berg@html@files@60832@60832-h@60832-h-6.htm.html#Page_165" class="pginternal">165
Lubinus projector of Orbis Pictus 166
Orbis Pictus described 167
Why Comenius’s schoolbooks failed 168
“Compendia Dispendia” 169
Comenius and Science of Education 170
Books on Comenius 171
Chapter XI.—The Gentlemen of Port-Royal 172-196
The Jesuits and the Arnaulds 173
Saint-Cyran and Port-Royal 174
Saint-Cyran an “Evangelical” 175
Short career of the Little Schools 176
Saint-Cyran and Locke on Public Schools 177
Shadow-side of Public Schools 178
The Little Schools for the few only 179
Advantages of great schools 180
Choice of masters and servants. Watch and pray 181
No rivalry or pressure. Freedom from routine 182
Study a delight. Reading French first 183
Literature. Mother-tongue first 184
Beginners’ difficulties lightened 185
Begin with Latin into Mother-tongue 186
Sense before sound. Reason must rule 187
Not Baconian. The body despised 188
Pedagogic writings of Port-Royalists 189
Arnauld. Nicole 190
Light from within. Teach by the Senses 191
Best teaching escapes common tests 192
Studying impossible without a will 193
Against making beginnings bitter 194
Port-Royal advance. Books on Port-Royal 195
Rollin, CompayrÉ, &c. 196
Chapter XII.—Some English Writers before Locke 197-218
Birth of Realism 198
Realist Leaders not schoolmasters 199
John Brinsley. Charles Hoole 200
Hoole’s Realism 201
Art of teaching. Abraham Cowley 202
Authors and schoolmasters. J. Dury 203
Disorderly use of our natural faculties 204
Dury’s watch simile 205
Senses, 1st; imagination, 2nd; memory, 3rd 206
Petty’s battlefield simile 207
Petty’s realism 208
Cultivate observation 209
Petty on children’s activities 210
Hand-work. Education for all. Bellers 347
Causes of failure at Yverdun 348
Report made by Father Girard 349
Girard’s mistake. Schmid in flight 350
Schmid’s return. Pestalozzi’s fame found useful 351
Dr. Bell’s visit. Death of Mrs. Pestalozzi 352
Works republished. Clindy. Yverdun left. Death 353, 354
New aim: develop organism 354
True dignity of man 355
Education for all. Mothers’ part. Jacob’s Ladder 356
Educator only superintends 357
First, moral development 358
Moral and religious the same 359
Second, intellectual development 360
Learning by “intuition” 361
Buisson and Jullien on intuition 362
Pestalozzi and Locke 363
Subjects for, and art of, teaching 364
“Mastery” 365
The body’s part in education 366
Learning must not be play 367
Singing and drawing 368
Morf’s summing-up 369
Joseph Payne’s summing-up 370
The “two nations.” Mother’s lessons 371
Mistakes in teaching children 372
Children and their teachers 373
“Preparatory” Schools 374
Young boys ill taught at school 375
English folk-schools not Pestalozzian 376
Schools judged by results 377
Pupil-teachers. Teaching not educating 378
Lowe or Pestalozzi? 379
Chief force, personality of the teacher 380
English care for unessentials 381
Aim at the ideal 382
Use of theorists. Books 383
Chapter XVII.—Friedrich Froebel. (1783-1852.) 384-413
Difficulty in understanding Froebel 385
A lad’s quest of unity 386
Froebel wandering without rest 387
Finds his vocation. With Pestalozzi 388
Froebel at the Universities 389
Through the Freiheits-krieg. Mineralogy 390
The “New Education” started 391
At Keilhau. “Education of Man” published 392
Froebel fails in Switzerland 514
Rousseau’s clean sweep 515
Benevolence of Nature. Man disturbs 516
We arrange sequences, capitalise ideas 517
Loss and gain from tradition 518
Rousseau for observing and following 519
Rousseau exposed “school-learning” 520
Function of “things” in education 521
“New Education” started by Rousseau 522
Drawing out. Man and the other animals 523
Intuition. Man an organism, a doer and creator 524
Antithesis of Old and New Education 525
Drill needed. What the Thinkers do for us 526
Appendix. Class Matches. Words and Things. Books for Teachers, &c. 527-547


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