1. The infantry soldier relies mainly on fire action to disable the enemy, but he should know that personal combat is often necessary to obtain success. Therefore, he must be instructed in the use of the rifle and bayonet in hand-to-hand encounters.
2. The object of this instruction is to teach the soldier how to make effective use of the rifle and bayonet in personal combat; to make him quick and proficient in handling his rifle; to give him an accurate eye and a steady hand; and to give him confidence in the bayonet in offense and defense. When skill in these exercises has been acquired, the rifle will still remain a most formidable weapon at close quarters should the bayonet be lost or disabled.
3. Efficiency of organizations in bayonet fighting will be judged by the skill shown by individuals in personal combat. For this purpose pairs or groups of opponents, selected at random from among recruits and trained soldiers, should engage in assaults, using the fencing equipment provided for the purpose.
4. Officers and specially selected and thoroughly instructed noncommissioned officers will act as instructors.
5. Instruction in bayonet combat should begin as soon as the soldier is familiar with the handling of his rifle and will progress, as far as practicable, in the order followed in the text.
6. Instruction is ordinarily given on even ground; but practice should also be had on uneven ground, especially in the attack and defense of intrenchments.
7. These exercises will not be used as a calisthenic drill.
8. The principles of the commands are the same as those given in paragraphs 9, 15, and 38, Infantry Drill Regulations. Intervals and distances will be taken as in paragraphs 109 and 111, Infantry Drill Regulations, except that, in formations for bayonet exercises, the men should be at least four paces apart in every direction.
9. Before requiring soldiers to take a position or execute a movement for the first time, the instructor executes the same for the purpose of illustration, after which he requires the soldiers to execute the movement individually. Movements prescribed in this manual will not be executed in cadence as the attempt to do so results in incomplete execution and lack of vigor. Each movement will be executed correctly as quickly as possible by every man. As soon as the movements are executed accurately, the commands are given rapidly, as expertness with the bayonet depends chiefly upon quickness of motion.
10. The exercises will be interrupted at first by short and frequent rests. The rests will be less frequent as proficiency is attained. Fatigue and exhaustion will be specially guarded against as they prevent proper interest being taken in the exercises and delay the progress of the instruction. Rests will be given from the position of order arms in the manner prescribed in Infantry Drill Regulations.
Nomenclature and Description.
11. The bayonet is a cutting and thrusting weapon consisting of three principal parts, viz, the blade, guard, and grip.
12. The blade has the following parts: Edge, false edge, back, grooves, point, and tang. The length of the blade from guard to point is 16 inches, the edge 14.5 inches, and the false edge 5.6 inches. Length of the rifle, bayonet fixed, is 59.4 inches. The weight of the bayonet is 1 pound; weight of rifle without bayonet is 8.69 pounds. The center of gravity of the rifle, with bayonet fixed, is just in front of the rear sight.
13. The instructor explains the importance of good footwork and impresses on the men the fact that quickness of foot and suppleness of body are as important for attack and defense as is the ability to parry and deliver a strong point or cut.
14. All foot movements should be made from the position of guard. As far as practicable, they will be made on the balls of the feet to insure quickness and agility. No hard and fast rule can be laid down as to the length of the various foot movements; this depends entirely on the situations occurring in combat.
15. The men having taken intervals or distances, the instructor commands:
1. Bayonet exercise, 2. GUARD.
At the command guard, half face to the right, carry back and place the right foot about once and a half its length to the rear and about 3 inches to the right, the feet forming with each other an angle of about 60°, weight of the body balanced equally on the balls of the feet, knees slightly bent, palms of hands on hips, fingers to the front, thumbs to the rear, head erect, head and eyes straight to the front.
16. To resume the attention, 1. Squad, 2. ATTENTION. The men take the position of the soldier and fix their attention.
17. ADVANCE. Advance the left foot quickly about once its length, follow immediately with the right foot the same distance.
18. RETIRE. Move the right foot quickly to the rear about once its length, follow immediately with the left foot the same distance.
19. 1. Front, 2. PASS. Place the right foot quickly about once its length in front of the left, advance the left foot to its proper position in front of the right.
20. 1. Rear, 2. PASS. Place the left foot quickly about once its length in rear of the right, retire the right foot to its proper position in rear of the left.
