Absorption, 166, 176
defined, 166
in large intestine, 178
of carbohydrate, 177
of fat, 177
of mineral salts, 178
of proteins, 177
of water, 177
Acetone bodies, in diabetes, 401
Acetone in urine, test for, 333
Acid, uric, see Uric acid
Acid content of stomach, determining of, 248
Acid-forming foods, 184, 454
Acidosis, 453, 454, 458
dietetic treatment in, 453, 458
fat metabolism in, 453
in diabetes mellitus, 372, 382, 401, 454
in typhoid fever, 299
Acids, amino, 19
organic, 13
Added urea and salt test, 351
Adenase, 171
Adenin, 184
Adipose tissue, 15
Adult, factors influencing food requirement of, 43
Agar jelly, preparation of, 147
Age, influence of on food requirements, 43
Albumen, in urine, 333
tests for, 333
Albumen milk, preparation of, 142
Albumen water, with brandy, preparation of, 141
Albumenized grape juice, preparation of, 97
lemonade, preparation of, 97
milk, preparation of, 87
milk shake, preparation of, 87
orangeade, preparation of, 96
Albumins, 20
Albuminoids, 21
Albuminuria, 333
of pregnancy, diet in, 197
Alcohol in gout, 418
Alfalfa, vitamines in, 498
Alkalies, effect of on vitamine B, 32
in diabetes mellitus, 382
in infant feeding, 205, 206
Alkaline carbonates, effect of on gastric secretion, 175
Allen’s Paradoxical Law, 371
starvation treatment in diabetes, 63, 372
Almond biscuits, preparation of, 157
Almond flour, preparation of, 158
Almond ice cream, preparation of, 91
Almond meal, preparation of, 158
Almonds, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Amino acids, 19
Ammonium salts, 183
Amylopsin, 171, 174
Anabolism, 181
Anemia, in gastric ulceration, 255
Angel food cake, preparation of, 110
Appendicitis, 268, 278
convalescent diet in, 269, 278
dietetic treatment in, 269, 278
after operation, 317, 321
food to be avoided in, 269
recurring, 278
relapse in, 278
Apples, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497
Apple tapioca pudding, preparation of, 107
Apricot ice, preparation of, 137
Apricots, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Arrowroot, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Artificial feeding of infants, 205
Artificially fed infants, digestive disturbances in, 231
Artichoke, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 481
Ash, 25
Ash constituents of foods, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477
Asparagus, ash constituent of, 484
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Auto-intoxication, 273
absorption of toxins in, 273
care of bowels in, 273
convalescent diet in, 275
dietetic treatment of, 273
Autolytic enzymes, 171
Avocado, fuel value of, 461
nutrient value of, 461
Bacon, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
Bacteria, action of in alimentary canal, 178
types of, 180
Bacterial action, in body, 180
upon carbohydrates, 13
Bacterial activity, 181
Baked custard, preparation of, 102
Baked onion, preparation of, 151
Baked potato, preparation of, 130
Baked tapioca, preparation of, 106
Baking, 71
Bananas, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497
Banting’s method for obesity, 426, 427
Barley, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
vitamines in, 496
Barley water, 220
preparation of, 140
Basal metabolism, 42
Basal requirements, 42
Bass, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484Beans, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 461, 484
nutrient value of, 461
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497
Beef, and see Meats
ash constituents of, 472
cuts of, 117
food content of, 473
fuel value of, 462, 463, 484
composition of, 484
methods of preparing, 117
nutrient value of, 462, 463
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 496
Beef broth, preparation of, 118
Beef juice, preparation of, 119, 141
Beef steak, preparation of, 123
Beer, ash constituents of, 472
Beets, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 463, 484
nutrient value of, 463
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 496
Benedict’s solution, 331, 332
Benedict’s test for sugar in urine, 328, 329, 331, 332
Bile, 174
Biliousness, 404, 414
Birds À la bain marie, preparation of, 121
Blackberries, ash constituent of, 472
fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Blackfish, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Blood, ash constituent of, 472
vitamines in, 498
Bluefish, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484
fuel value of, 463, 484
nutrient value of, 463 Body, 165
chemical composition of, 165
food requirements of, 42, 50, 165
metabolism of tissues of, 187
Boas’ enema, preparation of, 146
Boiled corn beef with cabbage and other vegetables, preparation of, 153
Boiling, 70
Bomb calorimeter, 36
Borax, test for, 68
Boric acid, test for, 68
Boston crackers, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463
Bowels, of nursing mother, 197
Boys, height and weight of, 500
Brains, vitamines in, 496
Bran, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Bran agar wafers, preparation of, 146
Bran biscuits, preparation of, 149, 155, 156
for constipation, 156
Bran cookies, preparation of, 145
Bran gems, preparation of, 144
Bran muffins, preparation of, 155
Brandy, composition of, 484
fuel value of, 484
Brazil nuts, fuel value of, 463
nutrient value of, 463Bread, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 484, 486
fuel value of, 463, 464, 484, 486
nutrient value of, 463, 464
vitamines in, 496
Breadfruit, ash constituent of, 472
Breadstuffs, preparation of, 103
Bread substitutes, preparation of, 155
Breast feeding versus artificial feeding, 243
Breast milk, as a food, 228
versus cow’s milk, 203
Brick feeder, 225
Bright’s disease, see Nephritis
Broiled oysters, preparation of, 123
Broiled quail, preparation of, 121
Broiled squab, preparation of, 121
Broiled tomatoes, preparation of, 133
Broiling, 71
Broths, preparation of, 118
standard, 118
Brown betty, preparation of, 107
Brussels sprouts, ash constituent of, 472
Buckwheat flour, ash constituent of, 472
fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Bulgarian buttermilk, preparation of, 89
Butter, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 486
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 497, 498
Buttermilk, ash constituent of, 472
fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Buttermilk, Bulgarian, preparation of, 89
Buttermilk mixtures, 208
for infants, 142
Butternuts, fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Cabbage, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 486
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 496
Cabbage soufflÉ, preparation of, 150
Calcium, 27, 186
requirements in pregnancy and lactation, 191
retention in rickets, 241
source of, in food, 6
Calculating formulas for infant feeding, 212
Calf’s-foot jelly, fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
preparation of, 120
Calorie, defined, 37
Calorie allowance for children, 48
Calorie portion, 40, 478
Calories, in carbohydrates, 38
in fats, 38
in proteins, 38
Calorimeter, 36
Cancer, gastric, dietetic treatment of, 260
Canned goods, 68, 128
adulteration of, 68
Cane sugar, in infant feeding, 228
