| Adventures of Jimmie Dale, The. By Frank L. Packard. |
| Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. By A. Conan Doyle. |
| Affinities, and Other Stories. By Mary Roberts Rinehart. |
| After House, The. By Mary Roberts Rinehart. |
| Against the Winds. By Kate Jordan. |
| Ailsa Paige. By Robert W. Chambers. |
| Also Ran. By Mrs. Baillie Reynolds. |
| Amateur Gentleman, The. By Jeffery Farnol. |
| Anderson Crow, Detective. By George Barr McCutcheon. |
| Anna, the Adventuress. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. |
| Anne's House of Dreams. By L.M. Montgomery. |
| Anybody But Anne. By Carolyn Wells. |
| Are All Men Alike, and The Lost Titian. By Arthur Stringer. |
| Around Old Chester. By Margaret Deland. |
| Ashton-Kirk, Criminologist. By John T. McIntyre. |
| Ashton-Kirk, Investigator. By John T. McIntyre. |
| Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent. By John T. McIntyre. |
| Ashton-Kirk, Special Detective. By John T. McIntyre. |
| Athalie. By Robert W. Chambers. |
| At the Mercy of Tiberius. By Augusta Evans Wilson. |
| Auction Block, The. By Rex Beach. |
| Aunt Jane of Kentucky. By Eliza C. Hall. |
| Awakening of Helena Richie. By Margaret Deland. |
| |
| Bab: a Sub-Deb. By Mary Roberts Rinehart. |
| Bambi. By Marjorie Benton Cooke. |
| Barbarians. By Robert W. Chambers. |
| Bar 20. By Clarence E. Mulford. |
| Bar 20 Days. By Clarence E. Mulford. |
| Barrier, The. By Rex Beach. |
| Bars of Iron, The. By Ethel M. Dell. |
| Beasts of Tarzan, The. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. |
| Beckoning Roads. By Jeanne Judson. |
| Belonging. By Olive Wadsley. |
| Beloved Traitor, The. By Frank L. Packard. |
| Beloved Vagabond, The. By Wm. J. Locke. |
| Beltane the Smith. By Jeffery Farnol. |
| Betrayal, The. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. |
| Beulah. (Ill. Ed.) By Augusta J. Evans. |
| Beyond the Frontier. By Randall Parrish. |
| Big Timber. By Bertrand W. Sinclair. |
| Black Bartlemy's Treasure. By Jeffery Farnol. |
| Black Is White. By George Barr McCutcheon. |
| Blacksheep! Blacksheep! By Meredith Nicholson. |
| Blind Man's Eyes, The. By Wm. Mac Harg and Edwin Balmer. |
| Boardwalk, The. By Margaret Widdemer. |
| Bob Hampton of Placer. By Randall Parrish. |
| Bob, Son of Battle. By Alfred Olivant. |
| Box With Broken Seals, The. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. |
| Boy With Wings, The. By Berta Ruck. |
| Brandon of the Engineers. By Harold Bindloss. |
| Bridge of Kisses, The. By Berta Ruck. |
| Broad Highway, The. By Jeffery Farnol. |
| Broadway Bab. By Johnston McCulley. |
| Brown Study, The. By Grace S. Richmond. |
| Bruce of the Circle A. By Harold Titus. |
| Buccaneer Farmer, The. By Harold Bindloss. |
| Buck Peters, Ranchman. By Clarence E. Mulford. |
| Builders, The. By Ellen Glasgow. |
| Business of Life, The. By Robert W. Chambers. |
| |
| Cab of the Sleeping Horse, The. By John Reed Scott. |
| Cabbage and Kings. By O. Henry. |
| Cabin Fever. By B.M. Bower. |
| Calling of Dan Matthews, The. By Harold Bell Wright. |
| Cape Cod Stories. By Joseph C. Lincoln. |
| Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper. By James A. Cooper. |
| Cap'n Dan's Daughter. By Joseph C. Lincoln. |
| Cap'n Erl. By Joseph C. Lincoln. |
| Cap'n Jonah's Fortune. By James A. Cooper. |
| Cap'n Warren's Wards. By Joseph C. Lincoln. |
| Chinese Label, The. By J. Frank Davis. |
| Christine of the Young Heart. By Louise Breintenbach Clancy. |
| Cinderella Jane. By Marjorie B. Cooke. |
| Cinema Murder, The. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. |
| City of Masks, The. By George Barr McCutcheon. |
| Cleek of Scotland Yard. By T.W. Hanshew. |