DESIGNERS, PATENTEES, AND MAKERS OF Decorative flower drawing Mechanical Appliances, Fittings, Furniture, and Supplies for Libraries, Museums and Offices. Office and Showroom: Card Indexing for Libraries.Decorative underline The Life of a Card Catalogue never ends. Additions can be made at any time, and in any place. In all libraries, whether private or public, the Card Catalogue is an essential. In a large public library, where the stock of books is being constantly added to, it is necessary, in order to save a weary search through pages of MSS. and numerous printed supplements to have a complete index on cards carefully kept up-to-date, where the public or the staff can readily ascertain by one reference whether any particular book is in the library. In the reference library the necessity of the Card Catalogue cannot be questioned. To print a catalogue of the reference library is an expensive proceeding, as the sales seldom reach one-tenth part of the cost; and frequently the printed catalogue suffers in usefulness by the need of keeping it within certain limits. We recommend the “Libraco” Tray Cabinets for use in Libraries, as they divide up a catalogue into many parts, and allow several persons to consult the Catalogue at one time. Send for full descriptive list of the Applications of the Card System—Sectional Catalogue, No. 10. “LIBRACO” TRAY CABINETS.The enormous advantages of the Card Indexing System for Libraries are beyond question. The only disadvantage alleged against the system is that only a limited number of people can consult the card catalogue at one time. The Cabinet illustrated on this page holds 18,000 cards, and is suitable for a library of 6,000 volumes. The Cabinet therefore divides the catalogue into 15 parts and allows 15 persons to use it. The trays are removable and may be carried to a counter for consultation. In a reference library it is seldom that at any given time during the day more than three or four people are desirous of consulting the catalogue, therefore the one and only disadvantage alleged against the Card System is imaginary. A properly guided Card Catalogue is easier to handle than the MSS. book. Stout cards and perfect arrangement render consultation a pleasure. No. 15a. Fifteen Tray Cabinet. In Oak. £8 net. With 18,000 Thin Linen Cards, and 1,000 Guides, £16 6s. 6d. “LIBRACO” TRAY CABINETS.Made in OAK, WALNUT, or MAHOGANY. SINGLE TRAY, No. 1a.A handsome case, with cover lid, suitable for small catalogues. Tray no. 1a Price, Case only, 10s. 6d. Case with 1,000 Thin Linen Cards and one set of A-Z Guides, complete, £1 1 0 FOUR TRAY CABINET, No. 4a.A finely finished Cabinet with four trays, each holding 1,000 cards, used for indexes to borrowers, additions to the lending library, &c. Tray no. 4a Price, Cabinet only, £2 5 0 Cabinet with 4,000 Thin Linen Cards and 200 Guides complete, £4 3 0 MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES. “LIBRACO” SLIDE CABINETS.The “Libraco” Slide Cabinets are thoroughly constructed of oak, mahogany or walnut throughout. They are provided with extension slides, which prevent the drawer coming out entirely, but allow it to pull out to the full extent. A full view of the contents is thus obtained. Every detail has been carefully considered and worked out, so that a loaded drawer runs noiselessly and with ease. Built in various sizes. Three Drawer Slide Cabinet. In Oak, Mahogany, or Walnut, £4 0 0. Holds 9,000 Thin Linen Cards. The “Libraco” Slide Cabinets have been supplied to Science and Art Dept. (3 ten-drawer Cabinets for 100,000 cards), St. Paul’s Cathedral Library, Oxford Union Society (21 Drawer Cabinet for 84,000 cards), Hull Public Library, Bishopsgate Institute (2 eight-drawer Cabinets for 58,000 cards), Cripplegate Institute, Hove, West Ham, Carlisle, and many other public libraries. PRICE LIST OF “LIBRACO” INDEX CARDS.Decorative underline THE BEST ENGLISH LINEN CARDS.The material from which these cards are cut is manufactured by an English Mill to the order of the Library Supply Co. It is prepared expressly to meet the requirements of the Card System, and is not carried in stock by any Paper Merchant. The “Libraco” Index Cards are exact in height and the edges will be found true and square. The machinery for cutting these cards has been specially adapted for the purpose. The “Libraco” Index Cards are made in three weights, thin, medium, and thick. The thin cards are mostly used because they occupy less space, and therefore reduced the cost of storage. But in all important indexes, medium and thick cards are adopted. Price List.
MANILLA CARDS.For temporary lists—in four colours, drab, red, yellow and blue. Price 3s. 6d. per 1,000, Plain and Punched. CATALOGUING SLIPS.
