(Full titles of books indexed will be found on p. vii.) - ASC Meissner. Art song cycles. Bk. 1.
- BB Crane. Baby's bouquet.
- BFD Burchenal. Folk dances and singing games.
- BG Bancroft. Games for school and playground.
- BM Bingham. Balloon man.
- BSS Brewster. Song stories.
- CBO Crane. Baby's opera.
- CC Terhune. Colonial carols.
- CGV Fisher. Posies from A child's garden of verses.
- CL Tufts. Child life in song.
- CM Cole. Child's first studies in music.
- CPP Crane. Pan Pipes.
- DM Hitte. Kindergarten songs and descriptive melodies.
- EFS Elson. Folk songs of many nations.
- EL Jenks and Rust. Song echoes from child land.
- ES1 Neidlinger. Earth, sea and sky. Bk. 1.
- ES2 —— Bk. 2.
- FC Reinecke. Fifty children's songs.
- FDM Burchenal. Folk dance music.
- FS Whitehead. Folk songs and other songs for children.
- FSC Field. Songs of childhood.
- FSK Funkhouser. Simple songs for kindergarten.
- GS George. Songs in season.
- HC Hofer. Children's singing games.
- HMC1 Hofer. Music for the child world. Bk. 1.
- HMC2 —— Bk. 2.
- HR Hailmann. Songs, games and rhymes.
- HS Poulsson. Holiday songs.
- IMS Montz. Instrumental musical sketches.
- JB Hornby. Joyous book of singing games.
- KC Wiggin. Kindergarten chimes.
- KK Kastman and Koehler. Swedish song games.
- KM Rogers. Kindergarten marches.
- LCD Poulsson and Smith. Songs for little child's day.
- LBS Bell. Singing circle.
- LL Riley and Gaynor. Lilts and lyrics.
- MG Elliott. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and nursery songs; set to music.
- MP Froebel. Mother play.
- MSG Hubbard. Merry songs and games.
- MSL Martin. Sunday songs for little children.
- NEB1 Neal. EspÉrance Morris book. Bk. 1.
- NEB2 —— Bk. 2.
- NG Newell. Songs and games of American children.
- NS Knowlton. Nature songs for children.
- OSM Sheehan. On a spring morning.
- OYA Forsythe. Old songs for young Americans.
- PFP Poulsson. Finger plays.
- PS Plays and songs for kindergarten and family.
- PTS Hurd. Playtime songs.
- RCS Osgood. Rounds, carols and songs.
- SC1 Gaynor. Songs of the child world. Bk. 1.
- SC2 —— Bk. 2.
- SF Stevenson. Song flowers, from "A child's garden of verses" set to music, by K. M. Ramsay.
- SHS Hill. Song stories.
- SL1 Smith. Songs for little children. Bk. 1.
- SL2 —— Bk. 2. SM Froebel. Songs and music.
- SS Stevenson song book.
- SSS Neidlinger. Small songs for small singers.
- StN Pratt. St. Nicholas book of songs.
- SV Coonley. Singing verses for children.
- SZ Smeltzer. Sense games.
- TC Tomlins. Children's souvenir song book.
- TGS Reed. Timely games and songs.
- TLB Tomlins. Laurel song book.
- USI U.S. Indian Bureau. Social plays and games.
- VBD Valentine. Baker's dozen for city children.
- WS Walker. Songs and games for little ones.