Cantaloupe, ash constituent of, 472
Capers, ash constituent of, 472
Caramel custard, preparation of, 103 Carbohydrates, 7
absorption of, 177
bacterial action upon, 13
calories in, 38
composition of, 7
effect of heat upon, 14
enzymes acting upon, 171
fate of, 182
function of, 372
metabolism of, 182
rate of digestion of, 173
regulation of, 235
source of, 5
tolerance of in diabetes, 380
Carbohydrate-free diet, 63
Carbohydrate-free meat and fish, calorie equivalent of, 386
Carbon dioxide, excretion of, 324
Carbonates, alkaline, effect of on digestion, 175
Carp, see Fish
Carrots, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 486
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 496
with cream sauce or butter, preparation of, 129
Casoid flour and bran muffins, preparation of, 156
Catabolism, 181
Cauliflower, ash constituent of, 472
composition of, 486
food content of, 478
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 478
vitamines in, 496
Caviar, ash content of, 472
Celery, ash constituent of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 496
Celery ramekins, preparation of, 151
Celery soup, fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Cellu bran crackers, preparation of, 148
Cellulose, 12
Centigrade scale, 80
Cereal pudding, preparation of, 110
Cerealine, fuel value of, 464
nutrient value of, 464
Cereals, preparation of, 103
vitamines in, 496, 497
Certified milk, 81
Chard, ash constituent of, 473
composition of, 486
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
vitamines in, 496
Cheese, ash constituent of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 498
Cheese salad, preparation of, 154
Chemical digestion, 169, 172
Cherries, ash constituent of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
standard portion of, 479
Cherry juice, ash constituent of, 473
Chestnuts, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 486
fuel value of, 464, 486
nutrient value of, 464
vitamines in, 498
Chicken, and see Meat
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
preparation of, 122
selection of, 114
standard portion of, 479
Chicken À la bain marie, preparation of, 121
Chicken broth, preparation of, 118
Chicken jelly, preparation of, 120
Chicken salad, poisoning by, 451
Chicken supreme, preparation of, 149Children, care of in abnormal conditions, 231
diarrhea in, 263, 276
energy requirements of, 47
errors in diet in, 232, 243
feeding of, in abnormal conditions, 231
food allowance for, 48
food requirements of, 44, 52
gain in weight in, 49
heights and weights for, 499
malnutrition in, 242
nutrition in, 502
over-feeding, 243
under-feeding, 243
Chlorine, source of in food, 6
Chocolate, ash constituent of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Cholesterol, 15
Cider, ash constituents of, 473
Citron, ash constituents of, 473
Clams, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 486
standard portion of, 479
Clam broth, preparation of, 119
Clover, vitamines in, 498
Cocoa, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
preparation of, 89
standard portion of, 479
Cocoanut, ash constituents of, 473
vitamines in, 498
Cocoanut biscuits, preparation of, 158
Cocoanut flour, preparation of, 158
Coddled eggs, preparation of, 100
Codfish, and see Fish
composition of, 486
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
vitamines in, 496
Coffee, adulteration of, 69
preparation of, 98
Coffee eggnog, preparation of, 99
Coleman’s high calorie diet in typhoid fever, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299Condensed milk, composition of, 486
for infants, 226, 227
fuel value of, 486
vitamines in, 498
Conserve, preparation of, 143
ConsommÉ, composition of, 486
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
Constipation, 238, 270, 279
Constipation, bran biscuits for, 156
dietetic treatment of, 271, 279
diet for, 143, 239, 271, 272, 279, 406
in nursing women, 197
Convalescent diet, 62
Cookies, protein-free, 340
Cooking, time-table for, 72
Copper, test for, 68
Corn, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 497
Cornflakes, composition of, 486
fuel value of, 486
Corn meal, composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Cornstarch, composition of, 486
fuel value of, 486
Cotton seed, ash constituents of, 473
vitamines in, 497
Cowpeas, ash constituents of, 473
fuel value of, 465
nutrient value of, 465
Crab, preparation of, 126
Crackers, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 486
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 486
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Cranberries, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
Cream, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 498
Cream egg and vichy, preparation of, 98
Cream of asparagus, preparation of, 93
of carrots, preparation of, 94
of cauliflower, preparation of, 152
of celery, preparation of, 94
of peas, preparation of, 94
of potato, preparation of, 94
of spinach, preparation of, 94 Cream sauce for soups, preparation of, 93
Cream soups, preparation of, 93
Cream toast, preparation of, 105
Creamed egg on toast, preparation of, 101
Creamed potatoes, preparation of, 130
Creatinin, 185
Cucumber, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
Cucumber salad, preparation of, 131
Currant ice, preparation of, 137
Currant juice, ash constituents of, 473
Currants, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
Custard, preparation of, 102, 159
Dairy products, 81
vitamines in, 498
Dandelion greens, ash constituents of, 473
fuel value of, 465
nutrient value of, 465
Dasheens, vitamines in, 496
Dates, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel values of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Desserts, preparation of, 138
Dextri-maltose, 236
in infant feeding, 207
Dextrin, 12
Diabetes mellitus, 371
acetone bodies in, 401
acidosis in, 372, 382, 401, 454
alkalies in, 382
Allen’s starvation treatment in, 372
carbohydrate-free diets in, 387, 389
carbohydrate tolerance in, 380
determination of food tolerance in, 379
dietetic treatment in, 382
diets in, 374, 382
in mild cases, 373
fast days in, 381
fasting in, 379
Diabetes mellitus, fat tolerance in, 381
formulas used in, 146
Joslin’s diet in, 383
menus for, 376, 377, 383, 389, 397
protein tolerance in, 381
schedule of treatment for, 380
starvation treatment of, 372
test diets in, 374
urine in, 328, 329, 330, 371, 401, 402
Diabetic acidosis, 454
Diabetic cures, 372
Diabetic diet, 63, 374
Diabetic flours, 403
Diabetic foods, commercial, 403
Diabetic muffins, preparation of, 155
Diacetic acid in urine, Gerhardt’s test for, 332Diarrhea, 263, 276, and see Enteritis
causes of, 263, 276
dietetic treatment of, 264
in children, 263
dietetic treatment of, 237
Diastase, 171
Diet, or Diets, and see under the various diseases
carbohydrate-free, 63
convalescent, 62
diabetic, 63
emaciation, 63
fluid, 63
house, 62
light, 62
liquid, 62
milk, 63
mixed, 63
nephritic, 63, and see Nephritis
obesity, 63, and see Obesity
protein-free, 340
purin-free, 63
salt-free, 63
semi-solid, 62
special, 62, 63
Dietary, for child, 221, 223
sample, 54
Dieto-therapy, 189
