
Manuscripts and Interviews

All transcripts and notes from interviews are in the Virginiana Collection, Fairfax County Public Library.

Bailey, Neal. Interview by Nan Netherton. Herndon, Virginia, December 12, 1978.

Beard, Joseph. Interview by Nan Netherton and Patrick Reed. Fairfax, Virginia, November, 1974.

Beard, Joseph. Interview by Elizabeth Pryor. Fairfax, Virginia, January 23, 1979, and February 2, 1979.

Beard, Joseph and Holden Harrison. Interview by Elizabeth Pryor. Floris, Virginia. March 6, 1979.

Carey, Patricia M. A Selected Bibliography of Resources on the History of Fairfax County, Virginia. Unpublished monograph, Catholic University, 1960.

Deed Books, Fairfax County, Libers E-6, H-5 and L-11. Fairfax, Virginia, Fairfax County Courthouse.

Derr, H. B. and Joseph Beard. Annual Reports of County Extension Agents, 1918-1940, in Virginiana Collection, Fairfax County Public Library.

Ellmore, Elizabeth and Emma. Interview by Nan Netherton, Herndon, Virginia, March 2, 1978.

Ellmore, Elizabeth and Emma and Rebecca Middleton. Interview by Elizabeth Pryor. Herndon, Virginia. March 6, 1979.

Ferguson, Lulah. Interview by Steve Mathews. August 16, 1971.

Greear, Virginia. Interview by Nan Netherton. Herndon, Virginia, March 23, 1978.

Harrison, Holden and Ray, and Virginia Presgraves Harrison. Interview by Elizabeth Pryor. Chantilly, Virginia, February 5, 1979.

Land Books, Fairfax County 1930-1931 in Virginiana Collection, Fairfax County Public Library.

Lee, Margaret Mary. Interview by Nan Netherton. Oakton, Virginia, March 28, 1978.

McNair, Wilson D. "What I Remember." Unpublished manuscript in possession of Mrs. Louise Ryder.

Middleton, John and Edna. Interview by Nan Netherton. Herndon, Virginia, February 24, 1978.

Millard, Emma. Interview by Dana Gumb. November 15, 1972.

Minutes of Meetings, Farmer's Club #1. Herndon, Virginia, October 1, 1909 to January 13, 1935, in possession of Rebecca Middleton, Herndon, Virginia.

Peck, Richard. Interview by Nan Netherton. Herndon, Virginia, February 23, 1978.

Publicity Committee of Herndon Chamber of Commerce. "Facts Regarding Bond Issue Every Voter Should Know." Fairfax, Virginia, 1924. Copy in possession of Holden Harrison.

Rice, Elizabeth. Letters to author, January and February, 1979.

Rogers, Edith. Interview by Patty Corbat, Craig Smith and Phyllis Hirshman. Herndon, Virginia, June 12, 1970.

Rogers, Edith. Interview by Nan Netherton. Herndon, Virginia, n.d. (c., spring, 1978).

Ryder, Louise. "Some Thoughts About Frying Pan Baptist Church." Unpublished monograph, June, 1972.

Scott Collection. Letters, Herd Record Books and Memorabilia of C. T. Rice. Oakton, Virginia.

Shug, Rita. "The Town of Herndon." Unpublished monograph, George Mason University, May, 1973.

Simmons, Howard. "History of Floris Vocational High School." Unpublished monograph, n.d. Copy in possession of Elizabeth and Emma Ellmore.

Spencer, Gladys T. to Mrs. Ernest Ryder. February 15, 1979. Copy in possession of Louise Ryder.

Will Books, Fairfax County, 1928. Fairfax Virginia, Fairfax County Courthouse.

Published Works

Agee, James and Walker Evans. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1960.

Bailey, Thomas A. The American Pageant. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1966.

Barger, Harold and Hans M. Lansburg. American Agriculture, 1899-1939. New York: The Arno Press, 1975.

Beitzeel, Edwin W. Life on the Potomac River. Washington, D.C.: privately published, 1968.

Corson, Juliet. Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1886.

Country Gentleman. February and March, 1935.

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Historic Progressive Fairfax County in Old Virginia. Alexandria, Virginia: Newell-Cole Company, 1928.

"Fairfax Farmer Threw Away His Plow in 1928 and Amazing Results Have Been Revolutionary." Richmond Times-Dispatch. September 17, 1951.

Fairfax Herald. Fairfax, Virginia, 1925-1935.

Federal Crop Reporting Service. Virginia Farm Statistics, 1935-1936. Richmond, Virginia, 1936.

Fifteenth Census of the United States: Agricultural Summary, 1929-1930. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1930.

Floris United Methodist Church: An Historical Account, 1891-1974. Herndon, Virginia, privately published, 1975.

