Abbreviations, 68, 82, 84, 87;
list of, 239-241
Academical degrees, 49, 63
Academies, 97
Acts of Parliament, 103
Additions to entries not on title-pages, 53
Alignment of title-pages marking, 132
Alphabetical order. See Order of arrangement.
Alphabetico-classed catalogues, 13;
questions answered by, 22;
its defects, 27;
defined, 31
America, Library cataloguing in, 8
American Library Association Rules, 14
Annotated editions, 193
Annotations, qualifications of authors, 49;
explanatory of foreign book titles, 85;
to works of fiction, 204;
to mark sequels, 207;
in quarterly, &c., guides, 209;
advantage of classified catalogue for, 209;
dictionary catalogues, 209;
general considerations, 209-211;
examples, 211-212;
bibliographical, 213
Annuals, 197
Anonymous books, 175;
to discover author's name, 175;
method of entry, 176;
if author revealed, 177;
heading of "Anon," 178;
"By the author of —", 179;
initials, 180-184
Arabic figures, 40
Articles, The, in titles of books, 65, 123, 124;
omission of, in title-entries, 123, 173, 178;
in French title-entries, 126
Artists considered jointly with authors, 80;
names, 146
Associations, 107
Author catalogues, Questions answered by, 22;
defined, 29
Author-entry, 33;
turning about of authors' names, 49, 50;
authors with similar names, 63;
books by and on, 74, 75, 120;
authors of anonymous books, 177, 178.
See also Names, Personal. Joint-authors.
Barrett, Mr. F. T., 27
Bengali names, 154
Bible, The, 185-187;
commentaries, 187-191;
classified catalogue, 191
Bibliographical details, 39
Biographical dictionaries, 37-38
Biographical works in the classified catalogue, 121
Birmingham Public Library, 12
Bishops, 62
Bishopsgate Institute catalogues, 209
"Book," Meaning of, 41
Books with changed titles, 208
Boston AthenÆum Library catalogue, 14
Boston Public Library, 10
Brackets, Use of, 53, 177, 182
British Museum catalogue, 3;
British Museum rules, 7;
Royal Commission of 1850, 7;
Catalogue of Printed Books, 17;
Fortescue's Subject-index, 27-29;
order of information in entries tabulated, 42;
rule for social titles, 64;
method of cataloguing publications of societies, 97;
and Oriental names, 153
Brown, Mr. James D., on classifications, 17
"By the author of —," 179-180
Canonized persons, 140-141
Capital letters, Use of, 64-66, 120;
for emphasis in titles, 170
Card catalogues, 33
Carlyle, Thomas, on catalogues, 4
Cataloguer, The qualifications of a, 3
Catalogues, Kinds of, 3;
the need for, 4;
value of, not according to size, 4;
of new libraries, 5;
necessity for good catalogues, 5;
cannot be haphazard, 6;
the needs of those for whom prepared, 19;
form to be fixed, 19;
difficulty of changing, 19;
to suit the public catered for, 20;
information catalogues should give, 21;
dictionary v. classified, 23;
various forms defined, 29-31;
details in catalogue entries, 39;
order of details tabulated, 41-43;
condensed entries, 43;
omissions in sub-entries, 44;
cost of printing, 219.
See also Alphabetico-classed. Classified. Dictionary.