Digestion, 167
chemical, 169, 172
gastric, 172
intestinal, 173, 176
processes included in, 166
salivary, 172
Digestive disturbances in infants and children, 231
Diluents, in infant feeding, 208
preparation of, 210 Dilution for premature infants, 225
Disaccharides, 8, 10
Dish gravy, 141
Dishes, washing, 76
Doughnuts, fuel value of, 465
nutrient value of, 465
Dry peptonoids, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Duck, see Meat
Dysentery, dietetic treatment of, 268, 278
Ebstein’s method for obesity, 429
Egg, or Eggs, 95
ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
coddled, 100
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
vitamines in, 497, 498
Egg nest, preparation of, 101
Eggnog, preparation of, 99
Eggplant, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
Egg salad, preparation of, 154
Eggwhite and mint, preparation of, 98
Eiweissmilch, 142, 208, 209
Elimination, 167
Emaciation, 438
allowable foods in, 441
dietetic treatment in, 440
diet in, 63, 439
diet sheets, 442, 443
in children, 438
method of increasing diet in, 444
milk cure in, 441
need for building foods in, 439
regulating diet in, 439
selection of foods in, 440
Endive, ash constituents of, 473
Enema, or Enemas, malted milk, 146
milk and egg, 145
milk and starch, 146
nutrient, 145
temperature of, 61
Energy output compared with food intake, 425
production of, 182Enteritis, acute, 264, and see Diarrhea
Enteritis, acute, dietetic treatment of, 264, 265, 266, 276, 277
foods to be avoided in, 266, 277
Enteritis, chronic, 267
dietetic treatment in, 267
Enterocolitis, 267, 277
dietetic treatment of, in infants, 237Enzymes, 170, 171
acting, on carbohydrates, 171
on fats, 171
on proteins, 171
on purins, 171
action of, 170, 171
amylolytic, 172
autolytic, 171
classification of, 172
coagulating, 172
deaminizing, 172
glycolytic, 171
hydrolytic, 172
lipolytic, 172
oxidizing, 172
proteolytic, 172
reducing, 172
source of, 171
sugar-splitting, 172
table of, 171
Erepsin, 171, 174
Errors in diet, in infants and children, 232, 243
Fahrenheit scale, 80
Farina, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
preparation of, 104
standard portion of, 479
Fast days, in treatment of diabetes, 381
Fat, or Fats, 14, 15
absorption of, 177
calories in, 38
cause of gastro-intestinal disturbances in children, 233
effect of heat upon, 16
enzymes acting on, 171
excess of, in diet of infants and children, 233
fate of, 182
functions of, 17
metabolism of, in acidosis, 453
phosphorized, 15
rate of digestion of, 173
regulation of, in diet, 233
source of, 5, 448
tolerance of, in diabetes, 381
vitamines in, 497, 498
Fat soluble A, 15
effect of heat upon, 31
function of, 30
foods containing, 6, 496, 497, 498
Fatty foods, effect of, upon gastric secretion, 175
Feeding, by inunction, 62
by mouth, 59
correct, evidences of, 243
forced, 59
in diseases of gastro-intestinal tract, 245
infant, see Infant feeding
methods of, 59
post-operative, 316, 319, 320
pre-operative, 312, 318, 320
rectal, 60, 61
Fehling’s solution, 331
Fehling’s test for sugar in urine, 328
Fermentation, and see Enzymes
cause of infantile disorders, 236, 237
in stomach, 180
Fermentation test for sugar in urine, 330
Fever, or Fevers, 281
care of mouth in, 285
convalescent diet in, 283
dietetic treatment in, 281
energy expenditure in, 288
energy requirements in, 285
fluid diet in, 282
nitrogen equilibrium in, 286
sample menus for, 284
schedule of feeding in, 282
soft diet in, 283
thirst in, 285
tissue waste in, 281
typhoid, see Typhoid fever
Figs, ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479Fish, 115
ash constituents of, 473
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 488
standard portion of, 479
Fish roe, vitamines in, 496
Fish steaks stuffed with oysters, preparation of, 125
Flaxseed, ash constituents of, 474
vitamines in, 497
Floating island, preparation of, 103
Flounder, fuel value of, 465
nutrient value of, 465Flour, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 479
fuel value of, 465, 488
nutrient value of, 465
standard portion of, 479
Flours, diabetic, 403
Fluid diet, 62
in fevers, 282
Foamy omelet, preparation of, 100
Foamy sauce, preparation of, 111, 112
Food, or Foods, 1, and see Foodstuffs
acid-forming, 184, 454
adulteration of, 67
allowance for children, 48
arrangement of, in stomach, 167
as fuel, 24, 36, 39
ash constituents of, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477
base-forming, 184, 454
care of, 76
chemical composition of, 3, and 484 to 495
contamination of, 66
defined, 2
diabetic, 403
effect of cold upon, 39
effect of heat upon, 39
fuel value of, 36, 39, 221, 461 to 471, and 484 to 495
functions of, 2
idiosyncrasies to, 452
incomplete, as source of danger, 227
intake of, compared with output of energy, 425
materials, 2
mineral matter in, 25
nutrient value of, 461 to 471
passage of, from stomach, 168
preparation of, 69, 70
purin content of, 421
relation of, to mother’s milk, 203
requirements of body, 42, 43, 51, 52
factors influencing, 43, 44
salt content of, 358, 359, 360
selection of, 52, 75
sources of, 2, 3, 4
transformation of into fuel, 37
uses of, 2, 425
vitamines in, 496, 497, 498
which produce fat, 448
Food materials, 2
Food poisoning, 66, 451Foodstuffs, heat produced by oxidation of, 38
Forced feeding, 59
Formaldehyde, test for, 67
Formulas, determining fuel value of, 221
for constipation, 143
for feeding infants, 140, 212
Fowls, and see Meat
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
French dressing, preparation of, 134
Frozen custard, preparation of, 91
Fructose, 9
Fruit, preparation of, 126, 127, 128
vitamines in, 497
Fruit beverages, preparation of, 96
Fruit jellies, method for, 135
preparation of, 160
Fruit salads, preparation of, 131, 132
Fruit sauce, preparation of, 111
Frying, 71
Fuel value of food, 36
to compute, 39, 221
Galactose, 9
Gall bladder, diet after operations on, 318, 321
Gallstones, 408
available foods, 410
dietetic treatment for, 408, 409
diet sheets for, 411, 412, 413Gastric, and see Stomach
Gastric cancer, 260
dietetic treatment in, 260
Gastric digestion, 172
factors influencing, 175
Gastric, disturbances, factors inducing, 261, 262
Gastric hemorrhage, 251
Gastric juice, composition of, 246
retardation of, 175
stimulation of, 175
Gastric secretion, effect of alkaline
carbonates on, 175
effect of fatty foods upon, 175
water as a stimulant, 253
Gastric ulcer, 251
bland diet in, 255
convalescent diet in, 254
dietetic treatment in, 252, 256
lavage in, 255
Lenhartz diet in, 257
starvation treatment of, 252
Gastritis, acute, 248
dietetic treatment in, 248, 249
Gastritis, chronic, 250
dietetic treatment of, 250
Gastro-enterostomy, diet after, 321
Gastro-intestinal disturbances, relapses in, 244
Gastro-intestinal tract, feeding in diseases of, 245
Gavage, 60
Gelatin, composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
Gelatin jellies, preparation of, 135
Gerhardt’s test for diacetic acid, 332
Girls, heights and weights for, 501
Globulins, 20
Glucose, 8
Gluten food, ash constituents of, 474
Glycogen, 12
Glycolytic enzymes, 171
Goose, see Meat
Gooseberries, ash constituents of, 474
