- *A, B, C. OYA
- *A, B, C. RCS
- A, B, C, D. LBS
- *A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee. BB
- (A, E, O. RCS)
- *A, B, C, tumble down D. Elliott. MG
- *A, E, O, the cat jumped in the snow. RCS
- (A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee. BB)
- *A-hunting we will go. JB
- (Hunting. BG—USI)
- A-nutting we will go. NEB1
- Music only.
- A-rub-a-dub-dub. See Gaynor. Rub-a-dub-dub. SC1
- A-tis-ket, a-tas-ket a pretty May basket. See Smith. May basket. LCD
- *Abide with me, fast falls the eventide. Monk. TLB
- Abt. Bee game. HR
- —— Birdies' cradle. HR
- About boats. Neidlinger. ES2
- Ace of diamonds. BFD
- Ace of diamonds. FDM
- Music only.
- Ach, wie ist's moeglich dann. See Kuecken. How can I leave thee? FS
- Acrobats and athletic sports. HMC2
- Music only.
- Across the wild heather my laddie comes down. See Meissner. In Scotland. ASC
- Adam. Christmas song. GS
- Adams. Christmas carol. HS
- —— Nearer my God to Thee. TLB
- Adieu, dear land, with beauty teeming. See Switzer's farewell. EFS
- After resting all the night. See Mozart. Morning greeting. SHS
- After "Secret Love." Resch. KM
- After the rain. Smith. SV
- Afternoon song. KC
- Afternoon tea. Knowlton. NS
- Again you're here. See Gebauer. New Year. H S
- Ah! now we've caught you. See Bureau. Captive wild bird. HS
- Ah, the drops are pouring down. See Knowlton. Summer shower. NS
- Ah, violet, dearest violet. See Schults. Violet. FC—KC—MSL—RCS—SLI—WS
- For composers see Schults. Violet.
- Ah! who comes here. See Punchinello. HC
- Aiken drum. BB
- Air du roi Louis XIII. Page. HMC2
- Music only.
- *Air is filled with the echoes. Morton. WS
- Air is full of mystery. See Gaynor. Christmas secrets. SC2
- Airy, fairy snowflakes. See Gaynor. SC1
- Alabieff. Nightingale. FS
- Alas! my love you do me wrong. See My Lady Greensleeves. NEBI
- (Marzials. My Lady Greensleeves. CPP)
- Albert. God's blessing on work. SHS
- Album leaf. Grieg. HMC2
- Music only
- Album leaf. Sartorio. HMC2
- Music only
- Alcott. O sing with cheery voices. SL2
- Alden. Lost, the summer. GS
- *Alder by the river. Sawyer. EL
- (Strauchauer. Alder by the river. WS)
- Aldrich. Bronze, brown eyes. StN
- —— Christ church bells. RCS
- —— Cradle song. TC
- —— Marjorie's almanac. StN
- Alexander. All things bright and beautiful. HR—SHS
- Alice's supper. Smith. SLI
- *All aboard. Funkhouser. FSK
- All about, all about, baby's feet are flying. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. SM
- All alone I wander here. See Alone I wander. KK
- All around the chicken coop. See Pop goes the weasel. OYA
- All around the house. See Stevenson. Shadow march. SF
- (Ramsay. Shadow march. SF)
- All around the Maypole. See Maypole style. JB
- All around the mulb'ry bush. Cole. CM
- All day long I hear a song. See Cole. My song. TC
- All for baby. Roeske. PFP
- All frosty stands Christmas. See Hill. Yes, come! dear dear Christmas. HS
- All gone! Hubbard. MSG
- (Froebel. All's gone. MP)
- All gone baby. Smith. SL1
- *All gone! the supper's gone! Hurd. PTS
- (Bullard. All gone. SM)
- All good night, all good night. See Good night, no. 1. HR
- All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name. See Holden. Coronation. TLB
- All hail to thee, fair morning. See Walker. Birthday song. WS
- All in the downs the fleet was moored. See Marzials. Black eyed Susan. CPP
- All night long, all night long, little stars do blink. See Rossini. Stars and posies. GS
- All night long and every night. See Stevenson. Young night thought. SS
- (Foote. Young night thought. SS)
- All our work is over. See Mozart. Good-bye song. SHS
- All people that on earth do dwell. See Old hundred. EFS
- All's gone. Froebel. MP
- (Hubbard. All gone. MSG)
- All the birds and bees are singing. See Hubbard. Lovely May. MSG
- All the birds are back again. See Spring song. PS
- All the birds are back again. See Wiggin. Spring birds. KC
- All the birds are here again. See Smith. Summer song. SL1
- *All the birds have come again. Smith. SL1
- *All the birds have come again. WS
- All the busy work is done. See Hill. Farewell. SHS
- All the children's clothes are worn. See Story of the clothes. SHS
- All the little Marguerites. See Gaynor. Marguerites. LL
- *All the little sparrows. Walker. WS
- All the trees are lifeless. See Hubbard. Rose bush. MSG
- *All things bright and beautiful. Heerwart. HR
- (Hill. God's work. SHS)
- All through the night. EFS
- (Owen. All through the night. TLB)
- All up and down, my honey. See Sugar lump. NG
- All you little blackey tops. See Scarecrow. BB
- All who sing and wish to please. See Goodban. Round on the diatonic scale. RCS
- *Alle galoo galoo. JB
- Alle VÖgel sind schon da. See Pretty birdlings. RCS
- Allegretto. Beethoven. HMC
- Music only.
- Allegro. Mendelssohn. HMC
- Music only.
- Alleluia. Barnby. TLB
- Allen. Canoe song. EL
- —— Christmas carol. EL
- —— Clouds and sunshine. StN
- —— In the pleasant sunny meadows. WS
- —— Jessie. StN
- —— Lullaby. StN
- (Fairlamb. Lullaby. StN)
- —— Memorial hymn. TLB
- —— Song of the rain. WS
- (Smith. Rain song. SL1)
- —— There's a ship on the sea. StN
- (Damrosch. There's a ship on the sea. StN)
- (Fisher. There's a ship on the sea. StN)
- —— Whenever a little child is born. StN
- —— Winter and Summer. StN
- Alone I wander. KK
- Alte Barbarossa. See Gersbach. Barbarossa. RCS
- Amaryllis. EFS
- America. Smith. FS—GS—MSG
- (My country 'tis of thee. TLB)
- America, America, thou country of the free. See Chadwick. Child's American hymn. TC
- Among the green leaves of the tall forest trees. See Czerny. Number game. HR
- Among these happy children. See Hill. Skipping song. SHS
- And so we say, good day, good day. See We say good day. KK
- *And we're a noddin'. FS
- (Variant: We are all nodding. LBS)
- And what are you trilling, O Katy-did-did? See Meissner. Katy-did. ASC
- Andre. Christmas waltz song. KC
- —— Good morning. KC
- Andreae. Flower basket. HR
- —— How we love our kindergarten. HR
- —— Watermill. HR
- Angelus. Conrade. GS
- Annie goes to the cabbage field. See Character dance. HC
- (Variant: Strasak. BFD)
- Annie Laurie. EFS—FS—TLB
- Annie went to the cabbage patch. See Strasak. BFD
- (Variant: Character dance. HC)
- Another birthday song. Reinecke. FC
- Another day has now begun. See Hailmann. Opening stanza. HR
- Anschuetz. Mill by the rivulet. HR
- (Mill. WS)
- Antioch. Handel. TLB
- Anvil is busy, the iron is hot. See Coonley. Anvil song. GS
- Anvil song. Coonley. GS
- Apple orchard. Lindbald. EFS
- Apple trees grow in the orchard fair. See Lindbald. Apple orchard. EFS
- *Apples ripe. Hubbard. MSG
- April. SL2
- April. Knowlton. NS
- *April! April! Are you here? Conrade. GS
- April drops came down. See Strong. May song. HS
- April girl. Fairlamb. StN
- (Stanley. April girl. StN)
- April rain. Knowlton. NS
(Weber. Birdies in the greenwood. HR) - Birdie's song. Frost. WS
- (Cornwell. There was once a little birdie. EL)
- (Rust. There was once a little birdie. EL)
- Birdlings are singing to welcome the dawn. See Song of love. RCS
- Birdling's good-night to the flowers. Smith. SL2
- Birds. PS
- (Hubbard. Hopping and flying together. MSG)
- Birds all the summer day flutter and quarrel. See Stevenson. Nest eggs. SF
- (Ramsay. Nest eggs. SF)
- Birds and angels. Reinecke. FC
- Birds and bees and flowers. See Randegger. Prayer. KC
- (Randegger. Song of thanks. EL)
- Birdies are flitting here and there. See Chapek. Birds' joy. HS
- Birds are singing, the bells are ringing. See Gilchrist. Going to the fair. StN
- Birds' duet. FS
- Birds flying. Montz. IMS
- Birds have their nest. See Sheehan. My garden flowers. OSM
- Birds in autumn. Chapek. HS
- Birds in summer. Tufts. CL
- Birds in the nest. Taubert. RCS
- Birds in the woods. Hollaender. HMC1
- Music only.
- Birds in winter. Cole. CM
- Birds' joy. Chapek. HS
- Birds must fly. Hubbard. MSG
- *Birds' nest. HS
- Bird's nest. Gaynor. SC1
- Bird's nest. Gilchrist. SM
- Bird's nest. Hailmann. HR
- (Adapted from Hubbard. See my little birdie's nest. MSG)
- Bird's nest. Hurd. PTS
- Bird's nest. Kohl. SM
- Birds of passage. Reinecke. FC
- Birds of spring with gladness sing. See Chapek. Easter morning. HS
- Birge. Morning sunshine. HS
- Birth of the butterfly. Gaynor. SC1
- Birthday greeting. Gaynor. SC1
- Birthday greeting. Jenks. EL
- Birthday march. Schumann. HMC2
- Music only.
- Birthday song. Reinecke. SL1
- (Reinecke. Mother's birthday. FC)
- Birthday song. Reinecke. SL2
- Birthday song. Walker. WS
- Bishop. Home, sweet home. EFS—FS—LBS
- —— My pretty Jane. EFS
- BjÖrnson. Twilight musing. FS
- Black eyed Susan. Marzials. CPP
- Blackbird song. BSS
- Blacksmith. KC
- Blacksmith. Gaynor. SC1
- Blacksmith. Handel. SL1
- Blacksmith. Montz. IMS
- Music only.
- Blacksmith. Neidlinger. ES1
- Blacksmith. Parker. WS
- (Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG)
- Blacksmith hammers the whole day long. See Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG
- (Parker. Blacksmith. WS)
- Blacksmith strong, a man is he. See Neidlinger. Blacksmith. ES1
- Blacksmith's song. Hill. SHS
- *Blackthorn, blackthorn. JB
- Blake. Dodo. RCS
- Bleking. FDM
- Music only.
- *Bless you, burnie bee. Cole. CM
- Blessed day. Batchellor. WS
- Blessings on effort. Hill. SHS
- Blessings on thee, little man. See Johns. Barefoot. TLB
- Blithe and merrily sang the shark. See Chadwick. Song of the shark. StN
- Blooming clover blossoms. See Clover blossoms. EL
- *Blossom, pretty flower. Schulz. RCS
- Blow away the morning dew. LBS
- Blow, blow, blow your shining bubbles. See Gaynor. Blowing bubbles. SC1
- Blow, blow busy, busy wind. See Neidlinger. Busy wind. ES1
- *Blow, blow thou winter wind. Whiting. TLB
- Blow, bugle, blow! Neidlinger. TLB
- Blowing, blowing everywhere. See Hill. Wind song. SHS
- Blowing bubbles. Gaynor. SC1
- Blue and the gray together. Conrade. GS
- Blue-bell and the flowers. Reinecke. FC
- Blue-bell rings adown the vale. See Reinecke. Blue bell and the flowers. FC
- Blue-bells of Scotland. FS
- Blue-eyed stranger. NEB2
- Bluebird. Conrade. GS
- Bluebird. Hubbard. MSG
- (Bluebird. WS)
- Bluebird. Neidlinger. SSS
- Bluebird, canary, the robin redbreast. See Wiggin. Flight of the birds. KC
- Bluebird sat on a tree and sang. See Bacon. Summer is coming. EL
- Bluehe, liebes Veilchen. See Schulz. Blossom pretty flower. REC
- Bluff King Hal. See May pole dance. BFD
- Bo-Peep. CBO
- (Conrade. Little Bo-Peep. GS)
- (Elliott. Little Bo-Peep. MG)
- (Little Bo-Peep. KM)
- Boat. Rust. EL
- Boat ride. Smith. SL2
- Boat song. HR—WS
- (Lightly row, lightly row. RCS)
- Boat song. Reinhold. HMC1
- Music only.
- Boat song. Weidig. TC
- (Fanning. Boat song. TC)
- Boating. Gaynor. SC2
- Boating song. Ring. SC1
- Bob White. Conrade. GS
- *Bobbie Shafto, it is he. Smeltzer. SZ
- Bobby Shafto. Gaynor. LL
- (Bobby Shafto's gone to sea. OYA)
- *Bobby Shafto's gone to sea. OYA
- (Gaynor. Bobby Shafto. LL)
- Bobolink. Cole. CM
- Bobolink. Gaynor. SC2
- "Bobolink, bobolink" this is my tune. See Cole. Bobolink. CM
- Bobolink is a jolly bird. See Gaynor. Bobolink. SC2
- Bold snow-man. Smith. LCD
- Bolero. Page. HMC2
- Music only.
- Bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. See Loch Lomond. FS
- Bonnie Dundee. EFS
- Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie. FS
- Bonny breast knot. NEB2
- *Bootblacks. KC
- Boott. Bye, baby birds are sleeping. StN
- —— Run, little rivulet, run. RCS—WS
- (Bertini. Little rivulet. HR)
- —— Snow filled nest. StN
- Bossy cow. LCD
- Bowing game. Chapek. HS
- Bowl of bread and milk. Neidlinger. SSS
- Boy and the brook. Sawyer. EL
- Boy and the moon. Froebel. MP
- Boy and the toot. Bartlett. StN
- Boy and the wren. RCS
- (Reinecke. George's song. FC)
- Boy blue. Smeltzer. SZ
- Boy is walking in the ring. See With even step. KK
- Boy once caught a tomtit gay. See Reinecke. George's song. FC
- (Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS)
- Boy once trapped a birdling bright. See Reinecke. Boy and the wren. RCS
- (Reinecke. George's song. FC)
- Brahms. Cradle song. FS
- —— Fish in the brook. SM
- —— Little dustman. EFS
- (Brahms. Lullaby. SHS)
- —— Lost chicken. FS
- —— Lullaby. SHS
- (Brahms. Little dustman. EFS)
- Brave. Smith. LCD
- Brave little crocus, what's in your cup? See Knowlton. Crocus. NS
- Brave little soldier. See Neidlinger. Cut finger. SSS
- *Brave of heart. FS
- Breaks the joyful Easter dawn. See Story. Easter hymn. WS
- (Batchellor. Easter hymn. WS)
- Br'er rabbit. OYA
- Brewer. Little things. CL
- Brewster. Christmas song. BSS
- —— Cobbler. BSS
- —— Cradle song. BSS
- —— Dotty and the clock. BSS
- —— Hush my baby. BSS
- —— Little bird in the cradle. BSS
- —— Lost doll. BSS
- —— Morning. BSS
- —— O moon! in the night. BSS
- —— Pat-a-cake. BSS
- —— Robins and pussy willow. BSS
- —— Sleep, my baby, sleep. BSS
- (Cornwell. Sleep, baby sleep. EL)
- (Sleep, baby, sleep. FS—RCS)
- (Smith. Sleep, baby, sleep. SL1)
- —— Slumber song. BSS
- —— Spring must come. BSS
- —— Spring song. BSS
- —— Thanksgiving song. BSS
- —— Valentine song. BSS
- —— Violet song. BSS
- *Briar Rosebud is a pretty child. KK
- Bridge. Her lovers. TC
- Bridge. Froebel. MP
- (Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG)
- (Variant: Smith. Bridge. SL2)
- Bridge. Smith. SL2
- (Adapted from Froebel. Bridge. MP)
- (Variant: Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG)
- Bridge. Smith. SM
- Brien the brave. TLB
- Bright little dandelions. See Cole. Dandelion. CM
- Bring blossoms sweet. Rossini. GS
- Bring the comb and play upon it. See Stevenson. Marching song. CGV—LBS—SS
- Music only.
- Cossack's song. TLB
- Cottrau. Santa Lucia. FS
- (Now 'neath the silver moon. EFS—TLB)
- Cough and crow to roost are gone. Parker. Robbers. TLB
- Counting game. KK
- Counting lesson. Roeske. PFP
- Country dance. FDM
- Music only.
- Country dance, I. ("Lust'ger Schweizerbu'") FDM
- Music only.
- Country dance, II. ("O Strassburg") FDM
- Music only.
- Country gardens. NEB1
- Cousin Peter. LBS
- Cover the eyes all close and tight. See Froebel. Flower song. SM
- Cow. Stevenson. CM—LBS
- For composers see Stevenson. COW
- Cradle carol. Terhune. CC
- Cradle nest. Winslow. HS
- Cradle song. Atkinson. SV
- Cradle song. Barnby. TC
- Cradle song. Brahms. FS
- Cradle song. Brewster. BSS
- Cradle song. Fairlamb. StN
- (Fisher. Cradle song. StN)
- (Ilsley. Cradle song. StN)
- (Stanley. Cradle song. StN)
- (Suck. Cradle song. StN)
- Cradle song. Schumann. HMC1
- Music only.
- Cradle song. Spazier. SHS
- Cradle song. Tennyson. EL
- (Baby's waking song. SHS)
- (What does little birdie say. SM)
- (Tufts. Little birdie. CL)
- Cradle song. Tufts. CL
- Cradle song of the Virgin. Barnby. RCS
- (Kies. Virgin's cradle song. MSL)
- Crawling, spinning, shelter winning. See Hill. Caterpillar and moth. SHS
- Creeping, slowly creeping. See Smith. Caterpillar. SM
- Creeping thing upon the ground. See Smith. Caterpillar. SL2
- Crested hen. FDM
- Music only.
- Cricket. Oldberg. HMC1
- Music only.
- Crickets carol in the grass. See Menard. Slumber song. BSS.
- Cris-cradle sings. Hubbard. MSG
- Crocus. Knowlton. NS
- Crocus and anemone are calling from the wood. See Gaynor. Flower day. GS
- Crosby. Hurrah for the sleigh-bells. EL
- *Cross and crown. Martin. MSL
- Crossing the bar. Huss. TLB
- Crow. Gaynor. SC2
- Crow calculations. Conrade. GS
- Crown her, oh crown her Queen of the May. See Gaynor. May Queen. GS
- Crusaders. Pinsuti. TLB
- Cry is heard like thunder sound. See Wilhelm. Watch by the Rhine. EFS—FS
- Csardas. BFD
- Csardas. FDM
- Music only.
- Csardas. Geza. HMC2
- Music only.
- Cube. Hubbard. MSG
- Cube now is resting. See Wiggin. Second gift song. KC
- Cube songs, 1 and 2. EL
- Cubes and ball. SL2
- Cuckoo. PS
- Cuckoo. Bullard. SM
- Cuckoo. Froebel. MP
- Cuckoo. Hubbard. MSG
- Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, hark to the call. See Hubbard. Spring. MSG
- *Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! My child, the cuckoo is singing. PS
- Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo now is calling. See Hubbard. MSG
- Cuck-oo, cuck-oo, green wood-lands call. See Messenger of spring. RCS
- *Cuckoo cuckoo! sound from the wood. PS
- *Cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo calls you, dear. Bullard. SM
- Cunning cat is watching. See Cat and mouse. PS
- *Curley locks. Elliott. MG
- Cushman. Wheel song. EL
- Cut finger. Neidlinger. SSS
- Cycle of the year. Neidlinger. ES1
- Cylinder. Hubbard. MSG
- Cylinder song. EL
- Czerny. Number game. HR
- Da draussen auf der Aue. See Taubert. Down in a grassy meadow. RCS
- Daddy, daddy, long legged daddy. See Meissner. Granddaddy longlegs. ASC
- *Daffodil lady. Gaynor. LL
- Daffodils, daffodils, daisies and buttercups. See Palmer. Little maid Margery. StN
- Daffy-down-dilly. Bacon. EL
- Daffy-down-dilly. Gaynor. SC1
- Daffy-down-dilly. Smith. SL2
- Dainty little stockings. See Cole. Christmas song. BSS
- Dainty milkweed babies. See Smith. Milkweed babies. SL2
- Dairy. FS
- Daisies. Gaynor. SC2
- Daisies and stars. Conrade. GS
- *Daisies are dancing. Smith. SL2
- Daisies in the meadows. Conrade. GS
- (Walker. Out in the meadows. WS)
- Daisies white are nursery maids. See Conrade. Daisy nurses. GS
- (Knowlton. Daisy nurses. NS)
- Daisy. Batchellor. WS
- Daisy. Haydn. HR
- (Reinecke. Daisy. SL1)
- (Reinecke. Field daisy. FC)
- Daisy and the wind. Neidlinger. SSS
- Daisy buds. Tufts. CL
- *Daisy dear. Hubbard. MSG
- Daisy nurses. Conrade. GS
- (Knowlton. Daisy nurses. NS)
- Daldans. FDM
- Music only.
- Dalecarlian maiden's song. Lindbald. EFS
- Dame, get up and bake your pies. See Xmas day in ye morning. CBO
- Damrosch. Easter carol. StN
- (Fairlamb. Easter carol. StN)
- (Hubbard. Sweetly the birds are singing. MSG)
- —— Handel. StN
- (Stanley. Handel. StN)
- —— In the wood. StN
- —— Jessie. StN
- —— Joy, hope and love. StN
- —— Lord's day. StN
- —— Million little diamonds. StN
- (Burdett. Million little diamonds. StN)
- (Tufts. Winter jewels. CL)
- (Walker. Winter jewels. WS)
- —— Minuet. StN
- (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN)
- (Fisher. Minuet. StN)
- (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN)
- —— There's a ship on the sea. StN
- (Allen. There's a ship on the sea. StN)
- (Fisher. There's a ship on the sea. StN)
- —— Valentine. StN
- (Fairlamb. Valentine. StN)
- Dance. Neidlinger. SSS
- *Dance a baby diddy. CBO
- (Elliott. Nurse's song. MG)
- *Dance, little baby. Weber. HR
- Dance. Looby, Looby, Looby dance. See Looby, Looby. LBS
- (Here we come, Looby Loo. JB)
- (Looby Loo. BG—HC—NEB1)
- (Looby light. BB)
- Dance of greeting. BFD
- Dance of greeting. FDM
- Music only.
- Dance of the bears. Heins. HMC2
- Music only.
- Dance of the frost elves. Grieg. HMC1
- Music only.
- Dance of the rainbow fairies. Gaynor. SC1
- Dance on the green. Baumfelder. HMC2
- Music only.
- *Dance, Thumbkin, dance. LBS
- Dance we had at our village home. See Koschat. City lad and country lass. EFS
- Dancing game. Gaynor. SC1
- Dancing song. Froelich. HR
- (Reinecke. Dancing song. FC)
- Dancing song. Gaynor. GS
- Dancing song. Gaynor. LL
- Dancing song. Root. SV
- Dancing song. Smith. SL2
- Dandelion. Bingham. BM
- Dandelion. Cole. CM
- Dandelion. Foote. StN
- Dandelion. Gaynor. SC1
- Dandelion. Knowlton. NS
- Dandelion. Methfessel. SHS
- Dandelion cycle. Knowlton. NS
- Dandelion, dandelion, where's your cup of gold. See Knowlton.
- Dandelion. NS
- Dandelion fashions. Smith. SL2
- Dandelions. Suck. StN
- Dandelions, dandelions, like golden stars are you. See Gaynor.
- Dandelion. SC1
- Danse de Strasbourg (Ecossaise). FDM
- Music only
- Dapple gray horse. See Taubert. Soldier song. FS—SL2
- Dark brown is the river. See Stevenson. Where go the boats. CGV—LBS—SF—SS
- For composers see Stevenson. Where go the boats.
- *Darling little fingers. Weber. HR
- Dawn. Barnby. TLB
- Day. Knowlton. NS
- Day and night. Neidlinger. ES
- Day I left my home for the rolling sea. See Yradier. Dove. FS
- *Day is dying. Roeckel. TLB
- Day is now spent. See At the beginning and at the close of day, no. 6. PS
- (Variant: Day's far spent. JB)
- Day's far spent. JB
- (Variant: At the beginning and at the close of day, no. 6. PS)
- Dayre. Jolly Joe. CM
- —— Summer shower. NS
- Dear child, we welcome you to-day. See Gaynor. Welcome song. SC
ng of April. TLB
- —— Valentine. StN
- (Damrosch. Valentine. StN)
- Fairy. Reinecke. FC
- Fairy artist. Conrade. GS
- Fairy dance. Smith. LCD
- *Fairy maiden dance lightly round in the ring. KK
- Fairy play. KK
- Fairy sat on a roseleaf edge. See Gilchrist. So wise. StN
- Fairy ship. BB
- (Duck dance. BG)
- (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC)
- (Reinecke. I saw a ship a-sailing. HR)
- (Ship a-sailing. EL)
- Fairy steps. Reinhold. HMC2
- Music only.
- Fall leaves. Hill. SHS
- (Autumn leaves. HR)
- (Osgood. Come, little leaves. MSG—RCS—WS)
- (Smith. Come, little leaves. SL2)
- Falling! falling. Bullard. SM
- (Adapted from Froebel. Falling, falling. MP)
- Falling, falling. Froebel. MP
- (Adaptation: Bullard. Falling! Falling. SM)
- Falling leaves. Neidlinger. SSS
- Falling snow. Hill. HS
- Falling so lightly, drifting so whitely. See Hill. Falling snow HS
- Family. Froebel. HR
- Family. Gilchrist. SM
- (Parker. Family. SM)
- Family Hurd. PTS
- Family. Parker. SM
- (Gilchrist. Family. SM)
- Family. Walker. WS
- Family drum corps. Knowlton. NS
- Music only. HMC2
- Family finger play. Wiggin. KC
- Faning. Boat song. TC
- (Weidig. Boat song. TC)
- Far down in the valley. See Smith. Alice's supper. SL1
- Far, far away in Bethlehem town. See Terhune. Christmas carol. CC
- Far, far to the southward. See Good morning, canary. HS
- *Far out at sea. Cole. TC
- Far over western hills. See Gaynor. Evening. SC2
- Farewell. Hill. SHS
- Farewell to the birds. Gaynor. SC1
- Farewell to the farm. Stevenson. SS
- (Chadwick. Farewell to the farm. SS)
- *Farewell, work. Koehler. HR
- Farmer. LBS
- (Can you show me how the farmer? JB)
- (Farmer. PS)
- (Farmer and the housewife. KK)
- (Froebel. Farmer. SM)
- (Koehler. Farmer. HR)
- (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS)
- Farmer. Gaynor. LL
- Farmer. Hubbard. MSG
- Farmer. Reinecke. SL2
- Farmer. Smeltzer. SZ
- Farmer and the doves. Taubert. RCS
- Farmer and the housewife. KK
- (Can you show me how the farmer? JB)
- (Farmer. LBS)
- (Farmer. PS)
- (Froebel. Farmer. SM)
- (Koehler. Farmer. HR)
- (Shall I show you how the farmer? RCS)
- Farmer and the miller. See Roeske. Making bread. PFP
- Farmer has a dove-cot. See Taubert. Farmer and the doves. RCS
- Farmer he lived in the West Countree. See Barkshire tragedy. NEB1
- *Farmer in the dell. BG—HC—LL—NG—USI
- (Farmer's in his den. JB)
- *Farmer's in his den. JB
- (Farmer in the dell. BG—HC—LL—NG—USI)
- Farmyard. Froebel. SM
- Farmyard song. Grieg. FS
- Farwell. Build thee more stately mansions. TLB
- —— Song of greeting. TLB
- *Fast fly the hours. Naegeli. RCS
- Father and mother's care. Naegeli. SHS
- Father, father dear, I pray, Take your hat and cane to-day.
- See Froebel. Toyman and boy. MP
- Father, from a distant land thy host hath come. See Evening hymn of the crusaders. TLB
- Father Guillori. RCS
- (Petit chasseur. BB)
- Father, help each little child. See Mozart. Morning hymn. HR
- Father, I cry to Thee. See Himmel. Prayer. TLB
- Father in Heaven. See Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 2. KC
- Father in Heaven above, We Thank Thee. See Sheehan. Spring morning prayer. OSM
- Father in Heaven, Thy children hear. See Largo. TLB
- Father of all in Heav'n above. See Hill. Thanks for daily blessings. SHS
- Father O'Flynn. FS
- Father, thou who carest. See Hill. God's care of all things. SHS
- Father, we thank Thee for the light. See Hill. Thanks for constant care. SHS
- Father, we thank Thee for the night. See Batchellor. Morning hymn. WS
- (Hamburg. Morning hymn. HR)
- (Wiggin. Morning prayer. KC)
- Fear us not, whate'er we're doing. See Reinecke. To the humble bee. FC
- Feast of lanterns. Elliott. MG
- Feather game. Gaynor. SC2
- February. Knowlton. NS
- February. Marston. EL
- Feder Mikkel. FDM
- Music only.
