
someone feeding cat
Matilda’s kind to pussy cat,
It shows her gratitude for that.

girl sulking on stool
“I FEEL ashamed Matilda
To see you such a shirk!
I really think you’d run a mile
To get away from work.”
So spoke Matilda’s mother
Reprovingly one day,
But Mattie only shrugged and sulked
And turned her face away.
Soon mother left her then alone,
The door was open wide.
On tip-toes Mattie crossed the floor,
And gaily ran outside.
She left her room undusted,
She left her bed unmade,
Indeed she really was a shirk
I’m very much afraid.

Matilda running
With joy she gaily scampered
Across the meadows wide,
And chased the pretty butterflies
That flew from side to side.
And on and on she wandered
Until she reached a wood,
And there, deep in the shadows
A little grey house stood.

Matilda at door of dwarf's cottage

A dwarf was in the doorway,
The door stood open wide,
A lean and hungry-looking cat
Was mewing just inside.
The old dwarf grinned and beckoned,
“Come in, come in,” cried he;
“I need a little servant maid,
And you will do for me.”

Matilda sweeping, dwarf relaxing in chair, cat watching
“I have no wish to serve you,”
Matilda quickly cried.
But still the old dwarf beckoned her
And made her step inside.
He made her cook the dinner,
He made her work all day.
He watched her close, and left no chance
For her to run away.

Matilda feeding and petting cat
The pussy rubbed about her,
“Meow, meow,” said she.
“I’ve been so starved, please look about
And find some scraps for me.”
“Whatever I may have to eat
I’ll always share with you,”
Matilda cried, “for I can see
That you’re unhappy, too.”
One day the dwarf sat smoking
Outside the open door,
While Mattie worked about inside
And scrubbed and swept the floor.
“Matilda,” whispers pussy,
“You’ve served me well each day,
And now the dwarf is safe outside
I’ll help you run away.

cat on haunches pointing for Matilda

“The kitchen door is open,
So now be off,” says she.
“Yes,” Mattie whispers, “but suppose
The dwarf should call to me.”
“You needn’t be afraid of that,”
The clever pussy said,
“For even if by chance he calls
I’ll answer in your stead.”
Now little Mattie’s scarcely gone
Before the old dwarf cries,
“Are you at work?” “I’m kneading bread,”
The pussy cat replies.
The old dwarf smoked and nodded,
But soon again he said,
“Are you at work?” “Oh, yes,” cried puss;
“I’m shaking up the bed.”

dwarf yelling at cat who has an arched back

Again the old dwarf calls her,
“Now what are you about?”
“I’m waiting here to catch a mouse
If only he’ll come out.”
“What’s that?” the old dwarf bellows.
He bounces from his chair,
He rushes in and quickly sees
That only puss is there.
At once he knows the trick they’ve played.
He catches up the broom,
And chases poor old pussy cat
Around and around the room.
“Good-bye to you,” says pussy,
“Indeed, I’ve had my fill,”
And up she bounds and out she goes
Across the window sill.

dwarf swinging broom at cat

“Come back! I will not beat you!
Come back, come back!” cries he.
“If I must lose both maid and cat
What will become of me?”
But pussy does not heed him.
Indeed, she’s far away.
She’s followed little Mattie home
And there she means to stay.
Matilda’s now a useful child,
She never tries to shirk,
But helps, with ready cheerfulness,
At any kind of work.
Matilda holding cat

three black cats


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