List of words or phrases occurring in connection with books, with the abbreviations of them used in cataloguing. When an alternative abbreviation is given, that placed first is recommended. Authors, Editors, and Titles. | Editor, Edited | ed. | Herausgegeben | hrsg. herausg. | Translator, Translated | transl. tr. | Traduit, Tradotto | trad. | Compiler, Compiled | comp. | Illustrator | illus. | Introduction, Introductory | intro. | Anonym, Anonymous | anon. | Pseudonym, Pseudonymous | pseud. | Born | b. | Died | d. | Society | Soc. (In names of societies, as Camden Soc.) | Thus | (sic). Inserted sometimes to emphasize peculiarity of spelling or phrase. | Volumes and Collations. | Volume, Volumes | v. | Band | bd. | Part, Parts | Pt., pts. | Number, Numbers | No., nos. | Series | ser. | New series | n.s. | Pamphlet, Pamphlets | pamph. | Pages | pp. | Leaves | ll. | Folios | ff. | Illustrated, Illustrations | illus., ill., il. | Coloured | col. | Portrait, Portraits | port., ports. | Frontispiece | front., frontis. | Plate, Plates | pl., pls. | Large paper | l.p. | Advertisements | advts. | No title-page | n.t.p. | Title-page wanting | t.p.w. | Imprint. | No date | n. d., N.D., s.a. (i.e., sine anno.) | No place | n.p. | No place or date | s.a. et l. | Various dates | v.d. | About (Circa, followed by a date) | c. | Printed, Printer | pr. | Published, Publisher | pub. | Manuscript, Manuscripts | MS., MSS. | Reprint | repr. | Specimen abbreviations for places of publication (only) | Lon., Dub., Edin., Oxf., Camb., L’pool, M’chester, B’ham, N. York. | Edition | ed. | Binding. | Cloth | cl. | Morocco | mor. | Calf | cf. | Half | hf. | Bound | bd. | Binding | bdg. | Gilt edges | g.e. | Sizes of Books. | Sextodecimo | 16o., 16mo., S | Duodecimo | 12o., 12mo., duo., D. | Octavo | 8o., 8vo., O. | Quarto | 4o., 4to., Q. | Folio | fo., fol., F. | Small | sm. | Large | la. | Super | sup. | Atlas | atl. | Imperial | imp. | Royal | roy. | Demy | dy. | Crown | cr. | Oblong | obl. |