The Preparation of "Copy." Markings for Type. Styles of Printing in Various Catalogues. Table of Types. Tenders for Printing. Model Specification. Reading and Correction of Proofs. Type "Kept Standing." The preparation of the manuscript of the catalogue for the press, and the reading and correction of proofs, call for great care on the part of the cataloguer, if the results of his labours are to be entirely satisfactory when in print. The slips being all sorted into exact order, it is well to paste them down on sheets of paper, to make the "copy" for the printer. Any kind of paper serves the purpose, provided it is strong and the sheets are uniform in size; back numbers of periodicals, if on good paper, do quite well. When the entries in the dictionary catalogue under a subject-heading are fairly numerous, they are sub-divided before they are pasted down; the entries themselves usually suggesting the appropriate sub-headings—or "arrangement according to material." Some sub-divisions have been added to the illustrative entries in these pages to show this. The headings of the second and subsequent entries under an author's name, and under a subject, are cut away before the slips are pasted down, or they must be scored through afterwards; watchful care has to be exercised lest too much be cut off the slips at this time. If the catalogue is classified the numerical symbols are interpreted, and such class-headings, Should the catalogue entries be written or typed on good cards, inconvenient to paste down, or which it is desired to preserve, they can be numbered consecutively and strung together for the printer; anything upon them not meant to be printed being marked out, including in this case also the headings of second and subsequent entries under a single heading and an author's name. Whether sent on separate cards or as pasted sheets, each entry must be marked for the sizes and styles of type the printer is to use. The following is a convenient and recognised method of doing this:— For CAPITALS underline three times in black ink. For Small Capitals underline twice in black ink. For Italics underline once in black ink. For Clarendon, Antique, or other heavy type underline as before but in red. For smaller type than the body of the catalogue mark the portions down the margin with a vertical line. Various considerations enter into the question of the style or "get-up" (i.e., size, types, paper, binding) of the catalogue. In all rate-supported libraries the foremost of these is the expense involved. Owing to the disconnected nature of catalogue entries the setting is somewhat troublesome work for the compositor, and, taking longer time than straightforward work, costs more, though the modern The illustrative examples throughout this work give an idea of the styles of types recommended, though the choice is more one of usage or personal preference. The following examples, taken from various catalogues, are selected as representing the styles of printing usually met with in catalogues. A common and very economical form is set in 8-point (or brevier) old-style type, with authors' names, when leading, in small capitals, the subject-headings in antique, with the entries under them in 6-point (or nonpareil) as well as all contents and annotations. It is printed in double columns with a double rule dividing the columns, and on a royal octavo page:—
A variation has the authors' names, wherever they occur, printed in clarendon (heavy type) and the subject-headings in capitals and small capitals after this fashion:—
The disadvantage of this style is the over-emphasis of authors' names at the cost of subject-headings, which are somewhat obscured instead of being made prominent. The general appearance is not good, the page having a "spotty" look. The next example is much the same in character as the first, except that it is set in modern-faced type, the shelf numbers are given in heavy type, and the gauge is different. On the whole it presents a pleasing appearance, though the punctuation is unusual:—
"Old-style" in type does not mean old-fashioned, but the more artistic and readable type modelled on the lettering of the early printers, principally those of the Italian presses, and is that most preferred at present. If anything, modern-faced type is the older fashioned. Fantastic or decorated types, even for initial capitals at the commencement of a division of the catalogue, are better avoided. The following is an example somewhat after the style of the second given above, but applied to a classified catalogue:—
When varying sizes of type are used for distinctive purposes, the contrast is better brought about by using for the smaller type one which is two sizes under that of the body of the catalogue. Thus if 10-point (or long primer) is used, then 8-point (or brevier) is taken for the small type rather than 9-point (or bourgeois), which would not be sufficiently distinctive. All the above examples are in 8-point (or brevier) with 6-point (or nonpareil) for the small size. The following table of types and the space they occupy is useful for reference:—
Where cost has not to be considered, a better effect is obtained by printing a catalogue across the page instead of in double columns. This takes up nearly twice as much space, given the same size of type, and is usually printed in demy octavo size (8½ inches by 5½). If the number of entries is large the catalogue makes a thick volume, though this depends largely upon the size of type used. The following example is taken from a class-list printed in 8-point (or brevier) with notes and contents in 6-point (or nonpareil) as in the double-columned catalogues shown above:—
It is with the object of using larger-sized types that catalogues are printed across the page, as the double-columned catalogue does not admit of the use of large type without adopting a wide page, which is somewhat inconvenient. The next three examples are of the larger-type character:—
The type here is 11-point (or small pica) with contents and notes in 6-point (nonpareil). This catalogue runs to 790 pages (for 32,000 volumes) without advertisements, and a bound copy weighs 2¾ lbs.:—
In this the type of the body of the catalogue is the same in size as the previous example (11-point), the contents under subject-heading being in 8-point (brevier) take up less room. The catalogue contains 500 pages for 15,000 volumes.
