- Alcock, Colonel, on courtship of crabs, 255
- Alder-flies, claspers of, 233
- Amorousness, a factor in evolution, 24
- — power of, 6, 9
- — where absent, 6
- Andrews, Dr. C. W., on display of Frigate-bird, 111
- Antelopes, battles of, 64
- — horns of, 63
- — scent glands of, 67
- AntennÆ, sense of smell in, 199
- Antlers, branching of, 61
- — eaten when shed, 58
- — in female deer, 62
- — shedding of, 53
- — types of, 60
- — use of, 55
- Ants, nuptial flight of, 297
- — dismal fate of queen, 298
- Apes, brilliant colours of, 45
- — — — use of, 46
- — family relations of, 43
- — polygamy in, 48
- — power of voice in, 42
- — related to man, 41
- Aphides, appalling fertility of, 301
- — parthenogenesis in, 301
- Argonaut, remarkable egg-cradle of, 269
- Armature in birds, 117
- Argus Pheasant, display of, 96
- — — ocelli of, 97
- Baboons, mane of, 44
- Bailador, dances of, 121
- Barrett Hamilton, Major, on Fur-seals, 85
- Bee, Bumble, life of, 292
- — drone, life of, 281, 289
- — queen, as executioner, 279
- — — execution of, 286
- — — nuptial flight of, 279
- — worker, evolution of, 290
- Beetles, fighting between, 214
- — stridulating organ of, 217
- — vivid coloration in, 209
- “Behaviour,” specific character of, 157
- Birds, secondary sexual characters of, 94
- Birds-of-Paradise, display of, 101
- Bower-birds, coloration of, 158
- — — origin of “bowers,” 160
- — — singular behaviour of, 157
- Brine-shrimp, vitality of, 304
- Bug, extraordinary armature of, 216
- Bustard, Australian, display of, 108
- Bustard, Great, display of, 107
- Butterflies, courtship of, 195
- — excess of males in, 192
- — experiments on, 205
- — and female choice, 193
- — females larger than males, 241
- Pheasants, display of, 100
- Pigment intensification, cause of, 150
- Plovers, fatal conflicts among, 117
- — dances of, 119
- Plumage, evolution of, 143
- Polyandry, human, 29
- — in birds, 134
- — interpretation of, 136
- Polygamy, human, 27
- — in birds, 115, 135
- — in ungulates, 75
- — interpretation of, 76, 115, 135, 136
- Poulton, Professor E. B., on animal coloration, 186
- — on courtship of spiders, 245
- — on sexual selection in spiders, 245
- Prairie-hen, air-sacs in display of, 109
- Pugnacity in birds, 116
- Rays, remarkable teeth of, 176
- Reproduction, forms of, 10
- Rhinoceros, horns of, 75
- Ruff, amorous instincts of, 115
- — display of, 113
- — variability of, 114
- Sabre-toothed tiger, huge canines of, 80
- — jaw-flanges of, 80
- Salmon, coloration of, 180
- — courtship of, 179
- Sandpiper, Pectoral, air-sacs in display of, 108
- Scent glands, 67
- Scorpions, courtship of, 242
- Secondary Sexual Characters, meaning of, 13
- Selection, forms of, 7
- Selous, Mr. F. C., on habits of moose, 59
- — on the mane of the lion, 78
- Sex, beginnings of, 4
- — birth of, 12
- Sex-antagonism, 9
- Sexual instincts, dominance of, 162
- — grades of, 183
- — importance of, 27
- Sexual selection, definition of, 20
- — and human evolution, 38
- — in the human race, 32
- — instance of working of, 147
- Sexual Selection Theory, modification of, 154
- Sharp, Dr. David, on stridulating organs, 219
- Sheep, scent of, 69
- Skull, human, malformation of, 35
- Smith Woodward, Dr. A., on factors in evolution, 17
- Smynthurus, remarkable courtship of, 26
- Snail, hermaphrodite state of, 271
- — “love-darts” of, 271
- — significance of coloration of, 272
- Somato-plasm, nature of, 11
- South, Mr., on Oak-eggar moth, 202
- Spiders, courtship of, Printed at The Chapel River Press, Kingston, Surrey.