England himself chose a crew to row But at that time I thought little or nothing of how they regarded me, my only desire being to get ashore, that I might hide the precious despatch-box in some place of safety. This I did as soon as might be after I had landed, burying the casket in the sand, and marking the place so that I might know it again. Some little distance beyond where I had been put ashore from the pirate boat I came upon a party of my own men under Mr. White, who had been despatched after me by Mr. Langely so soon as he had read the communication which I had left behind me at the king's town, and who had for some time been lying hidden in the thickets, whence they might observe the pirates and still remain unseen by them. I may confess that I was mightily glad to behold such kind and friendly faces Mr. Longways was among the first to visit me, and betrayed the most lively signs of joy upon finding that I had been fortunate enough to secure the great ruby once more, though he regretted that I had not fetched the box with me instead of having buried it in the sand, so that we might have assured ourselves of the safety of the treasure. Upon this point I put him at his ease by convincing him that the box was in such a condition and of such an appearance as to make me feel certain that it had neither been forced nor the lock tampered with. We only remained in the king's town about three days longer; at the end of that time the lookout which we had placed at the cape came in and reported that the pirate It took us about a week longer to victual and water the vessel (the bales of goods which I had begged from the pirates having been already stowed away under cover), so that it was not until the 18th of August that we were able to leave the country—which we did, giving thanks for all the mercies that had been vouchsafed to us in this trying and terrible time. We were becalmed off the coast of Arabia, where we suffered greatly from the scarcity of water; but being brought safely through that and other dangers, we arrived at last at Bombay, where we dropped anchor early in the afternoon of the 13th of October, I immediately sent a message to the Governor, Mr. Boon, notifying him of the safe arrival of Mistress Pamela, and that I was now ready to deliver the despatch-box at such time as he should choose to appoint. I also forwarded to him by the messenger a full report of all that had happened, and of the loss of the Cassandra in the engagement on the 23d of July. In about an hour and a half Mr. Boon came aboard. He spoke most kindly and flatteringly of the service which he was pleased to say I had rendered the Company. He urged me to accompany him to the shore, but though I was mightily inclined to accept of his kindness, I was forced to decline at that time; for, finding that the Company's ship, the City of London, was about ready to sail, I had determined to send by her a brief account of the things herein narrated, and was at that moment This was about half-past two o'clock in the afternoon; at about four a small boat came alongside, and a young man of some He said no, but that the Governor and Mr. Elliott, the Company's agent, had been closeted together with Mr. McFarland and Mr. Hansel, of the banking-house, for some time, and then had sent this message to me by him, which was plainly one of very great consequence. I immediately entered the boat with the secretary, and was rowed to the shore, where, when we had come to the Residency, I found the four gentlemen waiting for me. They were seated around a table, whereon was the despatch-box and my written report, which consumed some six or eight sheets of paper. "Do I correctly understand from this report," says he, touching the papers which lay upon the table as he spoke, "that Mr. Longways betrayed the nature of the contents of the despatch-box both to you and to Captain Leach?" "Yes, sir," said I. "And you are sure that no one knew "Yes, sir," said I, again. At this the gentlemen exchanged glances, and Mr. Elliott continued his questioning. "And did you not know that Captain Leach had been left behind when you quitted the Cassandra?" "Why, no, sir," said I. "It was intended that he should go in the first passage of the long-boat with the boatswain." "But did you not say that you helped the women aboard of the long-boat?" "Yes, sir, I did," I said. There was a pause of a moment or two, and all sat regarding me. Presently Mr. Elliott spoke again. "And did you not then see that Captain Leach was absent from the boat?" said he. "No, sir," said I, "I did not; the boat was very full, and the air so thick with gunpowder "But did you not then take care to see that all your passengers were safe aboard?" "Why, no, sir," said I. "The order had been passed for all passengers to go aboard the long-boat, and I supposed that Captain Leach had obeyed with the rest. I was so occupied with the safety of the women just then that I thought of nothing else." "You say that the pirate England told you that Captain Leach had been killed when they first came aboard the Cassandra. Did you take any other evidence in the matter than his word?" "Why, no, sir," said I, "I did not." Mr. Elliott said "Humph!" and another short space of silence followed, during which he played absently with the leaves of my report. "But tell me, Captain Mackra," said he, presently, "did you not speak to any one of your suspicions concerning Captain Leach "Why, no, sir," said I; "for I saw no sufficient grounds to accuse him of any underhand practices." "And yet," said a thin, middle-aged gentleman, with a sharp voice, whom I afterwards found to be Mr. McFarland—"and yet you saw him quit the Cassandra in a most suspicious manner, and under the most suspicious circumstances, and also had reason to suspect him of having knowledge of the jewel. Why, then, did you not examine him publicly or put him under arrest after he returned?" "Sir," said I, "I disliked Captain Leach, and feared that my prejudice might lead me astray." "But, Captain Mackra," said the Governor, "your personal feelings should never interfere with your duty." I knew not where all these matters tended, "Sir," I cried to Mr. Elliott, "do you blame me for getting back so much of the Company's goods as I was able?" "I blame you for nothing, Captain Mackra," "But, sir," I said, hotly, "am I to be blamed for losing my ship after a hard-fought battle? You should recollect, sir, that I was wounded in the Company's service; methinks, sir, that should weigh some in my favor." "But, Captain Mackra," said Mr. McFarland, very seriously, "are not accidents likely to happen to any one under any circumstances? Captain Leach, you may remember, was killed in spite of all the precautions he may have taken to preserve his life." A great weight of dread seemed to have been settling upon me as the examination had progressed, but at these words it was as though a sudden light flashed upon me; I rose slowly from my chair, and stood with my hand leaning upon the table. For a moment or two my head swam with vertigo, and I passed my hand across my forehead. "Sir," said he, in a low tone, "the ruby has been stolen, and was not in the box when you gave it to me." I stood looking around at them for a while; I know that I must have been very pale, for Mr. McFarland sprang to his feet. "Captain Mackra, you are ill," he said; "will you not be seated?" I shook my head impatiently, and collecting myself, I said, very slowly and somewhat unsteadily, "Do you suspect me of being instrumental in taking it?" I ROSE SLOWLY FROM MY CHAIR, AND STOOD WITH MY HAND LEANING UPON THE TABLE. No one answered for an instant. Then the Governor said, "No, Captain Mackra, we suspect you of nothing; only it is best "I am to consider myself under arrest?" said I. "No, sir," said the Governor, kindly, "not under arrest; but you must hold yourself prepared to stand your examination before the proper agents of the Company at London, and at such time as they may decide upon." |