- Feeding chickens. Knowlton. NS
- Feeding chickens. Montz. IMS
- Feeding the pigeons. PS
- Feel you the raindrops. See Taubert. Birds in the nest. RCS
- Ferns. Cornwell. EL
- Ferns. Sloane. HS
- Ferret. Gaynor. LL
- (Ferret of the woods. RCS)
- Ferret of the woods. RCS
- (Gaynor. Ferret. LL)
- Ferrett runs to the woods. See Ferret of the woods. RCS
- (Gaynor. Ferret. LL)
- *Ferret's here, he is there. LBS
- Fesca. When the earth wakes up in gladness. SL1
- Feste Burg ist unser Gott. See Luther. Ein' feste Burg. TLB
- (Luther. Mighty fortress. EFS)
- (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS)
- Festive march. HR
- Fiddle-de-dee. DeKoven. FSC
- Fiddle-de-dee, fiddle-de-dee, the fly has married the humble-bee. See Fly and the humble-bee. BB
- *Fiddler he had but one onliest cow. KK
- Fido and his master. HR
- Field. Armenian lullaby. FSC
- —— Brook. FSC
- —— Child and mother. FSC
- —— Dinkey-bird. FSC
- —— Doll's wooing. FSC
- —— Dutch lullaby. FSC
- —— Easter carol. EL
- —— Fiddle-dee-dee. FSC
- —— Hushaby, sweet my own. FSC
- —— Japanese lullaby. FSC
- —— Kissing time. FSC
- —— Little Boy Blue. FSC
- —— Little Mistress Sans-Merci. FSC
- —— Little-oh-dear. FSC
- —— Little peach. FSC
- —— Nightfall in Dordrecht. FSC
- —— Norse lullaby. FSC
- —— Oh, little child. FSC
- —— Orkney lullaby. FSC
- —— Rock-a-by lady. FSC
- —— Swing high and swing low. FSC
- —— Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM—SV
- (Bingham. Why do bells for Christmas ring? BM)
- (Root. Christmas song. SV)
- Field daisy. Reinecke. FC
- Field is brown and bare. See Neidlinger. Plowman. ES
- Field mouse. Mokrejs. HMC
- Music only.
- Fields are white to harvest. See Kies. Reaper. MSL
- Figure of eight. NEB2
- Final triumph. Martin. MSL
- Finch. Sandman. HS
- Finding the place. Smith. SL2
- Fine frosted cake. See Smith. Three years old. LCD
- Finger family. Gaynor. SC1
- Finger piano. Reinecke. SM
- Finger piano. Smith. SL1
- Finger play. Froebel. KC
- (Froebel. This little thumb. MP)
- (Hubbard. What's this. MSG)
- Finger plays. PS
- (No. 19 a variant of Froebel. Numbering the fingers. SM)
- Finger song. Froebel. MP
- (Hubbard. Thumbs and fingers say "Good morning." MSG)
- Finger song. Smith. SL2
- Fingers' lullaby. Gaynor. SC1
- Fingers tripping up and down. See Hailmann. Stanzas for finger piano. HR
- *Fir and the pine. RCS
- (Fir tree. FS)
- Fir tree. FS
- (Fir and the pine. RCS)
- *Fir tree grew in the forest old. Burnett. HS
- *Fire is burning, it burns so bright. KK
- Firebells. Montz. IMS
- Firefly, firefly, bright little thing. See Conrade. Firefly song. GS
- Firefly song. Conrade. GS
- Fireman. Funkhouser. FSK
- Fireman. Valentine. VBD
- First Christmas. Morton. HS—WS
- (Reinecke. First Christmas. GS)
- First Christmas. Sawyer. EL
- First Christmas
ck o' lantern. FSK
- —— Mister Sunshine. FSK
- —— Mother Nature and Mr. Wind. FSK
- —— Prayer. FSK
- —— Robin's nest. FSK
- —— Shoo fly. FSK
- —— Sidewalk song. FSK
- —— Some day you'll be a man. FSK
- —— Tom, Tom, the piper's son. FSK
- —— Waltz. FSK
- Furry old fellow. See Neidlinger. Caterpillar. SSS
- Fuzzy little caterpillar. See Roeske. Caterpillar. PFP
lly boughs bring. See Smith. Christmas carol. SL2 Green leafy tree. Smith. LCD Green leaves grew all around. JB (There was a tree stood in the ground. NG) Greeting. Froebel. SM Greeting. Mendelssohn. FS Greeting. Mendelssohn. RCS Greeting, O peaceful one, greeting. See Farwell. Song of greeting. TLB Greeting song. Smith. KC Greeting to all, both great and small. See Wiggin. Morning greeting. KC Greeting to spring. Gade. RCS (Kies. Greeting to spring. MSL) Greeting to spring. Sawyer. EL Greeting to the sun. Gaynor. SC1 Greeting to you, children dear. See Gaynor. Morning greeting. SC1 Greetings we offer thee. See Reinecke. Birthday song. SL2 Gregory. Rainbow children. EL Gretchen lies in her gloomy bed. See Sinding. Mother sings. EFS Grieg. Album leaf. HMC2 Music only. —— Dance of the frost elves. HMC1 Music only. —— Farmyard song. FS —— First primrose. FS —— Morning mood. HMC1 Music only. Grinding wheat. Froebel. HR Grove. Bedtime. HS —— Bird-band. HS —— Doll song. HS —— Morning song. HS —— Mr. Toadie's coat. HS Grow old along with me. See Hadley. Rabbi Ben Ezra. TLB Growing. Gaynor. GS Gruber. Stilly night, starry and bright. FS (Haydn. Holy night. RCS) Guardian angels. Schumann. FS Guess. Neidlinger. SSS Guess what Doris told me. See Vose. Spring secrets. EL Guessing game. HR Guessing game. Gaynor. SC1 Guessing game. Wiggin. KC (Hubbard. Seeing. MSG) (Guessing game, no. 32. PS) (When we're playing together. WS) Guessing games. PS Guessing the singer. Reinecke. SM Guglielmo. Rowing. FS Guinea hen. HMC2 Music only. Gurlitt. Cave of the winds. HMC1 Music only. —— First dance. HMC2 Music only. —— Gavotte. HMC2 Music only. —— Morning prayer. HMC1 Music only. —— Rabbit. HMC1 Music only. —— Sunshiny morning. HMC2 Music only. —— Under the Maypole. HMC2 Music only. Gustaf's skal. FDM Music only. *Gustaf's skoal! O 'tis the best the land can boast. KK Gustave's toast. See Gustaf's skal. FDM Music only. Gute Kamerad. See Good comrade. FS Guten Morgen, ihr Baume wie seht ihr so kalt. See Morning song. RCS Guten Tag, ihr fleissigen Maegdlein. See Taubert. Sparrow's greeting. RCS - Ha, ha, he! My fine pony see. See Tufts. Rocking-horse. FS
- Had you seen my sweet Coolun at the day's early dawn. See Coolun. EFS
- Hadley. Easter. TLB
- —— Flag. TLB
- —— Fountain. TLB
- (Johns. Fountain. TC)
- —— Rabbi Ben Ezra. TLB
- —— While you sleep. TLB
- Hahn. Calling the flowers.
- —— Gaelic cradle song. BSS
- (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB)
- (Tufts. Old Gaelic lullaby. CL)
- Hahn. Lullaby song. BSS
- *Hail Columbia. Hopkinson. EFS
- Hailmann. April showers. HR
- —— Baa, baa, black sheep. HR
- (Baa, baa, black sheep. CBO—FS)
- (Elliott. Baa, baa, black sheep. MG)
- (Gaynor. Baa, baa, black sheep. LL)
- —— Baby bye, here's a fly. HR
- —— Ball play. KC
- (Hailmann. Selling fruit. HR)
- —— Birds' nest. HR
- (Variant: Hubbard. See my little birdie's nest. MSG)
- —— Come dance, little Thumbkin. HR
- —— End to end. HR
- —— Frogs. HR
- —— Giving the balls. HR
- —— Good morning. HR
- —— Hopping. HR
- —— Little chickens. HR
- —— Newsboy. HR
- —— Now come let us play. HR
- —— Oh, see the snow. HR
- (Hubbard. See the snow is falling fast. MSG)
- (Walker. Snow. WS)
- —— Our work is done. HR
- (Hubbard. Parting song. MSG)
- (Walker. Our play is o'er. KC)
- (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC)
- —— Opening stanza. HR
- —— Postman. HR
- —— Putting the fingers to sleep. HR
- —— Rosy, my posy. HR
- —— Selling fruit. HR
- (Hailmann. Ball play. KC)
- —— Sewing. HR
- —— Stanzas for finger-piano. HR
- —— Street car. HR
- —— Tailor. HR
- —— Teacher of gymnastics. HR
- (Variant: Little teacher of gymnastics. PS)
- (Variant: Smith. Choosing a game. SL1)
- (Variant: Wiggin. Imitation game. KC)
- —— Teachers' hymn. HR
- (Bacon. Mother's hymn. EL)
- (Osgood. Mother's hymn. EL)
- (Teachers' hymn, II. KC)
- —— Tossing. HR
- —— Tossing game. HR
- —— Up, down. HR
- —— Voyage. HR
- —— Weather vane. HR
- (Froebel. Weather vane. MP)
- —— You love me and I love you. HR
- —— You must be very tired. HR
- Half an hour past twelve o'clock. See Marella. Half past twelve. RCS
- Half past twelve. Marella. RCS
- Hallingen. FDM
- Music only.
- Hamburg. Morning hymn. HR
- Hand in hand dance around. See Root. Dancing song. SV
- Hand in hand dancing. See Krakoviak, II. FS
- Hand in hand you see us well. See Snail. BG—HR—MSG—PS—WS
- (Snail game. HC)
- Handel. Antioch. TLB
- —— Awake my soul. TLB
- —— Blacksmith. SL1
- —— Harmonious blacksmith. HMC1
- Music only.
- —— Messiah. TLB
- Handel. Damrosch. StN
- (Stanley. Handel StN)
- Hands shall heavy millstones be. See Froebel. Grinding wheat. HR
- Hansel and Gretel dance. Humperdink. HC
- Happiest day. Hill. HS
- Happy birds among the boughs. See Brown. Reason why. WS
- Happy birds are singing. See Martin. Springtime. MSL
- Happy birds are with us once again. See Gaynor. Bird day. GS
- Happy birds with joy will sing. See Gaynor. Easter song. SC1
- Happy brothers and sisters. Froebel. SM
- Happy child. PS
- Happy every morning when the hour comes round. See at the beginning and at the close of play, No. 3. PS
- Happy greetings. Rust. EL
- "Happy, happy Christmas" let our voices chime. See Chapek. Little child's carol. HS
- Happy is the miller. See Miller. USI
- Happy lambkins. Gaynor. SC1
- Happy little fishes. See Fishes. KC
- Happy Monday morning. See Hill. Good-morning song. SHS
- Happy spring waltz. Osgood. TC
- *Happy summer. Smith. SL1
- Happy thought. Stevenson. CGV
- (Fisher. Happy thought. CGV)
- (Adaptation: Cole. Beautiful world. CM)
- *Happy town of Salem. Martin. MSL
- Happy wanderer. Jensen. HMC1
- Music only
- Hard and soft balls. Smith. SL2
- Hare. PS
- *Hare in the hollow. HC
- *Hare in the hollow. WS
- Hares. LBS
- *Hark, hark, my soul. Smart. TLB
- *Hark, hark, the lark. Reinecke. SL1
- Hark, hark, the lark, list to his call. See Sheehan. Lark. OSM
- Hark it echoes down the street. See Festive march. HR
- *Hark, the bells are ringing. Hubbard. MSG
- Hark, the birds are coming. See Hahn. Calling the flowers
? See Johnson. What Robin told. BSS
- (Knowlton. What Robin told. NS)
- How do you do? Funkhouser. FSK
- How do you do, Mister Sunshine? Funkhouser. FSK
- How do you like to go up in a swing? See Stevenson. Swing. BM—CGV—CM—EL—LBS—SM—SS
- For composers see Stevenson. Swing.
- How does my lady's garden grow? See My lady's garden. CBO
- How doth the little busy bee. See Cole. Lesson from the bee. CM
- (Tufts. Busy bee. CL)
- *How d'ye do, sir? NEB2
- *How gentle God's commands. Naegeli. TLB
- How great is our pleasure. See Oh, how great is our pleasure. HR
- How he runs. See Gaynor. Ferret. LL
- How hot, no cooling breeze. See Thunderstorm. HR
- How I learned to sew. Bingham. BM
- How it blows and storms and pours. See Koehler. Storm. HR
- How it looks in the mill. Reinecke. FC
- How Johnnie and Polly shake the apples. Reinecke. FC
- *How many miles to Babylon? Gaynor. LL
- (Variant: How many miles to Banbury? JB)
- *How many miles to Banbury? JB
- (Variant: Gaynor. How many miles to Babylon? LL)
- *How oats and beans and barley grow. JB
- (Oats, peas, beans. BG—HC)
- How pleasant the life of a bird must be. See Tufts. Birds in summer. CL
- *How should I your true love know? Marzials. CPP
- *How sweetly the lark is trilling on high. JB
- How the little limbs fly out. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. MP
- How strange to make a thing to float. See Neidlinger. About boats. ES2
- How the baby was named. Cole. CM
- How the corn grew. Roeske. PFP
- How the wind blows. Wills. EL
- *How we love our kindergarten. Andreae. HR
- How well upon one point I stand. See Hubbard. Cube. MSG
- Howe. Battle hymn of the republic. EFS—FS
- —— Child's American hymn. TC
- Howitt. Buttercups and daisies. CL—GS—MSG
- *Hub a dub dub. Smeltzer. SZ
- Hubbard. All gone. MSG
- (Froebel. All's gone. MP)
- —— Apples ripe. MSG
- —— Away among the blossoms. MSG
- (Away among blossoms. EL)
- —— Ball. MSG
- —— Ball is sinking. MSG
- —— Barnyard. MSG
- (Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP)
- —— Basket of flowers. MSG
- —— Bees. MSG
- —— Bell high in the steeple. MSG
- (Ball song, No. 11. PS)
- (Bell high in the steeple. WS)
- (Smith. Bell so high. SL1)
- —— Bird on the tree. MSG
- —— Bird song. MSG
- —— Birds must fly. MSG
- —— Bluebird. MSG
- (Bluebird. WS)
- —— Brook is flowing. MSG
- (Froebel. Bridge. MP)
- (Variant: Smith. Bridge. SL2)
- —— Brothers and sisters. MSG
- (Froebel. Brothers and sisters. MP)
- —— Bucket song. MSG
- (Walker. Bucket song. WS)
- —— Busy children. MSG
- —— Buttercups and daisies. MSG
- (Conrade. Buttercups and daisies. GS)
- (Tufts. Buttercups and daisies. CL)
- —— Butterfly. MSG
- —— Cat and the mouse. MSG
- —— Charcoal burner. MSG
- (Froebel. Charcoal burner's hut. MP)
- —— Child's world. MSG
- —— Chris-cradle sings. MSG
- —— Christmas greeting. MSG
- —— Christmas is coming. MSG
- —— Church bell. MSG
- (Froebel. Church window and church door. MP)
- (Variant: Smith. Church. SL2)
- —— Cling, cling, clinkerty clink. MSG
- —— Come, little leaves. MSG
- For other composers see Osgood. Come, little leaves.
