"Studious he sate, with all his books around, Sinking from thought to thought, a vast profound; Plunged for his sense, but found no bottom there; Then wrote, and flounder'd on, in mere despair." —Pope. - America. Humours of a voyage to, 18.
- Baxter, Robert. His hospitality, 53.
- Bedford Town and Schools, 73.
- Binders and their work, 41.
- Bradley, A. G. Life of Wolfe, 10.
- Bright, John. Letter from, 134.
- Calverley, C. S., 2.
- Charles II. and Lord Northesk, 101.
- Christie's. A sale at, 11.
- Christie's. Lyne Stephens sale, 148.
- Coleridge, Hartley. Letter from, 129.
- Combe Bank, 109.
- Craze, modern. For work, 48.
- Cunarder. On board a, 18.
- "Cynical Song of the City," 50.
- Dickens. On over-work, 48.
- Dobson, Austin, 63.
- Ethie Castle and its ghost story, 104.
- Fox, Caroline. John Bright's letter to, 134.
- Fox, Mrs. Charles, of Trebah, 128.
- Fox, Mrs. Charles, and Hartley Coleridge, 129.
- Foxwold and its early train, 51.
- French Revolution of 1848, 85.
- Gainsborough's portrait of Wolfe, 8.
- Ghost story at Ethie, 104.
- Gosse, Edmund. Poem by, 61.
- Grain, R. Corney. Sketch of, 3.
- " " His charity, 4.
- " " Letter from, 6.
- Guthrie, Anstey. Bon-mot of, 52.
- Hamilton's parodies, 123.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 59.
- Humours of an Atlantic voyage, 18.
- "Jane will return." A true story, 119.
- Jerrold, Douglas. Drawing of, 68.
- Laureateship, The, 58.
- Lehmann, R. C. Poem by, 78.
- Letter from John Bright, 134.
- "" Hartley Coleridge, 129.
- "" Charles II., 101.
- "" R. Corney Grain, 6.
- "" Lord Lauderdale, 102.
- "" John Poole, 83.
- "" John Ruskin, 137.
- "" G. A. Sala, 69.
- Longfellow. Extract from, 117.
- Lyne Stephens, Mrs., 144.
- "" Sketch of her life, 145.
- "" Her art collections, 147.
- "" Thackeray's sketch of
The Reader (loquiter). "Glad of a quarrel, straight I clap the door; Sir, let me see your works and you no more!" —Pope. Footer Transcriber's Note: - Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.
- Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant form was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.
- Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.
- Pictures of the Book Room have been moved. The List of Illustrations paginations were not corrected.
- Other corrections:
- Page 89: 'Hotel des Affaires Étrangers,' changed to 'HÔtel des Affaires ÉtrangÈres,'
- Page 125: Caligraphy changed to calligraphy.