Gout, 417
alcohol in, 412
allowable foods in, 420
avoidable foods in, 420, 421
dietaries in, 422
dietetic treatment in, 420, 445
foods to be condemned in, 420
glycosuria in, 419
obesity in, 419
purin-free diet in, 410
Grape butter, fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
Grapefruit, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 497
Grape juice, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 488
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 497
Grape juice ice, preparation of, 136, 137
Grape juice jelly, preparation of, 135
Grapes, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 497
Greens, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Guanase, 171
Guava, ash constituents of, 474
Gum gluten, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
Haddock, and see Fish
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
Haines’ solution, 331
Haines’ test for sugar in urine, 329
Halibut, and see Fish
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466, 488
Halpin’s salt-free nephritic diet, 342
Ham, and see Meat
composition of, 488
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
Hard sauce, preparation of, 111
Hazel nuts, ash constituents of, 474
Heat, application of to milk, 84
effect of on carbohydrates, 14
effect of on fats, 16
effect of on proteins, 22
effect of on vitamine A, 31
effect of on vitamine B, 32
effect of on vitamine C, 33
produced by oxidation of foodstuffs, 38
Hedinger-Schlayer-Mosenthal diet, 348, 350
Heights and weights for children, 499, 500, 501
Heller’s test for albumen in urine, 333
Hemoglobin, 22
Hemorrhages, gastric, 251
Hempseed, vitamines in, 497
Herring, and see Fish
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
vitamines in, 496
Hickory nuts, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
High calorie diet, in tuberculosis, 304
in typhoid fever, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299
Hollandaise sauce, preparation of, 126
Hominy, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
Homogenized milk, 209
Homogenizer, 209
Honey, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 488
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 466, 488
nutrient value of, 466
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 498
Horse meat, vitamines in, 496
Horseradish, ash constituents of, 474
House diet, 62
Household weights and measures, 78
Huckleberries, ash constituents of, 474
fuel value of, 466
nutrient value of, 466
Huckleberry wine, ash constituents of, 474
Hydrochloric acid, in gastric juice, 246
Hyperchlorhydria, 247
Hypochlorhydria, 246
Ice-box, care of, 73
Ice cream, poisoning by, 451
preparation of, 161
to reËnforce, 91
Ices, preparation of, 161
Idiosyncrasies, to milk, 296
to foods, 452
Ileocecal valve, 176
Indican, test for in urine, 334
Infancy, retention of nitrogen in, 201 Infant, or Infants, and see Children
bath for, 202
bowels of, 202
care of in abnormal conditions, 231
daily gain in weight, 200
danger of incomplete foods, 227
digestive disturbances in, 231
energy requirements of, 198
enterocolitis in, 237
errors of diet in, 232, 243
feeding, see Infant feeding
food for, 201
foods, see Infant foods
over-feeding, 243
premature, see Premature infants
proprietary foods for, 226
quantity of milk needed for, 198
under-feeding, 243
weight of, 201Infant feeding, 199
alkalies used in, 205, 206
amount given at each meal, 211
artificial, 205
breast versus artificial, 243
cane sugar in, 228
diluents in, 208, 228
formulas for, 140, 212, 229
in abnormal conditions, 231
lime water in, 206, 221
malt sugar in, 228
method of calculating formulas for, 212
milk sugar in, 228
Morse and Talbot’s method in, 215
normal, 201
over-dilution in, 232
regularity in, 201, 228
rules and regulations for, 204
scheme for, 217, 219
sugar in, 207
under-dilution in, 232
water in, 229
Infant foods, 140
addition of alkali to, 228
dilution of, 208, 228
increasing, 229
percentage, computation of, 229
preparation of, 229
scheme for adding solids to, 221
Infected food materials, 451
Intestinal digestion, 173
Intestinal secretions, stimulation of, 174
Intestinal tract, diseases of, 263
Intestines, behavior of foods in, 168
movements of, 168, 169
muscular contractions in, 169
Inunction, feeding by, 62
Invertase, 171
Iodine, source of in food, 6
Irish moss pudding, preparation of, 160
Iron, 28
sources of in food, 5
Jam, ash constituents of, 474
Jellies, ash constituents of, 474
preparation of, 159
Jello, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Joslin’s treatment in diabetes, 383
Junket, preparation of, 90
Junket ice cream, preparation of, 90
Kidneys, function of, 323
functional tests for, 347, 348, 349, 351
limiting work of, 337
operations on, diet after, 318, 321
resting of, in nephritis, 338
vitamines in, 496
Kohl-rabi, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 466, 490
nutrient value of, 466
Koumiss, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 466, 490
nutrient value of, 466
Lactase, 171
Lactation, diet in, 191, 194, 197
Lactone buttermilk, preparation of, 91
Lactose, 8, 11
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
in infant feeding, 207
Lady fingers, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Lamb, 112, and see Meats
composition of, 480
cuts of, 117
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
standard portion of, 480
Lamb chops, preparation of, 124
Lard, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
vitamines in, 497, 498
Lavage, 248
in gastric ulceration, 255
Leeks, ash constituents of, 474
Lemon, ash constituents of, 474
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 467
nutrient value of, 467
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 497
Lemonade, albumenized, preparation of, 97
Lemon cream, preparation of, 138
Lemon ice, preparation of, 136, 137, 161
Lemon ice cream, preparation of, 91
Lemon jelly, preparation of, 135, 159
Lemon juice, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
Lenhartz diet, in gastric ulceration, 257
Lentils, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 490
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 490
standard portion of, 480
Lettuce, ash constituents of, 474
composition of, 490
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 496
von Leube’s enema, preparation of, 146
Limes, ash constituents of, 474
vitamines in, 497
Lime juice, ash constituents of, 474
Lime water, in infant feeding, 206, 221
Linen, 64
Linseed meal, ash constituents of, 474
Lipase, 171
Liquid diet, 62
Liquid peptonoid eggnog, preparation of, 99
Liquid peptonoids, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Lister cream puff, preparation of, 159
Lister flour and bran muffins or biscuits, preparation of, 156
Lister muffins, preparation of, 155
Liver, cirrhosis of, 407
avoidable foods for, 408
dietetic treatment in, 407
composition of, 490
diseases of, 404
convalescence, diet in, 405
dietetic treatment in, 405, 414
fuel value of, 467, 490
functions of, 413
nutrient value of, 467
operations on, diet after, 318, 321
vitamines in, 496
work of, 404
