Title-Entries. Classics. Specific Subject. Concentration of Subject. Definite Headings. Popular Terms. Historical Fiction. Novels in Series. Sequels. Fiction Known by Special Titles. Books with Changed Titles. Annotations. Form Entries. Summary Hints. Without dwelling too much on the various points that seem to need emphasis, some may be recapitulated with advantage. There is a great tendency among cataloguers to overdo the title-entries in a dictionary catalogue, thereby adding to its bulk and cost without gaining any compensating advantage. One of the chief objections to the dictionary catalogue is superfluous first-word title-entries. To give a title-entry is an easy method of disposing of a book when its precise subject is not readily discerned. To enter books with titles like Factors in modern history under "Factors," The Winter Queen under "Winter," Romance of the renaissance chateaux under "Romance," Wanderings by Southern waters under "Wanderings," England's case against Home Rule under "England's," serves no practical purpose; in fact often leads to "hotch-potch" like the following: Dutch at Home. By Esquiros The second of these alone needed a title-entry, the others should have been allocated to their proper subjects. Title-entries of this type are seldom necessary outside works of fiction, volumes of essays or of poems with specific titles, and a few books that are specially known by their titles, of which Eothen, Sesame and lilies, Sartor resartus, are types. Title-entries should be the exception, not the rule. In the case of classics—that is "classics" in a wide sense, not merely the Greek and Latin—there is rarely any occasion to give more than the principal entries, the authors being so thoroughly well known that title-entries or references are redundant. None of Shakespeare's plays requires a title-entry; no entries are needed under "Iliad" or "Odyssey," or under "Inferno," or "Divine Comedy," or even under "Paradise Lost" or "Faust" (for Goethe's). It is a useful axiom for the cataloguer that he must ascertain clearly what is the definite subject of a book before he decides upon the proper subject-heading for it in the dictionary catalogue, as he is compelled to do before he can assign the exact place for a book in the classified catalogue. Further, he should not attach too much importance to the terms of the title-page in the process, else he will stumble on "pitfalls" in the shape of titles that may mislead, and so be induced to place a book on artificial lighting with the title "The art of illumination" under the wrong kind of "Illuminating," an "Essay on Irish bulls" under "Cattle," "The psychology of socialism" under "Mind," and "The Fine Art of Jujutsu" under "Art," even misread "Jujutsu" as the name of an artist. As already stated, it is well to avoid scattering books upon a single subject, even if viewed from varying standpoints, under several headings throughout the catalogue, if they can be reasonably brought together, and the fact that the books are in different languages must not be allowed to affect the matter. As a case in point, we may take such a subject of the day as "Tariff Reform." It is both possible and desirable to concentrate under some appropriate and inclusive heading, say "Free Trade Question" or "Tariffs," the books for and against free trade; embodying under it those dealing with special aspects of the question, instead of scattering them, on account of the terms used on their title-pages, under "Protection," "Food Taxes," "Imperial Preference," "Tariffs," "Fiscal Question," "Tariff Reform," "Fair Trade," "Reciprocity," etc. When these terms occur in the titles, a reference from them to the heading can easily be given if thought desirable. Omitting the principal entries, this may be illustrated by showing several books of apparently very different views that really bear upon this question, and justify inclusion under it. Free Trade Question: This also serves to show the convenience of fixing upon some term of a permanent character for a subject-heading, and so "ear-marking" it by means of cross-references that synonymous headings cannot occur. It may be argued that these terms are not strictly synonymous, indeed, are mostly opposites, Free Trade not being Tariff Reform or Protection. It must be remembered that every book upon such a subject contains something on the other side of the question, therefore bringing books together in this fashion certainly gives a whole view of the subject. Were the entries numerous under the heading, they could be divided to show the books advocating free trade and those against. There are other subjects that lend themselves to similar treatment, as for example that shown on page 109. Where the terms used are undoubtedly synonymous, definite choice of one has to be made, and the cross-reference given from the other; Ethics or Moral Philosophy, Political Economy or Economics, Physics or Natural Philosophy, and so on; the more modern or commonly used terms being preferable, as Ethics, Economics, Physics. Popular, rather than scientific or technical, names should be chosen for subject-headings, especially for the catalogues of libraries used by all classes of the community—Spiders not Arachnida, Worms not Annelida, Fishes not Ichthyology, Crime (Punishment, etc., of) not Penology, Stamp-Collecting not Philately, Consumption not Phthisis. Care must be taken that the popular term means the same thing—thus a book upon algÆ cannot be entered under "Sea-weeds" if it includes the freshwater species. It is also customary to avoid the use of foreign terms if there are English equivalents, but this is not always the case—"jiu-jitsu" (or "jujutsu"), for example, has no word in English meaning the same thing. It is trite and commonplace to say that there is much reliable history written in the form of fiction, and a great deal of fiction in the guise of serious books: this being so, the cataloguer is well advised to reckon with it. Whether we shall notice all novels "with a purpose" opens too wide a question, but many are not only true to life but are real history, and meant to be so. For example, a recently published book Diver, Maud. The hero of Herat. while ostensibly a novel, is a biography, which may be read as such, of Major Eldred Pottinger, who