The passes are used to get quickly within striking distance or to withdraw quickly therefrom.
21. 1. Right, 2. STEP. Step to the right with the right foot about once its length and place the left foot in its proper relative position.
22. 1. Left, 2. STEP. Step to the left with the left foot about once its length and place the right foot in its proper relative position.
These steps are used to circle around an enemy, to secure a more favorable line of attack, or to avoid the opponent's attack. Better ground or more favorable light may be gained in this way. In bayonet fencing and in actual combat the foot first moved in stepping to the right or left is the one which at the moment bears the least weight.
23. The commands for and the execution of the foot movements are the same as already given for movements without the rifle.
24. The men having taken intervals or distances, the instructor commands:
1. Bayonet exercise, 2. GUARD.
At the second command take the position of guard (see par. 15); at the same time throw the rifle smartly to the front, grasp the rifle with the left hand just below the lower band, fingers between the stock and gun sling, barrel turned slightly to the left, the right hand grasping the small of the stock about 6 inches in front of the right hip, elbows free from the body, bayonet point at the height of the chin.
25. 1. Order, 2. ARMS.
Bring the right foot up to the left and the rifle to the position of order arms, at the same time resuming the position of attention.
26. During the preliminary instruction, attacks and defenses will be executed from guard until proficiency is attained, after which they may be executed from any position in which the rifle is held.
bayonet exercise
Par. 27. Par. 24.
27. 1. THRUST.
Thrust the rifle quickly forward to the full length of the left arm, turning the barrel to the left, and direct the point of the bayonet at the point to be attacked, butt covering the right forearm. At the same time straighten the right leg vigorously and throw the weight of the body forward and on the left leg, the ball of the right foot always on the ground. Guard is resumed immediately without command.
The force of the thrust is delivered principally with the right arm, the left being used to direct the bayonet. The points at which the attack should be directed are, in order of their importance, stomach, chest, head, neck, and limbs.
bayonet exercise
Par. 28.
28. 1. LUNGE.
Executed in the same manner as the thrust, except that the left foot is carried forward about twice its length. The left heel must always be in rear of the left knee. Guard is resumed immediately without command. Guard may also be resumed by advancing the right foot if, for any reason, it is desired to hold the ground gained in lunging. In the latter case, the preparatory common forward will be given. Each method should be practiced.
bayonet exercise
Par. 29.
29. 1. Butt, 2. STRIKE.
Straighten right arm and right leg vigorously and swing butt of rifle against point of attack, pivoting the rifle in the left hand at about the height of the left shoulder, allowing the bayonet to pass to the rear on the left side of the head. Guard is resumed without command.
The points of attack in their order of importance are, head, neck, stomach, and crotch.
30. 1. Cut, 2. DOWN.
Execute a quick downward stroke, edge of bayonet directed at point of attack. Guard is resumed without command.
31. 1. Cut, 2. RIGHT (LEFT).
With a quick extension of the arms execute a cut to the right (left), directing the edge toward the point attacked. Guard is resumed without command.
The cuts are especially useful against the head, neck, and hands of an enemy. In executing left cut it should be remembered that the false, or back edge, is only 5.6 inches long. The cuts can be executed in continuation of strokes, thrusts, lunges, and parries.
32. To direct an attack to the right, left, or rear the soldier will change front as quickly as possible in the most convenient manner, for example: 1. To the right rear, 2. Cut, 3. DOWN; 1. To the right, 2. LUNGE; 1. To the left, 2. THRUST, etc.
Whenever possible the impetus gained by the turning movement of the body should be thrown into the attack. In general this will be best accomplished by turning on the ball of the right foot.
These movements constitute a change of front in which the position of guard is resumed at the completion of the movement.
bayonet exercise
Par. 33. Par. 36.
33. Good judgment of distance is essential. Accuracy in thrusting and lunging is best attained by practicing these attacks against rings or other convenient openings, about 3 inches in diameter, suitably suspended at desired heights.
34. The thrust and lunges at rings should first be practiced by endeavoring to hit the opening looked at. This should be followed by directing the attack against one opening while looking at another.