Lobster, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
preparation of, 126
Lupins, ash constituents of, 474
Macaroni, ash constituents of, 480
composition of, 490
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
standard portion of, 480
Macaroons, fuel value of, 467
nutrient value of, 467
Mackerel, and see Fish
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
Magnesium, source of in foods, 6
Maize, vitamines in, 496
Malnutrition, 242
Maltase, 171
Malt extract, vitamines in, 497, 498
Malt soup, preparation of, 141
Malt sugar, in infant feeding, 207, 208
Malted foods, for infant feeding, 207, 226, 227
Malted milk, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
preparation of, 92
Malted milk chocolate, preparation of, 92
Malted milk cocoa, preparation of, 92
Malted milk eggnog, preparation of, 99
Malted milk enema, 146
Maltose, 8, 10
Mamey, ash constituents of, 475
Mango, ash constituents of, 475 Mangolds, ash constituents of, 475
vitamines in, 496
Maple syrup, ash constituents of, 475
Marmalade, fuel value of, 467
nutrient value of, 467
Mayonnaise, preparation of, 475
Meals, serving suggestions for, 56, 66
Measures and weights, 77
household, 78
Meat extract, ash constituents of, 475
Meat peptone, ash constituents of, 475Meats, 112
ash constituents of, 475
carbohydrate-free, calorie equivalent of, 386
cuts of, 117
quality of, 113
selection of, 116
vitamines in, 496
Metabolism, 166, 181
basal, 42
mineral, 185
of body tissues, 187
of carbohydrates, 182
of proteins, 183
Metric system, 77
Milk, 82
adulteration of, 86
application of heat to, 84
ash constituents of, 475
breast versus cows’, 203
care of, 86
certified, 81
composition of, 205, 490
condensed, see Condensed milk
diet, 63
fats in, measuring according to, 210
food content of, 480
formulas, 212, 214, 216, 217
fuel value of, 467, 490
homogenized, 209
idiosyncrasies against, 296
method of administering to premature infants, 225
modification of, technique of, 209, 228
nutrient value of, 467
pasteurization of, 85, 211
quantity of needed for infant, 198
relation of food to, 203
secretion of, factors retarding, 195, 197
factors stimulating, 195, 197
selection of, 86
standard portion of, 480
sterilization of, 84
substitutes for whole, 228
sugar-free, 162
use of in nephritis, 162
vitamines in, 498
Milk and egg enemas, preparation of, 145
Milk and starch enemas, preparation of, 146
Milk cure in nephritis, 338
Milk powder, food content of, 480
standard portion of, 480
vitamines in, 498
Milk punch, preparation of, 88
Milk sauce, preparation of, 93
Milk shake, preparation of, 87
Milk sherbet, preparation of, 138
Milk soups, preparation of, 93
Milk sugar, in infant feeding, 228
Milk toast, preparation of, 105
Millet, ash constituents of, 475
Millet seed, vitamines in, 497
Mince meat, fuel value of, 467
nutrient value of, 467
Mineral metabolism, 185
Mineral oils, use of in constipation, 279
Mineral requirements of body, 50
Mineral salts, 25, 26
absorption of, 178
sources of in foods, 5
Mixed diet, 63
Molasses, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
standard portion of, 480
Monosaccharides, 7
Morse and Talbot’s method of infant feeding, 215
Mother’s milk, fuel value of, 198
making of, 198
Mouth, care of in typhoid, 299
Muffins, diabetic, preparation of, 155
Mushrooms, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
Muskmelon, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 467, 490
nutrient value of, 467
Mustard, ash constituents of, 475
Mutton, and see Meat
cuts of, 117
food content of, 480
fuel value of, 468
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 480
Mutton broth, preparation of, 118
Mutton chops, preparation of, 124
Nectar, vitamines in, 498
Nectarines, fuel value of, 468
nutrient value of, 468
Nephritic diet, 63Nephritis, 336
acute, 336
adjusting diet in, 338
adjusting fluids in, 338
advisable foods in, 344
causes of, 336
Chase and Rose’s diet in, 340
chronic, 336, 346
dietetic treatment in, 346
functional tests in, 347, 348, 351
protein diet in, 346
chronic interstitial, 352
dietetic treatment in, 352
limiting fluid in, 353
limiting nitrogen in, 353
selection and preparation of food in, 354
convalescent diet in, 344
diet in, 339, 345, 356
effects of, 336
elimination of salt in, 340
foods to be avoided in, 344
Halpin’s diet in, 342
Karell cure in, 342
limiting the amount of food in, 341
milk cure in, 338
preparation of food in, 343
problems to be considered in, 337
proteins in, 343
resting the kidneys in, 338
selection of foods in, 343
thirst in, 343
Widal’s diet in, 341
NeufchÂtel cheese salad, preparation of, 154
Nitrogen, retention of in infancy, 201
source of in foods, 5
Nitrogenous substances, oxidation and excretion of, 324
Noodles, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Noodle soup, preparation of, 149
Normal saline solution, preparation of, 146
Nucleoproteins, 21
Nursing infant, food requirements of, 194
Nursing mother, constipation in, 197
diet of, 195
habits of, 203
Nuts, vitamines in, 498
Nut charlotte, preparation of, 138, 162
Nutrient enemas, 145
Nutrition in children, 502
Nutritional index, 503
Oatmeal, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 490
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
Oatmeal cookies, preparation of, 106
Oats, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
vitamines in, 496
Oat water, preparation of, 141
Obese women, Rose’s reducing diet for, 431, 432Obesity, 424
allowable foods in, 429
amount of food to be taken in, 431
Banting’s method in, 426, 427
cures for, 425, 426
dietetic treatment of, 426, 429, 446
diets for, 63, 426
Ebstein’s method in, 429
exercise in, 426
in gout, 419
limiting fluids in, 426
massage in, 425
menus for, 430, 435, 436, 437
Oertel’s method for, 427
Proudfit’s menu for, 429, 433, 434
Rose’s diet for, 431, 432
Oertel’s method in obesity, 427
Oils, vitamines in, 497, 498
Okra, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 468, 490
nutrient value of, 468
Oleo, vitamines in, 497, 498
Olives, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 490
fuel value of, 468, 490
nutrient value of, 468
Olive oil, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Olmstead bran cakes, preparation of, 148
Onion, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496
Operations, diet in relation to, 312
Orange, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 497
Orangeade, preparation of, 96
Orange charlotte, preparation of, 138, 162
Orange ice, preparation of, 136, 137, 161
Orange jelly, preparation of, 135, 160
Orange rice custard, preparation of, 108
Orange tapioca, preparation of, 106
Organic acids, 13
Over-dilution of infant’s food, 232
Over-feeding of infants and children, 243
Oxidases, 171
Oxtail soup, fuel value of, 468
nutrient value of, 468
Oyster broth, preparation of, 119
Oyster soup, preparation of, 94
Oysters, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
Pancreas, vitamines in, 496
Panopepton, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Panopepton eggnog, preparation of, 99
Paprika, ash constituents of, 475
Parsley butter, preparation of, 154
Parsnips, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496
