowers, and seeds by the hypochlorite treatment of water are unfounded and do not merit the slightest consideration. If pipe corrosion is considered by the carbonic acid hypothesis, the use of bleach should tend to reduce it because bleach contains an excess of base that combines with a portion of the free carbonic acid. The results of routine tests for free carbonic acid made on the raw and treated waters at Ottawa are as follows:
If the corrosion of pipes is considered according to the electrolytic theory, a slight increase, due to an increased electrical conductivity, might be anticipated. The effect of the addition of hypochlorite upon the electrical conductivity of distilled water and the Ottawa River water is shown in Diagram VI. DIAGRAM VI Effect of Calcium Hypochlorite on Electrical ConductivityWith the concentrations of hypochlorite ordinarily used in water treatment it is inconceivable that the slight increase in the electrical conductivity has any practical significance at low temperatures. The conductivity increases rapidly, Liquid chlorine does not increase the conductivity to the same extent as an equivalent quantity of hypochlorite but it increases the carbonic acid content in proportion to the dosage used. The author investigated the action of hypochlorite on galvanised pipes in 1914 and was unable to detect any definite corrosion with normal concentrations of chlorine. The experiments were made with 2-inch pipes and an examination of the first consignment received showed that, although the galvanising on the outside was perfect, the inner coat was very inferior: in some parts there was an excess of zinc that broke away on scraping whilst in others the iron pipe was bare. A committee of the Pittsburg Board of Trade, appointed to investigate complaints as to pipe corrosion, reported in 1917 that they were largely due to inferior qualities of pipes and not to the method of water purification employed (slow sand filtration and chlorination). The effect of chlorination on the plumbo-solvency of water was investigated in 1904 by Houston who found that chlorine, as chloros, in amounts between one and ten parts per million, did not appreciably increase the plumbo-solvent action of either unfiltered or filtered water. Similar results were obtained by the author with the Toronto supply: raw lake water, filtered water, and water treated with 0.25 and 0.50 p.p.m. of chlorine, all dissolved the same quantity of lead in twenty-four hours. The amount in each case was too small to be of any significance. BIBLIOGRAPHY |