| PAGE | Maciej the Mazur. By Adam Szyma?ski | 1 | Two Prayers. By Adam Szyma?ski | 52 | The Trial. By W. St. Reymont | 86 | The Stronger Sex. By Stefan ?eromski | 112 | The Chukchee. By W. Sieroszewski | 146 | The Returning Wave. By Boles?aw Prus | 186 |
POLISH PRONUNCIATION cz = English ch. | sz = English sh. | l = English w. | Ó = English o in "who." | a = French "on." | e = French in as in "vin." | rz and z = French j in "jour." | (rz and z after k, p, t, ch = English sh.) | ch = Scotch ch in "loch." | c = ts. | Pan = Mr. Pani = Mrs. Panna = Miss.