oyal, 196 Compendia Dispendia, 169 Complete living, H. Spencer on, 442 “Complete Retainers,” 89, 426, n. Composition, 483 Compulsion, Nothing on, 112 Concept, Larger, how formed, 457 Concertations, 42 Concrete, Start from, 461 Conduct of Understanding and Reason, 221 ConfÉrences pÉdagogiques, 362 Connexion of knowledges, 424 Consolation, &c., Brinsley, 200 Cooking should be taught, 540 Coote, Edward, English Scholemaster, 91 Corporal punishment, Pestalozzi for, 327 Cotterill, C. C., Suggested Reforms, 545 Cowley’s Proposition, &c., 202 Cowper on man and animals, 517 Creative instinct. Froebel, 404 Daniel, Canon, quoted, 155, n. Daniel, Le P. Ch., quoted, 62, n. Day-dreams of a Schoolmaster, 541 Day-schools wanted, 499 Dead knowledge, 524 Decimal scale universal, 479 De Garmo, Dr., on language work. 481, n. — quoted, 403, n. De Geer and Comenius, 130 De Imitatione, quoted, 398 De Morgan, quoted, 433, n. De Quincey, quoted, 153, n. Derby, Ld., on criminals, 358 — quoted, 256, n. Development, Froebel’s theory of, 400 Didactic teaching, Rousseau against, 268 Diderot, quoted, 365, n. Diesterweg on dead knowledge, 365 Diesterweg’s rule for repetition, 111 Dilucidatio of Comenius, 123 Discentem oportet credere, 152 Dislike often from ignorance, 466 Doctrinale, 80, 532 Double Translating, 86 — translation judged, 89 Drawing, Comenius for, 146 — Pestalozzi on, 368 — Rousseau for, 261 Drill, Need of, 526 Drudgery defined, 472 Drummond, Henry, quoted, 502, n. Dunciad, quoted, 31, 130 Hazlitt, W. C., 91, n. Helplessness produced by bad teaching, 464 Helps, Sir A., for science, 447, n. — on looking straight at things, 481 — on open-mindedness, 502 — quoted, 434, n. Herbart at Burgdorf, 367, n. — on Rousseau, 269 Herbert, Ld., of Cherbury, on physical ed., 227 Hewitson on Stonyhurst, 59 “Hinter dem Berge,” 449 Hints from pupils, 367, n. History, Beginnings in, 489 — H. Spencer on, 448 Home and School, 342 Honesty the best policy, 529 Hoole’s A new discovery, &c., 200 — trans. of Orbis Pictus, 166 Humility to be taught, 503 Hymns to be used, 501 Ickelsamer, 116 Ideal, high, 496 — value of, 382 — want of an, 471 Ideas before symbols, 253 “Idols,” escape from, 514 Ignorance, Erasmus agst., 523 Il faut apprendre, &c., Jacotot, 424 “Impressionists,” 89, 426, n. Improvements suggested by Mulcaster, 92 Inclinations should be studied, 465 Industrial school at Neuhof, 297 “Infelix divortium verum et verborum,” 139 Innovators, 103 “Inquiry into course of Nature,” 311 Instruct is instruere, 432 Instruction an exercise of faculty, 332 Intellect before critical faculty. Comenius, 138 Interest, Degrees in, 113 — in teaching needed, 546 — needed for activity, 474 — needed for mental exertion, 193, n. — No success without, 473 Interesting, Can learning be? 465 Intuition = Anschauung, 361 — Froebel for, 408 Investigation, Method of, 437 “Ipse dixit,” Comenius against, 152 Iselin, editor of Ephemerides, 298, 302 “Jacob’s Ladder,” Pestalozzi, 356 Jahn on Froebel, 386 Jansenius and St.-Cyran, “Omnia sponte fluant,” Comenius, 136 One thing at a time, Ratke, 109 Opinion, Education of, 502 — Sensible men cannot differ in, Locke, 221, n. Orbis Pictus published, 132, 167 “Over and over again,” Ratke, 110 Over-directing, Rousseau against, 265 Overworking teachers, 497 Oxenstiern sees Comenius, 128 Painter, F. V. N., History of Education, 543 Parallel Grammar Series, 114, n. ParÆnesis by Sacchini, 34, n. Parker, F. W., and Kindergarten, 411 — on reading, 482 — Talks on Teaching, 544 Parker, C. S., in Essays on Lib. Ed., 32 Parkin, John, 366, n. Parkman, Francis, on Jesuits, 55, 56 Pascal and Loyola, 172 Past, No escape from the, 2 Pattison, Mark, on exams., 228, n. — on dearth of books, 12 — on what is education, 228 — on Milton Pattison’s account of Renascence, 4 Paul III recognizes Jesuits, 35 Paulsen on Jesuits, 55 — on Comenius, 153 Payn, James, on learning from books, 546 Payne, Joseph, on Pestalozzi, 359, n. — on observation, 361 — on child’s unrest, 407, n. — Science and Art of Teaching, 542 — Papers on History of Ed., 544 — summing up Pestalozzi, 369, n. — a disciple of Jacotot, 415 — and International Copyright, 529 — on women’s ed., 98 Payne, Dr. J. F., notes to Locke, 228, n. Payne, W. H., Science of Ed., 545 Perez, B., on Jacotot, 438 Perfect familiarity, 433 Pestalozzian books, 383 Pestalozzianism lies in aim, 354 Pestalozzi’s school at Neuhof, 296 — talks with children at Stanz, 325 Pestalozzi, a strange schoolmaster, 334 — A portrait of, 345 — and Bacon, 408 — His poverty, 340 — His severity, 308 Petty’s Battlefield simile, 207 — Realism, 132 Savoir par coeur, &c., 74, n.