35. The soldier should also experience the effect of actual resistance offered to the bayonet and the butt of the rifle in attacks. This will be taught by practicing attacks against a dummy.
36. Dummies should be constructed in such a manner as to permit the execution of attacks without injury to the point or edge of the bayonet or to the barrel or stock of the rifle. A suitable dummy can be made from pieces of rope about 5 feet in length plaited closely together into a cable between 6 and 12 inches in diameter. Old rope is preferable. Bags weighted and stuffed with hay, straw, shavings, etc., are also suitable.
37. In the preliminary drills in the defenses the position of guard is resumed, by command, after each parry. When the men have become proficient, the instructor will cause them to resume the position of guard instantly without command after the execution of each parry.
38. 1. Parry, 2. RIGHT.
Keeping the right hand in the guard position, move the rifle sharply to the right with the left arm, so that the bayonet point is about 6 inches to the right.
39. 1. Parry, 2. LEFT.
Move the rifle sharply to the left front with both hands so as to cover the point attacked.
bayonet exercise
Par. 40. Par 41.
40. 1. Parry, 2. HIGH.
Raise the rifle with both hands high enough to clear the line of vision, barrel downward, point of the bayonet to the left front.
When necessary to raise the rifle well above the head, it may be supported between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. This position will be necessary against attacks from higher elevations, such as men mounted or on top of parapets.
bayonet exercise
Par. 41. Par. 44.
41. 1. Low parry, 2. RIGHT (LEFT).
Carry the point of the bayonet down until it is at the height of the knee, moving the point of the bayonet sufficiently to the right (left) to keep the opponent's attacks clear of the point threatened.
These parries are rarely used, as an attack below the waist, leaves the head and body exposed.
42. Parries must not be too wide or sweeping, but sharp, short motions, finished with a jerk or quick catch. The hands should, as far as possible, be kept in the line of attack. Parries against butt strike are made by quickly moving the guard so as to cover the point attacked.
43. To provide against attack from the right, left, or rear the soldier will change front as quickly as possible in the most convenient manner; for example: 1. To the left rear, 2. Parry, 3. HIGH; 1. To the right, 2. Parry, 3. RIGHT, etc.
These movements constitute a change of front in which the position of guard is resumed at the completion of the movement.
In changing front for the purpose of attack or defense, if there is danger of wounding a comrade, the rifle should first be brought to a vertical position.
bayonet exercise
Par. 44.
44. 1. Club rifle, 2. SWING.
Being at order arms, at the preparatory command quickly raise and turn the rifle, regrasping it with both hands between the rear sight and muzzle, barrel down, thumbs around the stock and toward the butt; at the same time raise the rifle above the shoulder farthest from the opponent, butt elevated and to the rear, elbows slightly bent and knees straight. Each individual takes such position of the feet, shoulders, and hands as best accords with his natural dexterity. SWING. Tighten the grasp of the hands and swing the rifle to the front and downward, directing it at the head of the opponent and immediately return to the position of club rifle by completing the swing of the rifle downward and to the rear. Repeat by the command, SWING.
The rifle should be swung with sufficient force to break through any guard or parry that may be interposed.
Being at club rifle, order arms is resumed by command.
The use of this attack against dummies or in fencing is prohibited.
45. The position of club rifle may be taken from any position of the rifle prescribed in the Manual of Arms. It will not be taken in personal combat unless the emergency is such as to preclude the use of the bayonet.
46. The purpose of combined movements is to develop more vigorous attacks and more effective defenses than are obtained by the single movements; to develop skill in passing from attack to defense and the reverse. Every movement to the front should be accompanied by an attack, which is increased in effectiveness by the forward movement of the body. Every movement to the rear should ordinarily be accompanied by a parry and should always be followed by an attack. Movements to the right or left may be accompanied by attacks or defenses.
47. Not more than three movements will be used in any combination. The instructor should first indicate the number of movements that are to be combined as two movements or three movements. The execution is determined by one command of execution, and the position of guard is taken upon the completion of the last movement only.
Front pass and LUNGE.
Right step and THRUST.
Left step and low parry RIGHT.
Rear pass, parry left and LUNGE.
Lunge and cut RIGHT.
Parry right and parry HIGH.
Butt strike and cut DOWN.
