| page | Alabaster vases, etc. | 4-6, 8-10, 13, 14, 18, 19 | Amen-ankh-as, scarab of | 5 | Amenemhat III, cylinder of | 15 | Amenhotep III’s temple | 2, 16 | Analysis of copper tools | 4 | Arching, brick | 13, 14 | | | Balls of limestone and carnelian | 7 | Beads, amethyst | 15 | ” blue frit | 9 | ” with gold caps | 10 | ” blue glaze | 20 | ” carnelian | 7-9, 14, 15 | ” copper | 9 | ” felspar | 9 | ” glass | 16 | ” gold | 7, 9, 14 | ” gold foil | 14 | ” green felspar | 9 | ” green glaze | 6, 15 | ” haematite | 15 | ” ivory | 9, 15 | ” lapis lazuli | 14 | ” serpentine | 6, 9 | ” shell discs | 15 | ” steatite | 9 | Blue-glaze figure | 18 | Box for burial | 7-9 | Bracelets | 6, 7, 9, 10, 18 | Bronze figures, late | 17, 18 | Burial, headless | 10 | ” irregular | 13 | Mirror, XVIIIth dynasty | 15 | Mirrors without handles | 15 | Model of shell | 20 | ” tools, copper | 4, 18 | Mummification, absence of | 15 | | | Neb.ra, steatite plaque | 7 | Nectanebo, cartouche | 17 | Nefer-shem-em | 5, 18 | Neolithic burials | 3 | ” see Libyan | 11 | ” relation to Old Kingdom | 12 | New Race, burials | 3 | ” see Libyan | 11 | ” absence of Egyptian types | 12 | ” relation to Old Kingdom | 12 | ” characteristics | 13 | ” pre-dynastic | 11 | | | Palette, slate | 6, 8, 9 | ” rubbers for | 8 | Paint-slabs with pestles | 15, 17 | Permission, delay in receiving | 1 | Pigeon-house (?) | 17, 20 | Pirie, Miss A. A. | 1 | Plaque, steatite, Neb.ra | 7 | Porphyry bowl | 4, 5, 18, 19 | Pottery, Neolithic or New Race | 4, 6, 8 | ” of IVth dynasty | 7-10, 16, 19, 20 | ” of XIIth dynasty | 3 | ” of XVIIIth dynasty | 15 | ” of New Race, handmade | 12 | ” bars of | 5, 10 | ” coffins | 4-6, 8, LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. EL KAB. TOMB PLANS. I. EL KAB. II. stone vases, old kingdom. cylinder, beads, &c., from one tomb. (§ 13.) from tomb of kamena. (§ 5.) part of a mastaba wall. pottery before the house. EL KAB. III. nefer-shem-em. from tomb of ka-mena. EL KAB. IV. from near amenhotep iii. temple. xii. dyn. stela. xii. dyn. stela. EL KAB. V. glaze. alabaster ushabti. bronze. xii. dyn. sa amulet, etc. gate deposit. EL KAB. VI. diorite and alabaster. old empire. pottery of old empire. EL KAB. MASTABAS. VII. mastabas c. and nefershemem, looking to great north wall. mastabas of nefershemem and e., looking to great north wall. EL KAB. MASTABA. VIII. lid of a box, old empire. EL KAB. STAIRWAY TOMB. IX. from below looking north from below looking south EL KAB. ALABASTER VESSELS, XII. AND IV. DYN. X. EL KAB. LIBYAN AND OLD KINGDOM POTTERY. XI. EL KAB. OLD KINGDOM POTTERY. XII. EL KAB. POTTERY, EARLY XII. DYN. XIII. EL KAB. XII. DYN. WATER JARS. XIV. EL KAB. XII. DYN. POTTERY. XV. EL KAB. XII. DYN. POTTERY. XVI. EL KAB. XII. DYN. POTTERY. XVII. EL KAB. MARKS ON OLD KINGDOM POTTERY. XVIII. EL KAB. MARKS ON MIDDLE KINGDOM POTS. XIX. EL KAB. XX. EL KAB. FOUNDATION DEPOSITS. XXI. EL KAB. CEMETERY E. OF TOWN. XXII. EL KAB. MASTABAS. XXIII. EL KAB. GROUP OF TOMBS IN S.E. ANGLE OF THE ENCLOSURE. XXIV. EL KAB. GATEWAY IN WALL. XXV. EL KAB. TEMPLE OF THOTHMES III. XXVI. EL KAB. SMALL LIBYAN TOMBS. XXVII.
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