“LIBRACO” SECOND GRADE CARDS.Are principally intended for temporary lists. They are cut as accurately and as truly as the best English linen cards, but are inferior in durability. They are made in two thicknesses—thin and thick. Stocked in ten colours:—white, salmon, green, grey, primrose, rose, fawn, lemon, silurian and celestial. Price List.
GUIDE CARDS.Made from strong and tough material. Cut so as to form a projection above the ordinary card, one-fifth, third, or half the length of the card, according to the amount of writing desired on projecting tab. They are of great importance in a card catalogue, and should be used freely, as they enable the user to turn instantly to any desired topic, name, or title in the index, thereby reducing the wear and tear of the cards.
ADJUSTABLE SHEAF CATALOGUES.For certain index purposes these sheaf binders are admirably suited, and appeal to those in favour of the book form of cataloguing. The sheaf catalogues are in the form of screw binders, which hold loose slotted slips. The slips can be arranged alphabetically and maintained in strict order. The screws are turned by means of a key, and thus release contents, when insertions or withdrawals can be made. When screwed up the slips are clamped firmly, and it is impossible to remove or tear out an entry without leaving a counterfoil. Adjustable Catalogue Holder. Size of Slips, 6¾ × 3¾. Half Pigskin, finished in gilt. Price 8s. net. Xylonite Label Holders, 3d. each extra. Cabinets to hold these binders are made in Oak. Prices on application. ADJUSTABLE PERIODICALS LIST.Titles of papers, magazines, directories, &c., printed on separate slips of card, and inserted in proper place in frame. Of great convenience to the librarian and to the public. When ordering send list of papers. LIST OF PERIODICALS Frames of any size are Made. Prices complete, from 15s. Oak or Walnut frames as desired. The same titles can be used for Periodical indicators. Frames containing list of papers to be found on each table are supplied at cheap rates. Send particulars and we will quote price. THE YALE BOOK SUPPORT.A new invention for supporting books on the shelves. Can be attached to top or underside of shelf. Made of steel, nicely japanned. The support slides along shelf, but is secured or released by a turn of the set screw. Absolutely rigid. The most effective book-support in the market. Yale book support NET PRICES: 1/-each. 9/6 per 10. 46/-per 50. 90/-per 100. THE YALE BOOK CARRIER.Consists of Polished Wood base, 2-ft. long × 6¾-ins wide, and two Yale Book Supports. Exceedingly convenient to the cataloguer, and for holding ledgers on desk, etc. Net Price, 5/6. Carriage 6d. extra. THE “LIBRACO” PERFORATING STAMP.Cuts the name into the paper by means of a series of needles, and thus establishes the ownership of books beyond question. The impression does not mar the appearance of the printed page, or interfere with the legibility of the reading matter. It is effective and cannot be removed. The “Libraco” Perforating Stamp is absolutely essential on art plates and valuable books. CORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Price 38s. net. SANDEMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY PERTH Price £2 net. GOLD BLOCKED NAME TABLETS.(For Newspapers Stands, Magazine Racks, Table Indicators, Magazine Covers) Consists of a red leatherette label blocked in gold, fitted in japanned metal frame, and covered with transparent material to protect label. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Large Size, 15in., by 1½in., for Newspaper Stands STRAND MAG Small Size, 6in. by ¾in., for Tables, etc. PRICES:
The “Libraco” Stock Book for 10,000 entries. A handsomely bound folio (17-in. × 11-in.) volume, half morocco, cloth sides. Ruled and printed on sound linen paper. Contains 18 headings suitable for all purposes. Very carefully designed. | Price 30s. net. |
Library Accessions. Foolscap folio. A Stock book for small Libraries of 5,000 vols. Bound in half leather, cloth sides. Ruled and printed on sound linen paper. | Price 10s. net. |
Shelf Register. Foolscap folio. Uniform with above. Ruled and printed for 10 years use. | Price 10s. net. |
Library Register. Foolscap folio. For recording issues. | Price 10s. net. |
Bindery Book. Foolscap folio. For recording books sent to the Binder. Loose sheets, 2/- per quire. | Price 10s. net. |
Borrowers’ Register. Foolscap folio. For numerically registering of borrowers, to be supplemented by an alphabetical card index of names. | Price 10s. net. |
Library Statistics. Foolscap folio. For recording statistics of issue for each month. | Price 12s. net. |
Periodicals Register. Foolscap folio. For checking the supply of periodicals to the library. | Price 12s. net. |
Proposition Book. Foolscap folio. For recording proposals of readers. | Price 10s. net. |
Library Catalogue. Foolscap folio. Index cut through. For alphabetical catalogue of small libraries. | Price 12s. net. |
Books Overdue. Foolscap folio. For recording books overdue. | Price 10s. net. |
Donation Book. Foolscap folio. For recording full particulars of donations of books, pictures, &c., to the library. | Price 10s. net. |
Visitors’ Book. Demy folio (15 × 9¾-in.) A beautifully bound book. Ruled and printed on sound linen paper. | Price 15s. net. |
Museum Accessions. Foolscap folio. | Price 10s. net. |
Gold Blocked Numbers and Letters on Leatherette.
