Some modern pseudonyms with the real names, including ladies with names changed by marriage. Pseudonym. | Real Name. | A.L.O.E. | Charlotte M. Tucker. | Acheta Domestica | L. M. Budgen | Adams, Mrs. Leith | Mrs. R. S. de Courcy Laffan | Adeler, Max | Charles H. Clark | Ainslie, Noel | Edith Lister | Alexander, Mrs. | Annie E. Hector | Alien | Mrs. L. A. Baker | Allen, F. M. | Edmund Downey | Amateur Angler, The | Edward Marston | Amyand, Arthur | Andrew Haggard | Andom, R. | Alfred W. Barrett | Anstey, F. | Thos. Anstey Guthrie | Argles, Mrs. | Mrs. Hungerford | Audley, John | Mrs. E. M. Davy | Aunt Judy | Mrs. Margaret Gatty | B., A. K. H. | A. K. H. Boyd | B., E. V. | Eleanor V. Boyle | Barker, Lady | Lady Broome | Basil | Richard Ashe King | Bede, Cuthbert | Edward Bradley | Bell, Nancy | Mrs. Arthur Bell | Belloc, Marie A. | Mrs. Lowndes | Bickerdyke, John | C. H. Cook | Billings, Josh | Henry W. Shaw | Bird, Isabella L. | Mrs. I. L. Bishop | Blackburne, E. Owens | Elizabeth Casey | Boldrewood, Rolf | Thos. A. Browne | Braddon, M. E. | Mrs. Maxwell | Breitmann, Hans | Charles G. Leland | Brenda | Mrs. Castle Smith | Buckley, Arabella B. | Mrs. Fisher | Caballero, Fernan | Cecilia B. de. F. Arrom | Cambridge, Ada | Mrs. G. F. Cross | Carmen Sylva | Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania | Carroll, Lewis | Charles L. Dodgson | Cavendish | Henry Jones | Cellarius | Thos. W. Fowle | Champfleury | Jules F. F. Husson-Fleury | Chester, Norley | Emily Underdown | Cleeve, Lucas | Mrs. Kingscote | Collingwood, Harry | Wm. J. C. Lancaster | Colmore, George | Mrs. Gertrude C. Dunn | Connor, Marie | Marie C. Leighton | Conway, Derwent | Henry D. Inglis | Conway, Hugh | F. J. Fargus | Coolidge, Susan | Sarah C. Woolsey | Cooper, Rev. Wm. M. | James G. Bertram | Craddock, C. E. | Mary N. Murfree | Crawley, Captain | G. F. Pardon | Cromarty, Deas | Mrs. R. A. Watson | Dale, Darley | Francesca M. Steele | Dall, Guillaume | Madame Jules Lebaudy | D’Anvers, N. | Mrs. Arthur Bell | Dean, Mrs. Andrew | Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick | Donovan, Dick | J. E. Muddock | Dowie, MÉnie M. | Mrs. Henry Norman | Duncan, Sara J. | Mrs. Everard Cotes | Egerton, George | Mrs. Clairmonte | Eha | Edward H. Aitken | Eliot, George | Mary Ann Evans (afterwards Mrs. Cross) | Elbon, Barbara | Leonora B. Halsted | Elizabeth, Charlotte | Charlotte E. Tonna | Ellis, Luke | J. Page Hopps | Fane, Violet | Lady Philip Currie | Farningham, Marianne | Mary A. Hearne | Fin Bec | W. B. Jerrold | Fleming, George | Julia C. Fletcher | France, Anatole | Anatole FranÇois Thibault | Francis, M. E. | Mrs. M. Blundell | Free Lance, A | F. H. Perry Coste | G. G. | — Harper | Garrett, Edward | Isabella F. Mayo | Gaunt, Mary | Mrs. Miller | Gerard, Dorothea | Mdme. Longard de Longgarde | Gerard, Emily | Mdme. de Lazowski | Gift, Theo. | Theodora Boulger | Grand, Sarah | Mrs. M’Fall | Gray, Maxwell | M. G. Tuttiett | Grier, Sydney C. | Hilda Gregg | GrÉville, Henry | Alice M. C. Durand | Grove, Lilly | Mrs. J. G. Frazer | Gubbins, Nathaniel | Edward Spencer | Gyp | La comtesse de Martel de Janville | Haliburton, Hugh | J. L. Robertson | Hall, Eliza Calvert | Lina Calvert Obenchain | Hamst, Olphar | Ralph Thomas | Hayes, Henry | Mrs. E. O. Kirk | Hertz-Garten, Theodor | Mrs. de Mattos | Hieover, Harry | Charles Bindley | Hobbes, John Oliver | Mrs. Pearl M. T. Craigie | Hoffman, Professor | A. J. Lewis | Holdsworth, Annie | Mrs. E. Lee Hamilton | Hope, AndrÉe | Mrs. Harvey | Hope, Anthony | Anthony H. Hawkins | Hope, Ascott R. | Robt. H. Moncreiff | Ingoldsby, Thomas | Richard H. Barham | Iota | Mrs. Mannington Caffyn | Iron, Ralph | Mrs. O. Cronwright-Schreiner | James, Croake | James Paterson | Janus | Johann J. I. von DÖllinger | K., O. | Mdme. Olga Novikoff (nÉe Kireft) | Keith, Leslie | Mrs. G. L. Keith Johnston | Kipling, Alice | Mrs. Fleming | L., L. E. | Letitia E. MacLean (nÉe Landon) | Laffan, May | Mrs. W. N. Hartley | Larwood, Jacob | L. R. Sadler | Law, John | Miss M. E. Harkness | Leander, Richard | R. Volkmann | Lee, Holme | Harriet Parr | Lee, Vernon | Violet