The First Part. Chap. I. The Description of the Cocao-Tree. | Pag.2 | Chap. II. Of the Choice and Disposition of the Place to plant a Nursery. | 10 | Chap. III. Of the Method of Planting a Nursery, and of its Cultivation, till the Fruit comes to Maturity. | 16 | Chap. IV. Of the gathering the Cocao-Nuts, and of the Manner of making the Kernels sweat; and also of drying them that they may be transported into Europe. | 24 | The Second Part. Of the Properties of Chocolate. | 38 | Chap. I. Of the old Prejudices against Chocolate. | 39 | Chap. II. Of the real Properties of Chocolate. | 44 | Sect. I. Chocolate is very Temperate. | 45 | Sect. II. Chocolate is very nourishing, and of easy Digestion. | 47 | Sect. III. Chocolate speedily repairs the dissipated Spirits and decayed Strength. | 51 | Sect. IV. Chocolate is very proper to preserve Health, and to prolong the Life of old Men. | 56 | The Third Part. Of the Uses of Chocolate. | 60 | Chap. I. Of Chocolate in Confections. | 61 | Chap. II. Of Chocolate properly so called. | 62 | Sect. I. Of the Origin of Chocolate, and the different Methods of preparing it. | 63 | The Method of preparing Chocolate used in the French Islands of America. | 67 | Sect. II. Of the Uses that may be made of Chocolate, with relation to Medicine. | 70 | Chap. III. Of the Oil or Butter of Chocolate. | 74 | Remarks upon some Places of this Treatise. | 80 | Medicines in whose Composition Oil, or Butter of Chocolate, is made use of. | 91 | The wonderful Plaister for the curing of all Kinds of Ulcers. | ibid. | An excellent Pomatum for the Cure of Tettars, Ringworms, Pimples, and other Deformities of the Skin. | 94 | The Approbation of Monsieur Andry, Counsellor, Lecturer, and Regal Professor, Doctor, Regent of the Faculty of Medicine at Paris, and Censor Royal of Books. I Have read, by order of the Lord Keeper of the Seals, this Natural History of Chocolate, and I judge that the Impression will be very necessary and useful for the Publick. Given at Paris this 5th of April, 1719.