MUSTER. Regimental, Battalion, or Company Muster.


755. Muster is preceded by an inspection, and, when practicable, by a review.

The adjutant is provided with the muster roll of the field, staff, and band, the surgeon with the hospital roll; each captain with the roll of his company. A list of absentees, alphabetically arranged, showing cause and place of absence, accompanies each roll.

756. Being in column of companies at open ranks, each captain, as the mustering officer approaches, brings his company to right shoulder arms, and commands: ATTENTION TO MUSTER.

The mustering officer or captain then calls the names on the roll; each man, as his name is called, answers Here and brings his piece to order arms.

After muster, the mustering officer, accompanied by the company commanders and such other officers as he may designate, verifies the presence of the men reported in hospital, on guard, etc.

757. A company may be mustered in the same manner on its own parade ground, the muster to follow the company inspection.


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