Thrust and parry HIGH.
Parry high and LUNGE.
Advance, thrust and cut RIGHT.
Right step, parry left and cut DOWN.
To the left, butt strike and cut DOWN.
To the right rear, cut down and butt STRIKE.
48. Attacks against dummies will be practiced. The approach will be made against the dummies both in quick time and double time.
49. The principles of practical bayonet combat should be taught as far as possible during the progress of instruction in bayonet exercises.
50. The soldier must be continually impressed with the extreme importance of the offensive due to its moral effect. Should an attack fail, it should be followed immediately by another attack before the opponent has an opportunity to assume the offensive. Keep the opponent on the defensive. If, due to circumstances, it is necessary to take the defensive, constantly watch for an opportunity to assume the offensive and take immediate advantage of it.
51. Observe the ground with a view to obtaining the best footing. Time for this will generally be too limited to permit more than a single hasty glance.
52. In personal combat watch the opponent's eyes if they can be plainly seen, and do not fix the eyes on his weapon nor upon the point of your attack. If his eyes can not be plainly seen, as in night attacks, watch the movements of his weapon and of his body.
53. Keep the body well covered and deliver attacks vigorously. The point of the bayonet should always be kept as nearly as possible in the line of attack. The less the rifle is moved upward, downward, to the right, or to the left, the better prepared the soldier is for attack or defense.
54. Constantly watch for a chance to attack the opponent's left hand. His position of guard will not differ materially from that described in paragraph 24. If his bayonet is without a cutting edge, he will be at a great disadvantage.
55. The butt is used for close and sudden attacks. It is particularly useful in riot duty. From the position of port arms a sentry can strike a severe blow with the butt of the rifle.
56. Against a man on foot, armed with a sword, be careful that the muzzle of the rifle is not grasped. All the swordsman's energies will be directed toward getting past the bayonet. Attack him with short, stabbing thrusts, and keep him beyond striking distance of his weapon.
57. The adversary may attempt a greater extension in the thrust and lunge by quitting the grasp of his piece with the left hand and advancing the right as far as possible. When this is done, a sharp parry may cause him to lose control of his rifle, leaving him exposed to a counter attack, which should follow promptly.
58. Against odds a small number of men can fight to best advantage by grouping themselves so as to prevent their being attacked from behind.
59. In fighting a mounted man armed with a saber every effort must be made to get on his near or left side, because here his reach is much shorter and his parries much weaker. If not possible to disable such an enemy, attack his horse and then renew the attack on the horseman.
60. In receiving night attacks the assailant's movements can be best observed from the kneeling or prone position, as his approach generally brings him against the sky line. When he arrives within attacking distance rise quickly and lunge well forward at the middle of his body.
61. Fencing exercises in two lines consist of combinations of thrusts, parries, and foot movements executed at command or at will, the opponent replying with suitable parries and returns.
62. The instructor will inspect the entire fencing equipment before the exercise begins and assure himself that everything is in such condition as will prevent accidents.
63. The men equip themselves and form in two lines at the order, facing each other, with intervals of about 4 paces between files and a distance of about 2 paces between lines. One line is designated as number 1; the other, number 2. Also as attack and defense.
64. The opponents being at the order facing each other, the instructor commands: SALUTE.
Each man, with eyes on his opponent, carries the left hand smartly to the right side, palm of the hand down, thumb and fingers extended and joined, forearm horizontal, forefinger touching the bayonet. (Two.) Drop the arm smartly by the side.
This salute is the fencing salute.
All fencing exercises and all fencing at will between individuals will begin and terminate with the formal courtesy of the fencing salute.
65. After the fencing salute has been rendered the instructor commands: 1. Fencing exercise, 2. GUARD.
At the command guard each man comes to the position of guard, heretofore defined, bayonets crossed, each man's bayonet bearing lightly to the right against the corresponding portion of the opponent's bayonet. This position is known as the engage or engage right.
66. Being at the engage right: ENGAGE LEFT.
The attack drops the point of his bayonet quickly until clear of his opponent's rifle and describes a semicircle with it upward and to the right; bayonets are crossed similarly as in the engaged position, each man's bayonet bearing lightly to the left against the corresponding portion of the opponent's bayonet.