- —— Come take a little partner. MSG
- —— Cooper. MSG
- (Walker. Cooper. WS)
- —— Cube. MSG
- —— Cuckoo. MSG
- —— Cylinder. MSG
- —— Dary dear. MSG
- —— Dear Santa now appear. MSG
- —— Ding, dong, dell. MSG
- —— Do you know how many stars? MSG
- (God knows. RCS)
- —— Down in the buttercup meadow. MSG
- —— Easter. MSG
- —— Farmer. MSG
- —— Fishes. MSG
- —— Five knights and bad child. MSG
- (Froebel. Knights and the ill-humored child. MP)
- —— Five knights and good child. MSG
- (Froebel. Knights and the good child. MP)
- —— Flying birds. MSG
- (Cornwell. Fly, little birds. WS)
- (Smith. Fly, little birds. SL2)
- —— Forget-me-not. MSG
- (Conrade. Forget-me-not. GS)
- —— Froebel's birthday. MSG
- —— Froebel's song. MSG
- —— Frogs. MSG
- —— Garden bed. MSG
- (Froebel. Little gardener. MP)
- —— Garden gate. MSG
- —— Go to sleep, little thumb. MSG
- —— Golden rule. MSG
- —— Good morning, kind teacher. MSG
- —— Good morning, merry sunshine. MSG
- —— Hark, the bells are ringing. MSG
- —— Hasten to the meadow, Peter. MSG
- (Froebel. Grass mowing. MP)
- —— Hearing. MSG
- —— Hiding of the child. MSG
- (Froebel. Hide. MP)
- —— Hopping and flying together. MSG
- (Birds. PS)
- —— Hopping birds. MSG
- —— Hush-a-bye, birdie. MSG
- —— I am a busy bee. MSG
- —— I am the wind. MSG
- (Bertini. I am the wind. HR)
- (Cornwell. Wind. EL)
- (Sawyer. Wind. EL)
- —— I should like to build today. MSG
- —— In the branches of a tree. MSG
- (In the branches of a tree. WS)
- —— It is lovely May. MSG
- (Cornwell. Birdies' ball. WS)
- —— Jack Frost. MSG
- —— Jesus bids us shine. MSG
- (Walker. Jesus bids us shine. WS)
- —— Johnny's trade. MSG
- —— Lady moon. MSG
- (Sawyer. Lady moon. WS)
- —— Let your feet go tramp. MSG
- (Let the feet go tramp. BG)
- (Tramp, tramp, tramp. HR)
- —— Little ball lies in my hands. MSG
- (Asleep. HR)
- (Ball songs, no. 10. PS)
- (Mozart. Going to sleep. HR)
- —— Little bird made a nest. MSG
- —— Little brown hands. MSG
- —— Little brown thrush. MSG
- —— Little star. MSG
- —— Little worm. MSG
- —— Lizzards. MSG
- (Variant: Knowlton. Over in the meadow. NS)
- —— Lovely May. MSG
- —— Maypole song. MSG
- —— Merrily, form a ring. MSG
- —— Miller. MSG
- (Mill. EL)
- —— My soft ball loves to wander. MSG
- —— Nailor. MSG
- —— Nature's God is there. MSG
- (Walker. God is there. WS)
- —— Nearer, my God, to Thee. MSG
- (Mason. Nearer, my God, to Thee. TLB)
- —— Nearer to Heaven we'll be. MSG
- (Hubbard. There is a brooklet. MSG)
- —— Now our morning work is ended. MSG
- —— Now take this little ball. MSG
- —— Now the time has come for play. MSG
- (Smith. Now the time has come for play. SL2)
- —— Oh, birdie dear. MSG
- (Froebel. Light bird on the wall. MP)
- (Variant: Smith. Light bird. SL1)
- —— Oh, see the carpenter. MSGSee Gaynor. Christmas carol. SC2
- In a nest way up in a tree. See Neidlinger. Robin's song. SSS
- In a round little house. See Gaynor. Flagman. SC2
- In an ocean, way out yonder. See Kelley. Dinkey-bird. FSC
- In and out, in and out. See Pratt. At the window. StN
- In another land and time. See Smith. Christmas hymn. SL1
- In autumn. Hill. HS
- In bonnet of blue and in apron of white. See Reinecke. Dancing song. FC
- In China. Meissner. ASC
- In comes the farmer, drinking all the cider. See Who'll be the binder? NG
- In day-time clouds can see to float. See Atkinson. Clouds. SV
- *In Dixie land, there I was born. JB
- In dolly's kitchen. Hollaender. HMC1
- Music only.
- In Dublin's fair city where girls are so pretty. See Cockles and mussels. FS
- (Molly Malone. LBS)
- In each tiny drop of water. See Neidlinger. Busy steam. ES1
- In einem kuehlen Grunde. See Glueck. Mill. FS
- In forest and in heather. See Hunter's song. RCS
- In Germany. Meissner. ASC
- In Greenland. Meissner. ASC
- In Holland. Meissner. ASC
- In Japan. Meissner. ASC
- In little Annie's garden grew all sorts of posies. See Smith. Little Annie's garden. SM
- In March come the March winds. See Knowlton. March. NS
- In my basket here you'll find. See Hurd. Fruit basket. PTS
- In my downy bed. See Reinecke. Morning prayer. SL2
- *In my hand a ball I hold. Macomber. WS
- In my heart they lightly sing. See Mendelssohn. Greeting. RCS
- In my little garden bed. See Roeske. Little plant. PFP
- *In native worth and honour clad. See Haydn. In native worth. TLB
- In our still and mournful meadows. See Orpheus. TLB
- In port. Stevenson. SF
- (Ramsay. In port. SF)
- In quaint old times and years of long ago. See Neidlinger. Signs. ES2
- In Scarlet town, where I was born. See Marzials. Barbara Allen. CPP
- In Scotland. Meissner. ASC
- In September. Conrade. GS
- In snowy, blowy March. See Riley. Mad tea party. LL
- In spring. PS
- In the barnyard. Smith. SL2
- In the Bethlehem stable. Smith. LCD
- In the Black Ball Line 'twas that I did serve my time. See Sea shanties. NEB2
- In the branches of a tree. WS
- (Hubbard. In the branches of a tree. MSG)
- *In the branches of a tree. See Bird's nest. HS
- In the chill November. See Hill. Thanksgiving day. HS
- In the dusky twilight. See Moonlight song. EL
- In the early spring. See Cole. Scale song, no. 3. CM
- In the early springtime, when the violets grow. See Batchellor. Daisy. WS
- In the frosty autumn. See Bingham. Thanksgiving song. BM
- In the grassy places. See Haydn. Lambkin. GS
- In the heaven earth reposes. See Goodnight. TLB
- In the hedge midst thorn and briar. See Nest. PS
- (Adopted from Froebel. Little nest. MP)
- In the hedgerow safely shielded. See Froebel. Little nest. MP
- (Adaptation: Nest. PS)
- *In the land of France. HC
- In the merry month of May. See Gaynor. Merry month of May. LL
- In the merry month of May. See Marzials. 'Twas in the merry month of May. CPP
- In the mill. Parlow. HMC1
- Music only.
- In the mill. Reinecke. HMC1
- Music only.
- In the mill. Schytte. HMC1
- Music only.
- In the oakwood, deep and green. See Froebel. Wild boar. MP
- In the other gardens. See Stevenson. Autumn fires. EL—SF
- For composers see Stevenson. Autumn fires.
- In the pleasant August. See Knowlton. August. NS
- *In the pleasant sunny meadows. Allen. WS
- In the rain or in the sunshine. See Gaynor. Postman. SC2
- In the rippling water. See Hill. Fishes at play. HS
- In the sky of evening. See Reinecke. To the evening star. FC
- In the smithy. Parlow. HMC1
- Music only.
- *In the snowing and the blowing. Smith. SL1
- (Cornell. March. StN)
- In the sombre fir-tree wood. See Froebel. Wolf. MP
- In the south sea lives a whale. See Neidlinger. Whale. SSS
- *In the spring. FS—HC
- (Adapted from Sur le pont d'Avignon. BB)
- (Variant: On the bridge of Avignon. JB—RCS)
- In the springtime. Conrade. GS
- In the springtime bright and gay. See Hurd. Seasons. PTS
- In the sunny springtime. See Houseman. Awake, awake. HS
- In the sweet scented meadows. See With a hey-ding-ding. JB
- In the tall boughs on the tree-top. See Abt. Birdie's cradle. HR
- In the tree-top. Clarke. StN
- (Knowlton. In the tree-top. NS)
- In the wintry woods. See Sloane. Ferns. HS
- In the wood. Damrosch. StN
- In thine eyes O mother darling. See Reinecke. My mother's eyes. FC
- In winter I get up at night. See Stevenson. Bed in summer. CGV—CM—FSK—LBS—SF—SS
- For composers see Stevenson. Bed in summer.
- In your tiny nest now lying. See Wiggin. Ball play. KC
- Inasmuch, inasmuch, inasmuch as ye have done it. See Wiggin. Kindergartner's funeral hymn. KC
- Independence day. Schuckburgh. HS
- Indian. Gaynor. GS
- Indian cradle song. Conrade. GS
- (Hitte. Indian lullaby. DM)
- Indian, in your blanket bound. See Gaynor. Indian. GS
- Indian lullaby. Hitte. DM
- (Conrade. Indian cradle song. GS)
- Indian lullaby. Schwartz. BSS
- Indian maid. Hatton. TLB
- Indian song. Funkhouser. FSK
- Ingelow. Flowers. BSS
- —— Oh moon, in the night. BSS
- —— Seven times one. BSS
- Ingraham. Little Miss Clover. StN
- —— Riding on the rail. StN
- (Bartlett. Riding on the rail. StN)
- —— Sweet red rose. StN
- Integer vitae. Flemming. TLB
- Into the sunshine, full of light. See Hadley. Fountain. TLB
- (Johns. Fountain. TC)
- Introduction song. Hurd. PTS
- Introductory song. Froebel. MP
- Invitation. Martin. MSL
- "Irish washerwoman." See Lilt (Irish) FDM
- Music only.
- Ironing day. Smith. SL2
- (Warren. Ironing song. StN)
- Ironing song. Chapek. HS
- Ironing song. Warren. StN
- (Smith. Ironing day. SL2)
- *Is John Smith within? Elliott. MG
- *Isabella, Isabella. JB
- *It came upon the midnight clear. Walker. EL
- It is lovely May. Hubbard. MSG
- (Cornwell. Birdie's ball. WS)
- It is of Lincoln that we sing. See Atkinson. Lincoln. GS
- It is spring. Knowlton. NS
- It runs, it runs through the woods. See Forest weasel. HC
- It's I that am the captain. See Stevenson. My ship and I. SF—SS
- For composers see Stevenson. My ship and I.