Pasteurization, 85, 211
Pea soup, fuel value of, 468
nutrient value of, 468
Peaches, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
Peanut butter, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Peanuts, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 497
Pears, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 497
Pear juice, ash constituents of, 475
Peas, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 468, 492
nutrient value of, 468
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496, 497
Pecans, ash constituents of, 475
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 492
standard portion of, 481
“Pelidisi,” the, 503
Pelidisi chart, 502
Pellagra, dietetic treatment in, 455, 456, 459
Peppers, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469, 492
nutrient value of, 469
Pepsin, 171 Peptonized milk, preparation of, 88
Peptonized milk punch, preparation of, 89
Peptonoids, dry, composition of, 488
fuel value of, 488
liquid, composition of, 490
fuel value of, 490
Percentage calculations, 79, 229
Perch, see Fish
Persimmons, ash constituents of, 476
fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Phosphoproteins, 21
Phosphorized fats, 15
Phosphorus, 27, 186
requirements in pregnancy and lactation, 191
sources of in food, 5
Pies, fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Pig heart, vitamines in, 496
Pineapple, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469, 492
nutrient value of, 469
standard portion of, 481
Pineappleade, preparation of, 97
Pine nuts, fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Pistachios, fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Placenta, vitamines in, 496
Plums, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469, 492
nutrient value of, 469
standard portion of, 481
Pneumonia, 306, 311
convalescent diet in, 307
diet schedules for, 307
dietetic treatment in, 306, 307, 311
Poached eggs, preparation of, 101
Poaching, 71
Poisoning, food, 66, 451
Polysaccharides, 8, 11
Pomegranates, ash constituents of, 476
fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Pork, 116, and see Meat
fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
vitamines in, 498
Port wine, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Postoperative feeding, 316, 319, 320
Potassium, sources of in food, 6
Potato chips, fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Potatoes, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469, 492
nutrient value of, 469
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496
Potatoes stuffed with meat, preparation of, 130
Poultry, 112, and see Meats
Pregnancy, 191
albuminuria in, 197
diet in, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197
nutritional disturbances in, 191Premature infants, dilution of food for, 225
energy requirements of, 224
feeding of, 224, 225, 229
Pre-operative feeding, 312, 318, 320
Presbyterian Hospital diet list in typhoid fever, 292
Protein milk, preparation of, 142
Proteins, 17
alcohol-soluble, 21
calories in, 38
classification of, 19
composition of, 18
conjugated, 21
construction of, 19
effect of heat upon, 22,
enzymes acting upon, 171
excess of in infant’s and children’s food, 234
fate of, 183
function of in body, 23
metabolism, 183
in nephritis, 343
rate of digestion of, 173
requirements in body, 50
sources of, 4
tolerance of in diabetes, 381
Proudfit’s menu for obesity, 429
reducing diet for obesity, 433, 434
Prune fig whip, preparation of, 139
Prunes, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469, 492
nutrient value of, 469
standard portion of, 481 Prunes and figs, preparation of, 143
Prune whip, preparation of, 139
Ptomaines, 66
poisoning by, 451
dietetic treatment for, 451, 452
Ptyalin, 171
Pumpkins, ash constituents of, 476
fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
Punch, milk, preparation of, 88
Purin bases, 184
content of food, 421
Purin-free diet, 63
in gout, 419
Purins, enzymes acting upon, 171
Quail, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Radishes, ash constituents of, 476
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 469
nutrient value of, 469
standard portion of, 481
Raisins, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
fuel value of, 469, 476
nutrient value of, 469
vitamines in, 497
Raspberries, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
Rectal feeding, 60, 61, 315
Respiratory tract, diseases of, 301
Requirements, basal, 42
Rhubarb, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 481
Rice, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 492
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
preparation of, 104
standard portion of, 481
vitamines in, 496
Rice custard, preparation of, 108
Rickets, 241
calcium retention in, 241
dietetic treatment of, 241
Roast chicken, preparation of, 122
Roast duck, preparation of, 122
Roast turkey, preparation of, 122
Roasting, 71
Romaine, ash constituents of, 476
Rose’s reducing diet for obese women, 431, 432
Rum, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Rutabaga, ash constituents of, 476
vitamines in, 496
Rye, and see Bread, and Flour
ash constituents of, 476
vitamines in, 497
Saccharine, test for, 69
Salad, egg, preparation of, 154
Salads, fruit, preparation of, 131
vegetable, preparation of, 131
Saline solution, normal, 146
Saliva, 172
Salivary digestion, 172
Salisbury steak, preparation of, 149
Salmon, and see Fish
composition of, 492
fuel value of, 470, 492
nutrient value of, 470
Salmon, molded, preparation of, 150
Salt, elimination of in nephritis, 340
Salt content of foods, 358, 359, 360
Salt-free diet, 63
Salt-poor diet for nephritis, 341
Saltines, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Sapota, ash constituents of, 476
Sardines, composition of, 492
fuel value of, 492
Sauce for puddings, preparation of, 111, 112
Sausage, fuel value of, 470
nutrient value of, 470
SautÉing, 71
Scalloped potatoes, preparation of, 131
Scurvy, 240
treatment of, 240
Secretin, 174
Secretory cells, distribution of, 169
Secretory processes disturbed in diseases of stomach, 246
Seeds, vitamines in, 497
Semi-solid diet, 62
Serving meals, suggestions for, 56, 66
Shad, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
Shellfish, 112, and see Meats Sherry wine, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
Shredded wheat, ash constituents of, 476
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 481
Shrimp, ash constituents of, 476
Silver, 64
Simmering, 70
Singer’s enema, preparation of, 146
Sippi diet, in gastric ulceration, 256
Snow-balls, preparation of, 108
Snow pudding, preparation of, 139, 159
Soap stools, 233
Sodium, sources of in food, 6
Soft-cooked eggs, 100
Soft custard, preparation of, 102
Soups, ash constituents of, 476
preparation of, 118
Soya manna muffins, preparation of, 148
Soya meal and bran muffins, preparation of, 157
Spanish cream, preparation of, 158
Special diets, 62, 63
Spice cookies, preparation of, 152
Spinach, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 494
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
vitamines in, 496
