HOW THE RAYS DEFENDED THE FORD THE STORY OF TWO RACCOON CUBS AND TWO MAN CUBS HOW THE FLAMINGOES GOT THEIR STOCKINGS THE GIANT TORTOISE'S GOLDEN RULE “With a great roar an army of them came leaping down to the river bank.” SOUTH AMERICAN JUNGLE TALES BY HORACIO QUIROGA Authorized translation from the Spanish (Cuentos de la Seloa) by Arthur Livingston ILLUSTRATED BY A. L. RIPLEY New York DUFFIELD AND COMPANY 1922 Copyright, 1922 by DUFFIELD AND COMPANY Printed in U. S. A. CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS “With a great roar an army of them came leaping down to the river bank” “Nice bird! Nice bird!” he growled. “Please come a little closer” “The flamingoes ... hopped down to the river, and waded out ... to relieve their pain” “He could not help feeling sorry for the poor turtle ...” SOUTH AMERICAN JUNGLE TALES |