IJesus, Lord mickle of might, That dyed for us on roode, So maintaine us in all our right That loves true English blood! IISir Cawline [was an English knight] Curteous and full hardye; [And our King has lent him] forth to fight, Into Ireland over the sea. IIIAnd in that land there dwells a King, Over all the bell does beare; And he hath a ladye to his daughter, Of fashion Knights and lordes they woo’d her both, Trusted to have been her feere IVSir Cawline loves her best of onie, But nothing durst he say To discreeve But dearlye loved this may VTill it befell upon a day, Great dill The mayden’s love removed his mind, To care-bed VIOne while he spread his armes him fro, And cryed so pittyouslye: ‘For the mayden’s love that I have most minde This day shall comfort mee, Or else ere noone I shall be dead!’ Thus can Sir Cawline say. VIIWhen the parish mass that itt was done, And the King was bowne Says, ‘Where is Sir Cawline, that was wont To serve me with ale and wine?’ VIIIBut then answer’d a curteous knight Fast his hands wringÌnge: ‘Sir Cawline’s sicke and like to be dead Without and a good leechÌnge IX‘Feitch ye downe my daughter deere, She is a leeche full fine; Ay, and take you doe and the baken bread, And [drinke he of] the wine soe red, And looke no daynty’s for him too deare, For full loth I wo’ld him tine XThis ladye is gone to his chamber, Her maydens following nye; ‘O well,’ she saith, ‘how doth my lord?’ ‘O sicke!’ againe saith hee. XI‘But rise up wightlye Ne’er lie here soe cowardlye! Itt is told in my father’s hall For my love you will dye.’— XII‘Itt is for your love, fayre ladye, That all this dill I drie; For if you wo’ld comfort me with a kisse, Then were I brought from bale to bliss, No longer here wo’ld I lye.’— XIII‘Alas! soe well you know, Sir Knight, I cannot be your feere.’— ‘Yet some deeds of armes fain wo’ld I doe To be your bacheleere.’— XIV‘On Eldritch Hill there grows a thorn, Upon the mores And wo’ld you, Sir Knight, wake there all night To day of the other morninge? XV‘For the Eldritch King, that is mickle of might, Will examine There was never a man bare his life away Since the day that I was born.’— XVI‘But I will for your sake, ladye, Walk on the bents And I’ll either bring you a readye token, Or I’ll ne’er come to you again.’ XVIIBut this ladye is gone to her chamber, Her maydens following bright; And Sir Cawline’s gone to the mores soe broad, For to wake there all night. XVIIIUnto midnight that the moone did rise He walkÈd up and downe, And a lightsome bugle then heard he blow Over the bents so browne; Sayes he, ‘And if cryance |