These numbers and letters are easily and permanently affixed to the backs of books by means of fish glue, and whilst they cost less than one-sixth of the sum charged by a bookbinder, they are, in the opinion of many librarians, better and more effective than numbering direct on to the books, as the contrast between the colour of the leatherette and the colour of the binding emphasises the number. Besides cheapness, they are time savers, as new books can be numbered as purchased. Their neat and uniform appearance are pleasing recommendations, and sufficient to warrant the discarding of the unsightly draper’s labels commonly used.
Numbers supplied in strips of 10, on dark green Leatherette.
Numbers 0 to 9999.
For any set of 100 numbers between
0 to 1999 | 1/2 | per 100 |
2000 to 3999 | 1/3 | ” |
4000 to 5999 | 1/4 | ” |
6000 to 7999 | 1/5 | ” |
8000 to 9999 | 1/6 | ” |
For any set of 500 numbers between
0 to 1999 | 5/6 | per 500 |
2000 to 3999 | 6/- | ” |
4000 to 5999 | 6/6 | ” |
6000 to 7999 | 7/- | ” |
8000 to 9399 | 7/6 | ” |
Numbers 10,000 to 999,999.
For any complete set of numbers between
10000 and 99999 | 22/- | per 1000 |
100000 and 999999 | 27/6 | per 1000 |
Smaller Quantities supplied at Special Prices.
For each complete 1000 Numbers.
0 to 999 | 10/- | per set. |
1000 to 1999 | 10/6 | ” |
2000 to 2999 | 11/- | ” |
3000 to 3999 | 11/6 | ” |
4000 to 4999 | 12/- | ” |
5000 to 5999 | 12/6 | ” |
6000 to 6999 | 13/- | ” |
7000 to 7999 | 13/6 | ” |
8000 to 8999 | 14/- | ” |
9000 to 9999 | 15/- | ” |
For each complete Set.
0 to 999 | 10/- | per set. |
0 to 1999 | 20/- | ” |
0 to 2999 | 30/- | ” |
0 to 3999 | 40/- | ” |
0 to 4999 | 50/- | ” |
0 to 5999 | 60/- | ” |
0 to 6999 | 70/- | ” |
0 to 7999 | 80/- | ” |
0 to 8999 | 90/- | ” |
0 to 9999 | 100/- | ” |
Letters, put up singly in boxes of 100: A to K, 10d. 100; L to Z, 1/-100
Letters on various coloured leatherette and strips of even numbers for the Adjustable Classification Scheme.
Cheap Printed Numbers from 1 to 6,000 on grey gummed paper, from 2d. per 100.
BEST FISH GLUE—6d. per Bottle.
Simplest, Cheapest and Best.
Shelf Label Holders are useful in every library, especially in libraries where books are classified on the shelves. Our Label Holders are made of japanned metal, having a long flange which rests on the shelf. The edges of the holder are so turned that they hold a stout card bearing the name of subject or author. This card may be removed or renewed at pleasure. Where desired, transparent slips, to cover the cards and protect them from dust, are supplied at an extra charge. Card Labels are supplied free with our holders. Hundreds of these holders are now in use, and have practically demonstrated their usefulness and many advantages. They take the place of the unsightly labels of many colours and shapes hitherto pinned to the shelves, which were so detrimental to the woodwork.
5 | inches wide | 25/0 | per 100 |
4 | ” ” | 24/0 | ” |
3 | ” ” | 23/0 | ” |
2½ | ” ” | 22/0 | ” |
Supplied with Stout Labels.
TRANSPARENT SLIPS, 5/-per 100 extra.
These Cases supply a means of preserving pamphlets from dust and destruction, and meet with the approval of librarians, clergymen, and others desirous of preserving any kind of unbound literature or MSS., in a form at once easily accessible and secure.
