ml@files@57212@57212-h@57212-h-11.htm.html#Page_91" class="pginternal">91, 96- 99, 101- 105, 111, 128, 171, 175 Ely, Hon. Alfred, 15 Elzy, Gen., 127 Ewell, Col., 99 Fairbanks, Maj. George R., 165, 166, 169, 172 "Felix Old Boy," 16 Field, Capt., 23 Finley, Gen., 138 Fitzhugh, Col., 51 Flournoy, Capt. William, 116 Floyd, Gen. J. B., 32 Foard, Dr., 120 Forney, Gen., 50 Forrest, Gen., 119, 122, 123 Fort Donelson, 40 Foster, Capt., 32 Foster, Dr., 128 Foundation Day, 175 Franklin, Tenn., 28, 111, 112-124 Freemantle, Lt.-Col., 76, 77 Freese, Lieut. H. H., 139, 140 Frierson, Capt., 128 Fulford, Bishop, 150 Fulford Hall, 169, 170 Fulton, Col., 17 Gailor, Bishop, 180-182 Gale, Col. W. D., 54 Galveston, 179 Gatewoods, 17 Gibson, Capt. Thomas, 113, 114 Gibson, Gen., 117 Gist, Gen., 112, 115 Gordon, Gen. George, 112, 115 Gordonsville, 42 Gorgas, Gen. Josiah, 175, 180 Gosling, William, 69, 73 Gracie, Gen. Archibald, 89 Granberry, Gen., 112, 115 Grant, Gen., 143 London, 160 Long, Capt., 116 Longstreet, 88, 89 Lookout Mountain, 92 Looney, Maj., 12, 23, 27, 31, 32 Loring, Gen. W. W., 18, 19, 29, 34-44, 49-54 Louisville, 56 Loyall, Benj., 43 Lynchburg, Va., 13 Lytle, Col., 81 Macon, Ga., 93, 99, 107, 138, 139, 142, 145 Macon, Miss., 106 Mallory, Hon. Mr., 143, 144 Manassas, 41, 42, 90 Manchester, Duke of, 162 Maney, Gen. George, 11, 18, 20, 57, 59, 74, 128 Manigault, Gen., 74, 112, 116, 121 Manners, Lord John, 174 Marietta, Ga., 91, 97 Markham, Rev. Mr., 107 Marks, Col., 67 Marsh, Lieut. John, 91, 92, 111, 116, 122 Martin, Gen., 81 Mary Adelaide, 160 Mason, Maj., 98 Maury, Com. M. F., 179 Mayrant, Capt., 107 McCook, Gen., 56, 88, 141 McGavock, Col. John, 113 McGuire, Mrs. Judith W., 43 McKinney, Adjt., 158, 164-183 University Place, 166 Vallandigham, C. L., 75, 76 Valley Mountain, 13, 17, 19, 27, 31 Van Leer, Joe, 20-26, 31 Vaught, Mr., 121 Vaulx, Maj., 129 "Virginia," 44-49 Von Zinken, Leon, 138 Walden's Ridge, 54, 55 Walters, Col., 87 Walthall, Gen., 107 Warm Springs, 34 Warner, Charles Dudley, 176 Warner, Gen., 133 Wartrace, 72, 76, 77, 79 Washington, Col. J. A., 29, 30 Watterson, Henry, 104 Watts, Gov. of Ala., 131 Webb, Col., 81 Wellesley, Rev. Dr., 161 West, Douglas, 98 Westminster Abbey, 161, 162 West Point, Miss., 106 West Point, N. Y., 57, 58, 71, 89, 128, 145 Wheeler, Col., 16 Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 68, 81 White Sulphur Springs, 32, 33, 35 Whitfield, Needham, 124 Wickham, Capt., 104-107 Wiggins, Dr. B. L., 180 Wilder, Gen., 55 Wilmer, Bishop, 54, 105, 129, 150 Wilson, Gen. James H., 138, 140, 141, 145 Winchester, Bishop of, Transcriber's Notes:Missing or obscured punctuation was corrected. Typographical errors were silently corrected. Spelling and hyphenation were made consistent when a predominant form was found in this book; otherwise it was not changed. |