- Age, The, 216, 217, 218.
- Americans, why predisposed to gaming, 185.
- Ames, mayor, his policy toward Minneapolis gamblers, 534.
- “Ante,” 217.
- Augustus, as a gamester, 88.
- Austin, Texas, gambling at, 505 et seq.;
- political influence of gamblers in, 507.
- Autobiography of Author, 33 et seq.
- Baccarat, as played in Paris clubs, 131.
- Baden Baden, 101, 104;
- a visitor’s description of, 106, 107;
- the effective government of Paris, 118;
- compared with San Francisco, 441;
- with Saratoga, 484.
- Bagatelle, see Tivoli.
- Banker, at faro, his duties, 193.
- “Bears,” 578, 585.
- Bee-Hive, see Hap-Hazard.
- Belgrade, a gaming hell in, 98.
- Bennett, Richard, 176.
- Berkeley Club, 142.
- Betting Book, copy of a, 561.
- Blanc, Mons., mentioned, 114, 116, 118.
- Blind, The, 218.
- “Bluffing,” at poker, 216.
- Board of Exchange (San Francisco), 448.
- Boas, Lily, 47.
- Bogus Checks, 338.
- Book-Makers, 541, 563, 565.
- Bottom Dealing, 374.
- Bottom Stock, The, 222.
- Box and Balls, 305, et seq.
- “Breaking” Prices, 585.
- Bridge, The, 90.
- Briefs, among the Greeks, 90;
- Brooks’, 142, 147, 180.
- Brown, Mayor, his policy toward gambling in Milwaukee, 480.
- Brummel, Beau, Craps, how played, 277;
- frauds practiced at, 277, 278;
- a favorite game with negroes, 278, 468, 496, 540;
- sugar “cubes” used in playing, 278.
- Cribbage, 267;
- frauds practiced at, 267, 268;
- not a favorite game with gamblers, 269.
- Crimping, at poker, 228;
- at old sledge, 260;
- at euchre, 267;
- at cribbage, 269.
- Crockford’s, 106.
- Crown-House, an English, 157.
- Crucifixion, gamblers unmoved by, 621.
- Cue Cards, 198.
- “Cue-Keeper,” The, 201.
- Cure Hall, at Wiesbaden, 102.
- Dakota, author runs brace game in, 38.
- Dan Rice’s Big Poker Game, 372.
- Davis’s (N. O.) Club-House, 456.
- Day-Watch, The, 208.
- Dealing Boxes, used at faro, 194;
- how constructed, ib.;
- various fraudulent kinds of, 199;
- the first used, ib.;
- the screw box, 200;
- the “lever” movement, 201;
- the needle movement, ib.;
- the “sand tell,” ib.;
- not always in good order, 206.
- Devil’s Walk, The, 151.
- Dice, Loaded, 276.
- Dice-Throwing, among the Hindoos, 75;
- among the ancients, 87;
- early frauds at, 88;
- among the Greeks, 93;
- antiquity of, 273;
- games of, 273;
- in English gaming houses, 154-155;
- at San Francisco, 444.
- Dice Tops, high and low, 282.
- “Dip,” defined, 212.
- Discard, at poker, 218.
- Discard, Double, see Double Discard.
- Discouraged Speculator, A, 373.
- Dollar Store, 351.
- Dominoes, the Chinese game of, 451.
- Doncaster Races, betting at the, 149, 151.
- Double Cuts, 225;
- “Dou
.htm.html#Page_282" class="pginternal">282.
- Grand Opera House, Paris, 114.
- Grandmother Trick, The, 354.
- Greece, gambling in ancient and modern, 87, et seq.
- Greeks, a nation of Sharpers, 90;
- frauds practiced by, id., et seq.
- “Groom-Porter,” duties of the, 153.
- Guerilla, The, 584.
- “Gunning,” Stocks, 585.
- Haines, Mayor, his policy toward gambling, 393.
- “Hair-Coppers,” 202.
- Half Stock, The, 259.
- Handicap Fraud, The, 572.
- Hap-Hazard, explained, 303;
- how used, 303, 304;
- the fake element in, 304.
- Harrison (Mayor) Carter H., his policy towards gamblers, 403.
- Hartford, Conn., history of gambling in, 508 et seq.;
- raids in, 509;
- policy playing in, 510.
- Harvey, Miss May, 39 et seq.
- Havana Lottery, The, 462, 474.
- Hazard, French and Eng. games of, 152.
- Heath, Mayor, suppresses gambling in Chicago, 402, 403.
- Heaven, The curse of, rests upon money won at gaming, 21.
- Hebrews, see Jews.
- Henry VIII, an unscrupulous gamester, 139;
- his reign an era of gambling, 140.
- Hieronymus, method of playing, 273, 274;
- odds against players at, 274;
- frauds practiced at, 275.
- High and Low Dice Tops, see Dice Tops.
- High-Ball Poker, 255.
- High-Hand, The, at old sledge, 260;
- High-Low-Jack, see Old Sledge.
- Hindoos, gambling among the, 75;
- Hock Card, The, 194, 195.
- Holding-out, at poker, 233, 241;
- at old sledge, 262;
- at euchre, 267;
- at cribbage, 268;
- at vingt-un, 271.
- “Hollows and Rounds,” 197.
- Homburg, 101, Morrissey’s (John) N. Y. club house, 212;
- Saratoga club house, 483;
- same compared to Baden Baden, 484.
- Moscow, 111.
- Mound City (Mo.) author’s experience at, 236.
- Municipal Authorities, Relation of to public gambling, 189, 190.
- Murder, caused by gambling, 528, 546.
- Mustang, 283.
- Mutual Pools, 563, 564.
es@58280@58280-h@58280-h-31.htm.html#Page_469" class="pginternal">469. Shell Game, 348. Sherman, Mayor, his toleration of gambling in Chicago, 397 Shifting the Cut, 225, 267. “Shiners,” 235. Short Faro, 210. Short Games, 243, et seq. Short Hand, The, 261. “Shorts,” 584. Shot Gun, The, 346. Signing Up, at poker, 222; “Single Pair,” A, at poker, 217. Sleeve Hold-Out, The, 234. “Snaking,” 202, 203. Soap Game, The, 355. Society (N. Y.) for the Suppression of Vice, 486. “Soda” Card, The, 194. South Carolina Lottery, 499. Southern Indiana Penitentiary, author’s incarceration 55; “Spieler,” The, 334, 335. “Splits,” explained, 197. Springfield (Ills.), Gambling at, 548, 549. “Squares and Rounds,” 198. “Squeal,” A, 585. “Squeeze,” A, 585. Squeeze Spindle, 291; - faked element in, 292;
- sale of a, ib.;
- a magnetic, 293.
Stake Holder, The confidential, 569. Steerers, English, 157; - at rouge-et-noir, 246;
- at faro, 207, 208;
- in St. Louis, 410.
Stocking, at faro, 197, 198; Stock Exchange, Its influence on national morality, 186. Stock Gambling, its results, 448; - in San Francisco, ib.;
- at New Orleans, 469;
- in Cleveland, 493;
- at Charleston, 499;
- in Quebec, 513;
- in St. Paul, 531;
- its deplorable effects, 581;
- “slang” used in, 584.
Straddles, |