67. Being at engage left: ENGAGE RIGHT.
The attack quickly drops the point of his bayonet until clear of his opponent's rifle and describes a semicircle with it upward and to the left and engages.
68. Being engaged: ENGAGE LEFT AND RIGHT.
The attack engages left and then immediately engages right.
69. Being engaged left: ENGAGE RIGHT AND LEFT.
The attack engages right and then immediately engages left.
70. 1. Number one, ENGAGE RIGHT (LEFT); 2. Number two, COUNTER.
Number one executes the movement ordered, as above; number two quickly drops the point of his bayonet and circles it upward to the original position.
71. In all fencing while maintaining the pressure in the engage, a certain freedom of motion of the rifle is allowable, consisting of the play, or up-and-down motion, of one bayonet against the other. This is necessary to prevent the opponent from divining the intended attack. It also prevents his using the point of contact as a pivot for his assaults. In changing from one engage to the other the movement is controlled by the left hand, the right remaining stationary.
72. After some exercise in engage, engage left, and counter, exercises will be given in the assaults.
73. The part of the body to be attacked will be designated by name, as head, heck, chest, stomach, legs. No attacks will be made below the knees. The commands are given and the movements for each line are first explained thoroughly by the instructor; the execution begins at the command assault. Number one executes the attack, and number two parries; conversely, at command, number two attacks and number one parries.
74. For convenience in instruction assaults are divided into simple attacks, counter attacks, attacks on the rifle, and feints.
Simple Attacks.
75. Success in these attacks depends on quickness of movement. There are three simple attacks—the straight, the disengagement, and the counter disengagement. They are not preceded by a feint.
76. In the straight the bayonet is directed straight at an opening from the engaged position. Contact with the opponent's rifle may, or may not, be abandoned while making it. If the opening be high or low, contact with the rifle will usually be abandoned on commencing the attack. If the opening be near his guard, the light pressure used in the engage may be continued in the attack.
Example: Being at the engage right, 1. Number one, at neck (head, chest, right leg, etc.), thrust; 2. Number two, parry right; 3. ASSAULT.
77. In the disengagement contact with the opponent's rifle is abandoned and the point of the bayonet is circled under or over his bayonet or rifle and directed into the opening attacked. This attack is delivered by one continuous spiral movement of the bayonet from the moment contact is abandoned.
Example: Being at the engage right, 1. Number one, at stomach (left chest, left leg, etc.), thrust; 2. Number two, parry left (etc.); 3. ASSAULT.
78. In the counter disengagement a swift attack is made into the opening disclosed while the opponent is attempting to change the engagement of his rifle. It is delivered by one continuous spiral movement of the bayonet into the opening.
Example: Being at the engage right, 1. Number two, engage left; 2. Number one, at chest, thrust; 3. Number two, parry left; 4. ASSAULT.
Number two initiates the movement, number one thrusts as soon as the opening is made, and number two then attempts to parry.
79. A counter attack or return is one made instantly after or in continuation of a parry. The parry should be as narrow as possible. This makes it more difficult for the opponent to recover and counter parry. The counter attack should also be made at, or just before, the full extension of the opponent's attack, as when it is so made, a simple extension of the arms will generally be sufficient to reach the opponent's body.
Example: Being at engage, 1. Number two, at chest, lunge; 2. Number one, parry right, and at stomach (chest, head, etc.), thrust; 3. ASSAULT.
Attacks on the Rifle.
80. These movements are made for the purpose of forcing or disclosing an opening into which an attack can be made. They are the press, the beat, and the twist.
81. In the press the attack quickly presses against the opponent's bayonet or rifle with his own and continues the pressure as the attack is delivered.
Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, press, and at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry right; 3. ASSAULT.
82. The attack by disengagement is particularly effective following the press.
Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, press, and at stomach, thrust; 2. Number two, low parry left; 3. ASSAULT.
83. The beat is an attack in which a sharp blow is struck against the opponent's rifle for the purpose of forcing him to expose an opening into which an attack immediately follows. It is used when there is but slight opposition or no contact of rifles.
Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, beat, and at stomach (chest, etc.), thrust; 2. Number two, parry left; 3. ASSAULT.