Paget | Legrand, Martin | James Rice | Lennox | Lennox Pierson | Loti, Pierre | Louis M. J. Viaud | Lyall, Edna | Ada E. Bayly | Maartens, Maarten | J. M. W. van der Poorten Schwartz | Maclaren, Ian | John M. Watson | Malet, Lucas | Mrs. M. St. L. Harrison (nÉe Kingsley) | Manning, Anne | Mrs. A. M. Rathbone | Markham, Mrs. | Mrs. Eliz. Penrose | Marlitt. E. | Henriette F. C. E. John | Marlowe, Charles | Harriet Jay | Marryat, Florence | Mrs. F. Lean | Marvell, Ik. | Donald G. Mitchell | Mathers, Helen | Mrs. H. Reeve | Meade, L. T. | Mrs. Toulmin Smith | Meredith, Owen | Earl Lytton | Merriman, Henry Seton | H. S. Scott | Miller, Joaquin | C. H. Miller | Montbard, G. | Charles A. Loyes | Morice, Chas. | Morice Gerard | Morris, May | Mrs. Sparling | Mulholland, Rosa | Lady Gilbert | Nesbit, E. | Edith Bland | Nimrod | C. J. Apperley | Nordau, Max | M. S. SÜdfeld | North, Christopher | Prof. John Wilson | North, Pleydell | Mrs. Egerton Eastwick | Nye, Bill | E. W. Nye | Old Boomerang | J. R. Houlding | Oldcastle, John | Wilfred Meynell | Oliver, Pen | Sir Henry Thompson | Optic, Oliver | Wm. T. Adams | O’Rell, Max. | Paul BlouËt | Otis, James | J. O. Kaler | Ouida | Louise de la RamÉe | Owen, J. A. | Mrs. Owen Visger | Page, H. A. | Alex H. Japp | Pansy | Isabella M. Alden | Parallax | Samuel B. Robotham | Parley, Peter | Wm. Martin | Paston, George | Miss E. M. Symonds | Pattison, Mrs. Mark | Lady E. F. S. Dilke | Paull, M. A. | Mrs. John Ripley | Percy, Sholto and Reuben | Joseph C. Robertson and Thomas Byerley | Phelps, Eliz. S. | Mrs. H. D. Ward | Plain Woman, A | Miss Ingham | Prevost, Francis | H. F. P. Battersby | Pritchard, Martin J. | Mrs. Augustus Moore | Prout, Father | F. Mahony | Q. | A. T. Quiller Couch | Raimond, C. E. | Elisabeth Robins | Rapier | A. E. T. Watson | Ridley, Mrs. Edward | Lady Alice Ridley | Rita | Mrs. W. Desmond Humphreys | Rives, AmÉlie | Mrs. A. R. Chandlers | Robert (“A City Waiter”) | John T. Bedford | Robins, G. M. | Mrs. L. Baillie Reynolds | Robinson, A. Mary F. | Mde. A. M. F. Darmesteter | Rogers, Halliday | Miss Reid | Rutherford, Mark | W. Hale White | St. Aubyn, Alan | Frances Marshall | Saint-Patrice | James H. Hickey | Saintine, X. B. de | Joseph H. Boniface | Sand, George | Mde. A. L. A. Dudevant | Scalpel, Æsculapius | Edward Berdoe | Scott, Leader | Lucy E. Baxter | Seafield, Frank | Alex. H. Grant | SÉguin, L. G. | L. G. Strahan | Setoun, Gabriel | Thos. N. Hepburn | Sharp, Luke | Robert Barr | Shirley | Sir John Skelton | Sigerson, Dora | Mrs. Clement Shorter | Sketchley, Arthur | Geo. Rose | Slick, Sam | T. C. Haliburton | Son of the Marshes, A | Denham Jordan | Son of the Soil, A | J. S. Fletcher | Spinner, Alice | Mrs. Fraser | Stendhal, M. de | Marie Henri Beyle | Stepniak, S. | S. M. Kravchinsky | Stonehenge | John H. Walsh | Strathesk, John | John Tod | Stretton, Hesba | Hannah Smith | Stuart, EsmÉ | Miss Leroy | Swan, Annie S. | Mrs. Burnett Smith | Tasma | Madam J. Couvreur | Thanet, Octave | Alice French | Thomas, Annie | Mrs. Pender Cudlip | Thorne, Whyte | Richard Whiteing | Tomson, Graham R. | Rosamund M. Watson | Travers, Graham | Margt. G. Todd | Turner, Ethel | Mrs. H. R. Curlewis | Twain, Mark | Samuel L. Clemens | Tynan, Katharine | Mrs. H. A. Hinkson | Tytler, Sarah | Henrietta Keddie | Uncle Remus | Joel C. Harris | Vivaria, Kassandra | Mrs. M. Heinemann | Walker, Patricius | Wm. Allingham | Wallis, A. S. C. | Miss Opzoomer | Wanderer | E. H. d’Avigdor | Ward, Artemus | Chas. F. Browne | Warden, Florence | Mrs. Florence James | Waters | Wm. Russell | Webb, Mrs. | Mrs. Webb Peploe | Wells, Charles J. | H. L. Howard | Werner, E. | Elisabeth BÜrstenbinder | Wetherell, Eliz. | Susan Warner | Wharton, Grace and Philip | John C. and Katharine Thomson | Whitby, Beatrice | Mrs. Philip Hicks | Wiggin, Kate D. | Mrs. J. C. Rigg | Wilcox, E. G. | Mrs. Egerton Allen | Winchester, M. E. | M. E. Whatham | Winter, John Strange | Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard | Worboise, Emma J. | Mrs. E. Guyton | Yorke, Curtis | Mrs. S. Richmond Lee | Z. Z. | Louis Zangwill | Zack | Gwendoline Keats |