Spinach and egg salad, preparation of, 147
Spinach soup, preparation of, 152
Sponge pudding, preparation of, 109
Squab, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
Squab pie, preparation of, 151
Squash, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 494
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 481
Standard broth, preparation of, 118
Standard portion of foods, 40, 478
Starch, excess of in food formulas, 236
Starchy desserts, preparation of, 108
Starvation, in treatment of diabetes, 372
Steaming, 70
Steapsin, 171
Sterilization, 84
Stewed tomatoes on toast, preparation of, 134Stomach, and see Gastric
acid content of, determining, 248
arrangement of food in, 167
diseases of, predisposing factors in, 245
disturbance of motility and tone of, 246
disturbance of secretory processes in, 246
fermentation in, 180
passage of food from, 168
secretion of water in, 174
Strawberries, ash constituents of, 476
composition of, 494
food content of, 481
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 481
Strawberry ice, preparation of, 137
Strawberry juice, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
String beans, and see Beans
preparation of, 129
Succotash, fuel value of, 470
nutrient value of, 470
Sucrase, 171
Sucrose, 8, 10
Suet, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
Sugar, adjusting of, in food formulas, 235
composition of, 494
fuel value of, 470, 494
in infant feeding, 207
in urine, in diabetes, 371
tests for, 328, 330, 331
nutrient value of, 470
Sugar-free milk, 162
Sugar-splitting enzymes, 171
Sulphur, sources of in food, 6
Sunflower seeds, vitamines in, 497
Sunshine cake, preparation of, 110
Sweetbreads, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
preparation of, 123
vitamines in, 496
Tallow, vitamines in, 498
Tamarind, ash constituents of, 476
Tapioca, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
food content of, 482
fuel value of, 494
standard portion of, 482
Tapioca custard, preparation of, 109
Test meals, 250
Thermometry, 80
Thirst, in nephritis, 343
in typhoid fever, 299
Thymus, vitamines in, 496
Timothy, vitamines in, 498
Toast, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
preparation of, 105
Tomatoes, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
food content of, 482
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 482
vitamines in, 497
Tomato aspic, preparation of, 154
Tomato bisque, preparation of, 152
Tomato jelly, preparation of, 132
Tomato juice, ash constituents of, 477
Tomato salad, preparation of, 131, 132
Tomato stuffed with rice, preparation of, 133
Tonsillitis, dietetic treatment of, 309, 310
Toxins, elimination of, 323
Tray, 64
arranging, 65
Trout, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
Truffles, ash constituents of, 477
Trypsin, 171, 174
Tuberculosis, 301, 305
dietetic treatment in, 302
high calorie diet in, 304
reËnforcing the diet in, 306
schedule of diets in, 307
Tuna, fuel value of, 470
nutrient value of, 470
Tuna fish salad, preparation of, 154
Turkey, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
selection of, 114
Turnips, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
food content of, 482
fuel value of, 470, 494
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 482
Turnip tops, ash constituents of, 477Typhoid fever, 288, 297
absorption of food in, 290, 297
acidosis in, 299
care of mouth in, 299
Coleman’s high calorie diet in, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299
energy expenditures in, 288, 297
energy requirements in, 289, 297
essential points in dietary, 297
hemorrhage in, 296, 298
high calorie diet in, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299
idiosyncrasies in, 300
increasing diet in, 290, 300
liquid diet in, 290, 293
milk diet in, 291, 298
Presbyterian Hospital diet list for, 292
rate of metabolism in, 297
reËnforcing diet in, 300
semi-solid diet in, 293
soft diet in, 293
thirst in, 299
tympanites in, 290
varying diet in, 292
Under-dilution of infants’ foods, troubles due to, 232
Under-feeding in infants and children, 243
Urea and salt test, 351
Uremia, 353, 361
Uremic poisoning, 361Uric acid, 324
elimination of, 417
formation of, 184
source of, 417
Urinalysis, 323
Urine, acetone in, test for, 333
albumin in, tests for, 333
analysis of, 323, 324
collection of, 326, 334
diacetic acid in, test for, 332
diseases in which it is diminished, 326
effect of food upon, 326
examination of, 323, 324
in diabetes, 328, 329, 330, 371, 401, 402
indican in, test for, 334
preserving, 335
sugar in, tests for, 328, 329, 330, 331
Utensils, care of, 76
Vanilla ice cream, preparation of, 91
Veal, 112, 114, and see Meats
composition of, 494
cuts of, 117
food content of, 482
fuel value of, 470, 494
method of preparation, 117
nutrient value of, 470
standard portion of, 482
Veal bird, preparation of, 150
Veal broth, preparation of, 118
Veal cutlets, preparation of, 124
Vegetable oils, vitamines in, 498
Vegetable salads, preparation of, 131
Vegetable soups, fuel value of, 471
nutrient value of, 471
preparation of, 223
Vegetables, preparation of, 126, 128, 153
vitamines in, 496
Vinegar, ash constituents of, 477
Vitamines, 29
fat soluble A, 15
in foods, 496, 497, 498
functions of, 30, 31
in foods, 496, 497, 498
requirements of in body, 52
source of in foods, 6, 7
water soluble B, 31
in foods, 496, 497, 498
water soluble C, 33
in foods, 496, 497, 498
Walnuts, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
food content of, 482
fuel value of, 471, 494
nutrient value of, 471
standard portion of, 482
vitamines in, 498
Water, 24
absorption of, 177
administration of to infants, 229
as a fat maker, 425
as a stimulant to gastric secretion, 253
excretion of, 324
factors determining amount needed, 25
function of, 24
sources of in foods, 5
Water soluble B, 31
effect of alkalies upon, 32
effect of heat upon, 32
functions of, 31
in foods, 6, 496, 497, 498
Water soluble C, 33
effect of heat upon, 33
in foods, 7, 496, 497, 498
Water-cress, ash constituents of, 477
Water ices, preparation of, 136
Watermelon, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
food contents of, 482
fuel value of, 471, 494
nutrient value of, 471
standard portion of, 482
Weights and measures, 77
household, 78
metric, 77
Weights and heights of children, 49, 499, 500, 501
Wet nurses, 229
Wheat, ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
fuel value of, 471, 494
nutrient value of, 471
vitamines in, 497
Whey, 83
ash constituents of, 477
composition of, 494
fuel value of, 494
vitamines in, 498
Whey mixtures, 226
Whitefish, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 471, 494
nutrient value of, 471
Whortleberries, ash constituents of, 477
Widal’s diet in nephritis, 341
Wine, ash constituents of, 477
Wine jelly, preparation of, 136, 160, 161
Wine panada, preparation of, 105
Wine sauce, preparation of, 111
Work, influence of upon food requirements, 43
Yeast, vitamines in, 498
Zwieback, composition of, 494
fuel value of, 471, 494
nutrient value of, 471
Transcriber's Note
Minor punctuation errors have been repaired. Hyphenation and accent usage has been made consistent.