There are other sizes of catalogues from a quarto to a duodecimo, so far as the size of the pages is concerned, but the above examples include all sizes of type that it is advisable to use; anything larger than 11-point (small pica) being too The styles of types having been settled, it is customary to invite tenders for the work from printing firms selected because of their repute, experience, and ability to carry out such work. The possibility of securing a satisfactory or economical piece of work is very remote if it is open to all who choose to tender, even within a local area. The cheapest tender obtained in this way frequently proves the dearest in the end, to say nothing of the worry and vexation caused to the librarian by people undertaking work they have not the material or competence to execute properly. All firms must tender upon the same basis, and therefore it is essential that a specification be prepared for the purpose. The following is prepared for the style of printing first mentioned (page 220), though it can be easily altered in this and other respects to suit requirements. It is fairer to all concerned if a specimen page is set up embodying the cataloguer's intentions and all the styles of type it is proposed to use as nearly as possible in the right proportions, though this is not of first-rate importance if the various sizes to be used are separately priced and measured up for payment at the completion of the work. It must be remembered that though smaller type occupies less space it costs more to compose than the larger. It is also an [Specification for Printing.] COUNTY BOROUGH OF BIBLIOVILLE. Specification for Printing a Catalogue of the Public Library. The Committee of the Public Library invite tenders for printing a catalogue of their Lending Library upon the following conditions: Edition and Size.—The edition to consist of three thousand copies, royal octavo in size (not less than 9¼ by 6 when bound). Note.—The number of the edition depends entirely upon local circumstances and probable sales. A library of 5,000 borrowers will take about seven years to sell 3,500 copies of a catalogue at 6d. per copy. Paper.—To be at least 32lbs. royal to the ream, of good finish, white, uniform in tint throughout. Type and Setting.—8-point Old-style, with occasional small capitals, italics, and Clarendon or antique, with 6-point for subjects, Machining.—The sheets to be well worked in perfect register, with good ink and uniform impression, afterwards rolling or pressing if needed. Note.—Good printers do not now need to hot press or roll the sheets. Time.—From the first receipt of copy, the work to be proceeded with at a rate of not less than two sheets of sixteen pages each per week until completed [or in default thereof the printer to pay a sum of two pounds per week as damages.] Note.—A penalty clause is optional; much depends upon the printer, who may be very dilatory and use the work to fill up with when not otherwise busy. Proofs.—Two copies of proof in galley and two copies of a revise in page to be furnished for reading and correction. The Librarian to have the right to demand a revise in galley and such revises in page as he shall deem necessary. No sheet to be sent to press until ordered by the endorsement of the Librarian thereon. Additions and corrections.—The Librarian to have the right to insert additional matter in galley but not in page except as an author's correction. No extra charge to be allowed for author's corrections unless pointed out and priced at the time they are made. Number of pages. Covers.—Three thousand covers to be printed upon coloured paper of an approved tint, not less than 34lbs. to the ream (royal). The front of this cover to be printed with the title of the catalogue. Note.—If the catalogue is not to be bound in boards, but is to have paper covers only, the weight of the paper should be at least 70lbs. Binding.—The whole edition is to be bound in good strawboards of suitable thickness, with cloth strip backs, and strongly sewn with thread, the covers being pasted on the front and back and the whole cut flush. Fourteen days will be allowed for binding after the last sheet has been returned for the press. Delivery.—The catalogues when completed are to be securely tied up in brown paper parcels of fifty each and delivered to the Librarian at the Public Library. Tender.—The tender is to state the price per page for 8-point and for 6-point type respectively, this price to be inclusive of all charges for press corrections, covers, binding, and delivery as aforesaid. When completed the work is to be measured Other conditions.