
This index, the plan of which is similar to that of the well known Granger index to recitations, was suggested by demands from St. Louis kindergartners for the location of songs for which they were searching. The idea is due to Mrs. Harriet P. Sawyer, Chief of the Instruction Department in the St. Louis Public Library, and valuable preliminary work was done also by Miss Effie L. Power, Supervisor of Children's Work, and by Miss Margaret Curran, Children's Librarian at the Divoll Branch. The Librarian has had nothing to do with it except to give advice occasionally in matters of policy.

It was expected at first that the St. Louis Public Library would publish the index, but it has proved to be larger than was anticipated, and the Publishing Board of the American Library Association has kindly relieved us of this part of the enterprise.

Librarian St. Louis Public Library.


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