Life Adapts to a Volcanic Landscape


Two thousand years after volcanic eruptions subsided, plants and animals still struggle to gain toeholds on this unforgiving lava field. Much of the world’s vegetation could not survive here at all. Environmental stresses created by scant soil and minimal moisture are compounded by highly porous cinders that are incapable of holding water near the ground surface where plants and other organisms can make ready use of it. Scarce at best—total average precipitation is between 15 to 20 inches per year—rainwater and snowmelt quickly slip down out of reach of the plants growing on cinder cones. Summer’s hot, dry winds rob moisture from all living things exposed to them. Whisking across leaves and needles the winds carry away moisture precious to plant tissues. On the side of a cinder cone, summer day temperatures at ground level can be more than 150°F.

The secret to survival here is adaptation. Most life forms cope by strategies of either resisting or evading the extremes of this semi-arid climate. To resist being robbed of moisture by winds and heat, a plant may feature very small leaves that minimize moisture loss. To evade heat, wind, and aridity, another plant may grow inside a crevice that provides life-giving shade and collects precious moisture and soil particles. Another plant may spend about 95 percent of the year dormant. It may rush through the germination, sprouting, leafing out, blooming, and fruiting stages and return to the dormancy of its seed stage in just two weeks. The dwarf buckwheat has adapted to life on porous cinders by evolving a root system that may spread out for up to 3 feet to support its aboveground part, which is a mere 4 inches high. This buckwheat only looks like a dwarf because you can not see its roots.

(continued on page 40)

Plants Adapt to a Volcanic Landscape


Water is the limiting factor in plant growth and reproduction both on the lava fields of Craters of the Moon and on the surrounding sagebrush steppe. Plants have developed a combination of adaptations to cope with drought conditions. There are three major strategies:

1. Drought tolerance Physiological adaptations leading to drought tolerance are typical of desert plant species. The tissues of some plants can withstand extreme dehydration without suffering permanent cell damage. Some plants can extract water from very dry soils. Sagebrush and antelope bitterbrush exemplify drought tolerance.

Dwarf monkeyflower


2. Drought avoidance Certain structural modifications can enable plants to retain or conserve water. Common adaptations of this type include small leaves, hairiness, and succulence. The small leaves of the antelope bitterbrush expose less area to evaporative influences such as heat and wind. Hairs on the scorpionweed reduce surface evaporation by inhibiting air flow and reflecting sunlight. Succulent plants such as pricklypear cactus have tissues that can store water for use during drought periods. Other plants, such as wire lettuce, avoid drought by having very little leaf surface compared to their overall volume.

3. Drought escape Some plants, such as mosses and ferns, escape drought by growing near persistent water supplies such as natural potholes and seeps from ice caves. Many other drought escapers, such as dwarf monkeyflower, simply carry out their full life cycle during the moist time of the year. The rest of the year they survive in seed form.

Pricklypear cactus


Plant Microhabitats


Lava flows Most plants cannot grow on lava flows until enough soil has accumulated to support them. The park’s older volcanic landscapes, where soils are best developed, are clothed with sagebrush-grassland vegetation. On younger lava flows, bits of soil first accumulate in cracks, joints, and crevices. It is in these microhabitats that vascular plants may gain footholds. Narrow cracks and joints may contain desert parsley and lava phlox. Shallow crevices will hold scabland penstemon, fernleaf fleabane, and gland cinquefoil. Deep crevices can support the syringa, various ferns, bush rockspirea, tansybush, and even limber pine. Not until full soil cover is achieved can the antelope bitterbrush, rubber rabbitbrush, and sagebrush find suitable niches. On lava flows soils first form from eroded lava and the slow decomposition of lichens and other plants able to colonize bare rock. These soils can be supplemented by wind-blown soil particles until vascular plants gain footholds. As plants begin to grow and then die, their gradual decomposition adds further soil matter. These soil beginnings accumulate in cracks and crevices, which also provide critical shade and wind protection. Deep crevices provide lower temperatures favoring plant survival.