84. In the twist the rifle is crossed over the opponent's rifle or bayonet and his bayonet forced downward with a circular motion and a straight attack made into the opening. It requires superior strength on the part of the attack.
Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, twist, and at stomach, thrust; 2. Number two, low parry, left; 3. ASSAULT.
85. Feints are movements which threaten or simulate attacks and are made with a view to inducing an opening or parry that exposes the desired point of attack. They are either single or double, according to the number of such movements made by the attack.
86. In order that the attack may be changed quickly, as little force as possible is put into a feint.
Example: Being at the engage, Number one, feint head thrust; at stomach, lunge; 2. Number two, parry right and low parry right; 3. ASSAULT.
Number one executes the feint and then the attack. Number two executes both parries.
87. In double feints first one part of the body and then another is threatened and a third attacked.
Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, feint straight thrust at chest; disengagement at chest; at stomach, lunge; 2. Number two, parry right, parry left, and low parry left; 3. ASSAULT.
88. An opening may be offered or procured by opposition, as in the press or beat.
89. In fencing exercises every feint should at first be parried. When the defense is able to judge or divine the character of the attack the feint is not necessarily parried, but may be nullified by a counter feint.
90. A counter feint is a feint following the opponent's feint or following a parry of his attack and generally occurs in combined movements.
Combined Movements.
91. When the men have become thoroughly familiar with the various foot movements, parries, guards, attacks, feints, etc., the instructor combines several of them and gives the commands in quick succession, increasing the rapidity and number of movements as the men become more skillful. Opponents will be changed frequently.
1. Example: Being at the engage, 1. Number one, by disengagement at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry left, right step (left foot first), and lunge; 3. ASSAULT.
2. Example: Being at engage left, Number one, press and lunge; 2. Number two, parry right, left step, and thrust; 3. ASSAULT.
3. Example: Being at the engage, Number one, by disengagement at chest, thrust; 2. Number two, parry left, front pass, and at head butt strike; 3. Number one, right step; 4. ASSAULT.
92. Examples 1 and 2 are typical of movements known as cross counters, and example No. 3 of movements known as close counters.
93. A chancery is an attack by means of which the opponent is disarmed, which causes him to lose control of his rifle, or which disables his weapon.
94. When the different combinations are executed with sufficient skill the instructor will devise series of movements to be memorized and executed at the command assault. The accuracy and celerity of the movements will be carefully watched by the instructor, with a view to the correction of faulty execution.
95. It is not intended to restrict the number of movements, but to leave to the discretion of company commanders and the ingenuity of instructors the selection of such other exercises as accord with the object of the drill.
96. As satisfactory progress is made the instructor will proceed to the exercises at will, by which is meant assaults between two men, each endeavoring to hit the other and to avoid being hit himself. Fencing at will should not be allowed to degenerate into random attacks and defenses.
97. The instructor can supervise but one pair of combatants at a time. Frequent changes should be made so that the men may learn different methods of attack and defense from each other.
98. The contest should begin with simple, careful movements, with a view to forming a correct opinion of the adversary; afterwards everything will depend on coolness, rapid and correct execution of the movements and quick perception of the adversary's intentions.
99. Continual retreat from the adversary's attack and frequent dodging to escape attacks should be avoided. The offensive should be continually encouraged.
100. In fencing at will, when no commands are given, opponents facing each other at the position of order arms, salute. They then immediately and simultaneously assume the position of guard, rifles engaged. Neither man may take the position of guard before his opponent has completed his salute. The choice of position is decided before the salute.
101. The opponents being about two paces apart and the fencing salute having been rendered, the instructor commands, At will, 2. ASSAULT, after which either party has the right to attack. To interrupt the contest the instructor will command HALT, at which the combatants will immediately come to the order. To terminate the contest the instructor will command, 1. Halt, 2. SALUTE, at which the combatants will immediately come to the order, salute, and remove their masks.
102. When men have acquired confidence in fencing at will, one opponent should be required to advance upon the other in quick time at charge bayonet, from a distance not to exceed 10 yards, and deliver an attack. As soon as a hit is made by either opponent the instructor commands, HALT, and the assault terminates. Opponents alternate in assaulting. The assailant is likewise required to advance at double time from a distance not exceeding 20 yards and at a run from a distance not exceeding 30 yards.