- It's pipe all hands to man capstan. See Rolling home. NEB2
- *It's raining, it's raining, cries cuckoo, alas. Taubert. RCS
- It swings up on the leafless tree. See Boott. Snow filled nest. StN
- *It was a lover and his lass. Marzials. CPP
- *It was a maid of my countree. Marzials. CPP
- It was in the noon of night. See Dugan. Babe Jesus. EL
- It was on a May. See Little Harry Hughes and the duke's daughter. NG
- It was the frog lived in the well. See Ye frogs wooing. CBO
- It will truly give me joy. See Bringing home the sheep. RCS
- Italian national hymn. See Giardini. Come thou almighty King. TLB
- *Itiskit, itasket. BG—HC
="indh">(Ball song, No. 10. PS) (Hubbard. Little ball lies in my hand. MSG) (Mozart. Going to sleep. HR) Little ball is lying here. See Little ball lies in my hand. *Little ball pass alo
TLB Mein Schatz ist ein Reiter. See My knight is a rider. RCS (My trooper) Meissner. Brownie firefly. ASC —— Granddaddy longlegs. ASC —— Hearing. ASC —— Honey bee and clover. ASC —— In China. ASC —— In Germany. ASC —— In Holland. ASC —— In Japan. ASC —— In Scotland. ASC —— Katy did. ASC —— Mr. Bumble Bee. ASC —— Seeing. ASC —— Smelling. ASC —— Tasting. ASC —— Touching. ASC Mellow light is shining. See Martin. Autumn. MSL Melody in F. Rubinstein. HMC1 Music only Memorial day. Flotow. GS Memorial day. Stetson. HS Memorial hymn. Allen. TLB Men of Harlech! in the hollow. See March of the men of Harlech. TLB Men of Harlech, march to glory. See March of the men of Harlech. FS Men! whose boast it is. See Lang. True freedom. TLB Menard. Slumber song. BSS Mendelssohn. Allegro. HMC1 Music only —— Child's good-bye. HR (Sawyer. Good-bye to the flowers. WS) —— Greeting. FS —— Greeting. RCS —— If with all your hearts. TLB —— March of the priests. HMC2 Music only —— O rest in the Lord. TLB —— O, wert thou in the cold blast. TLB —— Raindrops. HMC1 Music only —— Sleep, gentle babe. TLB —— Spring song. HMC1 Music only —— Spring song. SL1 Merkel. Polonaise. HMC2 Music only Mermaid. Marzials. CPP MÉrot. Youth has gone. FS Merrily away they fly. See Fischer. Bees. HR Merrily, form a ring. Hubbard. MSG (Heerwart. Merrily, merrily. HR) (Smith. Forming the ring. SL2) Merrily in the brooklet clear. See Froebel. Fishes in the brook. MP *Merrily, merrily let us form a ring. Heerwart. HR (Hubbard. Merrily, form a ring. MSG) (Smith. Forming the ring. SL2) Merrily, merrily, the anvil rings. See Hill. Blacksmith's song. SHS Merrily swinging on brier and weed. See Conrade. Robert of Lincoln. GS Merrily we dance. Smith. SL1 Merry and swift in the crystal stream. See Kohl. Fish in the brook. SM *Merry bells of Easter. NS Merry chimes. KK Merry Christmas bells. Batchellor. GS (Murray. Merry Christmas bells. WS) Merry Christmas bells. Hitte. DM *Merry Christmas has come. Wiggin. KC Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! we sing and we say. See Knowlton. December. NS *Merry Christmas now is here. Gaynor. SC1 *Merry Christmas to our friends. HS Merry frogs are blithe and gay. See Hailmann. Frogs. HR Merry-go-round. Loomis. HMC2 Music only Merry-go-round. See Carrousel. BFD Merry, happy little children. HR Merry helpers. Stangenberger. HR Merry lay of June. Knowlton. NS Merry life. Denza. TLB (Denza. Funiculi, funicula. FS) (—— Sailing o'er a summer sea. EFS) Merry little fishes in the brook at play. See Brahms. Fish in the brook. SM Merry little maiden. See Haydn. Child's May song. HR Merry little men. Roeske. PFP Merry little playmate, at my side all day. See Hill. Light and shadow. SHS Merry little river. See Roeske. Mill. PFP Merry little skip and dance. See Sherwood. Around the Maypole. HS *Merry little snowflakes dancing in the air. Hill. SHS Merry little snowflakes dancing thro' the street. See Reinecke. Snowflakes. HR Merry may the keel row. FS Merry, merry, merry, merry, Christmas bells. See Murray Merry Christmas bells. WS (Batchellor. Merry Christmas bells. GS) Merry mice stay in their holes. See Koehler. Mice. HR Merry month of May. Gaynor. LL Merry rain. Bartlett. StN Merry wind. Smith. LCD *Merry wind came racing. Knowlton. NS Merry workers. Smith. SL2 Messenger of spring. RSC Messenger from cloudland. BSS Messiah. Handel. TLB Methfessel. Dandelion. SHS Mice. Koehler. HR 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam. See Bishop. Home, sweet home. EFS—FS—LBS 'Mid the winter storms we're sleeping. See Reissmann. Waking flowers. RCS Midsummer frolics. Gilchrist. StN Midsummer night's dream. Macfarren. TLB Miew, miew, purr, purr, I am a cat you see. See Valentine. Cat. VBD *Mighty fortress is our God. Luther. EFS (Luther. Ein' feste Burg. TLB) (Luther. Safe stronghold. FS) Migration song. Hill. SHS Milk for supper. Smith. LCD Milking time. Gaynor. SC2 Milkweed babies. Smith. SL2 Milkweed pods are ripe and brown. See Gaynor. Milkweed seeds. SC2 Milkweed seeds. Gaynor. SC2 Mill. EL (Hubbard. Miller. MSG) Mill. WS (Anschuetz. Mill by the rivulet. HR) Mill. Gaynor. SC2 Mill. Glueck. FS Mill. Hitte. DM Mill. Reed. TGS (Reinecke. Mill-wheel. SM) Mill. Reinecke. FC (Adaptation in SL1) Mill. Roeske. PFP *Mill by the rivulet. Anschuetz. HR (Mill. WS) Mill goes toiling slowly around. See DeKoven. Nightfall in Dordrecht. FSC Millard. Sing-away bird. StN Miller. Bluebird. GS —— Spring secrets. EL —— Tick! Tock. SM Miller. PS Miller. USI Miller. Hubbard. MSG (Mill. EL) Miller. Koehler. HR Miller, have you nought for grinding? See Koehler. Miller. HR Miller of Dee. Smeltzer. SZ Miller's flowers. Schubert. FS *Million little diamonds. Burdett. StN (Damrosch. Million little diamonds. StN) (Tufts. Winter jewels. CL) (Walker. Winter jewels. WS) Million wee cradles are curtained with green. See Knowlton. Pinky wild rose. NS Millstone. Smith. SL1 Millwheel. EL (Conrade. Millwheel. GS) (Hubbard. Round and round it goes. MSG) Millwheel. PS (Clip, clap. RSC) Millwheel. Montz. IMS Millwheel. Reinecke. SM (Reed. Mill. TGS) Millwheels are clapping. See Clip, clap. RCS (Millwheel. PS) Millwheels are turning. See Mill. EL (Hubbard. Miller. MSG) Milton. Haste thee, nymph. TLB —— Love virtue. TLB —— Stanzas from the nativity. TLB Minding their mother. Smith. LCD Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. See Howe. Battle hymn of the republic. EFS—FS *Mine's a lovely house. JB Miner. Neidlinger. ES1 *Minstrel boy. EFS—FS Minuet. Damrosch. StN (Fairlamb. Minuet. StN) (Fisher. Minuet. StN) (Mosenthal. Minuet. StN) Minuet. Mozart. HMC2 Music only Minuet. Terhune. CC Miss, I'll give you a paper of pins. See I'll give you a paper of pins. NG Miss Jenny Jones. NG (Variant: Jilly Jo. JB) Missing ball. Reed. TGS Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. Gaynor. SC2 Mr. Bumble bee. Meissner. ASC Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey. Neidlinger. SSS Mister Duck went to call. See Neidlinger. Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey. SSS *Mr. Frog. Neidlinger. SSS Mr. Period and his friends. ES2 Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. Gaynor. SC1 Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. Neidlinger. SSS Mister Rooster does nothing but crow. See Neidlinger. Mr. Rooster and Mrs. Hen. SSS North wind and the robin. BB (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG—SL1) (North wind doth blow. HR) (Tufts. North wind doth blow. CL) *North wind blew one cold, fall night. Hill. SHS North wind came along one day. See Hill. In autumn. HS *North wind doth blow. HR (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN) (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS) (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG—SL1) (North wind and the robin. BB) (Tufts. North wind. CL) North wind doth blow. See Hill. Migration song. SHS North wind how he blows. See Gaynor. Wind. SC1 North winds do blow. See Knowlton. Kite time. NS North winds blow o'er drifts of snow. See Walker. Old Year and the New. WS Norton. Game to teach five. NS —— Out of the window. NS Norwegian dance. HMC2 Music only Nothing but a hand I see. See Hubbard. Cube. MSG Notte É bella. See Guglielmo. Rowing. FS November. Gaynor. LL November. Knowlton. NS November, no. 1. Thalber. GS November, no. 2. Conrade. GS November skies are dreary. See Brewster. Thanksgiving song. BSS Now all ye flow'rs make room. See Allen. Memorial hymn. TLB Now before we work today. See Wiggin. Morning prayer, no. 1. KC (Randegger. Morning prayer. SL1) Now children, stand up. See Wiggin. Flower game. KC Now children, we're beginning. See Berry. Children, we're beginning. KC Now come, let us play. Hailmann. HR Now, fishermen, draw in your nets. See Tabram. Fisherman. KC Now go to sleep, my Thumbkin. See Smith. Go to sleep, Thumbkin. SL1—SM Now hide the flowers beneath the snow. See Brown. Hide and seek. EL Now in the dance we'll float around. See Smith. Little dancing song. LCD Now it is turning 'round and 'round. See Hubbard. Ball. MSG Now Jenny her walk is taking. See Wiggin. Every day problems. KC Now, join hands and let us all play a little with the ball. See Little game for little folks. WS Now, my baby, now. See Dream-baby. FS Now my child would have us baking. See Hubbard. Pat-a-cake. MSG (Froebel. Pat-a-cake. MP) Now my little rogue may smell. See Froebel. Song of perfume. MP Now 'neath the silver moon. See Santa Lucia. EFS—TLB (See where the star of eve. FS) *Now, oh, now I needs must part! Marzials. CPP Now our happy playtime ring we'll form. See Sheehan. Playtime ring song. OSM *Now our morning work is ended. Hubbard. MSG Now our work is ended for another day. See Gaynor. Good-bye, no. 1. SC1 Now our work is over. See Closing song. KC Now see them here, these friends so dear. See Froebel. Greeting. SM *Now take this little ball. Hubbard. MSG Now taste, little playmate. See Jenks. Game for the senses. EL Now the ball comes round to meet us. See Wiggin. Wandering game. KC Now the busy morn is over. See Dugan. Parting song. WS Now the clock upon the wall. See Reed. Good-bye song. TGS Now the cylinder comes with his faces three. See Cylinder song. EL *Now the day is over. Barnby. SL1—TLB (Knowlton. Now the day is over. NB) *Now the sun is sinking. Tufts. CL (Wiggin. Slumber song. KC) Now the flowers lift their heads. See Conrade. In the springtime. GS Now the garden beds are blooming. See Froebel. Little gardener. MP (Hubbard. Garden bed. MSG) Now the leaves fall one by one. See Gaynor. Signs of the seasons. LL Now the night is over. See Smith. Morning prayer, no. 5. KC Now the silver moon arising. See Bach. Venetian boatman's song. TLB Now the stars begin to peep. See Osgood. Little maiden and the stars. SM *Now the time has come for play. Smith. SL2 (Hubbard. Now the time has come for play. MSG) Now we dance Looby, Looby, Looby. See Looby light. BB (Here we come. Looby Loo. JB) (Looby Loo. BG—HC—NEB1) (Looby, Looby. LBS) Now welcome to the new born year. Rischart. HR New we'll have a merry play. See Reed. Pebble game. TGS Now we'll throw balls of snow. See Sawyer. Snow balls. EL Now we've had our merry play. See To work. HR Now what shall I send to the earth today? See Smith. Sunbeams. SL2 Now, who should know when pansies grow? See Stanley. Little Elsie. StN Number game. Czerny. HR Numbering the fingers. Froebel. SM (Adaptation: Finger play, no. 19. PS) Nursery clock. Wenk. RCS Nurse's song. Elliott. MG (Dance a baby diddy. CBO) Nuts in May. BG—JB—LBS—USI (Knots of May. NG)
ting game. TGS Over the river and through the wood. See Sleighride. HR (Conrade. Thanksgiving song. GS) (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG) (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS) Over the standing corn. See Knowlton. Call of the crows. NS Over the water and over the lea. See Charley over the water. BB Over there the sun gets up. See Sun. SL2 Owen. All through the night. TLB (All through the night. TLB) Owl. Gaynor. SC1 Oxdansen. BFD. Oxdansen. FDM Music only - Paddy dear, and did you hear? See Wearing of the green. EFS
- Page. Air du roi Louis XIII. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Barnyard. HMC1
- Music only
- —— Barnyard people. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Bolero. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Highland fling. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Hornpipe. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Jig: "Garry Owen." HMC2
- Music only
- —— Kite. PTS—TGS
- —— Sir Roger de Coverly. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Thing of beauty. TLB
- Pail. Smith. SL2
- Paine. Freedom, our queen. TC
- (Strong. Freedom, our queen. TC)
- Painter sun. Neidlinger. ES1
- Palette of painter Sun. Neidlinger. ES2
- Palmer. Childhood's gold. StN
- —— Little maid Margery. StN
- Paloma. See Yradier. Dove. FS
- Pansies. Conrade. GS
- Pansies. Hubbard. MSG
- Papillon. Schumann. HMC1
- Music only
- *Paradise, O Paradise. Barnby. TLB
- (Hubbard. Paradise. MSG)
- Parker. Blacksmith. WS
- (Hubbard. Song of the blacksmith. MSG)
- Parker. Carpenter. SM
- —— Evensong. TC
- —— Family. SM
- —— My pigeon house. WS
- —— Robbers. TLB
- —— Rose song. TC
- Parlow. In the mill. HMC1
- Music only
- —— In the smithy. HMC1
- Music only
- —— Skaters. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Valiant rider. HMC1
- Music only
- Parry. Rock-a-bye. TC
- Parting. TLB
- Parting song. EL
- Parting song. Dugan. WS
- Parting song. Hubbard. MSG
- (Hailmann. Our work is done. HR)
- (Walker. Our play is o'er. WS)
- (Wiggin. Good-bye song. KC)
- Partner right merry. See Reinecke. Partner so merry. SL2
- Partner, so merry. Reinecke. SL2
- Partner sweet. Hitte. DM
- Partners. Kuecken. HR
- (I'd like to have a partner. USI)
- Party. USI
- *Pass time with good company I love. Marzials. CPP
- Pastral. TLB
- Pat-a-cake. SM
- Pat-a-cake. Froebel. MP
- (Hubbard. Pat-a-cake. MSG)
- *Pat-a-cake. Gaynor. LL
- *Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake. LBS
- *Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Brewster. BSS
- *Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, dear baby. Smith. SL1
- Patch. Bellringer. TGS
- —— Christmas. TGS
- —— Cloudy day. TGS
- —— First gift exercise. TGS
- —— Fishes. TGS
- —— Garden bed. TGS
- —— Good-bye song. TGS
- —— Missing ball. TGS
- —— Mystery man. TGS
- —— Skating game. TGS
- —— Sleeping leaves. HS—TGS
- —— Surprise. TGS
- —— Two little windows.
- —— Wonderful bag. TGS
- Patter, patter goes the rain. See Neidlinger. Rainy day. SSS
- Patter, patter, here they come. SL2
- Patter, patter, let it pour. See Sawyer. April shower. EL
- Paulsen. First primrose. FS
- Paxton. Come mirth. RCS
- Payne. Home, sweet home. EFS—FS
- Peace of night. Reinecke. FC—FS
- Persall. Oh, who will o'er the downs so free. FS
- Pebble game. Reed. TGS
- Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo light. See Gilchrist. Little window. SM
- Peep of day. Tufts. CL
- *Peeping at Susie, Susie, Susie. USI
- Peeping from his curtain'd pavilion. See Pastral. TLB
- Pendulum. PS
- Pendulum. WS
- Pendulum. Kohl. HR
- Perhaps the biggest garden in the world. See Neidlinger. Sea garden. ES2
- Perrie, merrie, dixi. RCS
- (Four presents. BB)
- Perushka. FDM
- Music only
- Peter goes out fresh and early. See Smith. Children's supper. SL2
- Peter, Peter, quickly go. See Froebel. Mowing grass. SM
- Peter Piper. Smeltzer. SZ
- *Peter Polt had a little colt. LBS
- *Peter White that never goes right. Brown. RCS
- Petit chasseur. BB
- (Father Guillori. RCS)
- Pettibone. Sewing song. SC1
- Phillida flouts me. Marzials. CPP
- *Phillis on the new made hay. Marzials. CPP
- Phippen. Child-land echoes with music. EL
- —— Little brown seed. EL
- *Phoebus, arise! Phoebus, arise, arise! Sternberg. TLB
- Phoebus, golden sun of morning. See Brewster. Morning. BSS
- Pianoforte. Froebel. MP
- Pickaninnies' picnic. Loomis. HMC2
- Music only
- Picture books in winter. Stevenson. SF
- (Stevenson. Pictures in winter. LBS)
- For composers see Stevenson. Picture books in winter.