Funk, W. C. "An Economic Study of Small Farms Near Washington, D.C." United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin 848. June 22, 1920.

Garnett, William Edward. "Rural Organization in Relation to Rural Life in Virginia." Virginia Agricultural Extension Station Bulletin 256. Blacksburg, Virginia, May, 1927.

Garnett, William Edward and John W. Ellison "Negro Life in Rural Virginia, 1865-1934." Virginia Polytechnical Institute Bulletin 295. June, 1934.

Gilliam, Sara K. Virginia People, A Study of the Growth and Distribution of the Population of Virginia from 1607-1943. Richmond: Virginia State Planning Board, 1944.

Glasgow, Ellen. Barren Ground. Richmond: Hill and Wang, 1933.

Goessling, Adeline. The Farm and Home Cookbook. Chicago: Phelps, 1919.

Gumb, Dana. "Pioneer Recalls McLean." Echoes of History. March and May 1972.

Hawkes, Robert T., Jr. "The Emergence of a Leader: Harry Flood Byrd, Governor of Virginia, 1926-1930." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Volume 82, Number 3, July, 1974.

Henderson, E. B. and Edith Hussey. History of Fairfax County Branch of the NAACP. Privately published, 1965.

Herndon News-Observer. Herndon, Virginia, 1925-1940.

Hill's Southern Almanac. Richmond: Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 1929.

Kolb, J. H. and Edmund S. de Brunner. A Study of Rural Society. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1935.

Lord, Russell. Men of Earth. New York: Longman's Green and Company, 1931.

Martin, Oliver. On and Off the Concrete in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Washington, D.C.: privately published, 1930.

Miller, John C. The Federalist Era. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.

Murphy, Arthur Morton. The Agricultural Depression: A Proposed Measure for Its Relief. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University, 1926.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Proceedings of the Long Range Study Committee I-III. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, November 1967-March 1968.

Netherton, Nan, and Donald Sweig, Janice Artemel, Patricia Hickin, Patrick Reed. Fairfax County, Virginia: A History. Fairfax, Virginia: Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, 1978.

Nickell, Lehman and Cary J. Randolph. An Economic and Social Survey of Fairfax County. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia, 1924.

Out of Frying Pan. Herndon, Virginia: privately published, 1964.

Rasmussen, Wayne D. and Gladys L. Baker. Price-Support and Adjustment Programs from 1933-1978: A Short History. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, 1979.

Report of the Commission to Study the Condition of the Farmers of Virginia to the General Assembly of Virginia. Richmond: State Department of Agriculture, 1930.

Richmond and Danville Railroad. Country Homes Near the Nation's Capital. Washington, D.C.: 1888.

Rothery, Agnes. Virginia: The New Dominion. New York: D. Appleton—Century Company, 1940.

Rural Electric Fact Book. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1960.

Schaefer, Joseph. The Social History of American Agriculture. New York: McMillan Company, 1936.

Schlebecker, John. Living Historical Farms: A Walk into the Past. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1968.

Schneider, Lottie Dyer. Memoirs of Herndon, Virginia. Marion, Virginia: privately published, 1962.

Sears, Roebuck and Company. Catalogue. Chicago, 1927-28.

Simpson, Frances Darlington. Virginia Country Life and Cooking. Washington, D.C.: privately published, 1963.

Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 Agriculture. Statistics for Counties. Volume I. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1942.

Stearns, Louis A. "The Present State of the Oriental Fruit Moth in Northern Virginia." Virginia Agricultural Extension Bulletin 234.

Thompson, E. P. The Making of the English Working Class. London: Penguin Books, 1966.

United States Census of Agriculture, 1925: Statistics for Virginia. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1928.

United States Congressional Records, 1914, 1916, 1917.

United States Department of Agriculture. Abandoned or Idle Farms: Statistics for Counties and Summary for the United States. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1943.

Virginia Agriculture, 1900-1958. Handbook of Information. Blacksburg: Virginia Polytechnical Institute, 1960.

Virginia Agriculture Advisory Council. A Five Year Program for the Development of Virginia's Agriculture. Richmond: State Department of Agriculture, 1923.

Virginia Farm Statistics. Richmond: Virginia Department of Agriculture and United States Department of Agriculture, 1936.

Virginia Polytechnical Institute. The Housing of Virginia's Rural Folk. Blacksburg, Virginia, 1930.

Washington Evening Star. Washington, D.C., 1929, 1932, 1935.

Wilkinson, Charles Kirk. "Reminiscences of Sherwood Farm and the Surrounding Area." Yearbook of Historical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia, Inc. Volume 9, 1964-1965.

Work Progress Administration of Virginia. Part Time Farming in Virginia. Richmond: Division of Rural Research, 1938.

Transcriber's Note: Punctuation has been corrected without note.


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