103. Jolly Wat

Can I not sing but ‘Hoy’,
Whan the joly shepard made so much joy?


The shepard upon a hill he sat;
He had on him his tabard[617] and his hat,
His tarbox, his pipe, and his flagat[618];
His name was callÈd Joly Joly Wat,
For he was a gud herdÉs boy.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


The shepard upon a hill was laid;
His dog unto his girdell was taid[619];
He had not slept but a litill braid[620],
But ‘Gloria in excelsis’ was to him said.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


The shepard on a hill he stode;
Round about him his shepe they yode[621];
He put his hond under his hode[622],
He saw a star as rede as blode.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


The shepard said anon right,
‘I will go see yon ferly[623] sight,
Whereas the angel singeth on hight,
And the star that shineth so bright.’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


‘Now farewell, Mall, and also Will!
For my love go ye all still
Unto I cum again you till,
And evermore, Will, ring well thy bell.’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


‘Now must I go there Crist was born;
Farewell! I cum again to-morn.
Dog, kepe well my shepe fro the corn,
And warn well “Warroke” when I blow my horn!’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


Whan Wat to Bedlem cumen was,
He swet, he had gone faster than a pace;
He found Jesu in a simpell place,
Betwen an ox but and an asse.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


‘Jesu, I offer to thee here my pipe,
My skirt, my tar-box, and my scrip;
Home to my felowes now will I skip,
And also look unto my shepe.’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


‘Now farewell, mine owne herdesman Wat!’—
‘Yea, for God, lady, even so I hat[624];
Lull well Jesu in thy lap,
And farewell, Joseph, with thy round cap!’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


‘Now may I well both hope and sing,
For I have bene at Cristes bering;
Home to my felowes now will I fling.
Crist of heven to his bliss us bring!’
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.


[617] tabard = short coat.

[618] flagat = flask.

[619] taid = tied.

[620] braid = time.

[621] yode = went.

[622] hode = hood.

[623] ferly = marvellous.

[624] hat = am hight, called.



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