103. The instructor will closely observe the contest and decide doubtful points. He will at once stop the contest upon the slightest indication of temper. After conclusion of the combat he will comment on the action of both parties, point out errors and deficiencies and explain how they may be avoided in the future.
bayonet exercise
Par. 104.
104. As additional instruction, the men may be permitted to wield the rifle left handed, that is on the left side of the body, left hand at the small Of the stock. Many men will be able to use this method to advantage. It is also of value in case the left hand is wounded.
105. After men have fenced in pairs, practice should be given in fencing between groups, equally and unequally divided. When practicable, intrenchments will be used in fencing of this character.
In group fencing it will be necessary to have a sufficient number of umpires to decide hits. An individual receiving a hit is withdrawn at once from the bout, which is decided in favor of the group having the numerical superiority at the end. The fencing salute is not required in group fencing.
Rules for Fencing at Will.
106. 1. Hits on the legs below the knees will not be counted. No hit counts unless, in the opinion of the instructor, it has sufficient force to disable.
2. Upon receiving a hit, call out "hit."
3. After receiving a fair hit a counter attack is not permitted. A position of engage is taken.
4. A second or third hit in a combined attack will be counted only when the first hit was not called.
5. When it is necessary to stop the contest—for example, because of breaking of weapons or displacement of means of protection—take the position of the order.
6. When it is necessary to suspend the assault for any cause, it will not be resumed until the adversary is ready and in condition to defend himself.
7. Attacks directed at the crotch are prohibited in fencing.
8. Stepping out of bounds, when established, counts as a hit.
Suggestions for Fencing at Will.
107. When engaging in an assault, first study the adversary's position and proceed by false attacks, executed with speed, to discover, if possible, his instinctive parries. In order to draw the adversary out and induce him to expose that part of the body at which the attack is to be made, it is advisable to simulate an attack by a feint and then make the real attack.
108. Return attacks should be frequently practiced, as they are difficult to parry, and the opponent is within easier reach and more exposed. The return can be made a continuation of the parry, as there is no previous warning of its delivery although it should always be expected. Returns are made without lunging if the adversary can be reached by thrusts or cuts.
109. Endeavor to overcome the tendency to make a return without knowing where it will hit. Making returns blindly is a bad habit and leads to instinctive returns—that is, habitual returns with certain attacks from certain parries—a fault which the skilled opponent will soon discover.
110. Do not draw the rifle back preparatory to thrusting and lunging.
111. The purpose of fencing at will is to teach the soldier as many forms of simple, effective attacks and defenses as possible. Complicated and intricate movements should not be attempted.
Hints for Instructors.
112. The influence of the instructor is great. He must be master of his weapon, not only to show the various movements, but also to lead in the exercises at will. He should stimulate the zeal of the men and arouse pleasure in the work. Officers should qualify themselves as instructors by fencing with each other.
113. The character of each man, his bodily conformation, and his degree of skill must always be taken into account. When the instructor is demonstrating the combinations, feints, returns, and parries the rapidity of his attack should be regulated by the skill of the pupil and no more force than is necessary should be used. If the pupil exposes himself too much in the feints and parries the instructor will, by an attack, convince him of his error; but if these returns be too swiftly or too strongly made the pupil will become overcautious and the precision of his attack will be impaired. The object is to teach the pupil, not to give exhibitions of superior skill.
114. Occasionally the instructor should leave himself uncovered and fail to parry, in order to teach the pupil to take quick advantage of such opportunities.
115. In competitions between different organizations none but skillful fencers will be allowed to participate.
116. In contests between two men judges may assign values to hits as follows:
| Thrusts and lunges. | Cuts. | Butt of rifle. |
Stomach | 4 | | 1 |
Chest | 3 | | |
Head | 3 | 2 | 3 |
Neck | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Legs | 1 | 1 | |
Arms and hands | 1 | 1 | |
Stepping out of bounds, 4 points.
117. When superiority between two men is decided by bouts, each bout will be decided by itself, i.e., points won in one bout can not be carried over to another.
118. Details other than those mentioned above will be arranged by the officials of the competition.
[C.I.D.R. 20.]