The dates given in brackets are those of the birth and death of the person indexed; where only the date of death is known it is preceded by a †.
lic@vhost@g@html@files@31234@31234-h@31234-h-5.htm.html#Page_117" class="pginternal">117. Matahau (see Ripahau). Matthews, Rev. Joseph (†1892), joins mission, 43; Maunsell, Archdeacon (†1894), at Waikato Heads, 66; - translates Old Testament, 88;
- escapes from rebels, 184;
- at Parnell, 208.
Melanesian Mission, 142, 151, 154, 241. "Missions," parochial and general. Bodington-Mason, 222; - Mission of Help (1910), 228.
Morgan, Rev. John (†1865), joins mission, 51; - goes to Puriri, 55;
- settles at Matamata, 56;
- at Otawhao, 113;
- death, 207.
Mules, Bp., 226; - Neligan, Bp., consecrated, 245;
- enlarges St. John's College, 232.
- Nelson, 109, 111, 120, 143;
- Neville, Bp., consecrated bishop, 212, 246;
- primate, 227;
- senior prelate, 228;
- his recollections, Pref.
- New Plymouth. Bright promise, 112;
- loved by Selwyn, 143;
- saved by Te Rangitaake, 174.
- New Zealand Company, 105.
- Opotiki, station founded at, 66;
- Orakau, defence of, 184.
- Otaki, station founded at, 76;
- church built, 142;
- school, 209.
- Orphanages, 240.
- Paihia, establishment of station, 42, 44;
- schools, 44;
- examination at, 49;
- present condition of, 140.
- Patteson, Bp. (1827-1871), joins Melanesian Mission, 152;
- consecrated, 169, 246;
- preaches on Volkner's martyrdom, 191;
- illness and death, 214-216.
- Porirua, projected college at, 145.
- Poverty Bay massacre, 206.
- Preece, James, 43, 55, 66.
- Puckey, William (†1878), joins mission,
- at St. John's College, 129;
- removes to Te Aute, 204.
Williams, Bp. W. L. (1829), baptism of, 48; - at St. John's College, 129;
- opens seminary at Turanga, 170;
- remains at Turanga through Hauhau troubles, 194;
- becomes bishop of Waiapu, 227.
Williams, Bp. W. W. (1800-1878), arrives in N.Z., 43; - leads expedition to Kaitaia, 52;
- visits Waiapu, 69;
- settles at Turanga, 71;
- translates New Testament, 88;
- becomes archdeacon of Waiapu, 113;
- defends his brother in London, 145;
- consecrated bishop of Waiapu, 166, 245;
- driven from Waerenga-a-hika, 193;
- returns to Napier, 203f;
- resignation and death, 219.
Wilson, Bp., 226, 246. Wilson, Rev. J. A. (1809-1887), joins mission, 51; - settles at Puriri, 55;
- at Tauranga, 56;
- Opotiki, 66;
- his experience at Maramarua, 96;
- mediates in Taranaki war, 176.
Wiremu Kingi Te Rangitaake, saves Wellington, 121; - migrates to Taranaki, 173;
- driven to war, 175;
- his claims recognised, 183.
- Yate, Rev. William, joins mission, 43;
- dismissal, 87;
- letters from converts to, 99.
[TOC] Footnotes. Transcriber's Note: The following errors have been corrected in this text and are shown within the text with mouse-hover popups. Page vi, 'libarary' changed to 'library' Page vii, 'seems' changed to 'seem' Page x, Extraneous line of text removed, original read: 'her ministerial activities; but for vestries and church com- earth. Nor can I forget that loving and gentle yet firm and mittees the work is harder, demanding, as it does, so much' Page xvi, 'Korarareka' changed to 'Kororareka' Page 8, 'Paramatta' changed to 'Parramatta' Page 30, 'Kendal' changed to 'Kendall' Page 34, 'Paramatta' changed to 'Parramatta' Page 72, 'Ruaparaha' changed to 'Rauparaha' Page 83, 'Wiliams' changed to 'Williams' Page 112, 'Hawkes Bay' changed to 'Hawke's Bay' Page 158, 'deliberrate' changed to 'deliberate' Page 159, 'Lyttleton' changed to 'Lyttelton' Page 164, 'Wiliams' changed to 'Williams' Page 183, 'difficuly' changed to 'difficulty' Page 194, 'Wiliams' changed to 'Williams' Page 203, 'Waeranga' changed to 'Waerenga' Page 242, 'Da Gama' changed to 'da Gama' Page 249, 'Marumarua' changed to 'Maramarua' Page 249, Duplicate index entries for Timaru and Napier under heading 'Churches' deleted. ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /3/1/2/3/31234 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.