
List of words or phrases occurring in connection with books, with the abbreviations of them used in cataloguing. When an alternative abbreviation is given, that placed first is recommended.

Authors, Editors, and Titles.
Editor, Edited ed.
Herausgegeben hrsg. herausg.
Translator, Translated transl. tr.
Traduit, Tradotto trad.
Compiler, Compiled comp.
Illustrator illus.
Introduction, Introductory intro.
Anonym, Anonymous anon.
Pseudonym, Pseudonymous pseud.
Born b.
Died d.
Society Soc. (In names of societies, as Camden Soc.)
Thus (sic). Inserted sometimes to emphasize peculiarity of spelling or phrase.
Volumes and Collations.
Volume, Volumes v.
Band bd.
Part, Parts Pt., pts.
Number, Numbers No., nos.
Series ser.
New series n.s.
Pamphlet, Pamphlets pamph.
Pages pp.
Leaves ll.
Folios ff.
Illustrated, Illustrations illus., ill., il.
Coloured col.
Portrait, Portraits port., ports.
Frontispiece front., frontis.
Plate, Plates pl., pls.
Large paper l.p.
Advertisements advts.
No title-page n.t.p.
Title-page wanting t.p.w.
No date n. d., N.D., s.a. (i.e., sine anno.)
No place n.p.
No place or date s.a. et l.
Various dates v.d.
About (Circa, followed by a date) c.
Printed, Printer pr.
Published, Publisher pub.
Manuscript, Manuscripts MS., MSS.
Reprint repr.
Specimen abbreviations for places of publication (only) Lon., Dub., Edin., Oxf., Camb., L’pool, M’chester, B’ham, N. York.
Edition ed.
Cloth cl.
Morocco mor.
Calf cf.
Half hf.
Bound bd.
Binding bdg.
Gilt edges g.e.
Sizes of Books.
Sextodecimo 16o., 16mo., S
Duodecimo 12o., 12mo., duo., D.
Octavo 8o., 8vo., O.
Quarto 4o., 4to., Q.
Folio fo., fol., F.
Small sm.
Large la.
Super sup.
Atlas atl.
Imperial imp.
Royal roy.
Demy dy.
Crown cr.
Oblong obl.


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