Cataloguing, Mistaken ideas about, 1;
Prof. Fiske on, 2;
difficulties of, 2;
over-cataloguing, 5;
history of modern, 7 et seq.;
troublesome and expensive, 25;
stationery required, 32
Cataloguing rules, 6;
the study of, 32;
need for, 6, 9, 32;
Panizzi's British Museum rules, 8-9;
Jewett's rules, 10;
Crestadoro's plan, 10;
index-form, 11;
Cutter's rules, 14;
Joint-code of L.A. and A.L.A., 14;
Dziatzko's Instruction, 15;
Linderfelt's Eclectic rules, 15;
some simple, direct rules, 214-216
Changed names, 37, 111, 112
Chelsea Public Library, 157
Chinese names, 157
Christian or forenames, 35, 36;
confusion arising from same initials, 46;
to be kept in the vernacular, 76;
persons entered by, 132-147;
of monarchs, 135;
of women authors, 173;
contractions, 194
Civil distinctions, 64
Class lists defined, 30
Classical authors, 128-130
Classics, Title-entries for, 200
Classification, Dewey's Decimal, 16;
Brown's Adjustable, 17;
Cutter's Expansive, 17
Classified catalogues, Dewey classification and, 16;
questions answered by, 22;
Cutter on its advantages, 23;
and disadvantages, 24;
its cost, 25;
indexes to, 25;
early catalogues, 25;
and "open access," 25;
defined, 30;
marking the entry, 45;
curtailed entry, 46;
index entries, 46 et seq.;
"contents" in index entries, 72;
society publications, 100;
biographies, 121;
works of fiction, 125;
monarchs, 133, 136;
popes, 137;
annotations in, 209
Collations, 39, 40;
explanations of, 50, 118;
omitted as an economy, 123
Collected works, Cataloguing of, 76
Collier, J. Payne, 8
Colophon, 39
"Colour" books, 80
Commentaries, 193
Compilers, 194
Composers, Music, 89
Composite books, 58, 62
Compound personal names, 110-117, 127
Compound place-names, 105
Concordances, 194
Condensation of entries, 44, 45, 123, 158
Congresses and conferences, 108
Contents of miscellaneous works, Setting-out of, 72, 75;
of music, 92
Co-operative cataloguing, 9
Corporate publications, 71
Correspondence, Writers in, 53
Cost of catalogues, 25, 219
County antiquarian societies, 98
Courtesy titles, 149
Crestadoro, A., 10
Cutter, C. A., Rules for a dictionary catalogue, 14;
order of information in entries, 42;
on the advantages and disadvantages of the classified catalogue, 23-24;
and of the dictionary catalogue, 25-27
Dashes, Repetition, 170
Dates of author's birth and death, 36;
dates of reigns, 136
Dates of publication, 39, 40, 44;
added, 68;
to music, 94;
to works of fiction, 123
"De," "de la," "du" in British names, 122;
in French names, 125-127
Definitions of styles of catalogues, 29
Dewey's, Mr. M., Decimal classification, 16;
applied, 45 et seq.
Dictionary catalogue, Early forms, 11-13;
questions it will answer, 22;
advantages and disadvantages, 25-27;
systematic, 29;
defined, 30;
annotations, 209
Directories, 197-198
Distinctions, Social, 64
Double entry for subjects, 151
Doubleday, Mr. W. E., 27, 209
Dramatic works, 214
Dziatzko, Prof., 15
Ecclesiastical titles, 62, 64
Economies in entries, 53, 59, 75, 77, 81, 123, 139
Editions, Collections of, 77
Editors' references, 54, 193;
essays under editor's name, 67
Edwards, Edward, 8
"Entry-reference," 107
Essays, Volumes of, by various authors, 66 et seq.;
by one author, pseudonyms, 161;
married women, 171;
husband and wife, 172.
See also Christian names.
Newspapers, 195
Noblemen, 148-151
Notes, Descriptive, in catalogues. See Annotations.
Novels. See Fiction.
Numbers, Transcription of, 40, 56, 87, 135
Official publications, 101 et seq.
Omissions indicated, 38
"Open access" system, 17;
classified catalogues and, 25
Order of arrangement of entries, official publications, 104;
works in original and translations, 117;
names with prefixes, 118, 119, 122;
books by and on, 74, 120;
the articles in, 124;
of monarchs, 135;
apostles, saints, &c., 146;
joint-authors, 172;
initials for authors' names, 182, 184;
Bible, 185-186;
fiction in series, 206-207
Order of information in entries tabulated, 41-43
Oriental names, 16, 153-159
Pages, Number of, &c. ("collation"), 39, 40
Panizzi, Sir Anthony, 8
Parentheses, Names in, 34
Parliament, Acts of, 103
Parsee names, 154
Peerage, 63, 64
Periodicals, 195; indexes to, 95
Places of publication, 39, 40;
abbreviations, 51
Places with compound names, 105
Poetical works, 74, 214
Popes, 137
Popular terms for subject-headings, 202
Potentates, 132
Prefaces, Writers of, 116
Prefixes, Names with, 117-128
Principal entry, 33 et seq.
