INow is ChristËmas y-come, Father and Son together in one, Holy Ghost us be on In fere-a God send us a good New Year-a! III would you sing, for and I might, Of a Child is fair in sight; His mother him bare this endris So still-a, And as it was his will-a. IIIThere came three Kings from Galilee Into Bethlehem, that fair citie, To seek to Him that e’er should be By right-a Lord and king and knight-a. IVAs they came forth with their off’ring, They met with Herod that moody king; He askÈd them of their coming This tide-a, And this to them he said-a. V‘Of whence be ye, you KingÈs three?’— ‘Of the East, as you may see, To seek to Him that should ever be By right-a Lord and king and knight-a.’— VI‘When you at this Child have been, Come you home this way again; Tell me the sight that you have seen; I pray-a, Go you none other way-a.’ VIIThey took their leave both old and ying Then of Herod that moody king; They went forth with their offering By light-a Of the star that shone so bright-a. VIIITill they came into the place Where Jesu and his mother was; Offer’d they up with great solace In fere-a Gold, incense and myrrh-a. IXWhen they had their offering made As the Holy Ghost them bade, Then they were both merry and glad And light-a; It was a good fair sight-a. XAnon, as on their way they went, The Father of heaven an angel sent To these three kings that made present This tide-a, And this to them he said-a:— XI‘My Lord hath warn’d you every one By Herod king you go not home, For an you do he will you slone And ’stroy-a, And hurt you wonderly-a.’ XIISo forth they went another way Through the might of God his lay As the angel to them did say, Full right-a; It was a good fair sight-a. XIIIWhen they came home to their countrie, Glad and blithe they were all three Of the sight that they had see; By dene-a The company was clean-a. XIVKneel we now here a-down; Pray we in good devotion To the King of great renown, Of grace-a In heaven to have a place-a. FOOTNOTES: |