Rubber rabbitbrush


Cinder gardens Compared to the lava flows, cinder cones are much more quickly invaded by plants. Here, too, however, volcanic origins influence plant growth. Compared to the relatively level lava flows, steeply sloping cinder cones introduce a new factor that controls the development of plant communities: topography. Here you find marked differences in the plant communities between the north- and south-facing slopes. South-facing slopes are exposed to prolonged, intense sunlight, resulting in high evaporation of water. Because of the prevailing winds, snow accumulates on northeast sides of cones, giving them far more annual water than southwest-facing sides receive. The pioneering herbs that first colonize cinder cones will persist on southwest-facing slopes long after succeeding plant communities have come to dominate north-facing slopes. It is on these north-facing slopes that limber pine first develops in the cinder garden. South-facing slopes may never support the limber pine but may be dominated by shrubs. Unweathered cinder particles range in size from 3 to 4 inches in diameter down to very small particles. They average about ¼ inch in diameter.


Wire lettuce

Ecological conditions at Craters of the Moon are generally so harsh that slight changes can make the difference for the survival of a plant or other organism. Life thrives in many rock crevices that are surrounded by barren exposed lava rock of the same physical composition. These microhabitats provide the critical shade and increased soil and moisture content required for plant survival. Over the years, particles of soil will naturally collect in rock crevices, which also have the effect of funneling precipitation into their depths. Their shade further protects these pockets of soil and water from wind erosion, excessive heat, and evaporation and leaching by direct sunlight.

Limber pines are the tree pioneers of the lava terrain. Their seedlings often find suitable conditions for germination in rock crevices long before surrounding landscapes support tree growth. Most common of all the park’s trees, limber pine is named for its flexible branches. Many park animals depend on this tree in some fashion for their livelihoods.

Limber pine cones stay green and resinous through their first year of development and then turn brown and woody as their seeds mature in the second year. Cones grow to about 4 inches long.

At Craters of the Moon, crevices are of such importance to plants that botanists differentiate between narrow, shallow, and deep crevices when studying this phenomenon. Narrow crevices will support dwarf goldenweed or hairy goldaster. Shallow crevices support scabland penstemon, fernleaf fleabane, and gland cinquefoil. Deep crevices give rise to syringa, ferns, bush rockspirea, tansybush, Lewis mockorange, and even the limber pine tree. Complete soil cover and then vegetative cover can develop on these lava flows only after crevices have first become filled with soil.

Plants exploit other means of protection to survive in this harsh environment. Shaded and wind-sheltered, the northern side of a cinder cone can support grass, shrubs, and limber pine trees while the cone’s southern face supports only scattered herbs. Most cinder cones in the park show distinct differences of plant cover between their northern and southern exposures. Northern exposures are cooler and more moist than southern exposures, which receive far more direct sunlight. In addition, here at Craters of the Moon, the prevailing southwesterly winds compound the ability of the dry heat to rob porous cinder cone surfaces and their living organisms of precious moisture.

The build-up of successive lava flows has so raised the landscape that it now intercepts wind currents that operate higher above surrounding plains. Limber pine trees find footholds on the shaded and sheltered northern exposures of cinder cones. Bitterbrush and rabbitbrush shrubs that can barely survive on the lower skirts of a cinder cone’s southern side may grow two-thirds of the way up its protected northern face. For many species of plants the limits of habitability on this volcanic landscape are narrowly defined. Very small variations in their situations can determine success or failure.

Travelers often ask park rangers whether or not some of the park’s plants were planted by people. The plants in question are dwarf buckwheats and grow in cinder gardens. It is their incredibly even spacing that creates an orderliness that is easy to mistake for human design. The regular spacing comes about because of the competition for moisture, however. The root systems of these plants exploit the available water from an area of ground surface much larger than the spread of their foliage. In this way, mature plants can fend off competition by using the moisture that would be required for a potentially encroaching plant to become established. The effect is an even spacing that makes it appear, indeed, as though someone had set out the plants on measured centers.

Craters of the Moon abounds with these surprising plant microhabitats that delight explorers on foot. The bleak lava flows separate these emerging pockets of new life, isolating them like islands or oases within their barren volcanic surroundings.

Scientists have studied Carey Kipuka, an island of plantlife in the most southern part of the park, to find out what changes have occurred in the biologic community. Kipuka is a Hawaiian name given to an area of older land that is surrounded by younger lava flows. Recent lava flows did not overrun Carey Kipuka, so its plant cover is unaltered. Shortage of water protected it from livestock grazing that might have changed its character. Its vegetation is a benchmark for comparing plant cover changes on similar sites throughout southern Idaho.

