The old order of things is passing. The keynote of to-day’s work is prevention, rather than cure, children are taught to eat correctly that they may grow into the strong, healthy men and women which are needed to make any nation great. This instilling of good health habits must rest upon the nurse, the nutrition worker, the physician and the home-maker. Close coÖperation is necessary among these workers and a definite understanding of the way to accomplish the best results, in this respect, must come from the training of those who are undertaking this all important work. The present revision of this text is the outgrowth of several years of close attention to the progress, changes and adjustments which are being made daily in this important subject of nutrition. The changes made in this revised edition are all in the line of constructive teaching. The material has been reorganized that no time may be lost in a search for the proper word to illustrate a definite point. The method of project teaching used in this edition, is not a new one, although the name may possibly be unfamiliar to some. Every good teacher recognizes the value of motivation as a means of getting an idea “across.” The revision of this text was undertaken with the idea of leading the student to think for herself and to put into practice the scientific facts learned in class room and ward. The author is indebted to many of her colleagues for the encouragement and constructive criticism which enabled her to make the changes which will, it is hoped and believed, materially aid the student nurse in the study of F. T. P. |