I. Tomb plans.
II. Old Empire stone vases, etc. (photographs).
III. Sandstone statue of Nefer-shem-em, and group of objects
from the tomb of Ka-mena (photographs).
IV. Sandstone table of offerings and two stelÆ (photographs).
V. XIIth dynasty statuette and ushabti, a late bronze, etc. (photographs).
VI. Diorite, alabaster and pottery vessels of Old Empire (photographs).
VII. Sketches of mastabas.
VIII. Sketch of a mastaba, and box of ivory and glaze veneer.
IX. Views of a stairway tomb.
X. Alabaster vessels, XIIth and IVth dynasties.
XI. Libyan and Old Kingdom pottery.
XII. Old Kingdom pottery.
XIII. Pottery, early XIIth dynasty.
XIV. XIIth dynasty water-jars.
XV. pottery.
XVIII. Marks on Old Kingdom pottery.
XIX. Middle Kingdom pots.
XX. Pottery, scarabs and inscribed cylinders.
XXI. Foundation deposits.
XXII. Plan of cemetery E. of town.
XXIII. mastabas N. of town.
XXIV. tombs in S.E. angle of the enclosure.
XXV. Plan of gateway in wall.
XXVI. temple of Thothmes III.
XXVII. Catalogue of small Libyan tombs.


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