
The following are some of the words most frequently used in connection with books and in cataloguing, with suitable abbreviations. All abbreviations must be used guardedly and with discretion, so that they cannot be confused with other words, and are self-explanatory with the context. For a full list see a useful book, "Author and Printer," by F. Howard Collins (Frowde).

About (circa) c. (with a date following)
Account acct.
Advertisements advts.
Ancient anc.
Anonym, Anonymous anon.
Archbishop Archbp., Abp.
Atlas atl.
Ausgabe Ausg.
Band (German for volume) Bd.
Bibliography, Bibliographical bibliog.
Biography, biographical biog.
Bishop Bp.
Book, Books bk., bks.
Born b.
Calf (in binding) cf.
Cardinal Card.
Century cent.
Chapter, Chapters chap., chaps.
Cloth cl.
Colonel Col.
Coloured col.
Company co.
Compiled, Compiler comp.
Complete compl.
Continued contd.
County co.
Crown (in book sizes) cr.
Demy dy.
Dictionary dict.
Died d.
Duodecimo 12o, 12mo., duo.
East E.
Economy econ.
Edited, Editor, Edition ed.
Editors, Editions eds.
England, English Eng.
Enlarged enl.
Explanation, Explanatory explan.
Facsimile facs.
Folio fo
Folios ff.
Frontispiece frontis. or front.
Gilt edges g.e.
Great Britain Gt. Brit.
Half (in binding) hf. (as hf. cf.)
Handbook hdbk.
Herausgegeben hrsg. or herausg.
Historical, History hist.
Illustrator, Illustrated, Illustrations illus.
Imperial (in book sizes) imp.
Including, Inclusive incl.
International internat.
Introduction, Introductory intro.
Large la.
Large paper l.p.
Leaves ll.
Lectures lecs.
Library lib.
Literary, Literature lit.
Manuscript MS.
Manuscripts MSS.
Modern mod.
Morocco (in binding) mor.
New edition n.e. or new ed.
New series n.s. or new ser.
New Testament N.T.
No date n.d., N.D., or s.a. (sine anno)
No place (of publication)
No date or place s.a. et l.
No title-page n.t.-p.
North N.
Number, Numbers no., nos.
Oblong obl.
Octavo 8o, 8vo, O.
Old Testament O.T.
Original orig.
Out of print o.p.
Pages pp.
Pamphlet, Pamphlets pamph. or phlt., phlts.
Parliamentary parly. (as parly. paper)
Part, Parts pt., pts.
Plate, Plates pl., pls.
Portrait, Portraits port., ports.
Preface, prefatory pref.
Preliminary prelim.
Printed, Printer pr.
Privately printed priv. pr.
Proceedings proc.
Professor Prof.
Pseudonym, Pseudonymous pseud. or ps.
Published pubd.
Quarto 4o, 4to, Q.
Re-edited re-ed.
Reference ref.
Reprint, Reprinted repr.
Reproduction, Reproduced reprod.
Reverend Rev.
Revised rev.
Royal (in book sizes) roy.
Saint St.
Sequel seq.
Series ser.
Sextodecimo 16o, 16mo.
Small (in book sizes) sm.
Society soc. (names of Societies as Royal Soc.)
South S.
Super (in book sizes) sup.
Supplement suppl.
Thus (sic) inserted to mark mistakes or peculiarities.
Title-page wanting t.-p.w.
Traduit, Tradotto trad.
Translator, Translated transl. or tr.
United Kingdom U.K.
United States U.S.A.
University Univ.
Various dates v.d.
Vocabulary vocab.
Volume, Volumes v. or vol.
Von, Van v.
With w. as w. col. illus. (with coloured illustrations).

Places of publication (specimen abbreviations):—
Birmingham B'ham.
Cambridge Camb.
Dublin Dub.
Edinburgh Edin.
Glasgow Glasg.
Liverpool L'pool.
Manchester M'chester.
New York N.Y.
Oxford Oxf.
Philadelphia Philad.


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