For the National Park Service and other managers of wildlands, kipukas—representing isolated and pristine plant habitat unchanged by human influence—provide the best answer that we have to the important question, “What is natural?” Armed with a satisfactory answer to that question, it is possible to manage the land ecologically. Park managers can seek to restore natural systems and to allow them to be as self-regulating as possible. It is ironic that Craters of the Moon, a volcanic landscape subjected to profound change, should also protect this informative glimpse of what remains unchanged.

From the park’s mazes of jumbled rock, ground squirrels fashion homes with many entrances and exits. Opportunistic feeders on vegetable matter, these engaging rodents fall prey to hawks and owls from above and small predatory mammals on the ground. They therefore serve as an important transfer point between plant and animal layers of the park’s food energy scheme.

In the 1920s, members of the Limbert Expedition, described on pages 50 and 51, followed the flight of doves to locate water as they explored what later became the park.

(continued on page 46)


Wildflowers carpet Craters of the Moon’s seemingly barren lava fields from early May to late September. The most spectacular shows of wildflowers come with periods of precipitation. In late spring, moisture from snowmelt—supplemented now and then by rainfall—sees the blossoming of most of the delicate annual plants.

Many of the park’s flowering plants, having no mechanisms for conserving moisture, simply complete their life cycles before the middle of summer. This is particularly true of those that grow on the porous cinder gardens into which moisture quickly descends beyond reach of most plants’ root systems.

As summer continues and supplies of moisture slowly dwindle, only the most drought-resistant of flowering plants continue to grow and to bloom. With the onset of autumn rains, only the tiny yellow blossoms of the sagebrush and rabbitbrush remain.

Blazing star


Desert parsley

Wild onion



Scabland penstemon

Arrow-leaved balsamroot


Mule Deer


Brad Griffith could be called the mule deer man. In 1980, this wildlife researcher began a three-year study of the mule deer herd that summers in the park. The immediate concern was that the deer, protected inside the park, might be overpopulating their range and endangering their habitat. Griffith set out to find out just how the deer use the area, what their population level is, and how certain factors—production, mortality, and distribution—affect their population dynamics. The mule deer use the park April through November only, because winter brings snows too deep for the deer to find food here. The most striking finding of Griffith’s research is that the mule deer at Craters of the Moon—unlike mule deer studied elsewhere—have a dual summer range. Put simply, the mule deer have had to undergo behavior modification to live here. The deer move back into the southern park in mid-April, living in the protected wilderness area there. While in the wilderness area, the park’s deer routinely live up to nearly 10 miles from open water, getting their water from food, dew, fog, and temporary puddles. This area has higher quality forage for these deer than any other part of their annual range. The trade-off is that the wilderness area has almost no open water. When the moisture content of their forage decreases in summer, usually in July, the deer move up to the northern part of the park where there is open water. Their habits in the northern part of the park are unusual, too, Griffith says, because there the deer live in much closer quarters than other herds are known to tolerate on summer ranges. They live in this wildlife equivalent of an apartment complex until the fall rains come. Then they move back down to the wilderness area. The deer make this unusual summer migration, Griffith suggests, to avail themselves of the high quality forage in the southern park. “The park serves as an island of high quality habitat for mule deer,” he wrote in his report. It is now known the deer will leave the wilderness area for the northern park after 12 days with daytime highs above 80°F and nighttime lows above 50°F in summer. “We can’t really predict this,” Park Ranger Neil King says, “but the deer know when this is.” What is happening is that the percentage of water in their forage plants falls below what is necessary to sustain the deer with increasingly hot weather. As you would expect, does nursing two fawns leave a couple days earlier than does with only one fawn. The rate at which their fawns survive to the fall of the year is astonishing. “This is an incredibly productive herd,” Griffith says, “right up there with the highest fawn survival rate of any western mule deer herd.” Park rangers continue Griffith’s studies by taking deer census counts.

{Map showing fall, summer, and spring migrations}

The Northern Shoshone regularly passed through the Craters of the Moon area on their annual summer migration from the Snake River to the Camas Prairie, west of the park. They took this journey to get out of the hot desert and into the cooler mountains. There they could gather root crops and hunt marmots, jackrabbits, porcupines, and ground squirrels. As they passed through today’s park, they left behind arrowheads, choppers, and scrapers and built stone circles that may have been used for ceremonial purposes. These artifacts and structures are evidence the Indians were temporary visitors to this vast volcanic landscape.


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