
The First Part.

Chap. I. The Description of the Cocao-Tree. Pag.2
Chap. II. Of the Choice and Disposition of the Place to plant a Nursery. 10
Chap. III. Of the Method of Planting a Nursery, and of its Cultivation, till the Fruit comes to Maturity. 16
Chap. IV. Of the gathering the Cocao-Nuts, and of the Manner of making the Kernels sweat; and also of drying them that they may be transported into Europe. 24

The Second Part.

Of the Properties of Chocolate. 38
Chap. I. Of the old Prejudices against Chocolate. 39
Chap. II. Of the real Properties of Chocolate. 44
Sect. I. Chocolate is very Temperate. 45
Sect. II. Chocolate is very nourishing, and of easy Digestion. 47
Sect. III. Chocolate speedily repairs the dissipated Spirits and decayed Strength. 51
Sect. IV. Chocolate is very proper to preserve Health, and to prolong the Life of old Men. 56

The Third Part.

Of the Uses of Chocolate. 60
Chap. I. Of Chocolate in Confections. 61
Chap. II. Of Chocolate properly so called. 62
Sect. I. Of the Origin of Chocolate, and the different Methods of preparing it. 63
The Method of preparing Chocolate used in the French Islands of America. 67
Sect. II. Of the Uses that may be made of Chocolate, with relation to Medicine. 70
Chap. III. Of the Oil or Butter of Chocolate. 74
Remarks upon some Places of this Treatise. 80
Medicines in whose Composition Oil, or Butter of Chocolate, is made use of. 91
The wonderful Plaister for the curing of all Kinds of Ulcers. ibid.
An excellent Pomatum for the Cure of Tettars, Ringworms, Pimples, and other Deformities of the Skin. 94

The Approbation of Monsieur Andry, Counsellor, Lecturer, and Regal Professor, Doctor, Regent of the Faculty of Medicine at Paris, and Censor Royal of Books.

I Have read, by order of the Lord Keeper of the Seals, this Natural History of Chocolate, and I judge that the Impression will be very necessary and useful for the Publick. Given at Paris this 5th of April, 1719.


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