- Pictures in winter. Stevenson. SF
- (Stevenson. Picture books in winter. SF)
- For composers see Stevenson. Picture books in winter.
- *Pie sat on a pear tree. LBS
- Piece of cardboard white. See Gaynor. Recipe for a valentine. SC1
- Pigeon. Gaynor. SC2
- Pigeon house. PS
- (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP)
- (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR)
- (Walker. Pigeon house. WS)
- Pigeon house. Kohl. SM
- Pigeon house. Tufts. CL
- Pigeon song. Walker. WS
- (Froebel. Pigeon house. MP)
- (Kohl. Pigeon house. HR)
- (Pigeon house. PS)
- Pigeons. HMC2
- Music only
- Pigeons. Hubbard. MSG
- Pigeons are coming, dear love, to meet you. See Froebel. Beckon to the pigeons. MP
- Pigeon's flight. Saville. HS
- *Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee. Gaynor. SC2
- Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee. See Roeske. Pigs. PFP
- Pigs. Roeske. PFP
- Pigtail. Bullard. TLB
- Pilgrim from the Indies! See Weidig. Pilgrims. TC
- Pilgrims. Weidig. TC
- Pilgrim's chorus. Wagner. TLB
- Pillykin, Willykin, Winkie Wee! See Bartlett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN
- (Burdett. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN)
- (Mosenthal. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN)
- (Stanley. Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN)
- Pilot. Gould. TLB
- Pinky wild rose. Knowlton. NS
- Pinsuti. Crusaders. TLB
- Piper. Gilchrist. TLB
- Piping down the valleys wind. See Gilchrist. Piper. TLB
- Pirate story. Stevenson. SS
- (Stanford. Pirate story. SS)
- *Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, fall the tiny raindrops. Gaynor. SC1
- Pit! pat! pit! pat! pit! pat! See Mozart. Rain song. SHS
- Pitter, patter, patter, hear the raindrops fall. See Sheehan. April showers. OSM
- Pity the bees in the steeple. See Hatton. Good night. StN
- Plane, plane, plane, joiner follow the grain. See Kohl. Joiner. SM
- (Variant: Hubbard. Zish, zish. MSG)
- Plantation dance. HMC2
- Music only
- Planting of the apple tree. Roeske. HS
- Planting the corn and potatoes. See Hubbard. Busy children. MSG
- Plants awakening. Vose. EL
- Play in all seasons. Smith. LCD
- Play with the limbs. Froebel. SM
- Play with the limbs. Froebel. MP
- Playing golf. Loomis. HMC2
- Music only
- Playtime. RCS
- Playtime ring song. Sheehan. OSM
- Pleasant light. PS
- Pleasant weather. Rust. EL
- (Fairy ship. BB)
- (Reinecke. Barcarole. FC)
- (Ship a-sailing. EL)
- —— In the mill. HMC1
- Music only
- —— Little gardener. SM
- —— Longing for spring. RCS
- —— Mamma and the baby. FC
- —— Marching song. KC
- —— Marching song. (Rataplan.)
- (Reinecke. Rataplan. FC—HR)
- —— Marionetts. HMC1
- Music only
- —— Mill. FC
- (Adaptation, in SL1)
- —— Millwheel. SM
- (Reed. Mill. TGS)
- —— Morning hymn. KC
- —— Morning prayer. FC—SL1
- —— Morning prayer. SL2
- —— Mother love. RCS
- —— Mother's birthday. FC
- (Reinecke. Birthday song. SL1)
- —— My mother's eye. FC
- —— Partner, so merry. SL2
- —— Peace of night. FC—FS
- —— Poor linnet in the hedge. FC
- —— Rain song. FC
- —— Rataplan. FC—HR
- (Reinecke. Marching song. (Rataplan.) KC)
- —— Santa Claus. SL2
- —— Schnick schnack. RCS
- —— Serenade. FC
- —— Sicillian. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Sir Spring's concert. FC
- —— Sleighing song. SL2
- —— Snowflakes. HR
- —— Snowwhite. FC
- —— Spin, lassie, spin. SL2
- (Reinecke. Spinning song. FC—RCS)
- —— Spinning song. FC—RCS
- (Reinecke. Spin, lassie, spin. SL2)
- —— Stork, stork, stander. FC
- (Reinecke. Stork, stork, stanley. RCS)
- —— Sunshine. HR
- —— Tick tack. SM
- —— To the evening star. FC
- —— To the humblebee. FC
- —— To the nightingale. FC
- —— Toyman of Nuremberg. FC
- —— Up yonder on the mountain. FC
- —— Violet. FC—RCS—SL1—WS
- (Kies. Violet. MSL)
- (Schults. Violet. FC—KC—MSL—RCS—SL1—WS)
- (Violet. KC)
- —— Visit. SM
- —— Weaving song. HR
- —— When mother was ill. FC
- —— When the little children sleep. FC—KC
- —— Who has the whitest lambkins? FC—KC
- (Moon and the stars. PS)
- (White lambkins. HR)
- Reinhold. Boat song. HMC1
- Music only
- —— Brownies. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Fairy steps. HMC2
- Music only
- —— Gnomes. HMC1
- Music only
- —— March of Fingall's men. HMC2
- Music only
- —— War song. HMC2
- Music only
- Reissmann. Waking flowers. RCS
- Remember the glories of Brien, the brave. See Brien, the brave. TLB
- Remembrance. Saleza. FS
- Resch. "Secret love." KM
- *Rest in the Lord. Mendelssohn. TLB
- Rest song. Kies. MSL
- Rest thee now. Schubert. RCS
- (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS)
- Rest thee, rest thee. See Schubert. Rest thee now. RCS
- (Schubert. Softly sleep thou. FS)
- Retour. See Marie Antoinette. Return. FS
- Return. Marie Antoinette. FS
- Return ball. Loomis. HMC2
- Music only
- Return of the birds. Nevin. TC
- Rheinlaender. FDM
- Music only
- Rhythm game. Gaynor. SC1
- Rhythmic measure, gives us pleasure. See Equal measure. HR
- (Variant: Marching song, no. 25. PS)
- Rich. Easter song. HS
- Richards. At Easter time WS
- —— Baby bo. StN
- —— Church. SM
- —— December. NS
- —— Happy brothers and sisters. SM
- —— Hymn for a child. NS
- —— Little gardener. SM
- —— Little John Bottlejohn. StN
- —— Naming the fingers. SM
- —— Punkydoodle and Jollapin. StN
- —— Shadow rabbit. SM
- —— Song of the shark. StN
- —— Valentine. StN
- Richter. May dancing song. HR
- *Riddle-cum-riddle. Smith. LCD
- *Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross. Elliott. MG
- (Banbury Cross. OYA)
- Rider. Berry. KC
- Rider on the rockinghorse. Loeschhorn. HMC1
- Music only
- Riders five on steeds so gay. See Smith. Five riders and good child. SL1
- Riding on the rail. Ingraham. StN
- (Bartlett. Riding on the rail. StN)
- Rieff. Christmas song. KC
- —— Christmas tree march. KC
- Riego's hymn. FS
- *Right, left, together. Fischer. HR
- Rigs o'marlow. NEB1
- Riley. Grasshopper green. LL
- —— Mad tea party. LL
- —— My valentine. LL
- —— Pussy willow. LL
- Ring. Boating song. SC1
- Ring. Elliott. SL2
- *Ring a ring of roses, a pocket full of posies. JB—LBS
- (Variant: Ring around the rosie. NG)
- *Ring around a rosy sweet. USI
- Ring around the posy bed. Smith. SL1
- Ring around the rosie. NG
- (Ring a ring of roses. JB—LBS)
- Ring, glad bells. Herron. WS
- Ring, kling, ling, ling. See Reinecke. Christmas at the door. HR
- Ring made of seven pretty girls. See Seven pretty girls. KK
- *Ring, merry Christmas bells. Jenks. EL
- *Ring out, wild bells. TLB
- Ring, ring, ring, ring, merry bells. See Hitte. Merry Christmas bells. DM
- Ring! ring! ye bells of Christmas. Funkhouser. FSK
- Ring, ring, ye merry bells. See Rust. Froebel's birthday song. EL
- Ring song. Hurd. PTS
- Ring song. Sheehan. OSM
- Ring song, no. 1. Weber. KC
- Ring song, no. 2. KC
- Ring song, no. 3-6. Wiggin. KC
- Ring song, no. 7. Smith. KC
- Ringel Tanz. BB
- Ripe apples. Cole. CM
- Ripened leaves. Knowlton. NS
- *Rippling, purling little river. RCS
- (Gilchrist. Rippling, purling little river. SM)
- (Mozart. Rippling, purling. HR)
- Rippling, sparkling in the sun. See Reinecke. Finger piano. SM
- Rischart. Now welcome to the new-born year. HR
- *Rise crowned with light. Lvoff. TLB
- Rittmeyer. Night song. TLB
- *River, river, tell me pray. Gaynor. SC1
- Robbers. Parker. TLB
- Robert of Lincoln. Conrade. GS
- Robin. Tufts. CL
- Robin Adair. EFS
- Robin Redbreast. BSS
- Robin Redbreast. Bacon. EL
- Robin Redbreast. Gaynor. SC1
- Robin Redbreast. Kuecken. HR
- Robin, robin redbreast, hopping in the snow. See Gaynor. Robin Redbreast. SC1
- Robin, robin redbreast, how your voice does ring. See Robin Redbreast. BSS
- *Robin, robin redbreast, swinging on the bough. Mather. WS
- Robins and pussy willow. Brewster. BSS
- Robins in the tree top. See Warren. Marjorie's almanac. StN
- Robin's nest. Funkhouser. FSK
- Robin's song. Neidlinger. SSS
- Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top. See Cole. Rock-a-bye baby. CM
- (Bingham. Rock-a-bye baby.)
- (Hubbard. Rock-a-bye baby. MSG)
- (Rock-a-bye baby. HR)
- (Smith. Rock-a-bye baby. SL2)
- Rock-a-bye baby, see the leaves grow. See Atkinson. Cradle song. SV
- *Rock-a-bye baby, the moon is a cradle. Parry. TC
- (Seeboeck. Rock-a-bye baby. TC)
- (Wills. Rock-a-bye baby. EL)
- Rock-a-bye baby up in the tree top. See Knowlton. In the tree top. NS
- (Clarke. In the tree top. StN)
- Rock-a-bye baby, upon the tree top, when the bow bends. See Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top.