devoted his life to furthering British interests on the Indian frontier. Another book of the kind, nominally fiction yet virtually a life of Hamilton, the American statesman, is Atherton, Gertrude F. The Conqueror. On the other hand, works of historical romance are got up in size and appearance, including the provision of portraits as illustrations, to range with histories and biographies, and thus they deceive the unwary, who are apt to regard them as authoritative and genuine, although perhaps it is not the intention of the author that they should be so regarded. Such a book is "Hare, Christopher" (Mrs. Andrews.) Isabella While written in the form of letters, it is pure romance, with an historical basis. In the ordinary way these books would receive quite different treatment, even for the classified catalogue. For the dictionary catalogue the books palpably novels would have title-entries given them, as Hero of Herat, The. Diver, M. whereas the larger-sized book receives a subject-entry as a serious book, Isabella of Milan, Princess d'Aragona, &c. and would be placed with historical biography in the classified catalogue. This raises the important question whether the cataloguer is ever justified in giving subject-entries for works of fiction, especially historical romances. Much depends upon the nature and quality of the book. When it can be read as a contribution to the subject or period with which it deals, without being to any extent misleading, then it may fairly and usefully receive a subject-entry. Where so entered, it will prevent misunderstanding if a note (annotation) is appended to the entry, stating that the work is in fiction form. A schoolmaster, who was versed in the life of Sir Thomas More, read Anne Manning's "The household of Sir Thomas More" more than once, and could hardly be convinced that it was a work of fiction. Catalogued according to the suggestions here outlined, the entries for the works of fiction would be Diver, Maud. The Hero of Herat: a frontier The foregoing remarks not only relate to historical fiction, but also to other works that are undoubtedly contributions to their subjects apart from the form in which they are written. A book just published is
The preface opens with a statement to the effect that "although the book is cast in the form of a story, all the facts about Brittany and her people are true, and may be relied upon by those who care to use the work as a guide-book." This If the proportion of fiction outweighs the fact so largely that the book is valueless except as romance, it is wiser to limit the entries to author and title. It is possible (but undesirable) to enter all the works of fiction dealing with a particular person, or epoch, or event, under the subjects, but they should be kept apart from serious works, under a sub-heading marking them distinctly as fiction. Valuable helps in this connection are Dr. E. A. Baker's Guide to the Best Fiction and Historical Fiction. When novels belong to a connected series, and are meant to be read in a particular order, it is helpful to indicate the order of reading. French fiction is noteworthy in this respect, Balzac's ScÈnes de la vie, Zola's Les Rongon-Macquart, Ohnet's Les batailles de la vie, and Rolland's Jean-Cristophe, may be named as examples. In English fiction we have Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire and Mrs. Oliphant's Chronicles of Carlingford. A recent example is that of Mr. Hugh Walpole, whose novels are arranged in order of sequence in this way Walpole, Hugh. Studies in place: They can be given in this order in the catalogue, instead of alphabetically, for the reason that The order of reading of sequels is indicated by means of notes to the entries, as Wood, Mrs. Henry. The Channings. Sometimes the books are placed in the order they are intended to be read, and numbered accordingly. The first comes into place in its alphabetical order of title, and the rest follow irrespective of the alphabetical order, after this manner Dumas, Alexandre. The Chevalier d'Harmental This is not so desirable a form as the notes appended to the entries, because it is less clear in At this point it may be mentioned that well-known works of fiction are often more familiarly known by short titles than by what may be called their official titles, especially if those titles include proper names. This has to be taken into account for title-entries, if not in the main entries. Accordingly "The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe" is entered as "Robinson Crusoe," "The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club" as "Pickwick Papers," and "The personal history and experience of David Copperfield the Younger" as "David Copperfield." Books with changed titles are among the "pitfalls" that beset the path of the librarian, and call for special alertness on the part of the cataloguer. Three such books came under notice on a single day recently, and are here named, as they show the difficulty of preventing the acquisition of duplicates and of the consequent addition of superfluous entries to the catalogue. An American edition of a novel by Agnes and Egerton Castle, entitled The heart of Lady Anne, was duly catalogued by that title until found to be the same book as French Nan (American editions are troublesome in this respect); Anderson's The a b c of artistic photography in theory and practice (1913) was found to be identical with his The artistic side of photography (1908); and Norton's Bible student's handbook of Assyriology (1913) to be merely a new edition of his A most commendable feature of modern cataloguing is the explanatory notes and other annotations appended to catalogue entries. These are for the most part to be found in the lists of additions to libraries published monthly, quarterly, or annually; such publications lending themselves readily to this descriptive form of cataloguing. The classified catalogue has also the advantage over the dictionary form for this purpose, because, rarely having more than a single entry for each book, the question as to where the note is to go does not arise. The dictionary catalogue having two or more entries, the addition of annotations enlarges it materially, besides presenting the difficulty of deciding to which of the entries