
Preface, page 9.—References, 14.—Explanatory Note—Definitions, 15.

Mather and Calef, 25.—Account of Margaret Rule, 26.—Definitions of Witchcraft, 29.—Commission of the Devil, 30.—Margaret assaulted by Specters, 31.—Offered a Book, and pinched, 33.—Fasted, and perceived a Man liable to drown, 34.—Lifted, and saw a White Spirit, 35.—Rubbed by Mather, 37.—Visited by Spies, 39.—Prayed with, and Brimstone was smelt, 40.—Fowler charges Delirium Tremens, 41.—Affidavit of Avis, 44.—Calef baffled, 46.—Levitation of R. H. Squires, 46.

Cotton Mather, 52.—Haven’s Account of Mercy Short, 71.

Robert Calef, 73.

Thomas Hutchinson, 76.

C. W. Upham, 80.

Margaret Jones, 85.—Winthrop’s Account of her, 87.—Hutchinson’s and Upham’s, 88.—Our own, 89.—J. W. Crosby’s Experience, 94.—Spirit of Prophecy, 99.—Spirit Child, 100.—Materialization, 102.—Newburyport Spirit Boy, 103.—Why Margaret was executed, 109.—Erroneous faith, 114.—Margaret’s Case isolated, 119.—Epitaph, 121.

Ann Hibbins, 122.—Beach’s Letter, 123.—Hutchinson’s Account of Ann, 124.—Upham’s, 126.—Her Will, 128.—Her Wit, 131.—Densmore’s Inner Hearing, 135.—Guessing, 138.—Her Social Position, 140.—Slandered, 130, 142.—Her Intuitive Powers, 143.—Her Illumination, 146.Ann Cole, 147.—Hutchinson’s Account, 147.—Whiting’s, 148.—The Greensmiths, 153.—Representative Experiences, 154.

Elizabeth Knap, 157.—How affected, 158.—Long accustomed to see Spirits, 160.—Accused Mr. Willard, 162.—A Case of Spiritualism.

Morse Family, 167.—Physical Manifestations, 168.—The Sailor Boy, 169.—Caleb Powell, 170.—Hazzard’s Account of Read, 172.—Mather’s Account of John Stiles, 175.—Mrs. Morse accused, 178.—Hale’s Report, 182.—Morse’s Testimony, 184.—2d do., 187.—His Character, 190.—Faults of Historians, 193.—Marvels in Essex County, 197.—Eliakim Phelps, 198.

Goodwin Family, 199.—Hutchinson’s Account, 201.—Character of the Children, 207.—Wild Irish Woman, 210.—Philip Smith’s Case, 211.—Upham’s Account, 213.—Spirit Loss of Earth Language, 216.—Mather flattered, 217.—The Girl’s Weight triplicated, 219.—Mather’s Person shielded, 221.—Upham’s Conclusion incredible, 223.—Hutchinson nonplused, 224.—Justice to the Devil, 227. Summary, 229.

Salem Witchcraft, 231.—Occurred at Danvers, 231.—Circle of Girls, 233.—Their Lack of Education, 235.—Obstacles to their Meeting, 236.—Mediumistic Capabilities, 239.—Parsonage Kitchen, 240.—Fits stopped by Whipping, 242.—Upham’s Lack of Knowledge, 243.—Hare’s Demonstration, 245.—Upham’s Lament and Warnings, 246.—Nothing Supernatural, 249.—Varley’s Position, 252.—The Afflicted knew their Afflicters, 254.—Names of the Afflicted, 257.—Mr. Parris’s Account of Witchcraft Advent, 259.—What occurred, 260.—Lawson’s Account, 261.—The Bewitching Cake, 262.—John Indian and Tituba, 263.—Tituba Participator and Witness, 267.

Tituba, 271.—Examination of her, 271-297.—Summary of her Statements, 298.—Discrepancies between Cheever and Corwin, 301.—Dates fixed by Corwin, 303.—Tituba’s Authority as Expounder, 308.—Calef’s Notice of her, 309.—Her Confession, 312.—Her Unhappy Fate, 313.

Sarah Good, 313.—Why visible apparitionally, 314.—Her Examination, 315.—Mesmeric Force, 318.—Persons absent in Form afflict, 320.—Only Clairvoyance sees Spirits, 323.—Its Fitfulness, 324.—A Witch because not bewitchable, 325.—Her Invisibility, 325.—H. B. Storer’s Account of Mrs. Compton, 326.—Ann Putnam’s Deposition, 331.—S. Good’s Prophetic Glimpse, 335.Dorcas Good, 335.—Bites with Spirit Teeth, 336.—State of Opinion admitting her Arrest, 338.—Upham’s Presentation of Public Excitement, 339.—Lovely Witches now, 342.

Sarah Osburn, 342.—Was seen spectrally, 343.—Heard a Voice, 345.

Martha Corey, 347.—Her Character.—Visited by Putnam and Cheever, 348.—Foresensed their Visit, 348.—Laughed when on Trial, 352.—Calef and Upham’s Account of her, 353.—Her Prayer, 354.

Giles Corey, 354.—Refused to plead, 355.—Was pressed to Death, 356.—His Heroism, 357.

Rebecca Nurse, 358.—Was seen as an Apparition, 358.—Her Mother a Witch, 360.—Had Fits, 361.—Confusion at her Trial, 362.—The Power of Will, 363.—Elizabeth Parris, 364.—Agassiz, 365.—Not guilty, and then guilty, 367.

Mary Easty, 367.—Her Examination, 368.—The Character of her Trial, 370.—Her Petition, 371.—Last Hour, 373.

Susanna Martin, 373.—Her Examination, 374.—The Devil took Samuel’s Shape, 374.—R. P.’s Position, 375.—Her Apparition gave Annoyance, 377.

Martha Carrier, 378.—Examination of, 378.—Her Children Witches, how they afflicted, and their Confessions, 381.

George Burroughs, 390.—Indictment of, 391.—Opinions concerning him, 392.—Apparitions of his Wives, 394.—His Liftings, 399.—The Devil an Indian, 402.—Thought-reading, 405.—His Susceptibilities and Character, 406.

Summary, 408.—Number executed, 412.—Spirits proved to have been Enactors of Witchcraft, 414.

The Confessors, 415.

The Accusing Girls, 420.—Ann Putnam’s Confession, 420.

The Prosecutors, 425.

Witchcraft’s Author, 428.

The Motive, 432.

Local and Personal, 445.

Methods of Providence, 451.APPENDIX.
Christendom’s Witchcraft Devil, 459.
Limitations of His Powers, 464.
Covenant With Him, 466.
His Defence, 467.
Demonology and Necromancy, 468.
Biblical Witch and Witchcraft, 470.
Christendom’s Witch and Witchcraft, 471.
Spirit, Soul, and Mental Powers, 472.
Two Sets of Mental Powers—Agassiz, 476.
Marvel and Spiritualism, 478.
Indian Worship, 480.


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