A kitten once lived all alone In a little yellow house; It lived on crusts of bread and cheese, And now and then a mouse. | A robber rat lived in a wood— A gloomy wood—close by; He had sharp teeth, and a pointed tail. And a wicked, restless eye. | To the yellow house the rat would come, And strike the door—knock! knock! The kitten's tail would stand on end, It gave him such a shock. Then in the rat would boldly march. "What have you here?" he'd say; And then he would steal the bread and cheese, And carry it all away. | At last the kitten went to ask Advice of some old cat Who lived close by, and told her all About the robber rat. The wise old grey cat scratched her ear; "I'll fix this rat," she said; So she pulled a night-cap over her ears And lay in the kitten's bed. | And now in marched the robber rat; "What!" cried he, "still in bed! Quick, fetch me out what cheese you have, And all your scraps of bread." "Spit-t-t!" with her claws and gleaming eyes The cat sprang out of bed. The robber gave one dreadful squeak, And then away he fled. | The old cat caught him by the tail Just as he reached the door, But snap! it broke, and out he ran, And ne'er was heard of more. But for the little kitten, He danced about with glee; "The wicked rat has fled, has fled; Meow, meow!" sang he. |