the note is to be attached, if not to all. Some notes are better under the author-entry, and others are more appropriate to the subject. Nevertheless, some fully annotated dictionary catalogues have been issued, notably Mr. C. W. F. Goss's catalogues of the Bishopsgate Institute Library and Mr. W. E. Doubleday's Hampstead Public Library catalogues. When annotations are given, they should be pithy, to the point, and, as far as possible, free from criticism. A bookseller may have some strong religious leanings or political opinions which he can afford to publish by means of notes in his catalogues without anybody being more than amused thereby, but the wise public official, as the servant of all creeds and parties, will respect all alike, and take care, if only for his own sake, that he does not hurt the susceptibilities of any. He will keep Some annotations are nothing more than a repetition or paraphrase of the title-page, and so add nothing to the information contained in the catalogue entry. They appear to be given upon the supposition that every book in an annotated catalogue must have an annotation, but this is a mistake, as the majority of title-pages admirably summarize the contents of books, for which purpose they exist. It is when they fail to do this, or do it indefinitely, or when the book has some especial feature not noticed in the title to which it is worth while directing attention, that the annotation is required and proves of value. Other features enter into the composition of an annotation. Brevity is not only the soul of it, but is absolutely essential if a catalogue is to be kept within bounds. A note based upon a review should avoid any appearance of partiality, as reviewers are not invariably impartial. It is helpful to readers to get some rough idea of the amount of knowledge needed to understand a book—for example, a book McCarthy, Justin. Story of Gladstone's life. A Home-ruler's memoir of Gladstone; based upon personal acquaintance; of permanent value as a memoir; written in an entertaining style and well illustrated, but partisan-eulogistic, gossipy and inaccurate. See for best biography G. B. Smith, for best short one G. W. E. Russell. Careful Gladstone bibliography, Notes and queries, Dec. 10, 24, 1892; Jan. 7, 21, 1893. Ath. 1898. 1:182; Sat. R. 85:178; Spec. 80:342; Acad. 53:199. This is taken from a catalogue of American origin, and appeared before the publication of Morley's authoritative Life of Gladstone. The note is a somewhat elaborate one, valuable in its refer Street, G. S. Trials of the Bantocks. Whether a catalogue makes any pretence of being annotated or not, every library contains books with some features that render them unique or almost so, when it is worth while showing this by means of a note attached to the entries as a matter of course. The books may be in manuscript, be works of the early printers, be extra illustrated, or be first editions of some value, and these facts are usually Camden, William. Britannia; transl. and enlarged Other forms of notes that are unavoidable have already been indicated, as for example, those denoting the order of reading for sequels, and the amount of reliable history in works of fiction. In the previous pages it has been more or less hinted that form entries—that is, entries for books written in a particular literary form, as poetry, drama, essays, fiction—are out of place in a dictionary catalogue, and to introduce them is to drag in sections from the classified catalogue which do not suitably fit. While it is an exaggeration to say that if books in poetical form are to be entered Beginners in cataloguing may find the following direct and simple hints or rules useful for treating subjects in a dictionary catalogue:— 1.—Clearly ascertain what is the definite subject of a book before cataloguing it. 2.—Do not rely entirely upon the wording of the title-page. 3.—Fix permanently the name adopted for a subject and in such a way that synonymous headings cannot occur. 4.—Bring together all books upon the same subject irrespective of the language in which they are written. 5.—Adopt popular terms in preference to scientific for subject-headings, if the Library is intended to be used by all classes of the community. 6.—Make sure that the popular term has the same meaning as the scientific, and is as comprehensive. 7.—Avoid scattering books upon a single subject, though viewed from different standpoints, under several headings, if they can be concentrated under one heading. 8.—Avoid entries under first or other word of the title as far as possible, where a subject-entry is all that is needed. Title-entries should be the exception not the rule. 9.—Make a subject-heading when there are two or more books upon the same subject; when only one gives a subject title-entry. 10.—Series entries are to be given as such and not as a makeshift form of subject-entry. 11.—Form entries, generally speaking, are out of place in the dictionary catalogue. If given they are better relegated to an appendix. 12.—References and cross-references should be always subordinate and connected. 13.—References are rarely given from lesser to greater subjects, but should not be overlooked from greater to lesser. 14.—In no case should references be given from author to subject or vice versa, or in any form not distinctly relative, otherwise they are apt to be incongruous. 15.—Volumes of a collective or miscellaneous character require that each item be considered and catalogued as if a separate work. 16.—Works of a marked classical character are not considered to require title entries, and seldom need subject-entries. 17.—Works of fiction with proper names in their titles call for consideration as to the best form of title-entry. 18.—When a book deals with a subject with a geographical limitation, choice between subject and geographical heading is sometimes necessary for the sake of economy. When in doubt give both entries. 19.—The above rule can be departed from in the case of the home country. 20.—The judicious abbreviation of entries is not so simple as it appears on the surface and requires care. 21.—Alphabetical arrangement is not by any means as simple as a b c. 22.—The use of repetition dashes should be strictly limited, and never exceed two under any circumstances. |