There are some errors in calculation in places; these have been preserved as printed. For example, addition errors in the table on pp. 377-8.
Variable spelling is preserved as printed (e.g. sirup and syrup).
12 M. has been used inconsistently, to indicate either 12 Midnight or 12 Midday. It has been preserved as printed in all cases.
Calorie count or separate ingredients lists are omitted from some recipes; these are left as printed.
The 'Eggs' section, starting on page 95, has no recipes included. However, the following 'Fruit Beverages' section has a large number of egg recipes included in it. Whether this was an error or intentional is unclear, so the sections and ordering of recipes have been preserved as they appeared in the original publication.
The recipe for Foamy Sauce appears twice, once each on page 111 and 112. There is no apparent difference apart from the calorie amount. Both versions have been left in place.
The recipe for Sauce for Puddings (page 112) appears identical to the recipe for Wine or Fruit Sauce (page 111), except for the recipe name and calorie amounts. Both versions have been left in place.
The table heading on page 117 refers to cuts of lamb and mutton, while the table itself refers to lamb and veal. This has been left as printed.
There are two instances of a recipe called Beef Juice, on pages 119 and 141. Both have been left in place as printed.
The following amendments have been made:
Page 30—Mellanbly amended to Mellanby—"Mellanby of England believes the “A” vitamine to be a factor ..."
Page 31—or amended to of—"Effect of Heat on the “A” Vitamine."
Page 77—the first reference to centigram has been amended from c. to cgm.
Page 80—in amended to is—"... that every Fahrenheit degree is 9/5 times as large ..."
Page 92—erroneous 'or' removed from second malted milk recipe (original called for either milk and water or salt).
Page 111—omitted word 'juice' added to ingredients list in Wine or Fruit Sauce recipe.
Page 125—omitted subheading for Fish added.
Page 128—repeated heading 'Vegetables and Fruits' removed.
Page 131—omitted 'or' added to dressing options in Tomato (No. 1) recipe.
Page 134—in the ingredients for French Dressing, paprika amended to salt, to follow the recipe.
Page 145—superfluous 'and' deleted between paragraph starting "½ cup raisins ..." and paragraph starting "Cream butter and sugar ..."
Page 146—chlorid amended to chloride—"1 dram sodium chloride (common salt)"
Page 146, footnote—Ellithorp amended to Ellithorpe—"Courtesy of Misses Foley and Ellithorpe, Dieticians."
Page 147—agar gar amended to agar-agar—"1 tsp. or 7 gms. agar-agar"
Page 156—superfluous 'grams' removed following calorie count in Casoid Flour and Bran Muffins recipe.
Page 156—omitted ', trace;' added to carbohydrate quantity for one muffin in the Casoid Flour and Bran Muffins recipe.
Page 157—omitted 'protein,' added to 2 grams quantity for one muffin in the Soya Meal and Bran Muffins recipe.
Page 172—dioxid amended to dioxide—"Those which produce carbon dioxide without the use ..."
Page 194—grapefuit amended to grapefruit—"... dates, figs, or grapefruit, stewed or raw."
Page 213—proced amended to proceed—"... we will proceed with the method itself."
Page 219—zweiback amended to zwieback—"... pieces of stale bread, toast or zwieback."
Page 241—Mellenby amended to Mellanby—"Mellanby of England claims that the oil owes its curative ..."
Page 244f—empysema amended to emphysema—"... broncho-pneumonia, acute emphysema and collapse of the lung ..."
Page 259—"Soft-cooked egg (1)" has been amended to "1 soft-cooked egg" in the 11 A.M. section of the Seventh Day diet, for consistency with other entries.
Page 272—omitted heading 'Breakfast' added.
Page 281—tonsilitis amended to tonsillitis—"... as accompany colds, tonsillitis, chicken pox ..."
Page 337—omitted 'of' added—"... the end-products of the nitrogenous foods ingested, ..."
Page 349—grams amended to c.c.—"Supper 5 P.M. ... 200 c.c. ..."
Page 385—Huntly amended to Huntley (Breakfast biscuit entry on table).
Page 407—bilous amended to bilious—"In certain individuals beer will induce a bilious attack."
Page 435—supportting amended to supporting—"... which have been deprived of the supporting fat."
Page 476—Sapato amended to Sapota (in table).
Page 481—Horlick amended to Horlick's (milk powder entry in table).
Page 519—The index entry for Organic acids originally followed Over-feeding of infants and children. It has been moved to the correct place.
Page 523—The index entry for Utensils originally followed Under-feeding in infants and children. It has been moved to the correct place.
Omitted page numbers were blank pages in the original.
Alphabetic links have been added to the index for ease of navigation.