Printer's name (imprint), 39
Printing of catalogues:
preparation of the manuscript, 217;
marking for type, 218;
"get-up" and cost, 25, 218-20;
illustrative examples of styles of type, 220-227;
table of types, 223;
tenders, 228;
specification, 229-232;
reading of proofs, 233-234;
type "kept standing," 234;
markings in proof correcting illustrated, 236-238
Professorships, 49
Pseudonyms v. real names, 161;
method of distinguishing pseudonyms, 162;
references, 163;
both names, 163-165;
obvious pseudonyms, 165;
phrase-pseudonyms, 165;
covered by initials, 184;
list of pseudonyms with real names, 242-249
Publisher's name (imprint), 39, 40
Publisher's series, 139, 193
Publishing societies, 98-100
Punctuation, 70-71, 145
Punctuation of title-pages, 48
Qualifications of authors (annotations), 211
Queens, 136
Questions catalogues should answer tabulated, 21
Quotations on title-pages, 38
References, Joint-authors, 49, 59, 81;
cross-references for synonymous terms, 52, 67, 202;
editors, 54, 129;
omissions of, 59;
See and See also references, 61;
use of subject references demonstrated, 56, 60, 61, 67, 73, 77, 86, 87, 102, 103, 107, 109, 134, 138, 146, 149, 152, 172, 173, 190, 192;
translators and illustrators, 83, 90;
writers of libretti, 90;
compound names, 112;
married names, 174
Repetition dashes, 170
"Rev." in titles, 64
Reviewing of books by newspapers, &c., 6;
in annotations, 210
Roman numerals, 40;
in titles of monarchs, 135
Royal personages, 132
Sacred books, 191-192
"Saint" in names, 118, 119
Saints, 140
Sermons, 214
Sequels in fiction, 206
Series, Entry of, 138-139, 193;
fiction, 206
"Sheaf-catalogues," 33
Sizes of books, 41, 105
Size of catalogues (extent), 4;
in printing, 227
Smithsonian Institution, 8
Society publications, 71;
"indexing" contents, 95;
indexes, 95;
methods of cataloguing, 95 et seq.;
in the classified catalogue, 100;
periodicals, 196
Specific entry, 61, 68, 152, 168, 200
Statutes, 103
Stereotyping catalogues, 9
Subject-catalogue defined, 30
Subject-entry, 43;
subjects not named on title-pages, 43;
subject-title-entry, 44;
subject-heading, 44;
author's surname in, 45;
not specific, 112;
not required for classical authors, 130;
question of double entry, 151;
for periodicals, 197;
definite subject to be ascertained, 200;
for fiction, 204;
simple rules for, 214-216.
See also Specific entry.
Subject headings, sub-division of, 57, 66, 74, 109, 152, 183, 217;
concentration of subjects, 109, 201;
terms to be fixed, 202;
popular terms, 202;
foreign terms, 127, 203;
references, 56;
demonstrated, 60, 66, 79, 112, 113, 151 et seq.
See also Specific entry. Synonymous headings.
Surnames. See Names, Personal.
Sutton, Mr. C. W., 120
Sweden, Royal Library, 157
Synonymous headings, 52, 67, 202.
See also References.
Technical journals, 196-197
Title-as-subject entry, 44, 124
Title-catalogue defined, 29
Title-entries for works of fiction, 115;
title-entry demonstrated, 119, 123 et seq.;
music, 91;
where required, 200;
superfluous, 57, 69, 121, 125, 182, 199
Title-page, Entry to be taken from the, 33;
and without alteration, 129;
treatment of title-pages demonstrated, 34, 48;
alignment of, marked, 132
Titles of books, Turning about of, 119, 123;
not to be altered, 129;
condensed, 158;
misleading, 200; of popular novels, 208;
changed titles, 208
Titles of rank, 63;
of noblemen, 148-151
Translations of title-pages, 85, 88
Translations, Order of arrangement of, 117
Translators, 83
Translators, Voluntary, 156
Type-setting machines, 34, 234, 235
Types in printed catalogues, Examples of, 220-227;
table of types, 223
Uniformity in cataloguing, Prof. Jewett on, 9
"Van" and "von," 128
Volume, Works in more than one, 40, 41
Volumes of works in progress, 104
Watts, Thomas, 8
Wheatley's, H. B., How to catalogue a library, 18;
on adapting catalogues to the comprehension of the fool, 20
Winsor, Prof. Justin, 27
Women, Married, as joint-authors, 55-57, 171, 172;
known by name of husband, 173;
changed names, 174-175
Works in progress, 104