—The work is to be executed to the entire satisfaction of the Librarian, and if he is dissatisfied with it in any respect he is authorised to stop the work and refer the matter to the Library Committee for their decision, which shall be final and binding. Contract.—The Committee may require the firm whose tender is accepted to enter into a contract with the Borough Council to carry out the work in accordance with this specification and its conditions, and to give an undertaking that the rate of wages paid and hours of labour observed are those that are generally accepted as fair by the printing trades. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Specimens of the kind of work required can be inspected at the Librarian's office, where also the "copy" can be seen as far as ready. Tenders, with samples of the papers proposed to be used, are to be sent in sealed envelopes, endorsed "Catalogue," to reach the undersigned not later than noon on the 5th day of November, 1913. JOHN SMITH, The preliminaries having been settled, the work of printing is put in hand by furnishing the printer with a supply of "copy," of say 100 sheets, duly marked for varieties of type and other details. In due course the printer will send two or three copies of proofs printed in single column on long strips of paper known as "galleys," with ample margins on which to mark the corrections. The corrections are not marked on the printed matter alone, but the nature of the correction required is also marked in the margin. An assistant, possessing some knowledge of the subject, should read out the "copy" slowly and distinctly to the cataloguer, at the same time directing attention to any peculiarities of spelling, punctuation, accented letters, and the like. It is a very difficult task to correct the proofs by reference to the "copy" without having it read aloud. Each galley having been once read through should have the shelf numbers called again, as mistakes in these cause most trouble. After this the cataloguer will be well advised to read the galleys through carefully once more, apart from the "copy," provided he can spare the time, and is not overwhelmed with proofs by the printer. He should also mark the places for the insertion of any additions, which are either written on the margins or, if large in number, made into a new sheet of "copy," with a separate numbering for each item, this numbering being used for marking the exact place where it is to be inserted. When the corrections are many, as they often are in the early stages of the work before the compositor has got into the right way, it is advisable to have "a revise" in galley—that is, an additional Most catalogues are now set up on the Linotype or Monotype machines, when it is as well to ascertain which of these machines is in use. By the Linotype a single addition of a word or correction of a letter involves the resetting of the whole line, possibly two, and the lines must be re-read. Corrections on the Monotype are made by single pieces in the ordinary way. It is essential in hand-setting to look out for wrong founts, that is pieces of another size or style of type which have been accidentally mixed up with that being used, and if printed will mar the appearance. Broken and worn letters also should be marked to be changed. Work on the type-setting machines is not so much subject to these faults, though they are possible. The method of correcting a proof and the signs used in the process are shown in Appendix A. With the object of saving expense in the printing of new editions of catalogues, some librarians are trying the experiment of keeping the type standing and paying a small rental. The edition printed is then not so large as usual, and when a new edition is required the type is again used and the new additions inserted. An arrangement of this kind The storage of type until wanted for reprinting does not enter into consideration where the Monotype setting machine is used, the perforated paper rolls being easily filed away until required again; though this is rather the concern of the printer than of the librarian. We may conclude with the following quotation taken from the preface of a library catalogue:— "In the former catalogue it was said that 'It would seem to be impossible to produce a catalogue absolutely free from errors of compilation or the press, and some are already noted for correction when the next edition is called for.' This statement still holds good." |