- *Rock-a-bye lady from the Hush-a-bye Street. Gilchrist. FSC
- Rock-a-bye, lullaby, bees in the clover. Allen. Lullaby. StN
- (Conrade. Thanksgiving day. GS)
- (Hubbard. Thanksgiving day. MSG)
- (Morton. Thanksgiving song. WS)
- Sleigh-ride. Kleinmichel. HMC2
- Music only
- Sleighing. Rossini. HR
- Sleighing song. Gaynor. SC1
- Sleighing song. Reinecke. SL2
- Sloane. Ferns. HS
- —— Washing day. HS
- Slow and stately, quite sedately. See Smith. Grand ladies. LCD
- Slow little snail. Smith. LCD
- Slowly o'er the dark, dark waters. See Lake. TLB
- Slowly, so slowly we tread our minuet. See Terhune. Minuet. CC
- Slumber song. Brewster. BSS
- Slumber song. Menard. BSS
- Slumber song. Smith. SL1
- Slumber song. Wiggin. KC
- (Tufts. Now the sun is sinking. CL)
- Slumber song of the birdlings. Wiggin. KC
- Small and great. Neidlinger. ES2
- Smart. Hark! hark! my soul, angelic songs. TLB
- Smell the flow'r, my child, and see. See Reinecke. Flower song. SM
- Smelling. Hubbard. MSG
- (Smith. Smelling. SL2)
- (Wiggin. Smelling. KC)
- Smelling. Meissner. ASC
- Smeltzer. As I was coming along. SZ
- —— Big John Stout. SZ
- —— Bobbie Shaftoe. SZ
- —— Boy Blue. SZ
- —— Farmer. SZ
- —— Four owls. SZ
- —— Hub a dub dub. SZ
- —— Humpty dumpty. SZ
- —— Jack and Jill. SZ
- —— Jack be nimble. SZ
- —— Jack Horner. SZ
- —— Jackie Jingle. SZ
- —— John Smith. SZ
- —— Little Bo-peep. SZ
- —— Little Indians. SZ
- —— Little Jack-a-Dandy. SZ
- —— Little Miss Muffet. SZ
- —— Man in the moon. SZ
- —— Marjorie Daw. SZ
- —— Mary Contrary. SZ
- —— Miller of Dee. SZ
- —— My ship. SZ
- —— Old King Cole. SZ
- —— Old man of Tobago. SZ
- —— Old mother Hubbard. SZ
- —— Old woman who lives in the shoe. SZ
- —— Peter Piper. SZ
- —— Polly Flinders. SZ
- —— Shoe the horse. SZ
- —— Three men of Gotham. SZ
- —— Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks. SZ
- —— Tommy Tittlemouse. SZ
- —— Wooley Foster and Daffy Down Dilly. SZ
- Smiling in the valley, streaming o'er the plain. See Reinecke. Sunshine. HR
- Smith. After the rain. SV
- —— Afternoon song. KC
- —— Alice's supper. SL1
- —— All gone baby. SL1
- —— All the birds have come again. SL1
- —— America. FS—GS—MSG
- (My country, 'tis of thee. TLB)
- —— Autumn wind. LCD
- —— Autumn winds are crying. SL1
- —— Baby and the moon. SL1
- (Baby and the moon. SM)
- —— Baby's birthday. LCD
- —— Ball song. KC
- —— Ball song. SL2
- (Hubbard. Roll over, come back. MSG)
- —— Basket. SL1
- —— Bed. SL1
- —— Bedtime. LCD
- —— Bedtime. SV
- —— Bell so high. SL1
- (Bell song, no. 11. PS)
- (Bell high in the steeple. WS)
- (Hubbard. Bell high in the steeple. MSG)
- —— Birdlings' good-night to the flowers. SL2
- —— Boat ride. SL2
- —— Bold snow-man. LCD
- —— Bossy cow. LCD
- —— Brave. LCD
- —— Bridge. SL2
- (Variant: Froebel. Bridge. MP)
- (Variant: Hubbard. Brook is flowing. MSG)
- —— Bridge. SM
- —— Brook. SL2
- —— Busy wind. LCD
- —— Butterfly dance. LCD
- —— Bye, baby, night has come. StN—SL2
- (Hill. Bye, baby, bye. SHS)
- —— Cackling hen. LCD
- —— Can you count the stars? SL1
- (Canst thou count the stars? WS)
- —— Canary. LCD
- —— Careful. LCD
- —— Carpenter. SL1
- —— Caterpillar. LCD
- —— Caterpillar. SL2
- —— Caterpillar. SM
- —— Children on the tower. SL1
- —— Children's supper. SL2
- —— Chimes. LCD
- —— Chirpings. LCD
- —— Choosing a flower. LCD
- —— Choosing the game. SL1
- (Variant: Hailmann. Teacher of gymnastics. HR)
- (Little master of gymnastics. PS)
- (Wiggin. Imitation game. KC)
- —— Christmas carol. KC
- —— Christmas carol. SL2
- —— Christmas hymn. SL1
- —— Christmas is coming. LCD
- —— Christmas song. SL2
- —— Church. SL2
- (Variant: Froebel. Church window and church door. MP)
- (Variant: Hubbard. Church bell. MSG)
- —— Church. SM
- —— Circles. SL2
- —— Come and join our circle. SL2
- —— Come, little leaves. SL2
- (Autumn leaves. HR)
- (Hill. Fall leaves. SHS)
- (Osgood. Come, little leaves. RCS—MSG—WS)
- —— Come, my dolly. SV
- —— Daffy-down-dilly. SL2
- —— Daisies are dancing. SL2
- —— Dancing song. SL2
- —— Dandelion fashions. SL2
- —— Dear little ball. SL1
- —— Did you ever see a lassie? SL2
- (Did you ever see a lassie? BG—USI)
- —— Do the little brown twigs complain? SL1
- —— Dove cote. SL1
- —— Dove talk. LCD
- —— Easter song. SL1
- (At Easter time. WS)
- —— Echo play. LCD
- —— Evening prayer. LCD
- —— Evening song. SL2
- —— Fairy dance. LCD
- —— Finding the place. SL2
- —— Finger-piano. SL1
- —— Finger song. SL2
- —— Five riders and good child. SL1
- —— Flag song. SL2
- —— Flower basket. SM (Froebel. Basket. MP)
- —— Flower bed. SL1
- —— Flower garden. LCD
- —— Fly, little birds. SL2
- (Cornwell. Fly, little birds. WS)
- (Hubbard. Flying birds. MSG)
- —— Forming the ring. SL2
- —— Friendly drake. LCD
- —— Froebel's birthday song. SL2
- —— From dust and grit. SL1
- —— Garden fence. SL1
- —— Go to sleep, Thumbkin. SL1
- —— God is always near me. SL2
- —— God sends his bright spring sun. SL1
- (Rust. God sends his bright spring sun. EL)
- —— Going to sleep. LCD
- —— Good-bye song. KC
- —— Good-bye to summer. SL1
- —— Good morning. SV
- —— Good morning, merry sunshine. SL1—SL2
- (Hubbard. Good morning, merry sunshine. MSG)
- —— Good morning to the kindergarten. SL2
- —— Good weather. LCD
- —— Grand ladies. LCD
- —— Green leafy tree. LCD
- —— Greeting song. KC
- —— Happy summer. SL1
- —— Hard and soft balls. SL2
- —— Harvest song. SL2
- —
- (Fisher. Marching song. CGV)
- (Stanford. Marching song. SS)
- —— Moon. LBS (Bell. Moon. LBS)
- —— My bed is a boat. CGV—LBS—SS
- (Bell. My bed is a boat. LBS)
- (Fisher. My bed is a boat. CGV)
- (Gilchrist. My bed is a boat. SS)
- —— My kingdom. SF
- (Ramsay. My kingdom. SF)
- —— My shadow. SS
- (Stanford. My shadow. SS)
- —— My ship and I. SF—SS
- (Ramsay. My ship and I. SF)
- (Stanford. My ship and I. SS)
- —— Nest eggs. SF
- (Ramsay. Nest eggs. SF)
- —— Northwest passage—good night. SF
- (Ramsay. North-west passage—goodnight. SF)
- —— Picture books in winter. SF
- (Bell. Pictures in winter. LBS)
- (Ramsay. Picture books in winter. SF)
- —— Pictures in winter. LBS See above
- —— Pirate story. SS
- (Stanford. Pirate story. SS)
- —— Rain. CGV
- (Fisher. Rain. CGV)
- —— Shadow march. SF
- (Ramsay. Shadow march. SF)
- —— Singing. CGV—CM—SS
- (Cole. Singing. CM)
- (Fisher. Singing. CGV)
- (Hawley. Singing. SS)
- —— Stormy evening. TLB
- (Chadwick. Stormy evening. TLB)
- —— Sun's travels. SS
- (Foote. Sun's travels. SS)
- —— Swing. CGV—CM—BM—EL—LBS—SM—SS
- (Bell. Swing. LBS)
- (Bingham. Swing. BM)
- (Cole. Swing. CM)
- (DeKoven. Swing. SS)
- (Fisher. Swing. CGV)
- (Ramsay. Swing. SF)
- (Roelofson. Swing song. EL)
- —— System. CGV
- (Fisher. System. CGV)
- —— Time to rise. CGV
- (Fisher. Time to rise. CGV)
- —— Where go the boats? CGV—LBS—SF—SS
- (Bell. Where go the boats? LBS)
- (Fisher. Where go the boats? CGV)
- (Ramsay. Where go the boats? SF)
- (Stanford. Where go the boats? SS)
- —— Wind. CGV—EL—LBS—SF—SL1—SS—SM
- (Allen. Wind. EL)
- (Bell. Wind. LBS)
- (DeKoven. Wind. SS)
- (Fisher. Wind. CGV)
- (Ramsay. Wind. SF)
- (Smith. Wind song. SL1—SM)
- —— Wind song. See his Wind.
- —— Windy nights. CGV—SF—SS
- (Fisher. Windy nights. CGV)
- (Ramsay. Windy nights. SF)
- (Stanford. Windy nights. SS)
- —— Young night thought. SS
- (Foote. Young night thought. SS)
- Stick dance. NEB2
- Still as little mice. See Smith. Little mice. SL2
- *Still, still with Thee. Barnby. TLB
- Stille nacht, heilige Nacht! See Gruber. Stilly night. FS
- (Haydn. Holy night. RCS)
- *Stilly night, starry and bright. Gruber. FS
- (Haydn. Holy night. RCS)
- Stitch, stitch, stitch, the shoe-makers go. See Wiggin. Trade game. II. KC
- Stoeckel. Billy Buttercup. StN
- —— Little squirrels. StN
- *Stop, stop, pretty water. Cole. CM
- (Tufts. Stop, stop, pretty water. CL)
- Storch, Storch, steiner. See Reinecke. Stork, stork, stately. RCS
- (Reinecke. Stork, stork, stander. FC)
- Stork and the frogs. PS
- *Stork, stork, stander. Reinecke. FC
- (Reinecke. Stork, stork, stately. RCS)
- Storm. Koehler. HR
- *Stormy evening closes now in vain. Chadwick. TLB
- Story. Can a little child like me? WS
- (Bassford. Can a little child like me? EL)
- —— Come and join our carol. WS
- —— Easter hymn. WS
- (Batchellor. Easter hymn. WS)
- —— Once in my life. StN
- Story of night. Zelter. SHS
- Story of the apple. Hill. SHS
- Story of the bread. Hill. SHS
- Story of the butter. Hill. SHS
- Story of the Christ. Hill. SHS
- Story of the clothes. SHS
- Story of the day. SHS
- Story of the house. Neidlinger. ES2
- Story sad, I've got to tell. See Elliott. Thievish mouse. MG
- Stowe. Still, still with Thee. TLB
- Strachauer. Alder by the river. WS
- (Sawyer. Alder by the river. EL)
- Straight and tall in the garden beds. See Smith. Little gardener. SL2
- Strasak. BFD
- (Adaptation: Character dance. HC)
- —— FDM
- Music only
- "Strassburg." See Country dance, II. FDM
- Music only
- Strawberries! Strawberries! ten cents a quart. See Valentine.
- Greengrocer. VBD
- Stream. Hubbard. MSG
- Stream freezing. Montz. IMS
- Stream melting. Montz. IMS
- Street car. Elliott. SL2
- Street car. Gaynor. SC2
- Street car. Hailmann. HR
- Strong. Baby's bread. HS
- —— Baby's cotton gown. HS
- —— Freedom, our Queen. TC
- (Paine. Freedom, our Queen. TC)
- —— May song. HS
- —— On this happy feast day. HS
- Stucken. Weave in, my hardy life. TLB
- Styrian dance. Schytte. HMC2
- Music only
- Suck. Cradle song. StN
- (Fairlamb. Cradle song. StN)
- (Fisher. Cradle song. StN)
- (Stanley. Cradle song. StN)
- —— Dandelion. StN
- *"Suffer the children," the Savior said. See Martin. Invitation. MSL
- Sugar lump. NG
- Sullivan. Onward, Christian soldiers. TLB
- —— St. Edmund. TLB
- Summer. Martin. MSL
- Summer day. Brown. EL
- Summer fading, winter comes. See Stevenson. Picture books in winter. SF
- (Stevenson. Pictures in winter. LBS)
- For composers see Stevenson. Picture books in winter.
- Summer flow'rs are sleepy. See Flower's lullaby. SHS
- Summer has gone, the birds have flown. See Sawyer. Chickadee. EL
- *Summer is a-coming in. FS
- Summer is coming. Bacon. EL
- Summer is gone. See Smith. Thanksgiving song. SL2
- Summer joy. Mozart. HR
- Summer shower. Knowlton. NS
- Summer shower. Rust. EL
- Summer song. Burdett. StN
- Summer song. Kreutzer. SHS
- Summer song Smith. SL1
- Summer song. Walker. WS
- Summer's gone, autumn's here. See Hitte. Autumn. DM
- *Summer's rain and winter's snow. Stanford. TC
- Sun. SL2
- Sun and rain in fickle weather. See Brown. Pretty game. EL
- Sun, a-weary goes to rest. See Taubert. By-low-by. RCS
- Sun has crept behind the clouds. See Sawyer. Snowflakes.