No. | Size. | s. | d. | ||||
1.— | 7¾ | × | 5¼ | × | 1½ | 1 | 0 |
2.— | 9 | × | 6 | × | 1½ | 1 | 3 |
3.— | 10¼ | × | 6½ | × | 1½ | 1 | 4 |
4.— | 11¼ | × | 7¾ | × | 1½ | 1 | 6 |
5.— | 11¼ | × | 7¾ | × | 3½ | 2 | 0 |
6.— | 8¾ | × | 7 | × | 1½ | 1 | 6 |
7.— | 11? | × | 9 | × | 1½ | 2 | 0 |
8.— | 13¾ | × | 8¾ | × | 1½ | 2 | 0 |
9.— | 14½ | × | 10¾ | × | 2½ | 2 | 6 |
10.— | 17¼ | × | 12¾ | × | 2½ | 3 | 0 |
11.— | 9 | × | 5¾ | × | 3½ | 1 | 9 |
12.— | 9½ | × | 6½ | × | 3½ | 2 | 0 |
13.— | 10¼ | × | 7? | × | 3½ | 2 | 0 |
14.— | 13¾ | × | 9 | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
15.— | 13½ | × | 10¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 10 |
16.— | 9? | × | 7 | × | 2½ | 2 | 0 |
17.— | 12½ | × | 9¾ | × | 3½ | 2 | 6 |
18.— | 10¼ | × | 7? | × | 3½ | 2 | 0 |
19.— | 10½ | × | 8¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 6 |
20.— | 11¾ | × | 9 | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
21.— | 13? | × | 9¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
22.— | 11 | × | 8 | × | 3½ | 2 | 6 |
23.— | 10½ | × | 7¾ | × | 3½ | 2 | 6 |
24.— | 11½ | × | 9 | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
25.— | 12¾ | × | 9½ | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
26.— | 12¾ | × | 8¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
27.— | 12¾ | × | 10¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 9 |
28.— | 10? | × | 7¼ | × | 3½ | 2 | 0 |
29.— | 11½ | × | 8 | × | 3½ | 2 | 6 |
30.— | 15½ | × | 11¾ | × | 2½ | 2 | 9 |
31.— | 18 | × | 12 | × | 4 | 4 | 0 |
32.— | 12 | × | 8? | × | 2½ | 2 | 6 |
33.— | 9? | × | 6 | × | 2 | 1 | 8 |
The sizes given are the clear inside measurements of the inner cases. In ordering, please quote the distinctive number.
A cheap, handy, and convenient box for storing pamphlets, papers, &c. Covered in special marble paper. Made with hinged half-lids, shouldered sides, and fall-down fronts. Provided with a contents label. They are dust proof, and have the advantage of taking up less space than any other form of Pamphlet Case.
Paper Covered. | Cloth Covered. | |||||||||
No. | 60, | Size | 5¼ | × | 3¼ | × | 2½ | for Cards, &c. | 4d. | — |
” | 62, | ” | 9 | × | 6 | × | 2 | Demy 8vo. | 7d. | 1/6 |
” | 67, | ” | 11? | × | 9 | × | 2½ | Demy 4to. | 11d. | 2/0 |
” | 614, | ” | 13¾ | × | 9 | × | 3 | Fcap. fol. | 1s. | 2/4 |
” | 616, | ” | 9? | × | 7 | × | 2½ | Fcap. 4to. | 9d. | 1/8 |
” | 624, | ” | 11 | × | 9 | × | 2½ | Large 4to. | 10d. | 2/0 |
Loose Alphabetical Index Leaves, to fit No. 624, price 11d.
In ordering quote distinctive No.; clear inside measurements are given.
The Library World: Monthly. Illustrated. Subscription, 5s. 6d. per annum. Single copies, 6d. each, post free. Established July, 1898.
Studies in Library Practice:—
I. The History and Description of Library Charging Systems, by James D. Brown, Clerkenwell Public Library.
II. Classified and Annotated Cataloguing: Suggestions and Rules. By L. Stanley Jast, Croydon Public Library
Library Extension Work:—
I. Lectures. Symposium.
The Library Rate.
Librarian’s Workshop: Practical Notes.
Practical Points in Library Administration.
Select Subject Lists.
&c., &c., &c.
“Libraco” Series of Text Books on Library Economy.
Manual of Library Classification and Shelf Arrangement. By James D. Brown, Librarian, Clerkenwell Public Library, London. Cr. 8vo., Cloth, 4s. net, postage 3d.
Adjustable Classification for Libraries; with index. By James D. Brown, Librarian, Clerkenwell Public Library. (Abstracted from “Manual of Library Classification.”) 66 pp., interleaved, Cr. 8vo., Paper Covers, 1s. 6d. net, postage 3d.
Manual of Library Cataloguing. By J. Henry Quinn, Librarian, Chelsea Public Libraries, London. Cr. 8vo., Cloth, 5s., net, Postage 3d.
Souvenir of the Annual Meeting of the Library Association held at Southport—Preston—Wigan, 1898. Royal 8vo., 46 portraits and other illustrations, bound in Cloth. 3s. 6d. net. Post free.
LIBRARY SUPPLY Co., 4, Ave Maria Lane, London, E.C.