- Sun has long departed. See Reinecke. Peace of night. FC—FS
- Sun is on the land and sea. See Kies. Morning hymn of praise. MSL
- Sun is not a-bed. See Stevenson. Sun's travels. SS
- (Foote. Sun's travels. SS)
- Sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home. See Foster. My old Kentucky home, good night. EFS
- Sun shining, rain falling. See Smith. Rainbow. LCD
- Sunbeam touched my little bed. See Smith. Good morning. SV
- Sunbeam voices. Cole. CM
- Sunbeams. Larned. HS
- Sunbeams. Smith. SL2
- Sunbeams get up early. See Larned. Sunbeams. HS
- Sunbeams on the water danced. See Smith. To the sky and back. LCD
- Sunbeams that dance on the summer sea. See Rust. Summer shower. EL
- Sunrise. Hill. HS
- Sun's travels. Stevenson. SS
- (Foote. Sun's travels. SS)
- Sunset. Hill. HS
- Sunset and evening star. See Huss. Crossing the bar. TLB
- Sunshine. Reinecke. HR
- Sunshine dear, bright and clear. See Spring song. PS
- Sunshine far
Drummer. SL2
- Trumpeter's serenade. Spindler. HMC2
- Trunkles. NEB2
- Music only
- Trust. Williams. TLB
- Try, try again. HR
- Tschaikowsky. Skylark. HMC2
- Music only
- Tufts. Bee is a rover. CL
- —— Birds in summer. CL
- —— Busy bee. CL
- (Cole. Lesson from the bee. CM)
- —— Busy little husbandman. CL
- —— Buttercups and daisies. CL
- (Conrade. Buttercups and daisies. GS)
- (Hubbard. Buttercups and daisies. MSG)
- —— Butterflies are pretty things. CL
- —— Calling the tides. CL
- —— Cherry tree. CL
- —— Coasting. CL
- —— Cock-a-doodle-do! CL
- —— Come here, little robin. CL
- —— Come, my children, come away. CL
- —— Cradle song. CL
- (Tennyson. Little birdie. CL)
- (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS)
- (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM)
- —— Daisy buds. CL
- —— Ding, dong. CL
- —— Dog. CL
- —— Engine song. CL
- —— Golden rule. CL
- —— Humming bird. CL
- —— I had two pigeons. CL
- —— I like little pussy. CL
- (Elliott. I love little pussy. MG—SL1)
- (My kitty. HR)
- —— I saw three ships. CL
- (I saw three ships come sailing by. CBO)
- —— If all the world was apple-pie. CL
- (If all the world were paper. BB)
- —— Little birdie. CL
- (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS)
- (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL)
- (Tennyson. What does little birdie say? SM)
- —— Little brother. CL
- —— Little brown birds. CL
- —— Little dreamer. CL
- (Osgood. Little dreamer. RCS)
- —— Little girl's fancies. CL
- —— Little rain-drops. CL
- —— Little Robin Redbreast. CL
- —— Little things. CL
- —— Little white lily. CL
- (Walker. Little white lily. WS)
- (Smith. Little white lily. SL2)
- —— Morning hymn. CL
- —— Morning song. CL
- —— My little doll Rose. FS
- —— My pussy. CL
- —— Nell and her bird. CL
- —— North wind doth blow. CL
- (Bartlett. North wind doth blow. StN)
- (Conrade. North wind doth blow. GS)
- (Elliott. North wind doth blow. MG—SL1)
- (North wind and the robin. BB)
- (North wind doth blow. HR)
- —— Now the sun is sinking. CL
- (Wiggin. Slumber song. KC)
- —— Old Gaelic lullaby. CL
- (Hahn. Gaelic cradle song. BSS)
- (Harris. Gaelic lullaby. TLB)
- —— One thing at a time. CL
- —— Peep of day. CL
- —— Pigeon house. CL
- —— Rain, rain. CL
- —— Robin. CL
- —— Rocking horse. FS
- —— Song of the five fingers. CL
- —— Stop, stop, pretty water. CL
- (Cole. Stop, stop, pretty water. CM)
- —— Swallow is come. CL
- —— Thank you, pretty cow. CL
- (Cole. Pretty cow. HR)
- (Seidell. Thank you, pretty cow. HR)
- (Smith. Thank you, pretty cow. SL1)
- —— Three children sliding. CL
- (Elliott. Three children sliding. MG)
- (Three children sliding on the ice. CBO)
- —— Time. CL
- —— Trifles. CL
- —— Twinkle, twinkle, little star. CL
- (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. MG—SL1—SM)
- (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. LL)
- (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. SHS)
- (Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR)
- (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. WS)
- —— Wave's gift. CL
- —— Welcome swallow. CL
- —— Wind blows sweetly. CL
- —— Winter jewels. CL
- Tulips. Gaynor. SC1
- Tupper. Skylark. CM
- Turkey gobbler lived within a barnyard. See Gaynor. Why Mr. Gobbler changed his tune. SC2
- Turkish march. Schoenefeld. HMC2
- Music only
- *Turn again. Whittington. RCS
- Turn around, around. See Wiebe. Wheel. KC
- "Turn!" said the little stream. See Hill. Song of the mill-stream. SHS
- *Turn the big wheel. Gaynor. LL
- Turner. Waiting to grow. EL
- Turning, whirling, turning, whirling. See Hill. Song of the sewing machine. SHS
- 'Twas a merry time when Jenny Wren was young. See Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. CBO
- 'Twas an old, old, old, old lady and a boy that was half past three. See Cole. One two three. CM
- 'Twas in the lowly stable. See Smith. In the Bethlehem stable. LCD
- 'Twas in the merry month of May. Marzials. CPP
- 'Twas on a chill December morn. See Washing day. LBS
- 'Twas on a merry time. See Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. RCS
- 'Twas this way and that way. Gaynor. LL
- (Variant: When I was a shoemaker. NG)
- (Variant: When I was a lady. LBS)
- (Variant: When I was a schoolgirl. NEB1)
- (Variant: When I wore flounces. JB)
- 'Twas within a mile of Edinboro' town. See Within a mile of Edinboro' town. EFS
- Twenty, eighteen. NEB1
- Twilight and dawn. SHS
- Twilight town. Jenks. EL
- *Twinkle, twinkle, little star. HR
- (Elliott. Twinkle, twinkle little star. MG—SL1—SM)
- (Gaynor. Twinkle, twinkle little star. LL)
- (Hill. Twinkle, twinkle little star. SHS)
- (Tufts. Twinkle, twinkle little star. CL)
- (Walker. Twinkle, twinkle little star. WS)
- Twinkle, twinkle little star. See Hubbard. Little star. MSG
- 'Twixt a hill and deep and shelter'd vale. See Two hares. RCS
- (Zwei Hasen. BB)
- Two birds. Wiebe. KC
- Two boys in the snow. KK
- Two crows. Neidlinger. SSS
- Two grenadiers. TLB
- Two hands and eight little fingers. See Hurd. Children on the tower. PTS
- Two hands I have. Mozart. HR
- Two hands, thereon eight fingers are. See Froebel. Children at the tower. MP (Hubbard. Two hands. MSG)
- Two hares. RCS
- (Zwei Hasen. BB)
- Two kittens. Clarke. StN
- Two little birds. Bacon. EL
- *Two little birds. Fisher. StN
- Two little hands. See Smith. Children on the tower. SL1
- Two little hands I have. See Fischer. What I have. HR
- *Two little maidens all alone. JB
- Two little roses. Bacon. EL
- *Two little windows. Reed. TGS
- Two merry little builders. See Brewster. Robins and pussy willow. BSS
- Two pretty boots are these of mine. See Taubert. Sand man. RCS
- Two Robin Redbreasts built their nest. See Tufts. Robin Redbreasts. CL
- (Two Robin Redbreasts. HR)
- (Walker. Two Robin Redbreasts. WS)
- *Two stars are in heaven. FS
- Two years old. Smith. LCD
- Tyrolese and his child. EFS
- *Tyrolese are jolly. JB
- Uhland. Good comrade. FS
- Ukrainian dance melody. HMC2
- Music only
- Uncrowned kings. Loomis. TLB
- Under and over the chain is unwound. See Rust. Bucket song. EL
- Under the crimson flow'rets. See Reinecke. Birdie's burial. FC
- Under the glowing sun. See Reinecke. Little gardener. SM
- Under the lindentree. Foerster. HMC1
- Music only
- Under the Maypole. Gurlitt. HMC2
- Music only
- Up and down and in and out. See Froebel. Play with the limbs. SM
- Up and down, and up and down. See T
i>See Chopin. Maiden's wish. FS
- (Chopin. Spring song. EFS)
- *Wert thou in the cauld blast. Mendelssohn. TLB
- Wesley. Child's prayer. HR
- West wind. Barnby. TC
- Who learned you to dance, Babity, Babity? See Be Ba Babity. JB
- Whale. Neidlinger. SSS
- Wharton. When all the world is young. FS
- What a bird taught. Hubbard. MSG
- What a little thing am I. See Reinecke. Mamma and the baby. FC
- What a plague is love. See Marzials. Phillida flouts me. CPP
- What a pretty black-bird. See Black-bird song. BSS
- What are little boys made of? See Natural history. CBO
- What are you saying? See Root. Child and the tree. SV
- What becomes of all the babies? See Hill. Stages of life. SHS
- What can you do? Cole. TC
- What child is this? See Christmas carol. RCS
- What do birdies dream? Hubbard. MSG
- What do I see in baby's eyes? See Gilchrist. Good night. StN
- What do you ever suppose, Mamma? See Meissner. Smelling. ASC
- What do you say to the snow to-day? See Warren. April snow. StN
- What do you think came down last night? See Dayre. Snow. EL
- What do you think mother saw on the hill? See Smith. Going to sleep. LCD
- What does it mean when the blue bird flies? See Bacon. Signs of the seasons. EL
- *What does little birdie say? Tennyson. SM
- (Tennyson. Baby's waking song. SHS)
- (Tennyson. Cradle song. EL)
- (Tufts. Little birdie. CL)
- What does the baker make, we say? See Walker. Baker. WS
- What does the moon say tonight? See Sheehan. Mother's lullaby. OSM
- What does the rumbling thunder say? See Neidlinger. Thunder. ES1
- What fun it is to be just a tiny girl. See Terhune. Sedan chair. CC
- What fun, what jolly fun. See Gaynor. Coasting. SC2
- What have we here? See Hubbard. Garden gate. MSG
- "What have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?" See Mrs. Bond. CBO
- What I have. Fischer. HR
- What is it fills our hearts with cheer? See Sheehan. Spring is here. OSM
- What is so rare as a day in June? See Schnecker. June. TLB
- What is this? This is a gate. See Froebel. Barnyard gate. MP
- (Hubbard. Barnyard. MSG)
- *What must be must. LBS
- What plant we in this apple tree? See Roeske. Planting of the apple tree. HS
- What Robin told. Knowlton. NS
- (Johnson. What Robin told. BSS)
- What's this dull town to me? See Robin Adair. EFS
- What says the book? See Damrosch. In the wood. StN
- What shall little children bring on Christmas day? See Batchellor. Blessed day. WS
- What shall we do the long winter thro'? See Cornwell. Ferns. EL
- What shall we do when we go out? See Holiday. LBS
- What song does the cricket sing? See Love and mirth. RCS
- What song shall we sing upon Christmas? See Hill. First Christmas song. HS
- What sweet tunes can babies play? See Smith. Finger-piano. SL1
- What the bells say. Cole. CM
- What the little things said. Sawyer. WS
- What twitt'ring in the sparrows' nest. See Berry. Sparrows' nest. KC
- What, what shall Santa Claus bring Helen? See Reinecke. Santa Claus. SL2
- *What's this? Hubbard. MSG
- (Froebel. Finger play. KC)
- (Froebel. This little thumb. MP)
- Whatever the mother fosters. See Froebel. Conclusion. MP
- Wheatley. Song of the blue-bird. EL
- Wheel. Wiebe. KC
- Wheel song. Cushman. EL
- Wheelbarrow. PS
- Wheelbarrow. Hubbard. MSG
- *Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow, where shall we go. HR
- Wheelwright. Smith. SM
- Wheelwright. Froebel. MP
- (Hubbard. Wheelwright. MSG)
- *When a child goes marching out. LBS
- When all the ground with snow is white. See Knowlton. Snow bird. NS
- *When all the world is young. Wharton. FS
- *When Bertie goes to the ball. JB
- When children lay them down to sleep. See Schumann. Guardian angels. FS
- *When Christ was born. Brown. FS
- When do birds with weary wing. See Smith. Friendly dark. LCD
- When early morning's. See Mowers. KC
- When first I saw sweet Peggy. See Low-backed car. EFS—FS
- When for my native land I sigh. See Tyrolese and his child. EFS
- When good King Arthur ruled this land. See King Arthur. CBO
- (Gaynor. King Arthur. LL)
- (Reinecke. Good King Arthur. FC)
- When I am tucked within my bed. See Gaynor. Wishing. LL
- When I go to sleep at night. See Knowlton. God loves his little children. NS
- *When I grow to be a man. Neidlinger. SSS
- When I'm softly sleeping. See Smith, Sunshine song. SL1
- When I run about all day. See Stanley. Night and day. StN
- (Warren. Night and day. StN)
- (Wiggin. Night and day. KC)
- When I see my biddy hen. See Sherwood. Baby's calendar. HS
- When I survey the world around. See Marzials. Leather bottel. CPP
- When I was a farmer. See Gaynor. 'Twas this way and that way. LL
- For variants see When I was a lady.
- *When I was a lady, a lady, a lady. LBS
- (Variant: Gaynor. 'Twas this way and that way. LL)
- (Variant: When I was a shoemaker. NG)
- (Variant: When I was a schoolgirl NEB1)
- (Variant: When I wore flounces. JB)
- *When I was a school girl. NEB1
- For variants see When I was a lady.
- *When I was shepherd. FS
- *When I was a shoemaker. NG
- For variants see When I was a lady.
- When I was sick and lay abed. See Stevenson. Land of counterpane. LBS—SS
- For composers see Stevenson. Land of counterpane.
- When I wore flounces. JB
- For variants see When I was a lady.
- When it dusky grows. See Gaynor. Sandman. LL
- When it is winter time. See Merry chimes. KK
- When Jesus came. Martin. MSL
- *When little birdie bye-bye goes. See Elliott. Lullaby. MG—SM
- (Lullaby. HR)
- (Walker. Baby's lullaby. WS)
- When little birdie goes to sleep. See Neidlinger. Little birdie. SSS
- *When love is kind. EFS
- When 'tis bright and pleasant weather. See Rust. Pleasant weather. EL
- When little Bo-Peep had lost her sheep. See Knowlton. Little Bo-Peep. NS
- When little Maizey came to town. See Vose. Pop corn. EL
- When mama does the pigeons call. See Feeding the pigeons. PS
- When Mr. Toadie wants a coat. See Grove. Mr. Toadie's coat. HS
- When morning comes the stars will fade. See Story of the day. SHS
- When mother Pussy mewed "Come here!" See Smith. Minding the mother. LCD
- When mother was ill. Reinecke. FC
- When o'er earth is breaking. See Hubbard. Nature's God is there. MSG
- (Walker. God is there. WS)
- When our cold hopes show buds again. See Berat. My Normandy. FS
- When summer floods the earth with light. See Martin. Summer. MSL
- When Sun the Painter goes to work. See Neidlinger. ES2
- When the bell within our tower. See Smith. Tower. SL1
- When the bloom is on the rye. See Bishop. My pretty Jane. EFS
- *When the bright God of day drove to westward his ray. Marzials. CPP
- When the bright lamp is carried in. See Stevenson. Northwest passage—good night. SF
- (Ramsay. Northwest passage—goodnight. SF)
- When the children are safe. See Rieff. Christmas tree march. KC
- *When the earth wakes up in gladness. Fesca. SL1
- When the frosty fall approaches. See Beethoven. Autumn song. HR
- When the fuzzy pussy willows. See Gaynor. Spring song. SC1
- When the golden sun has set. See Zelter. Story of night. SHS
- When the light of day is fading. See Mueller. Lamplighter. SHS
- *When the little children sleep. Reinecke. FC—KC
- *When the morning sun so bright. HR<
ittle prisoner. See Pleyel. On guard. GS
- You have silken clothes to wear. See Meissner. In China. ASC
- You know I am a Brownie. See Gaynor. Brownie. LL
- You love me and I love you. Hailmann. HR
- You may hear us on your window. See Larned. Raindrops. HS
- *You must be very tired. Hailmann. HR
- You never would think that old Grandfather Sun. See Neidlinger. Painter Sun. ES1
- You pretty sunbeam. See Elliott. Little sunbeam. SL1
- You pussy willow. See Sawyer. Pussy willow. WS
- You spotted snakes with double tongue. See Macfarren. Midsummer night's dream. TLB
- You think, Oh sun so fair. See Amaryllis. EFS
- You want to be big and strong, of course. See Funkhouser. Some day you'll be a man. FSK
- You will hear the birdies singing. See Cole. Scale song, No. 5. CM
- Young Molly who lived at the foot of the hill. See Lass with the delicate air. EFS
- Young night thought. Stevenson. SS
- (Foote. Young night thought. SS)
- Young recruit. LBS
- *Young thoughts have music in them. Kroeger. TLB
- Your little hand, my child, show me. See Wiggin. Ball play. KC
- (Wiggin. Ball song, no. 2. KC)
- Your mouth now open. See Hubbard. Tasting. MSG
- (Wiggin. Tasting. KC)
- *Youth has gone. FS
- Yradier. Dove. FS
- *Yule logs are waiting. JB
- Zarnack. O Tannenbaum. FS—RCS
- (Fir and the pine. RCS)
- (Fir tree. FS)
- Zelter. Story of night. SHS
- *Zisch, zisch, zisch. Hubbard. MSG
- (Froebel. Joiner. MP)
- (Joiner. PS)
- (Seidel. Joiner. HR)
- Zoom! zoom! said a busy little rover. See Meissner. Honey bee and clover. ASC
- Zoom! zoom! zoom! drones the bumble bee. See Gaynor. Bumble bee. SC1
- Zundel. Love divine, all love excelling. TLB
- Zwei feine Stieflein hab' ich an. See Taubert. Sand man. RCS
- Zwei Hasen. BB
- (Two hares. RCS)
- Zwischen Berg and tiefen, tiefen, Thal. See Two hares. RCS
- (Zwei Hasen. BB)